

FRIDAY, March 18. Barbarous murder was committed near Coventry, by Edward Drury and Robert Lefley, two dragoons belonging to Lord Pembroke's regiment, and Mofes Baker of the Warwickshire militia, who hav- A ing waylaid Thomas Edwards, John Spencer, and Jobs Green farmers, from Coventry matket in their way home, murdered Edwards, and left the others for dead; who, having been in liquor, could give no other account of what had happened, but that they had been robbed, and that the perfons who robbed them appeared to be foldiers and had murdered their companion. From this dark account, the vigilance of the mayor and magiftrates of Coventry traced out the villains, who have been notorious rogues for many years, have committed many robberies both in England and Scotland, and who were incorporated into this regiment in Germany, to which, they were fent from another regiment by way of punishment, but have not been able to cor- C rupt one man more of that reputable regiment, the' no fratagem has been left unattempted by them to effect it.

At Warwick allizes thefe notorious villains were all three convicted, and ordered to be hung in chains.


The boufe of Mr Walsh of Mount Neal, in D the county of Kilkenny in Ireland, was malicionly fet on fire, and his wife and fix chil. drea burnt in the flames.


A refolution of the commons was ordered to be made public, that one fourth part of the capital flock of 4 per cent. annuitiés, granted in refpect of certain navy, vićtualing, and franfport bills, and ordnance debentures, deli. E vered in and cancelled, pursuant to an act of the 3d of his prefent majefty, will be paid off on the 25th of December next, with the inte reff due thereon.


His majesty's free pardon was fent to Newgate for George Roots, convicted laft feffions of grand larceny, of which crime the unhappy F convict has fince appeared to be wholly in nocent, and the man who committed the fact apprehended and committed to prifon. SUNDAY 31.

His grace the Archbp of Canterbury preached before the Queen and royal family, in the Chapel Royal at St James, from 1 Cor. 1. 22, 23, 24.

The Prince of Denmark was folemnly confirmed in the chapel royal at Copenhagen in the prefence of their majefties, the foreign minifters, and the whole court. On this occafion his Royal Highness distinguished himfelf to admiration, having fpoken more than two hours with the greatest fluency.

MONDAY, April 1.

Wheat fold at Bear-key market for 48 s. per quarter, fo that the bounty on the exportation of that commodity ceafes of course from that day. The bounty, when wheat is under the above price is undoubtedly a benefit to this nation without which the corn trade_mult pafs into another channel, and as the French are now turning their thoughts to agriculture, their fuperiority in point of foil and fituation will require every encouragement both of parliament and fociety, to enable the English farmer to contend with them. Should we lofe our market for corn abroad, what other commodity have we to bring a ballance in money in our favour? A fcarcity in England can never be dreaded; were there a real want of corn here, our colonies could pour in a supply equal to our neceffities, in a few weeks time.


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Rich. Smith


Laur. Sulivan




A terrible rencounter happened near Pool, H between a gang of fmugglers and a part of the crew of one of his majetty's cutters, when one of the mugglers was killed upon the fpet, feveral wounded, and about a ton of tea ized from the smugglers. Three of the catter's men weredesperately wounded.

Geo. Dempfter 449
Geo. Edwards 467 Tim. Tullie
W.Geo, Freeman 446 | Rich. Warner
Geo. Hayley 507


A refpite came to the New Goal, for fufpending the execution of John Sringer, for the murder of his wife, to the 29th inftant.

A cruel murder was committed on the fervant maid of an old man near Rochdale, in Lancashire, by a taylor, who attempted to rob the houfe, but being discovered by the young woman, he cut her throat, and afterwards made his escape out of the window. The villain has fir ce been apprehended.



At Richmond in Yorkshire, the weights and measures that were found under the legal ftandard, were by order of the magistrates of that corporation, publicly burnt,

Six workmen employed in the infirmary at Oxford, loft their lives by the floor giving A way thro' a defect of not being properly fecured.

The noted Dick Swift took his trial at Caventry, for returning from transportation, when there appearing an error in the copy of the record, the judge ordered him to be acquitted. He was, however, detained in prifon on account of a new indictment against him, preferred by the king's attorney for being B an acceffory to a robbery in Middlesex, in order to be removed to the Old Bailey.


