

(1 Sam. iv. 3.) It was situated on a high mountain to the north of Bethel.

SHINAR, the territory of Babylon. (Gen. x. 10. xi. 2. xiv. 1. Isa. xi. 11. Dan. i. 2. Zech. v. 11.) The boundaries of this country are defined in Gen. x. 10., and depend on the interpretation given to the names of cities mentioned in that verse. SHIPS, of the ancients, notice of, 188, 189.

SHISHAK, a king of Egypt who was contemporary with Solomon and Rehoboam. He first gave an asylum to the malcontent Jeroboam (1 Kings xi. 40.); and afterwards, as soon as he saw that Rehoboam's power was weakened by the revolt of the ten tribes, he invaded Judæa and advanced against Jerusalem with an immense army, composed of Egyptians, Ethiopians, Lybians, and Sukkim or Troglodytes. But, satisfied with the submission of the Jewish monarch and with the spoils of his capital, including the treasures of the temple, he left him his throne, and drew off his forces. (1 Kings xiv. 25, 26. 2 Chron. xii. 2-9.) Shishak is the Sesonchis of profane historians, and the head of the Bubastite or twenty-second dynasty of the Egyptian kings. His name has been discovered on the recently explained Egyptian monuments (compare Vol. I. p. 88, 89.); and he is supposed to have been an Ethiopian, who, supported by the military caste, dethroned the Pharaoh who was Solomon's father-in-law.

SHOES, or Sandals of the Hebrews, 157. SHOW BREAD, table of, notice of, 100. 119. SHUNEM, a city in the tribe of Issachar. (Josh. xix. 18. 2 Sam. xxviii. 4.) Here the prophet Elisha was hospitably entertained by a benevolent woman; whose son dying, he miraculously restored him to life. (2 Kings iv.) According to Eusebius, there was a place called Sulem (by a commutation of and n) five Roman miles south of Mount Tabor.

SHUR, Wilderness of, notice of, 33.


8vo.) has given a minute and very interesting account of the
antiquities of Shechem. See also Mr. Jolliffe's Letters from
Palestine, pp. 44-48.

SICK, healing of, why deemed unlawful by the Jews, on the
Sabbath-day, 121. Treatment of, 194, 195.
SIDDIM, Vale of, notice of, 31.

