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Moft alarming foods prevailed almost every where throughout Ireland, intomuch that the damages done cannot be estimated. Houfes, mills, bridges, and other public edifices have been carried away by the violence of the torrents; marshes and paflures have been D overflowed; cattle drowned, and inumente Joffes have enfued to meadows and manufacfories; but providentially not many lives have been lolt.


"Being the birth da of the K. of Spain, who then entered into the toth year of his age, e fame was obferved at Madrid, with all poible demonftrations of joy.


Roger Aldery, a young lad of Birmingham being detected by means of a few, to whom he offered fome broke gold, to fell, of stealing a gold watch out of the house of Mr Britain of that town, and being committed to prison for the fame, cut his throat fo effectualiy that he died in a few minutes.


About IT 19 the morning after a violent form at Lifban, a perfect calm enfued, which was foon followed by a thort but mot alarming fhock of an earth quake, in a perpendicu-" far direction; which, however, did no very nateral damage. Many other fhocks were occafionally felt, but this is reported to have been the most violent felt there for many Jears.

His majefy's royal charter puffed the great feal for incorporating the fociety of artinis, by the name of the fociety of artifts of Chat Britain.


His majefly went to the Houle of Peers, and gave the royal atfent to an act for the importation of falted beef, pork, bacon, and uter, from I cland, for a limited time. Mr Gunfon's top in Derby-court, St James's broken over and rubbed of four watches,


buckles, fnuff-boxes, &c. to a confiderable amount. One John Flint, who had formerly lived a fervant in the houfe being tulpected, was apprehended, and carried before Sir John Fielding, where he confefied the robbery; faid he got into the house in the morning, and concealed himself in the cellar all day; at night when the fhsp was fhut up he packed up the goods, and let himself out with them without being difcovered; that he carried them to the King's back mews, and buried them in a dunghill; to which being carried and fearch made, none of the go ods were to be found; but it appearing that fome dung had been lately taken away, enquiry was made by whom it had been removed, when it was difcovered to be by a country cart belonging to a widow-woman at Lambeth, to whom application being made, all the goods were fately returned, the honeft carter on carrying them home, having put them all into his miftrefs's hands, without embezzling any one part.


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The following order was notified at Dunkirk, by which many Erglifh fubjects of known good character are constrained to leave their houses and trade without the leaft cause affigned: "The Sieur Kennick, officer of police, is hereby commanded to repair to the places of abode of Thomas Brown, Jonathan Denny, and of all other perfons, of whatever nation, who are specified in the lift which I have now tranfmitted to him, that he may notify to them, agreeably to the minister's orders, that they must depart from Dunkirk and France, within the face of four and, twenty hours, with an expiefs prohibition not to return into the kingdom, all the delays which they had folicited being now expired. (Signed)

LE CH. DEMEZI RES." This ftep on the part of the court of France is the note furprifing, as it is taken at a time when the demolition of the works at Dunkirk feem to have been in a manner iufpended.


Stephen Theodore Jansen Elq; was worn in chamberlain to the city of London, to which he was chofen in the mott honourable manner. He at the fame time defired leave to refign his gown as alderman, which was granted; after which, he immediately entered upon his office.

Hand bills were this day circulated in the public streets, with only thefe few words, Wifiminfer, Tuesday Jan. 29. This Day LIBERTY. The houfe fat till paft five in the morning on the affair of general warrants, &c. and more than 400 members were prefent. this occafion an eminent lawyer, in a much admired fpeech, made ufe of this expreffion, For my son part, I think it far better to fall sortbike laws, than to rife on the ruins of them.


Being the anniversary of King Charles's martyrdom, the Rev. Mr Jus preached at the Chapel Royal, but their majeflies were Bot prefcht. Being

Being the bir h-day of prince Chriftian, Prince Royal of Denmark, who then entered into his 17th year, the court received the ufual complements on that occafion. This is the Prince betrothed to the Princefs of England.