Tha foldiers on board the Speaker Indiaman had formed a confpiracy to leize the armcheft, kill all the crew that opposed them, cut the cables, run the fhip on fhore, and make their escape; but being overheard, the ring-leaders were feized, put in irons, and C afterwards carried to the gang-way and lashed. Twenty of them had before feized the waterman's boat, and were making their escape in her, but were intercepted by boats from the men of war at Spithead, who carried them on board the Speaker, where they were all put in irons, and remained fo when the latter confpiracy, was formed to release them. MONDAY 8.


The Rt Hon. the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and sheriffs, with their ladies went to St Bride's church, and heard a fermon preached by the bishop of Bristol, from 1 Cor. xiii. 13. after which, the state of the hofpitals, accor- E ding to annual cuftom, was laid before them.

A murder was committed at Weft Pennard, in Somerset bire, on Stephen Kingfione, by one Lefter, on a law quarrel concerning the poffeffion of a house. The coroner's jury brought in their verdict wilful murder, and Lefler was immediately feized and carried to Taunton to take his trial.

John Picket, who had robbed the Hon. the Eaft India company of 1400 dollars, (See p. 145) was apprehended at Dover, and 803 of the dollars recovered. He was discovered by means of a fearch warrant granted upon another account, and some of the doliars being found in the profecution of that fearch.



An attempt was made by the felons in the caftle of York, to make their escape; but, after a moft defperate attack, they were over- G powered, and all properly fecured; one of the turnkeys had his leg broke, and several were defperately wounded, but no lives loft.

Six ruffians entered the house of farmer Northmore of Shipfton near Plymouth, and took from him 1000l. in money and fume plate. He pursued them to Plymouth, where three of them were apprehended; and 500l. of the money recovered.


Three of the owners of Gravefend boats were convicted before the Lord Mayor, and paid the penalty of 51. sach, for taking, in paffengers after the bell had rung at Billingf

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The murder of Mrs Rufcombe and her maid was found out; the maid let in a female acquaintance unknown to her miftrefs, and this acquaintance let in two fellows, unknown to the maid. They all three murdered the maid firft, and then the mistress. This abandoned, -creature, having been in the marine fervice as a drummer, &c. has voluntarily confelfed the whole; faying, that he could have no eafe night nor day fince the did it, but when fhe was drunk, and therefore made the dif covery in order to eafe her mind.


At a table in Piccadilly two coach geldings were fold by weight at is a pound, and amounted to 571.


James Knight of Welbam Green in Middlefex, was robbed, and barbaroufly murdered, on the road between Knights-bridge and Little Chelsea ; for the difcovery of the perfons concerned in this horrid crime, the parish of Chelsea offer a reward of 50l. and his majefty a free pardon to any one of the accomplices, except the açtual murderer, who fhall make a discovery.

Two carpenters, in pulling down an old houfe in Black-lion-court, Houndfditch, found as much foreign gold coin as they fold for 341. WEDNESDAY 17.

Charles Sebry for ftealing a bank note and money from the house of Mr Crompton; Rich. Parry, and John Taylor, for burglary; and F. Cooke for forgery, were executed at Tyburg.

About 11 o'clock, the Rt Hon. the H. of Peers went to WAminfer-Hall, and proceeded on the trial of Ld Byron, which begun the day before, & after all the witneffes on behalf of the prifoner had been examined, the So licitor-General fummed up the evidence'; after which Lord Byron, who declined examining any witneßes on his own behalf, told their lordships that what he had to offer in his own vindication he had committed to writing, and begged that it might be read by the clerk, as he feared his own voice, confidering his present fituation, would not be heard. His fpeech was accordingly read by the clerk in a very audible and diftinét manner, and contained an exact detail of all the particulars relating to the melancholy affair between him and Mr Chasworth. He faid, he declined entering into the circumftances of Mr Chaqortb's behaviour farther than his own defence, expressed his deep and unfeigned forrow for the event, and repoled H himself with the utmost confidence on their lordship's justice and humanity, and would with chearfulness acquiefce in the fentence of the noblest and most equitable judicature in the world, whether it were for life or for death,

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A fubftantial farmer at Savinesbead in Lincolnshire with a small cord hùng himself upon a beam in his own ftable, as it is faid, for love of a young girl, whom he had lain with, but refufed to marry, yet on hearing the was out afked to another, he committed this raih action, with which the girl was so much affected, that the attempted the like upon herfelf, but was prevented by her intended husband, who threats his of own life if the put an end to hers.


