
be said,

the Paten into

↑ Upon the Feast of Trinity only, may ALL glory be to thee, Almighty God, our heavenly Father, WHO art one God, one Lord; for that thou. of thy tender mernot one only person, but cy, didst give thine only Son Jethree persons in one substancesus Christ to suffer death upon For that which we believe of the the cross for our redemption; who glory of the Father, the same we made there, by his one oblation believe of the Son, and of the of himself once offered, a full, Holy Ghost, without any differ- perfect, and sufficient sacrifice, ence or inequality: Therefore oblation, and satisfaction, for the with Angels, &c. sins of the whole world; and did Or else this may be said, the words institute, and in his holy gospel [Holy Father] being retained in the command us to continue a perpeintroductory Address. tual memory of that his precious FOR the precious death and death and sacrifice until his com merits of thy Son Jesus Christing again: For, in the night in our Lord, and for the sending to which he was beus of the Holy Ghost the Com-trayed, (a) he took (a) Here the forter; who are one with thee in bread; and when Bishop is to take thy eternal Godhead: Therefore he had given thanks his hands. with Angels, &c. (b) he brake it, Then shall the Bishop, kneeling down and give it to his to at the Lord's Table, say, in the name of all those who shall receive the disciples, saying, Communion, this prayer following: Take, eat, (c) this is WE do not presume to come to my Body, which is to lay his hands this thy Table, O merciful given for you; Bread. Lord, trusting in our own righteousness, but in thy manifold and brance of me. Likegreat mercies. We are not wor-wise, after supper thy so much as to gather up the (d) he took the cup; crumbs under thy Table. But and when he had to take the cup thou art the same Lord, whose given thanks, he property is always to have mercy: gave it to them, Grant us therefore, gracious Lord, saving, Drink ye all so to eat the flesh of thy dear Son of this; for (e) this (e) And here Jesus Christ, and to drink his is my Blood of the he is to lay his blood, that our sinful bodies New Testament, be made clean by his body, and which is shed for which there is our souls washed through his most you, and for many, any Wine to be precious blood, and that we may for the remission of consecrated evermore dwell in him, and he sins: Do this as of Jas ye shall drink it

in uş. Amen.


this in



in remembrance of

When the Bishop, standing before the
Table, hath so ordered the Bread and me.

(b) And here break the Bread.

(c) And here

all upon


(d) Here he is

into his hands.

hands upon every Vessel in

Wine, that he may with the more rea- The Oblation. WHEREFORE, O

diness and decency break the Bread before the People, and take the Cup

Lord and hea

into his hands; he shall say the Prayer venly Father, according to the of Consecration, as followeth :

institution of thy dearly beloved

The Invocation.

Son our Saviour Jesus Christ, we, and heavenly benediction, and thy humble servants, do celebrate made one body with him, that he and make here before thy divine may dwell in them, and they in Majesty, with these thy holy him. And although we are ungifts, which we now offer unto worthy, through our manifold thee, the memorial thy Son hath sins, to offer unto thee any, sacricommanded us to make; having fice; yet we beseech thee to acin remembrance his blessed pas-cept this our bounden duty and sion and precious death, his migh-service, not weighing our mety resurrection and glorious as-rits, but pardoning our offences; cension; rendering unto thee through Jesus Christ our Lord; most hearty thanks for the innu- by whom, and with whom, in merable benefits procured unto us the unity of the Holy Ghost, all by the same. And honour and glory be unto thee, O we most humbly Father Almighty, world without beseech thee, O merciful Father, end. Amen. to hear us; and, of thy Almighty goodness, vouchsafe to bless and sanctify, with thy Word and Holy Spirit, these thy gifts and creatures of bread and wine; that we, receiving them according to thy Son our Saviour Jesus Christ's holy institution, in remembrance of his Death and Passion, may be partakers of his most blessed THE Body of our Lord Jesus Body and Blood. And we ear- Christ, which was given for nestly desire thy fatherly good-thee, preserve thy body and soul ness, mercifully to accept this unto everlasting life: Take and our sacrifice of praise and thanks-eat this in remembrance that giving; most humbly beseeching Christ died for thee, and feed on thee to grant, that by the merits bim in thy heart by faith, with and death of thy Son Jesus Christ, thanksgiving.

Here shall be sung a Hymn, or Part of a Hymn, from the Selection for the Feasts and Fasts, &c.