SIDON, OF ZIDON, a celebrated city of Palestine, reputed to have been founded by Sidon the eldest son of Canaan, from whom, according to Josephus, it derives its name; but other authorities derive the name Sidon from the Hebrew or Syrian word as (Tsiden), which signifies fishing. If the primitive founder was a fisherman, the two accounts may be easily recon ciled. Joshua (xi. 8.) calls it Sidon the Great, by way of eminence; whence some have taken occasion to say, that in his time there were two Sidons, a greater and a lesser: but no geographer has mentioned any other Sidon than Sidon the Great Joshua assigned Sidon to the tribe of Asher (Josh. xix. 28.) but this tribe could never get possession of it. (Judg. i. 31.) It is situated on the Mediterranean, one day's journey from Paneas, or from the fountains of Jordan, in a fine level tract of land, the remarkably simple air of which suits with that touching portion of the Gospel, which records the interview of Jesus Christ on this very spot,-the coasts of Tyre and Sidon,— with the Syro-Phoenician woman. (Matt. xv. 21-28. Mark vii. 24-30.) Abulfeda places it sixty-six miles from Damascus. This city has been always famous for its great trade and navigation. Its inhabitants were the first remarkable merchants in the world, and were very early celebrated on account of their luxury; for, in the days of the judges of Israel, the inhabitanta of Laish are said to have dwelt careless and secure after the manner of the Zidonians. (Judg. xviii. 7.) The men of iden being great shipwrights, were particularly eminent above all other nations, for hewing and polishing timber, there being nene SHUSHAN, the capital of Susiana, a province of Elam or Persia, who were skilled how to hew timber like the Sidonians. (1 Kings which Daniel terms the palace (viii. 2.), because the Chaldæan v. 6.) This place is now called Seide or Saide: its port is monarchs had here a royal palace. After Cyrus, the kings of small, and nearly filled up with the accumulation of mud. (Irby's Persia were accustomed to pass the winter there, and the sum- and Mangles' Travels, p. 201.) The city, as it exists at present, mer at Ecbatana. The winter was very moderate at Shushan, rises immediately from the strand; and, when seen from a slight but the heat of the summer was so great, that the very lizards distance, presents a rather imposing appearance. The interior, and serpents, if surprised by it in the streets, are said to have however, is most wretched and gloomy. About half-way be been burned up by the solar rays. This city stands on the river tween Saide (or Sidon) and Sour (or Tyre) are very extensive Ulai, or Choaspes. In this city, and on this river, Daniel had ruins of towns which once connected these two cities; but of the vision of the ram with two horns, and the goat with one these ruins there is now scarcely one stone left upon another. horn, &c. in the third year of the reign of Belshazzar (Dan. They consist chiefly of lines which show, rased even with the viii. 1-3, &c.), A. M. 3447, B. c. 557. In this city of Shushan, soil, the foundation of houses-many stones irregularly scattered the transactions took place which are related in the book of -a few cisterns with half-defaced sculpture on them; and, at a Esther. Here Ahasuerus, or Darius the son of Hystaspes, gene- considerable distance from the path, there are at one spot several rally resided and reigned. (Esth. i. 1, 2. 5, &c.) He rebuilt, low columns either mutilated or considerably sunk in the earth. enlarged, and adorned it. Nehemiah was also at Shushan, when These relics show, what it needed indeed no such evidence to he obtained from king Artaxerxes permission to return into prove, that in peaceable and flourishing times, on this road be Judæa, and to repair the walls of Jerusalem. (Neh. i. 1.) Ben- tween two such considerable cities as Tyre and Sidon, there jamin of Tudela, and Abulfaragius, place the tomb of Daniel at must have been many smaller towns for business, pleasure, and Chuzestan, which is the ancient city of Shushan, and a tomb is agriculture, delightfully situated by the seaside; but peaceful se still shown to travellers, as the tomb of the prophet. Dr. Light-curity has long been a blessing unknown to these regions; and foot says, that the outward gate of the eastern wall of the temple was called the gate of Shushan; and that upon this gate was carved the figure (more probably the arms or insignia) of Shushan, in acknowledgment of the decree there granted by Darius son of Hystaspes, which permitted the rebuilding of the temple. The site of this once noble metropolis of the ancient sovereigns of Persia is now a mere wilderness; no human being residing there excepting one poor dervise, who keeps watch over the supposed tomb of the prophet Daniel. See an account of the ruins and the present state of Shushan, in Sir R. K. Porter's Travels in Georgia, Persia, &c. vol. ii. pp. 411-418.

SICARII, or assassins mentioned in the New Testament, notice of, 148.

SICHEM, SYCHAR or SUECHEM, a city of Samaria, about forty miles distant from Jerusalem, which became the metropolis of the Samaritans after the destruction of Samaria by Hyrcanus. In the vicinity of this place is Jacob's well (John iv. 6), memorable for our Saviour's conversation with the Samaritan woman. It stands in a delightful situation, and is at present called Napolose. The remains of the sect of the Samaritans, now reduced to about forty persons, chiefly reside here. Contiguous to this place lies a valley, which opens into a plain watered by a fruitful stream, that rises near the town. This is universally allowed to be the parcel of a field mentioned by Saint John (iv. 5.) which Jacob bought at the hand of the children of Hamor. (Gen. xxxiii. 19.) Dr. Clarke (Travels, vol. iv. pp. 260-280.

we may apply to them the language of Judges v. 7.—The villages ceased; they ceased in Israel." (Jowett's Christ. Researches in Syria, pp. 129, 130.

SIEGES, how conducted, 89.
SIGNETS, notice of, 157.

SION, a king of the Amorites, who refused a passage through his territories to the Hebrews; and, coming to attack them, w33 himself slain. (Num. xxi. 21.)

SIROR, River, 26.