The following were paffed by commiffion. A bill to enlarge the times limited for execating certain acts of this feffions.

A bill to encourage the growth of madder. A bill for preferving fish in ponds, and 'rabbets, &c. in warrens.

"A bill to rebuild the parish church ofTetbury. -And alfo 51 other public and private bills. SATURDAY 20.

The feffions ended at Old Bailey, when only one criminal received fentence of death, viz. Joba Picket for stealing 1400 dollars, the property of the East India company, in their dwelling houfe, in Leaden-ball-street. This fellow was formerly a failor in the company's fervice, and by fréquenting the India-boufe became acquainted with the place where the money lay.-At this feffions, the noted Dick Swift appeared, and pleaded to his former fentence, and is to be tranfported for 14 years. WEDNESDAY 24.

The committee of city lands lett to Mr Neale a leafe for 21 years of the toll of carts and wheelage over London-bridge, on a fine of 2000 guineas, and a yearly rent of 735%.

95 convicts under fentence of transportation in Newgate, among whom was the noted Pick Swift, were put on board a ship, in order to be fent to America.

His majetty went in ftate to the House of Peers, and made the following most gracious Speech from the throne:

My Lords and Gentlemen,

"The tender concern, which I feel for my faithful fubjects, makes me anxious to provide for every poffible event, which may affect their future happiness or fecurity.

My late indifpofition, though not attended with danger, has led me to confider the fituation, in which my kingdoms, and my family might be left, if it should please God to put a period to my life, whilft my fucceffor is of tender years.

The high importance of this fubject to the public fafety, good order, and tranquility; the paternal affection, which I bear to thy children, and to all my people, and my earneft defire, that every precaution should be taken, which may tend to preferve the conflitution of Great Briton undisturbed, and the dignity and luftre of it's crown unimpaired ;

have determined me to lay this weighty bufinefs before my parliament: and as my health by the bleffing of God, is now restored, I take the earliest opportunity, of meeting you here, and of recommending to your ferious deliberation the making fuch provifion, as would be neceffary, in cafe any of my children should fucceed to the throne, befate they shall respectively attain the age of eighteen years.

To this end, I propose to your confideration, whether, under the prefent circumstances, it will not be expedient to veft in me the power of appointing, from time to time, by inftruments in writing, under my Sign Manual, either the Queen, or any other perfon of my Royal Family ufually refiding in Great Britain, to be the guardian of the perfan of fuck fucceffor, and the regent of thefe kingdoms, until fuch fucceffor fhall attain the age of eighteen years; fubject to the like reftrictions and regulations, as are fspecified and contained in an act paffed upon a fimilar occafion, in the twenty fourth year of the reign of the late King, my Royal Grandfather: The regent fo appointed to be affifted by a council, compofed of the feveral perfons, who, by reafon of their dignities and offices, are conftituted members of the council established by that act, together with those whom you may think proper to leave to my nomination.' THURSDAY 25.

Both houfes of parliament went in proceffion to St James's, and prefented their joint addrefs to his Majesty on his most gracious Speech, and received the following answer:

My Lords and Gentleman,

"Your affectionate_congratulations upon my recovery, and the fenfe which you exprefs of your happiness under my government give me the greatest fatisfaction.

"Be affured I have not a more fincere concern, or a more carneft defire, than to fecure to my faithful people, both now and hereafter, the religious and civil bleffings of our invaluable conftitution."

At the anniversary meeting of the governors of the Small-Pox hofpital; the collection amounted to 864/. 101.


The cheft of money, which was on board the Hanover packet, that was loft the ad of December, 1763, of Padflow, has been found, and fafely landed.

Affize News,

At Monmouth one manjwas capitally convicted of cow-tealing, & two for sheep-fiealing.

At the affizes at Weich Pool, a young man was capitally convicted for the murder of his Sweetheart, and the next day executed. It is 28 years fince an execution happened there before, and that was for murder.

At the affizes at Bury, for the county of Suffolk, two perlons received fentence of death.

At the affizes at Eaft Grinflead tor Suffex, two men for highway robberies were capitally convicted, and one for burglary.