The committee for building Black-friars bridge, took into confideratton a propofal for" making a foot paffage immediately over the river, partly on the works already done, and Partly on works to be forthwith erected; a fcheme of vaft wility to this metropolis.


number of others dependant upon them from the almoft univerfal decline of the trade, occafioned by the prefent mode of men in all ftations wearing their own hair; and by the French hair-dreffers continually pouring in upon this nation. by whofe artificers and the A facility with which the British people are inclined to prefer French skill and tafte in every article of drefs, they are deprived of a great part of that pittance which the fashion itself would ftill leave in the power of the petitioners to obra n; they at the fame time lament the fatal neceffit they are under, of milemploying the Lord's day in worldly pu fuits, which day of all others they are moft horried and confused; by which they and their families become as thofe that knew not God, while their fellow fubjects are happy in the privilege of atteding and discharg ing their religious duties, and imbib ng continually the precepts that teach to bear a confience void of ottence, to fear God and honour the King Preffed by the weight of thefe fufferings, the petitioners leave to his majefty's gracious condefcenfion the proper means of relief, &c. -His majelly was gracionfly pleafed to receive the above petiton, and to return the following anfwer: That be held norbing dearer to his heart than the happiness of bis "people, and that they may be aflured be bouli at all times ufe bis endea vow to promote their welfare.

A man between 40 and 50 years of age, of a middle ftature, fresh complexion, and his own B black curled hair, appeared in the villages about London, and put off feveral counterfeit guineas and quarter guineas, of which he appeared to pe poffeffed of plenty.-Fnis is inferted by way of caution.

MONDAY, Feb. 4.

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child in the kitchin to the care of the maid. In a few minutes he returned, and without D faying a word, walked off; leaving the little child to the care of the family. This tauge ́adventu e embarraffed the mifrefs of the house, who happened to be at home; and fhe was advised to apply to the paith officers, but they declined having any thing to d with it. till a hearing was had before the Lord Mayor. The Lord Mayor was of opinion the parish muft keep the child till the parish where it was born could be difcovered; and it being fuppofed to be the child of a woman who lately lived as a fervant in the family, and who had married a foldier; it is thought it will not be long before the whole mystery is unrav-lled.



A large quantity of brandy and wine, with F a large cheit of rich wearing apparel, being velvers embroidered with gold, were feized at Plymouth by two of his majefty's tide furveyors.

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His majefly, attended by the Earl of Delazuar, and the Earl of Coventry, went to the Houfe of Peers, and gave the royal affent to the land tax bill; the malt bill; the bill to indemnify perfons who have omitted to qualify themselves for offices, &c. to the bill for allowing further time for the import of goods, &c. from the ceded iflands; and to fume private bills.

A petition of the mafter peruke-makers was prefented to his majefty, fetting forth the diftroffes of themselves and an incredible

In ridicule of the barbers, a petition from the company of bidy Carpenters, as they are called, was ludicrously framed, imploring his maje y to wear a wooden eg himfelt, and to enjoin all his fervants to appear in the toval prefence with the fame badge of honour, &c. TUESDAY 12.

A butcher received fentence in his maiefy's court of King's Bench for foreftalling; the penalty of which is, two month's imprifonment and the forfeiture of the goods Several others have been found guilty of the fame off nce.

A grand affembly rom adjoining to Almacks in Pail-Ma'l was opened for the reception of noblemen and gentlemen of a certain way of thinking, when a great number



The Rev. Mr Mafkewlyne had the honour of kifing his majefty's hand on being appointed aftronomer royal.

The lupply for the cu rent fervice of the year is to be taifed by lottery. [Neither the G fim nor the time of drawing are yet determines.]


Three Cherokee eniers were efented to the lords of trade and plantations, with whorn, with the ufual ce.emony, they had four talks; the first complementary; the fecond, to tender obedience to the great king their father, and to produce famples of ore found in their country of gold, filver, and iron; the third to complain of the neroachments of fome of his majefty's fubjects on the hunting grounds, referved by treaty to the fale ufe of the native Indians; and the fourth was, to exprefs their furprise, that having of

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ten heard of learned perfons being fent to inAruct them in the knowledge of things, none had ever appeared; and to entreat that fome fuch men might foon be fent among them to inftruct them in writing, reading, and the comprehenfion of things. The lords by

whom they were received difmiffed them wel: A pleafed, and his majesty has ordered them variety of prefente, and that care be taken for their fafe conduct to their own country.