SILAS OF SILVANUS (the former name being a contraction of the latter), an eminent Christian teacher, who was Saint Paul's companion in his journeys through Asia Minor and Greece,

SILOAM, Fountain or Pool of, 21. 28. Just over against this pool, near the bottom of the valley, through which its waters flow with an almost imperceptible current, and on the slope of a lofty mountain on the opposite side, is a village called Silos: it has a miserable aspect, many of the habitations being no better than excavations from the rock, and the rest very meanly but houses and dilapidated stone huts; though it once could best the palace of Pharaoh's daughter and Solomon's queen. The population is said not to exceed two hundred persons. (Jowett Researches in Syria, p. 262. Three Weeks in Palestine, p. 45.)

SIMEON, the son of Jacob and Leah: he was the head of one of the twelve tribes; for the limits of whose allotment, see p. 17.

SIMON OF SIMEON, the name of several persons mentioned i

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t; of whom the following are the most re- Sabacho of profane history, the head of the twenty-fifth or Ethi opian dynasty, who invaded Egypt, caused its monarch Bocned Peter, who was also called Simon Bar- charis to be thrown into the flames, and usurped the throne. p. 442. More recent and correct researches have shown that So is the Sevechus of profane history. (Coquerel, Biog. Sacr. tom. iv. p. 223.)

med the Canaanite (perhaps because he was n Galilee), and also Zelotes or the Zealous, e had been of the ZEALOTS. (See p. 148. for inciples.) He is supposed to have been the he Less and Jude: the particulars of his life

amed the Cyrenean, from Cyrene in Libya were settled), who was compelled to assist in f Jesus. (Matt. xxvii. 32.) Why he was so D. supra.

med Bar-Jesus, a sorcerer.

413. col. 2. pestilential effects of, 40.

(Acts viii. 9. 13.)

in Egypt (Ezek. xxx. 15, 16.), according to : it was situated on the eastern boundary of fended by the swamps which lay around it. n, a part of Arabia Deserta, towards Egypt, d Mount Sinai. (Exod. xvi. 1. xvii. 1. Num. notice of, 118. Account of, 65. SINAI, 34.

NAI, a mountain in Arabia Petræa, where the It had two summits; the one lower, called Hot of God (Exod. iii. 1.), when he appeared to of fire in a bush. (See HoREB, p. 428., col. 1.) herefore called Sinai by Saint Stephen. (Acts Sinai is an enormous mass of granite rocks, vent at the bottom, called the Convent of St. the highest of a chain of mountains called by bbel Moosa (or the mountains of Moses), and journey of several days to go entirely round it. rtly composed of sand-stone: it contains several which are gardens producing grapes, pears, excellent fruits. These are taken to Cairo, old at a high price; but the general aspect of the ount Sinai is that of a frightful sterility. (Malteof Geography, vol. ii. p. 200.)

very distant from Palestine. From the context it appears to have been situated towards the Some expositors have supposed it to be Pelusium hese are only cities, and not sufficiently remote. (says Gesenius) to understand it of an eastern os China; of the name of which the Hebrews , as well as of Scythia and India. ON, a name of Mount HERMON, 30. UVAN, the third month of the ecclesiastical year nd the ninth of their civil year. For a notice of c. in this month, see p. 76.

y acquired, 165. Their condition and treatment rews, 165, 166; and heathens, 166, 167. Explams relating to them, mentioned in the New TesDifferent kinds of, 167, 168.

th the sword, a Jewish punishment, 67. he Hebrews, notice of, 88.

city of Asia Minor, was situated between forty and s to the north of Ephesus, of which city it was lony. It is now celebrated chiefly for the number, ommerce of the inhabitants. Of its population, ated at about 75,000 inhabitants, 45,000 are Turks; s; 8000 Armenians; 8000 Jews; and less than ans. (Hartley's Visit, p. 289.) The angel of the yrna, addressed in the second apocalyptic epistle, o have been Polycarp, the disciple of Saint John, vas appointed bishop of Smyrna. As he afterwards 1, being burnt alive at Smyrna, A. n. 166, the exhor. ii. 10. would be peculiarly calculated to support e him.

yptian king, contemporary with Hoshea, with whom alliance. (2 Kings xvii. 4.) He appears, however, too weak to succour Hoshea against the Assyrians, kings, named Sargon, obtained signal advantages Isa. xx. 1.) According to Jablonski, So means a or prince of the dwelling. For a long time the o is named So, in the Scriptures, was taken for the

SODOM, the chief of the Pentapolitan cities, or five cities of the plain, gave the name to the whole land. It was burnt, with three other cities, by fire from heaven, for the unnatural lusts of their inhabitants, the truth of which is attested by numerous heathen writers. See pp. 27, 28. supra.