At the affizes at York, two men for highway robberies, one for houfe-breaking, ene for fhop-lifting, two for horfe-ftealing, one for fleating a cow, and one for graad Larceny, were all capitally convicted.

At the affizes for Exeter, five men for ́ highway robberies,received fentence of death. At this affize an action was brought by baker against an excifeman, for an affault in fearch of fmuggled goods, of which the jury brought the excifeman in guilty, and the damages were referred to the Court of K.Bench. At Aylesbury affizes, one man was capitally convicted for burglary.

At Huntingdon afhizes, two men were capitally convicted for horfe-ftealing, and one for the highway.

At King on affizes, Jobn Stringer, for the murder of his wife, received fentence of death; four were capitally convicted for robberies on the highway; two for horfe-ftealing and one, a woman, for stealing money. At this aflizes a caufe was tried between a Wallingford barge-mafter plaintiff, and the toll-collector at the Towing Path at Ham, for 25 taken for the paffage of eight horfes thro' that Towing path, when the plaintiff obtained a verdict with cofts. A man was likewife tried for an affault upon his wife's grandmother, with an intent to commit a rape, was found guilty, fined 38 4d, imprisonment for three months, and ordered to find security for one year,

At the affizes at Cambridge, 'a cause was tried by a special jury of gentlemen, in which Mrs Mart was plaintiff, and the late vicechancellor and the proctors of the univerfity defendants; the complaint was for the falle imprisonment of Mrs Mart, when a fingle woman; being found about leven in the evening in a house of ill fame, the vilting proctor, feized, and forcibly carried her before the late vice-chancellor, who committed her to Bridewell, where she was put with a common proffitute, and kept there half an hour. After a hearing of fix hours, in which the charters, prerogatives, and jurifdiction of the univerfity were learnedly dif cufo'd, the jury gave a verdict for the plaintiff with 20l, damages and cofte of fuit.-The town rejoic'd at this verdict, as a kind of victory gained over the university.

At the affizes at Tounion, four criminals were capitally convicted, two for burglary, one for the highway, and one for horfe-ftealing, but were all reprieved. Mary Norwood for pois'ning her husband, received fentence of death, and is to be burnt at Ivelchefter on the 8th of May.-One paper fays that Lefter was found guilty at this affize.

At the allizes at Lancaster, fix perfons received sentence of death, James Howarth, for murder, two for highway robberies, two for horfe-ftealing, and one (a boy about 17) for a burglary.

At the affizes of Southampton one man received fentence of death, for sheep-ftealing.

At Shrewsbury affizes, feven criminals received fentence of death, four of whom were for cattle ftealing, two for breaking goal after returning from transportation, and one for stealing money.

At the affizes at Stofford, four criminals received fentence of death, among whom was George Blunt, for wilfully shooting at Mr Wbieldon, two for robbing on the highway, and one for horse-stealing,

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Lift of DEATHS forthe Year 1765. M Beckford Ellis, Efq; at Kingfton, in Jamaica, Jan. 17. The. Blechynden, Efq; at Jamaica, W.Macdonald, Esq; at Madrass in the E.Indies Peter Marcha, Efq; merchant at Leghorn. Lieut. Col, Arbuthnot of the provincial troops, in New-England.

March 19. Princefs Jane Agnes, great aunt to the prefent Stadtholder.

Edw. Horne of Pirton, Oxfordshire, Efq. Sir Duncan Campbell, Bart. in Argyle fhire. Hen. Bowles, Dr of phyfic, fenior fellow of New-college, Oxford.

28. Sir Jon. Cope of Brewern, Oxfordsh.Bt 29. Wm Davis, Efq; in Norfolk-Atreet. Reliet of Dr Brian of Harrow, aged 88. Ann Wilfon, near Afton, Cumberl. agd 110. Lieut. Gen. Fowke, at Bath, upwards of 60 years an officer.

30. Wife of the Hon. Lt Gen. Aamiger.
April 1. T.Greenfield, Efq; atLittle Chelsea.
Viscoun:efs Molyneux, in Hoxton-square.
2. John Bagnall, Efq; at Guildford.
Edw. Allcroft, Efq; at Paddington.
Edward Dale, Efq; at Stockport.