The famous Parfons, father of the Cocklane ghof, was discharged from his imprisonment in the King's-Bonch prison, the time ef his imprisonment for two years expiring on that day. (See Vol. xxxiii. p. 144)


Mr Williams, lookfeller in Fleet freet, food on the pillory in New Palace-yard, Wefiminfer, pursuant to his fentence (See p. 45.) for re-publishing the North-Briton, No. 45. in volumes. The coach that carried him from the King's-Pench prifon to the pillory was No 45. He was received by the acclamations of a prodigious concourfe of people. Oppofite to the pillory were erected four ladders, C with cords running from each other, on which were hung a Jack Boot, an axe, and a Scatch bonnet. The latter, after remaining there fome time, was burnt, and the top of the boot chopt of. During his ftanding alfo, a purple purfe, ornamented with ribbonds of an orange colour, was produced by a gentleman, who began a collection in favour of the E culprit, by putting a guinea into it himself, after which, the purfe being carried round, miny contributed, to the amount, in the whole, as fuppofed, of about 2co guineass. Mr Williams, at going into the pillory, and getting out, bowed to the fpectators. He held a sprig of laurel in his hand all the time.


The foldiers belonging to the Granville In- E diaman mutinied; knock'd down the captain, and endeavoured to escape in the boats; but the crew having recourse to fire-arms, they all fubmitted, and fome of the ring-leaders were put in irons.


A caufe was tried in the court of commonpleas, in which a private foldier was plaintiff, F and Commodore Keppel defendant; the action was for breaking the plaintiff from a ferjeant to a cominon man, contrary to the rules of a court-martial; for which the plaintiff obtained a verdict, and 70l. damages.


Francis Defameste, Efq; first lieut. colonel in the fecond troop of horie-guards, commanded by Lord Cadegan, having refigned his com- G mand, Leruis Montelieu, the next in command who facccesed him, and the rest of the officers in the troop, who all rofe according to their feniority, kiffed his majesty's hand on their promotion.


A proclamation appeared in the London Gazette for revoking all the prefeat Mediterranean H paffes within the term of two years, at which time (viz. Feb. 1, 1756) they are to be exchanged for new paffes; this is done, as the

orcclamation lets forth, to prevent a mifBanding between us and the govern

ments on the coaft of Barbary, feveral paffer of the prefent form, having, during the war, or by undue means, falien into the hands of foreigners, who, though at war with those ftates, yet make use of them to cover a clandefine trade.


The Rt Hon. Lord Byron furrendered himfelf at the bar of the house of lords, having arrived from France at his houfe in GreatMarlborough fireet the evening before, and was by their lordships order committed to the Tower, and preparations are now making for his trial by his peers in Weminfter-Hall for killing Mr Chaworth in a late duel (fee p. 45.

SHERIFFS appointed for the Year 1765.
Berkshire, Jobn Archer of Welford, Efq;
Bedfordfb. Richard Edwards of Arifey, Efq;
Buckingham. W. Backwell of Caldecot, Efq;
Cumberland, Samuel Irton of Irton. Efq;
Chefbire, The Hon. James Smith Barry, Efq;
Camb & Hunt' Tho. Cockayne of Soham, Efq;
Cornwall, Wm Churchlil, of Redruth, Efe;
Devonshire, Paul Orchard, of Hartland, Efq;
Darferbire, John Pinney, of Black Down, Efq;
Derbybire, Jofeph Greaves of Afton. Efq;
Effex, Wm Mildmay of Moulihan Hall, Efq;
Gloucefterf. R. Dob. Yate, of Braomfberrow.
Hertfordib. Bibye Lake, of St Margarets, Efq;
Herefordshire, Wm Vafion of Leominster, Efq;
Kent, Sir Richasd Betenfon of Bradborne, Br.
Leicestersh. Amb. Saunders of Stoke Golding, Efg
Lincoln. Tho. Williamfon of Alling on. Efq;
Monmouthb. Sol. Jones, of Landilo Bertholey.
Northumberl. Matthew Fofter of Bolton, Efq;
Northampt. J. Harpor of Burton Lattimer.
Norfolk, W. Wigget Bulwer of Wood Dalling.
Nottinghamh. Wm Ellis of Thoroton, Efq;
Oxford Aith. Annelley of Bletchinson, Efq;
Rutland. Wm Lawrence, of Prefton, Efq;
Stropfpire, John Topp, of Whitton, Elq;"
Somerset bire, Peter Taylor, of Burcot, Efq;
Stafford John Hodgetts, of Preftword, Eiq;
Surry, J.Hughes the younger, of Banfted, Efq;
Suflex Samuel Leeves of Pulborough, Efq;
Suffolk, George Golding of Thorington, Eiq;
Southampton, Sir Edw. Hulle, of Bremer, Bt.
Warwick. Rob. Child of Upton, Eiq;
Worcesterf. Edw. Winwood of Lindridge, Efq;
Wiltshire, Benj. Adamfon of Kendal, Efq;
Yorkb. Sir Tho. Wentworth, of Bratton, Bart.
Brecon, Owen Evans, of Pennant. Efq;
Carmarthen, Wm Rees of Laugharn, Efq;
Cardigan, Tho. Evans of Blaengwenog, Efq;
Glamorgan, R. Calvert Jones of Swanfea, Efq;
Pembroke, John Francis Myrrick of Buth, Efq;
Radnor, Sir HansFowler of Abbey Cromhire, Bt
Anglefea, Herbert Jones of Llynon, Efq;
Carnarvon. John Griffith, of Cefn-Amwich,
Denbigh, Thomas Kyffin of Mainon, Efq;
Flint, John Edwards of Lanykefn, Eigi
Merioneth, John Pugh of Garthmaelen, Efq;
Montgomery, John Ambler of Buttington, Efq;

