


CHAPTER the constitution, we, in any considerable degree, abate of that vigilant, and unremitting jealousy of the power of the crown, which can alone secure to us the effect of those wise laws that have been provided for the benefit of the subject; and still more particularly, that it is in vain to think of making a compromise with power, and by yielding to it in other points, preserving some favourite object, such, for instance, as the church in James's case, from its grasp.

Scottish parliament. April 23.

Previous to meeting his English Parliament, James directed a parliament which had been summoned in the preceding reign, to assemble at Edinburgh, and appointed the Duke of Queensbury his commissioner. This appointment is, in itself, a strong indication, that the King's views, with regard to Scotland at least, were similar to those which I have ascribed to him in England; and that they did not at that time extend to the introduction of Popery, but were altogether directed to the establishment of absolute power as the end, and to the support of an episcopal church, upon the model of the church of England, as the means. For Queensbury had explained himself to his Majesty, in the fullest manner, upon the subject of religion; and while he professed himself to be ready, (as indeed his conduct in the late reign had sufficiently proved,) to go any length in supporting



royal power, and in persecuting the Presbyterians, CHAPTER had made it a condition of his services, that he might understand from his Majesty, that there was no intention of changing the established religion; for if such was the object, he could not make any one step with him in that matter. James received this declation most kindly; assured him he had no such intention, and that he would have a parliament, to which he, Queensbury, should go as commissioner; and giving all possible assurances in the matter of religion, get the revenue to be settled, and such other laws to be past, as might be necessary for the publick safety. With these promises the Duke was not only satisfied at the time, but declared, at a subsequent period, that they had been made in so frank and hearty a manner, as made him conclude, that it was impossible the King should be acting apart. And this noblemen was considered, and is handed down to us by contemporary writers, as a man of a penetrating genius, nor has it ever been the national character of the country to which he belonged, to be more liable to be imposed upon than the rest of mankind.


The Scottish Parliament met on the 23d of April, The King's and was opened by the Commissioner, with the following letter from the King:



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“The many experiences we have had of the loyalty, and exemplary forwardness of that our ancient kingdom, by their representatives in parliament assembled, in the reign of our deceased, and most entirely beloved brother, of ever blessed memory, made us desirous to call you at this time, in the beginning of our reign, to give you an opportunity, not only of shewing your duty to us in the same "manner, but likewise of being exemplary to others, "in your demonstrations of affection to our person, "and compliance with our desires, as you have most eminently been in times past, to a degree never to be forgotten by us, nor, (we hope,) to be contradicted by your future practices. That which we are "at this time to propose unto you is, what is as neces



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sary for your safety as our service, and what has a tendency more to secure your own privileges and properties, than the aggrandising our power and authority, (though in it consists the greatest security "of your rights and interests, these never having “been in danger, except when the royal power was

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brought too low to protect them,) which now we "are resolved to maintain in its greatest lustre, to the "end we may be the more enabled to defend and

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protect your religion as established by law; and your CHAPTER rights and properties (which was our design in calling this parliament) against phanatical contri"vances, murderers and assassins, who having no "fear of God, more than honour for us, have brought you into such difficulties, as only the blessing of God upon the steady resolutions, and actings of our "said dearest royal brother, and those employed by him, (in prosecution of the good and wholesome laws, by you heretofore offered,) could have saved you from the most horrid confusions, and inevitable "ruin. Nothing has been left unattempted by those "wild, and inhuman traitors, for endeavouring to

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overturn your peace: and therefore, we have good reason to hope, that nothing will be wanting in you, to secure yourselves and us from their outrages and violence, in time coming; and to take care that such conspirators meet with their just deservings, so as others may thereby be deterred "from courses so little agreeable to religion, or their duty and allegiance to us. These things we considered to be of so great importance to our royal, as well as the universal, interest of that our kingdom, "that we were fully resolved, in person, to have proposed the needful remedies to you. But things "having so fallen out, as render this impossible for us, we have now thought fit, to send our right

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trusty, and right entirely beloved cousin, and coun"sellor, William Duke of Queensbury, to be our commissioner amongst you; of whose abilities and qualifications we have reason to be fully satisfied, "and of whose faithfulness to us, and zeal for our in"terest, we have had signal proofs, in the times of our greatest difficulties. Him we have fully en"trusted in all things relating to our service, and your own prosperity and happiness, and therefore, you are to give him entire trust and credit, as you "now see we have done, from whose prudence, and your most dutiful affection to us, we have full confidence of your entire compliance and assistance in all those matters, wherein he is instructed as aforesaid. We do therefore, not only recommend unto you, that such things be done as are necessary in "this juncture, for your own peace, and the support








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of our royal interest, of which we had so much ex

perience when amongst you, that we cannot doubt "of your full and ample expressing the same on this “occasion, by which the great concern we have in you, our antient and kindly people, may still increase, and you may transmit your loyal actions, (as examples of duty,) to your posterity, In full confidence whereof we do assure you of our royal favour and protection, in all your concerns; and so we bid you heartily farewell."



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