Wife of R.Salufbury, Efq; a bank director Relict of Sir Tho. Wolryche, Bart, at Dudmafton-hall, near Bridgnorth.

4. Paul Amfick, Efq; in St Mary Axe.

Mr Drake at Windfor, late gov. of Bengal. Sir Rob. Cocks, Bart. at Dumbleton, Gloncefterfhire, worth upwards of 4000l. per ann, which defcends to his nephew In Cocks, Efq; X. Rev. Mr Deere, aged 102, at Penline-court in Glamorganfhire; he was many years a chaplain in the navy, and was prefent at the fieges of Port Mahon and Gibraltar.

Rick. Cleeve, Efq; a commiffioner of the lieutenancy.

5. The celebrated and ingenious Dr Young, R. of Wellwyn in Hertfordshire, author of Night Thoughts, The Brothers, a tragedy, per formed at one of the theatres in March 1753. the benefits arifing from the performance he gave to the fociety for propagating the Gospel, (See Vol. xxiii. p. 135, 146) and many other ingenious works; his firft piece, called the Laf Day, was published in 1704. He married a lady nearly related to the Earl of Litchfield, by whom he had only one fon, to whom his late R. H. the P. of Wales flood godfather. -He was buried with the utmont privacy, under the altar-piece of his parish church, by the fide of Lady Betty, his late wife; and though he was both the founder and endower of a charity-fchool in this parish, neither the mafter nor the children attended his funeral. His paul was fupported by the rectors or vicars of the neighbouring parisbes : The mourners were his fon, his nephew, a nother near relation, his house-keeper, most of the bearers, and the whole tiron of Wellwyn. All his manufcripts he ordered to be burnt; an irreparable lofs, fay fome, to pofterity, as he was the intimate acquaintance of Addifon, one of the writers of the Spectator, and, excepting Dr Pearce, the prefent Bishop of Rochefter, the laft furviving genius of that incomparable groupe of authors.

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The altar-piece in the church of Wellwyn is the most curious in this or any other kingdom, being adorned with an elegant piece of needle-work, wrought by the Lady Betty Young, wife to the late Dr Young. In the middle is infcribed, in capital letters, the following fentence; I AM THE BREAD OF LIFE.. On the North fide of the chancel is rae following infcription, fuppofed to be by the order of the late Dr Young; VIRGINIBUS, "Increase in ftature and in wifdom:" and on the South Gide," PUERISQUE, and in favour with God and Man."-Dr Young has, in his will, left all his poffeffions to his fon, after his legacies are paid.

Nic. Woolley of Bletchington, Cumbl. Efq;
William Stone, Efq; at Briftol.

Rev. Mr Ridler, R. of Edworth, Glouceftfh.
James Bentley of Lincoln's-inn, Efq;

Mr Catton, fchool-maßer at Harifton, Norf. by two wives he had 43 living children.

Hon. Mrs Southwell, mother of Edward Southwell, Efq; member for Bridgwater. Paul Caftelman at Horfley, Glouceftfh. Efq; 7. Mr Gaultier in Spital-fields, aged 102. * Sam. Amphlett, Efq; fteward to LdSpencer." 9. Lady Betty Bateman in Wimple-ftreet. Dr Hilmer, the famous Pruffian oculift. Her ferene highnefs the Princefs Dowager of Orange, aged 87.

Jofeph Tollon Lockyer, Efq; member for Ivelchefter.

Rev. Mr Derby of Edgeot, Northamptonfh. Ja. Betts of Buckinghamshire, Efq; Mr Boyd, merchant, in Cannon-street. Vifc.Dowager Kilmorey, at Windfor,agd 8o. Capt. Rawlins, at Shadwell, in the WeftIndia trade.

11. Wm Lewis Chambers, Efq; in Line. Inn. Capt. Burrel of Gateshead, fuddenly. Juftice Worrell of Spital-fields. 14. Alderman Williamfon of Northampton, 15.Ja.Golling, Efq; cafhier to the S.S.comp. John Henderfon of Derbyshire, Efq; Rev. Mr Wrench, V. of Aylfham, & R. of Moulton, Norfolk.

Mr Salomon Fernandez Nunes, in St Mary Axe.