The Sieur Marbeuf, commander of the French auxiliary troops in the island of Corfica has taken poffeffion of all the garrifoced forts in the hands of the Genoeje; he at the fame time iffued an order fo: bidding the inhabitants


of that ifland the use of any other colours at fea, than thofe of Genoa, on the penalty of confifcating fhip and cargo.

By letters from Berlin it is affured, that his Pruffian Majefty will have early in the fpring an army of 160,000 men ready for obfervation or action as occafion may require. The re- A joicings on his Majefty's birth-day (Jan. 24) were greater than ever were known; the people every where fhouting in great numbers Long live the King, the father of bis country.

A fcheme is under confideration of government for obliging all perfons making or felling weights or meafuris, or ufing the fame, to take out annual licences from the Exchequer, for which a certain fum must then be paid.

Mr Jaren, the prefent chamberlain of London, having a legacy left him by his brother, Sir Abraham Jarflen, lately deceased, of 5col. a year during his life, has generously offered the fame to fale for the benefit of his creditors, and the fame is to be put up by auction on the 7th of March.

Mr Wilkes it is faid, has left Paris very critically, a lettre de cachet having been actually figned to lodge him in the baftile; probably for being the fuppofed author of the Origin of Defpotifm printed fome time ago at Paris, and condemned in that country for the freedom with which it has treated the religious eftablishments of all denominations. (See an account of this book Vol. xxxii. p. 468.) Mr Wilkes had actually tranflated this book into *English,and intended to have begun his larger work with it, for which he received fubfcriptions fome time ago.




It has been found by a poor tanner of Battle in Suffex, that oak faw-duft will answer all the purposes of tanning calves leather, as well E as oak bark; for which difcovery, it is laid, the fociety of arts will reward him handsomely.

The Rev. Mr George Whitefield, who is expected over in March, will bring with him a Black, whom he has converted, and who has already preached to crowded audiences feveral times in America.

From a grain of wheat fown laft October twelvemonth in the garden of Crifpe Molineux, F Efq; in Norfolk, the produce was 42 flems, which contained 2151 grains.

The rains have been fo exceffive this winter in Portugal, that the houses and walls erected laft fummer, have almost all been washed down.

A company of infurance for fhips and merchandize has been lately established at Hamburgb, under the direction of fix of the richest merchants of that city.

The attorney, who caufed Lady T-, a peerefs in her own right, to be arrested, was brought up to the bar of the House of Lords, and after being feverely reprimanded, upon his making his humble fubmiffion, was discharged, upon his paying the usual fees; and at the fame time it was ordered, that himself and the plaintiff should pay the cofts of the bailiffs.

Informations have lately been given into a certain office, upon oath, and fupported by credible witnefies, of no less than 15 private meeting houses, in and about this metropolis,



which have hitherto paffed for those of Diffenters, but are in reality Jefuitical femiga ries, where the most dangerous doctrines are openly broached, equally tending to subvest the morals and allegiance of the deluded audience.

The long talk'd of project of uniting 'the Ifle of Man to the crown, is now under confideration and will probably take place. The fovereignty of that island is said to produce 25,000l. a-year.

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Rev. Mr Jebb of Peterhouse,-to Mis Torkington of Huntingtonfhire.

Mr Blundo, banker, of Pa'l-Mall-to Mis Hawkins, daughter to Cæfar Hawkins. Clement Styles of South Moreton, Efq;to Mifs Jones of Reading.