SOLDIERS (Jewish) levies of, how made, 84. Mosaic statutes concerning them, 84, 85. How commanded, 85, 86. Their encampments, 86, 87. Their pay and training, 87. Arms of, 87, 88.

SOLDIERS (Roman), allusions to the officers, armour, and dis cipline of, 92-94. Their treatment of Jesus Christ, 70. They watched at the execution of criminals, 72.

SOLOMON, the son of David and Bathsheba, and the third king of Israel, renowned for his wisdom and riches, and for the mag nificent temple which he caused to be erected at Jerusalem. The commencement of his reign was characterized by piety and justice; but afterwards he abandoned himself, through the influence of his heathen wives, to gross and shameful idolatry. Temple of, 98. Extent of his dominions, 17. His commerce, 187, 188. He died B. c. 975, after a reign of forty years. For analyses of the books of Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Canticles, which were composed by him, see pp. 245-253.

SOLOMON'S PORCH, notice of, 99.

SONS, education of, 164. Parental authority over them, Ibid. SOSTHENES, a chief ruler of a synagogue at Corinth. (Acts xviii. 17.) Concerning the interpretation of which passage the learned differ greatly. Some suppose him to have been at this time an enemy to the apostle Paul, and his accuser, though subsequently a convert to the Christian faith; and that he was beaten by the unbelieving Greeks, in consequence of the opinion given by the judge, and because he had troubled the proconsul with so impertinent an affair. Others are of opinion, that, at this time, he favoured Christianity, and suffered on that account, the Greeks beating him at the instigation of the unbelieving Jews. However this may have been, Sosthenes afterwards joined with Saint Paul in sending the first Epistle to the Corinthians. (Biscoe on the Acts, vol. i. p. 417.)

SOWING of corn, Jewish mode of, 177.

SPAIN, an extensive region of Europe, which anciently comprehended the country forming the modern kingdoms of Spain and Portugal. In the time of St. Paul it was subject to the Romans. (Rom. xv. 24. 28.)

SPEARS of the Hebrews, notice of, 88.

SPOIL, how distributed by the Jews, 91, 92.
STAFF, divination by, 143.

STEPHANUS, one of the principal Christians at Corinth, whom St. Paul baptized with all his family. This was the first family in Achaia that embraced the Gospel: its members zealously de voted themselves to the service of the Christians, and their affec tionate hospitality is recommended by the apostle, as an example to the Corinthians. (1 Cor. i. 16. xvi. 15, 16.)

STEPHEN, the first martyr for the faith of Christ: he was one of the seven primitive deacons of the Christian church. After having wrought many miracles, and ably defended the doctrines of Christ, he was put to death by the Jews. (Acts vi. vii.) On the stoning of Stephen, see p. 53. note 4.

STOCKS, punishment of, 65.

STOICS, a sect of philosophers who derived their name from the Σr or portico where their founder Zeno delivered his lec tures. Their philosophy required an absolute control over all the passions, and taught that man alone, even in his present state of existence, might attain to perfection and felicity. They encouraged suicide, and disbelieved in a future state of rewards and punishments,-a doctrine which they deemed unnecessary as an incitement to virtue.

STONE, white, import of, 56. STONES, Consecrated, notice of, 138. prohibited to the Israelites, Ibid.