Mrs Ann Harford, a midwife, aged 90; he had children, grand-children, &c. 181. LtCol. Gorges, of theE. of Drogheda's horfe," Judith Couly, in the C. of Dublin, agd 116., Wm Martin, Efq; in the commiffion of the peace for Middlefex and Effex, at Hackney.

16. Alex. Sheafe, Efq; a bank director. Mr Gregory, of the univerfity of StAndrew. Jafper Finch, Efq; at Kenfington. Wm Churchill, Efq; fheriff for Cornwall. 18. Mr Woodhoufe, at Gainsborough, worth 30,000l.

19. Ja. Butler, Efq; aged 93; he was a captain of horfe in Q Anne's wars, and loft an arm at the battle of Blenheim.

MrA.Dodfley, brother to the late R Dodfley. Rev. Dr Waugh, Dean of Worcefter, a prebendary of Carlife, & chancellor of that diocefe 14. The moft Rev. Dr Cobbe, archbishop of Dublin, aged 79; he was educated at Winchefter, and at Trinity-college, Oxford; he went with the D. of Bolton into Ireland, in ugust 1717

zo. Tho. Martin, Efq; at Clapham, agd 26.

Thomas Evetts, Efq; at Temple Walfall Worcestershire.

The 2d fon of Lord Powerfcourt at Dublin. 21. David Mallet, Efq; well known in the republic of letters,

Mrs Bennet in Hatton-Garden, aged 90.
Rich. Zouch, Efq; at Wakefield.

Daniel Mafkell, Efq; in Linc.-inn-fields. 23. Ant. Eaftman, Efq; ajuftice for Kent. Lady Cath, Duff, fifter to the E. of Fife. 24. Ben. Cox, Efq; a juftice for Middfx. Mrs Elliott, one of the daughters and coheiteffes of the late famous fecretary Craggs, 27. Dr Richardfon,-phyfician to the London-hofpital.

Lif of PROMOTIONS for the Year 1765. From the London Gazette. Whiteball, HE king was pleafed to apMore point Henry

fecretary to the noble order of the thiftle. (Drummond, dec.)

John Luxmore, Efq;-affay-mafter within the counties of Devon and Cornwall. (Trelawney, dec.)

Sir Rich. Wrottefley, Bart, one of his majefty's chaplains,-dean of Worcefter. (Dr Waugh, dec.) Gax.

From other Papers.

M Crowle, Efq; clerk of the peace


for the Weft-riding, Yorkshire; and Mr Wm Stanhope,-receiver-general. Ste.Lawfon,Efq;-an inspector on the river. Rich. Afton, Efq; ferjeant at law,-knighted, and fworn in one of the judges of the King's Bench.

MrPeter Burrel, cashier to the S. S. comp. Major Walsh,-Lieut. Col. to 54th Reg. Capt. Byron, Capt. 3d Reg. foot-guards. Major Forbes of the $5th Reg. (in WeftFlorida)-Lt Col. of the fame ; Lt Col. Fletcher,-Colonel,

Col. Taylor of the 9th R.-aid-de-camp to the king.

Major Dalrymple,-Lt Col. 14th R. of foot.
Capt. Furling,major to ditto.


Giles Eyre, Guftavus Belford, and Jofeph Darby, Efquires. Capts. in the royal regiment of horse-guards,

Nic. Sutherland, Efq;-a capt. in 21ft Reg. Lord Ophaley, eldett fon to the Marquis of Kildare, -an enfiga in the 3d R. of foot-gds. T. Trigg, Efq;-capt. in the 12th R. foot. Lieut Patton, capt. It, 6th R. ft. inr, of Capi.Lt Cady, Capt. (Capt. Forfler retiring.) Capt. Dickenfon,-commander of the Dif patch packet-boat.



Mr Williams, mafter of the gramma Ichool at Northampton,-to the North Me diety of Great Sheepy, R. Leicestershire.

James Andrew-prebendary of Rochefter.
Mr Derby,-Norton, R. Kent.
Henry Beavon, Beafington, R. Wilta.
Ja. Holmes, Burlington, V. Wilts.
DrShipman,-Compton, R. near Winchefter
Ja. Halker,-Ardefley, V. Leicefterfhire.
Ralph Barnes, St Meryn, V. Cornwall.
Mr Glaffe, Littleton, L. Surry.

The.Hodgion,North bench, Gloucefts

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