4. Henry Penton, Efq; member for Winchefter, to Mifs Knowles of Canterbury.

Dr Hall of Newcastle,-to fils Hick of Northumberland-street,

Nicholas Smithfend of Tewkesbury, Gloucefter fh. Efq;-to MifsRomney of Droitwich. Feb. 2. Cha. Palmer, Efq;-to Mifs Frances Vane of Devonshire-ftreet.

3. Earl of Shelburne at the Chapel-Royal, late Earl of Granville. -to Lady Sophia Carteret, daughter to the

Rice Wyndham of the Ifle of Wight, Elg -to Mifs Groves of Southampton.

4, Sam. Dicken of Market Drayton, Shrop fhire, Efq;-to Mrs Chaloner of Stoke-Park 15,000l.

5. Rev. Mr Chaytor of Kirkby Steven, Weftmoreland,-to Mifs Robin (on of Appleby. of Petersb.-to MifsCome une of Hamuftead. 9. Rev. Mr King, chaplain to the factory

12. Sir John Bridger of Combe, Suflex,to Mifs Elliott of Grofvenor-square.

13. Cha. Allanfon of Branham-biggen Yorkshire, Efq;-to Mifs Aiflabic. daughter of Wm Aislabie, E'q; member for Rippon.

14. Tho. Cookes of Norgrove, Worcesterfhire, Efq;-toMife Denham of Welling, Kent Edmund Jenny, Efq; at Bury,-to Mil Brooke of Naton. Fra. Biddulph of Leads, Efq;Harrison. 18. Col. Johnfon of the foot-guards,-to Mifs Hazeland of Clarges-ftreet.

-to Mifs

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Rev. Mr Jones of Chalfont, Bucks,-to Mifs Eldridge of the fame place.

2. Rev. MrWray,R. of Wrexham, Bucks, Efq; to M.fs Bromley of Reading. Lord Rolle at Edingburgh,— -to Miss Moray of Abercairney.

Rev. Mr Faunce, R. of Sutton and Horton, Kent,-to Mifs Chapman of Paul's Cray Hill Capt. Cooke of Lord Waldegrave's reg.➡ to Mrs Wagner of Westfield,

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Lift of DEATHS for the Year 1765.

Nov. Rreck-mafter of Dominica,

Obert Pringle, fort major and bar


fan. 28. Wm Smithies of Hertfordsh.Efq;
Lady of Sir Wm Maxwell, Bt. in Scotland.
Deputy Willis in Knight-rider-ftreet.
Tho. Salvin of Easingweld, Yorkshire, Efq;
30. Nic. Munckley of Lincoln's-inn, Efq;
John Kent, Efq; at Teddington..

Mr Lambert, a celebrated painter in Cov.G.
Rev MiGregory, R. of St Tudy, Cornwall.
Ed. Wefton, Efq; an alderman of Worcester.
W. Clavering. Efq; at Ryegate, Surry.
Walter Berry, Efq; a juftice for Middlefex.
31. Jer. Harrington, Efq; at Camberwell.
Rev. Griffith Williams, R. of Little Tey,
and V. of Tortham, Effex.

Jof. Root of Daventry, Northamptfh. Efq; Rev.T. Vernon, R. of Martley, Worce" erfh. Feb. 1. Chr. Parker, a rear-admiral on kalf pay, at Dublin, aged 85.

2. Lady Allen, mother of Sir Edm. Allen. 2. Rev. Mr Taylor, 40 years curate of St Martin's in the fields.

Rev. Mr Blackhaw, V. of Birchton Surry. •. Rev. Mr Powell, V. of Trumpington, near Cambridge.

Hon. and Rev. Dr Edward Townshend, Dean of Norwich, and Rretor of the Pulhams and Tivethalls, in Norfolk.

Peter Dent, E'q; in Hatton-Garden.
4. Geo. Goddard, Fig, at Hackney.

5. Fred. St Paul, Efq; many years ridingmafter to his late majefy.

Mr Timothy Helmsley, one of the common-council of Broad-reet ward; dying a batchelor, he has bequeathed near 10 00ɔl, to charitable ufes.

6. Marine Dickenson, Efq; alderman of Queenhithe ward, member for Brackley in Northamptonshire, and chairman of the committee of ways and means in the House of Commons.