Hieroglyphic stones

STONING to death, a Jewish punishment, 67, 68.
STRANGERS, laws concerning the treatment of, 82.
STRAW, used in making bricks, 151.
STREETS (Oriental), arrangement of, 155.
STUDIES of the Jews, 185–187.
SUBORDINATION, military, illustration of, 93.


tory should give us so little account, when or duced to the melancholy condition in which it reason why Solomon erected Tadmor in so as, probably, the commodiousness of its situaommerce between the Syrians and Mesopotaent them from conspiring against him as they is father David. This city preserved its name me of Alexander. It then received the name ch it preserved for several ages. About the century, it became celebrated as the seat of natus and Zenobia. When the Saracens bee East, they restored its ancient name of Tadontinued to the present time. Its situation rful empires, that of the Parthians on the east, mans to the west, often exposed it to danger In time of peace, however, it soon recovered with both empires: for the caravans of Persia , which now unload at Aleppo, then used to hence they carried the merchandise of the East, m by land, to the ports of the Mediterranean, merchandise of the West after the same manner.

or Tahpanhes (Jer. ii. 16.), a city of Egypt, was a royal city, of considerable note: it is supme as Daphne Pelusiacæ. Jeremiah, and the , retired to this place: and here it was revealed hat Nebuchadnezzar should take this city, and in the very place where Jeremiah had hidden 7-11.)

Egypt, the wife of that Pharaoh who was conavid, and gave her sister in marriage to Hadad hpanhes educated her sister's son among the ypt, perhaps from the mingled motives of affec



month of the civil year of the Jews, and the clesiastical year. For a notice of the festivals, , see p. 76.

n and Syrian idol, worshipped by the Israelites,

DAN, p. 456. infra. of, 177.

TARTESSUS, a city and country in Spain, the emporium in the West, to which the Hebrews of Tarshish (Isa. xxiii. 1. 4. lx. 9.) denote large bound on long voyages (perhaps distinguished tion from the common Phoenician ships), even re sent to other countries instead of Tarshish. Lexicon, pp. 713, 714., where the proofs are h.) metropolis of Cilicia (Acts xxi. 39.), was celethe place whither Jonah designed to flee, and was born. It was a very rich and populous city, demy, furnished with men so eminent, that they excelled in all arts of polite learning and philoe academies of Alexandria, and Athens, and e indebted to it for their best professors. It is now has no good buildings; and is but ill supplied with of life. (Irby's and Mangles' Travels, p. 503.) y the Jews. See pp. 78, 79. ewish, appellations of, 185. Academical degrees em, ibid. note. Manner of teaching, ibid. llage south-east of Jerusalem, not far from which ert commenced: it was the birth-place of the (i. 1.) Jerusalem, plan of, 98. Account of the first by Solomon, ibid.; and of the second temple captivity, 98-100. Reverence of the Jews for Account of the temple-guard, 101., and of the he temple, 111-114. The temple-worship de22. Annual payments made for its support, 78. dication of the temple, 128. Heliopolis and Gerizim, 101.

en and of what things paid, 120. he Hebrews, account of, 150, 151. notice of, 137.

(Oriental), notice of, 153.

Christian whom St. Paul employed as his amanug his epistle to the Romans. (Rom. xvi. 22.)

, a Roman orator or advocate, whom the Jews

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THEATRES and Theatrical performances, allusions to, explained. See pp. 190, 191.

THEBETH, OF TEBETH, the fourth month of the civil year of the Jews, and the tenth of their ecclesiastical year. For a notice of the festivals, &c. in this month, see p. 75.

THEBEZ, a city in the tribe of Ephraim, at the siege of which Abimelech was killed. (Judg. ix. 50-55.) Eusebius says, that in the fourth century there was a village called Thebez, thirteen Roman miles from Shechem.

THEFT, punishment of, among the Jews, 62, 63. THEOCRACY of the Hebrews, nature of, 41. It subsisted under the kings, 43.

THEOPHILUS, the name of the person to whom Luke inscribed his Gospel and the Acts of the Apostles. (Luke i. 3. Acts i. 1.) He was most probably some Gentile of rank, who had abjured paganism and embraced the Christian faith.