Then shall the Bishop first receive the Communion in both kinds himself, and proceed to deliver the same to the Bishops, Priests, and Deacons, in like manner, and, after that, to the People also in order, into their hands, all devoutly kneeling: And when he delivereth the Bread, he shall say,

and through faith in his blood, T And the Bishop, delivering the Cup, shall say, we, and all thy whole Church,

may obtain remission of our sins, THE Blood of our Lord Jesus and all other benefits of his pasChrist, which was shed for sion. And here we offer and thee, preserve thy body and soul present unto thee, O Lord, our-junto everlasting life: Drink this selves, our souls, and bodies, to in remembrance that Christ's be a reasonable, holy, and living blood was shed for thee, and be sacrifice unto thee; humbly be- thankful. seeching thee, that we, and all others who shall be partakers of this holy Communion, may worthily receive the most precious Body and Blood of thy Son Jesus Christ, be filled with thy grace

If the consecrated Bread and Wine be spent before all have communicated, the Bishop is to consecrate more, according to the Form before prescribed; beginning at—All glory be to thee, Almighty God-and ending with these words-Partakers of his most blessed Body and Blood.

When all have communicated, the to whom, with thee and the Holy Bishop shall return to the Lord's Table, Ghost, be all honour and glory, and reverently place upon it what re

maineth of the consecrated Elements, world without end. Amen. covering the same with a fair Linen T Then shall be said or sung, all stand


Then shall the Bishop say the Lord's Prayer, the People repeating after him every petition.

ing, Gloria in Excelsis, or some proper Hymn from the Selection.

GLORY be to God on high, and OUR Father, who art in Hea- in earth peace, good will toven, Hallowed be thy Name; wards men. We praise thee, we Thy Kingdom come; Thy Wili bless thee, we worship thee, we be done on Earth, as it is in Hea-glorify thee, we give thanks to ven; Give us this day our daily thee for thy great glory, O Lord bread; And forgive us our tres-God, heavenly King, God the passes, as we forgive those who Father Almighty.

After which, shall be said as fol loweth :

trespass against us; And lead us O Lord, the only begotten Son not into temptation; But deliver Jesus Christ; O Lord God, Lamb us from evil: For thine is the of God, Son of the Father, who kingdom, and the Power, and takest away the sins of the world, the Glory, For ever and ever. have mercy upon us: Thou who Amen. takest away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us: Thou who takest away the sins of the world, ALMIGHTY and everliving receive our prayer: Thou who God, we most heartily thank sittest at the right hand of God thee, for that thou dost vouchsafe the Father, have mercy upon us. to feed us, who have duly received For thou only art holy; thou these holy mysteries, with the only art the Lord; thou only, 0 spiritual food of the most precious Christ, with the Holy Ghost, art Body and Blood of thy Son our most High in the glory of God Saviour Jesus Christ; and dost the Father. Amen.

assure us thereby of thy favour T Then the Bishop shall let them depart and goodness towards us; and| with this blessing.

that we are very members in-THE peace of God, which pascorporate in the mystical body of seth all understanding, keep thy Son, which is the blessed com-your hearts and minds in the pany of all faithful people; and knowledge and love of God, and are also heirs through hope of thy of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord: everlasting kingdom, by the me-And the blessing of God Almigh rits of the most precious death ity, the Father, the Son, and the and passion of thy dear Son. And Holy Ghost, be amongst you, and we most humbly beseech thee, O remain with you always. Amen. heavenly Father, so to assist us with thy grace, that we may continue in that holy fellowship, and do all such good works as thou hast prepared for us to walk in, through Jesus Christ our Lord;

If any of the consecrated Bread and Wine remain after the Communion, it shall not be carried out of the Church; but the Bishop and other Commu Blessing, reverently eat and drink the nicants shall, immediately after the


Here endeth the Order for the Administration of the Holy Communion.

Consecration of a Church or Chapel,

According to the order of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America, as established by the Bishops, the Clergy, and Laity of said Church, in General Convention, in the month of September, A. D. 1799.

7 The Bishop is to be received at the entrance of the Church or Chapel by the Church-wardens and Vestrymen, or some other Persons appointed for that purpose. The Bishop and the Clergy who are present, shall go up the isle of the Church or Chapel, to the Communion Table, repeating the 24th, Psalm alternately, the Bishop one verse, and the Clergy another.

Psalm xxiv.