Cba. Wale, Efq; near Earl's Colne, Effex.
9. Daniel Lockwood, at Newington, Eíq;
Eldeft ifter of Sir Tho. Tancred, Bart.
11. John Sacllerove, Efq; at Paddington.
Ph. Crefpigny, Efq; of Doctor's Commons.
Henry Selby, Efq, at Deptford, aged 82.
E. Home, St James's work houfe, aged 104.
12. Wm Clarke, Efq; a justice for Surry
Rob. Chaloner, Efq; in Southampton-row.
Rich. Backwell, Elq; at Northampton, for
which place he was member in the laft par-

34. Rev. Mr Spinder, in Wallbrook..

Wm Ingoldfly, Efq; at Chichester.
Mr Emerson furveyor of the custom-house-
warehoules, worth 20,000!

19. S. Abraham Janfien, Bart, brother 'o
Ste Theodore Janfien, Eiq; lately elected
bamberlain of London.

Mr Robins, belonging to the India-house,

Rev. Mr Towers at Camberwell.

Wm Blennerhaffet of Cumberland, Efq;

D: Morley, physician at Tunbridge Wells.
Gabriel Fetryplace, Efq; at Canterbury.
20. Wife of Mr Fuller, banker, Lombard-A.
22. Ed. Atkins. Efq; à Hamburgh mercht.
o Davifon, Eig, in Bedford tow.
Lydden, E.q, at Minehead, Somerfe:ih,

Lift of PROMOTIONS for the Year 1765.
From the London Gazette.


Whitehall, HE king has been pleafed to
Feb. 5
grant Wm Mildmay of Moul-
fham Hall in Efex, Efq; and his heirs male,
the dignity of a baronet.

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26. to appoint Richard Clayton, Efq;chief justice of common-pleas in Ireland, Rev. Mr Mafkyne,-aftronomer royal. ́ From other Papers.

prefident of

the fociety of antiquarians. Claudius Amyand, Efq;-receiver-general of the land-tax for London and Middletex. Brais Crofhy, Efq; one of the sheriffs-alderman of Bread-fireet ward.

Richard Peers, Efq;-alderman of Queenhithe word.

John Freemantle, Efq;-affifant fecretary to the commiffioner of the Cuffoms. Rev. MrBetts, Sivilian profefforat Oxford, Capt. Alcock,-major 13th reg. dragoons. Hon. Col. Rob. Brudenel,-Col of the 4th R of foot (Lt. Gen. Duroure, dec.)

R Clay on Bayley,- Major 58th R. of foot. Col. Gore of the 3d R of foot-guards,Col. of the 16th Reg late Brudenell's.

Promotions in the ad troop of life-guards.

Mr Pleyday, fub-brigadier and cornet; Chr. Morrit,-brig, and lieut; Wm Wafer exempt and captain; Geo. Cunningham, guidon and ad major; Felix Buckley,-corne and first major; Reb. Slaughter, 24 lieut. colonel; Lewis Cha. Montelieu,—fiift lieut. col. (Defmarette, ref.)

Rob. Skene, Major of the 52d Reg. Major Gladwin of the 80th Reg.-deputy adjutant-general in North-America.

Capt. lieut Luke,-Capt. in the 55th Reg.
Capt. Gibbs of the 17th Reg.-Capt. 10th
Reg of dragoons

Capt. C. A. Smart-Capt, in the 21ft R.


HE king has been pleased to appoint Dr Wm Markham.-dean of Rochester, (Dr Newcome, des )—Gaz,

The Hon. and Rev. Henry Maxwell, dean of Kilmore,-Bishop of Dromore, in r. of the Rt Rev. Dr Edward Young,-translated to the bishoprick of Leighlin and Fernes, in room of the

Rt Rev. Dr Cha. Jackson,―tranflated to

that of Kildare.

His grace Richard, archbishop of Armagh,
-the office of almoner in Ireland.
Dr Philip Lloyd,-dean of Norwich,
Dr Rob. Fowler, -a prebendary of Weftm,
Tho. Bowen, M. A.-Pulham, St Mary's
R. Norfolk.-Gaz.

MrHarrifon,-Cromb Dabitot, R. Worce
Mr Robinfon,- Watlington. R. Norfolk."
Mr Walker,-Warmington, R. Warwick.
Marmaduke Ward,-Beeton by the fea,
R. Norfolk.

Mr Frew,-.argrife, L. Breconshire.
Mr Bentley, Arlington, V. Le ceßtershire.
Mr Smythies, chaplain to the royal Reg.
of horse-guards.


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