THESSALONICA, a large and populous city and sea-port of Macedonia, the capital of one of the four districts into which the Romans divided that country after its conquest by Paulus Æmilius. It was situated on the Thermaan Bay, and was anciently called Therma; but, being rebuilt by Philip the father of Alexander, after his victory over the Thessalians, it then received the name of Thessalonica. At the time of writing the Epistle to the Thessalonians, Thessalonica was the residence of the proconsul who governed the province of Macedonia, and of the quastor who had the charge of the imperial revenues. Besides being the seat of government, this port carried on an extensive commerce, which caused a great influx of strangers from all quarters; so that Thessalonica was remarkable for the number, wealth, and learning its inhabitants. The Jews were extremely numerous here. The modern name of this place is Salonichi: it is the chief port of modern Greece, and has a population of sixty thousand persons, twelve thousand of whom are Jews. According to Dr. Clarke, who has given a very interesting account of the antiquities, present state, and commerce of Thessalonica, this place is the same now it was then; a set of turbulent Jews constituted a very principal part of its population: and when St. Paul came hither from Philippi, where the Gospel was first preached, to communicate the glad tidings" to the ThessaIonians, the Jews were sufficient in number to "set all the city in an uproar."

[ocr errors]

THEUDAS, a seditious person, who excited popular tumults among the Jews, probably during the interregnum which followed the death of Herod the Great, while Archelaus was at Rome; at which time Judæa was agitated with frequent sedi tions. (Acts v. 36.) Compare Vol. I, p. 420.

THISBE, a town in the tribe of Naphtali, to the south of Kadesh, the chief city belonging to that tribe. The prophet Elijah is supposed to have been a native of this city, though he might afterwards have dwelt in the land of Gilead. (1 Kings xvii. 1.) THOMAS, called Didymus, one of the twelve apostles: of the circumstances of whose life very little is known.

THORNS, of which Christ's crown was made, 36, note 2.

THREE TAVERNS, a small place or village on the Appian Way to Rome, where travellers stopped for refreshment. According to the Itinerary of Antoninus, it was thirty-three Roman (rather less than thirty-three English) miles from Rome. (Acts xxviii. 15.) Some critics and commentators, however, suppose that they were retail shops for the sale of provisions to travellers. THRESHING, and THRESHING-FLOORS, account of, 178. THYATIRA, a city of Asia Minor, was a considerable city in the road from Pergamos to Sardis, and about forty-eight miles eastward of the former. It is called by the Turks Akhisar, and is imbosomed in cypresses and poplars; it is now, as anciently it was, celebrated for dyeing. In 1826, the population was estimated at 300 Greek houses, 30 Armenian, and 1000 Turkish. (Hartley's Visit, Miss. Reg. pp. 326, 327. Arundell's Visit, pp. 189-191.)

TIBERIAS (John vi. 1–23. xxi. 1.), still called by the natives Tabaria or Tabbareeah, was anciently one of the principal cities of Galilee it was built by Herod the Great, and so called in honour of the emperor, Tiberius. The privileges conferred upon

[blocks in formation]

its inhabitants by Herod caused it in a short time to become a
place of considerable note: it was situated in a plain near the
Lake of Gennesareth, which is thence termed the Lake or Sea
of Tiberias. (See it described in pp. 26, 27.) After the destruc-
tion of Jerusalem, this city became eminent for its Academy,
over which a succession of Jewish doctors presided until the
fourth century. On every side ruins of walls, columns, and
foundations, indicate its ancient splendour. The modern popu-
lation of Tiberias is from fifteen hundred to two thousand it is
principally inhabited by Jews, who are said to be the descendants
of families resident there in the time of our Saviour. Dr. Clarke
conjectures that they are a remnant of refugees who fled hither
after the capture of Jerusalem by the Romans. Tiberias is about
ninety miles distant from Jerusalem: the modern town, which
is very small, and is walled round, with towers at equal distances,
stands close to the lake, upon a plain surrounded by mountains;
and is celebrated for its hot baths, which are much frequented.
Tiberias has the most imposing appearance, from without, of
any town in Syria; but within, it is as wretched as any other.
About a mile from this town, and exactly in front of the lake, is
a chain of rocks, in which are distinctly seen cavities or grottoes,
that have been proof against the ravages of time. These have
uniformly been represented to travellers as the places referred to
in Scripture, which were frequented by miserable and fierce
demoniacs, upon one of whom our Lord wrought a miraculous
and instantaneous cure. Matt. viii. 28. Mark v. 2, 3. Luke viii.
27. (Dr. Clarke's Travels, vol. iv. pp. 219-233. 8vo. Light's
Travels in Egypt, &c. &c. p. 203. Jolliffe's Letters from Pales-
tine, pp. 32-34. Burkhardt's Travels in Syria, &c. pp. 320-330.ling across the Great Desert of Arabia, 34, 35.
Travels in Egypt and Nubia, &c. by Captains Irby and Mangles.
p. 294. Jowett's Researches in Syria, pp. 171. 173. Carne's
Letters, pp. 361, 362. Rae Wilson's Travels in the Holy Land,
vol. ii. p. 25. Third edition.)