THE earth is the Lord's and all that therein is: the compass of the world, and they that dwell therein.

2 For he hath founded it upon the seas, and prepared it upon the floods.

3 Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord, or who shall rise up in his holy place?

Jeven the Lord of Hosts, he is the

King of Glory.

The Bishop shall go within the rails, with such of the Clergy as can be there accommodated. The Bishop, sitting in his chair, shall have the instruments of donation and endowment, if there be any presented to him, and then standing up, and turning to the Congregation, shall say,

DEARLY beloved in the Lord; forasmuch as devout and holy men, as well under the law as 4 Even he that hath clean under the gospel, moved either hands and a pure heart; and that by the express command of God, bath not lift up his mind unto or by the secret inspiration of vanity, nor sworn to deceive his the blessed Spirit, and acting neighbour. agreeably to their own reason 5 He shall receive the blessing and sense of the natural decency from the Lord, and righteousness of things, have erected houses from the God of his salvation. for the public worship of God,


6 This is the generation of and separated them from all unthem that seek him; even of them hallowed, worldly, and common that seek thy face. O Jacob. uses, in order to fill men's minds 7 Lift up your heads, O ye with greater reverence for his gates; and be ye lift up, ye ever-glorious Majesty, and affect their lasting doors and the King of hearts with more devotion and Glory shall come in. humility in his service; which 8 Who is the King of Glory?pious works have been approved it is the Lord strong and mighty, of and graciously accepted by our even the Lord mighty in battle. heavenly Father: Let us not 9 Lift up your heads, O ye doubt but that he will also favourgates; and be ye lift up, ye ever-Jably approve our godly purpose lasting doors: and the King of of setting apart this place in so Glory shall come in. lemn manner, for the perform10 Who is the King of Glory lance of the several offices of re

ligious worship, and let us faith-wrath and eternal death, and refully and devoutly beg his bless-ceived as a living member of ing on this our undertaking. Christ's Church, and may ever Then the Bishop, kneeling, shall say remain in the number of thy the following Prayer. faithful children. Amen.

Eternal God, mighty in Grant, O Lord, that they who power and of majesty incom-at this place shall in their own prehensible, whom the heaven of persons renew the promises and heavens cannot contain, much vows which they made, or which less the walls of temples made were made for them by their with hands; and who yet hast been sureties at their Baptism, and graciously pleased to promise thy thereupon shall be confirmed by especial presence, wherever two the Bishop, may receive such a or three of thy faithful servants measure of thy holy Spirit, that shall assemble in thy name to of- they may be enabled faithfully to fer up their praises and suppli- fulfil the same, and grow in grace cations unto thee; vouchsafe, O unto their lives' end. Amen. Lord, to be present with us, who Grant, O Lord, that whosoever are here gathered together, with shall receive in this place the all humility and readiness of blessed sacrament of the body heart, to consecrate this place to and blood of Christ, may come the honour of thy great name; to that holy ordinance with faith, separating it henceforth from all charity, and true repentance: and unhallowed, ordinary, and com- being filled with thy grace and mon uses, and dedicating it to thy heavenly benediction, may, to service, for reading thy holy their great and endless comfort, word, for celebrating thy holy obtain remission of their sins, sacraments, for offering to thy and all other benefits of his pas glorious Majesty the sacrifices of sion. Amen. prayer and thanksgiving, for blessGrant, O Lord, that by thy ing thy people in thy name, and holy word which shall be read for the performance of all other and preached in this place, and holy offices: accept, O Lord, this by thy holy Spirit grafting it inservice at our hands, and bless it wardly in the heart, the hearers with such success as may tend thereof may both perceive and most to thy glory, and the fur-know what things they ought to do therance of our happiness both and may have power and strength temporal and spiritual, through to fulfil the same. Amen. Jesus Christ our blessed Lord Grant, O Lord, that whosoever shall be joined together in this place in the holy estate of matrimony, may faithfully perform and REGARD, O Lord, the suppli- keep the vow and covenant becations of thy servants, and tween them made, and may regrant that whosoever shall be de- main in perfect love together dicated to thee in this house by unto their lives' end.

and Saviour. Amen.:

After this the Bishop shall stand up, and turning his face towards the Congregation, shall say,

Baptism, may be sanctified by the Grant, we beseech thee, blessed Holy Ghost, delivered from thy Lord, that whosoever shall draw

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