kings of Israel, from Jeroboam I. to Omri, who built the city of
Samaria, which then became the capital of his kingdom. (Josh
xii. 24. 1 Kings xiv. 17. xv. 21. 2 Kings xv. 14.) Its situation
is represented as pleasant in Sol. Song vi. 4.

TISRI or TIZKI, the first month of the civil year of the Jews and the seventh of their ecclesiastical year. For a notice of the festivals, &c. occurring in this month, see p. 75. TITHES, when and of what things paid, 120. TITUS, & Christian teacher, by birth a Gentile, but converted by St. Paul, who therefore calls him his son (Gal. ii. 3. Ti 4.), and whose companion and fellow-labourer he became. h 2 Tim. iv. 10. the apostle speaks of him as having gone to De matia; and in Tit. i. 5. he assigns the reason of his leaving Tita in Crete, viz. to perfect the work which Paul had there begun. and to establish and regulate the churches. For an analysis d St. Paul's epistle to Titus, see pp. 346, 347.

TOLA, the tenth judge of Israel, of the tribe of Issachar. Ht succeeded Abimelech, and died after an administration of twentythree years. (Judg. x. 1, 2.)

TOMBS of the Hebrews, account of, 200, 201.
TORNADOES frequent in Palestine, 38, 39.
TOWER of Antonia, 21.

TRACHONITIS, district of, 18.

TRADITIONS of the elders concerning the Sabbath, exposed 121.; were preferred by the Pharisees to the Law of Moses, 145. TRANSFIGURATION, mount of, 31. and note 1. TRANSMIGRATION of souls, believed by the Jews, 144. TRAVELLING, Jewish mode of, 122. note 7. Horrors of travel

TREATIES, nature of, 80. How made and ratified, 80, 81.
TREES of Palestine, notice of, 36, 37.
TRESPASS-OFFERINGS, notice of, 65. 118.
TRIALS, proceedings of, among the Jews, 55-57.
TRIBES, allotments of. See pp. 16, 17.

TIBERIUS, Claudius Drusus Nero, emperor of Rome, succeeded his step father Augustus: he died, A. D. 37, after reigning 22}|41, 42. years. In the 14th year of his reign, John the Baptist first appeared; and the crucifixion of Jesus Christ took place in the third or fourth year after. (Luke iii. 1.)

TIGLATH-PILESER, king of Assyria, the son and successor of Sardanapalus. See ASSYRIA, p. 409.

TIME, Jewish and Roman modes of computing, 72-75. Calendar of the Jewish year, 75, 76. Parts of a period of time reckoned for the whole, 76, 77. Eras of time in use among the Jews, 77.

TIMON, the name of one of the seven primitive deacons of the church at Jerusalem. (Acts vi. 5.)

TIMOTHEUS, Commonly called Timothy, a Christian of Derbe, whose mother was of Jewish descent, and eminent for her piety, while his father was a Gentile. He was selected by St. Paul, as his chosen companion in his journeys; and was left by him at Ephesus to take the charge of the church there. He appears to have possessed in a high degree the confidence and affection of St. Paul, by whom he is often mentioned in terms of warm commendation. For analyses, &c. of the two epistles addressed to Timothy by the apostle, see pp. 343-346.

Heads or princes of

TRIBUNAL (Imperial), appeals to, 59. Roman tribunals, 37. Jewish tribunals, 54, 55.

TRIBUTE paid by the Jews, account of, 78. Reluctantly pa to the Romans, ibid.

TRIUMPHS (military) of the Romans, allusions to, explained. 94, 95.

TROAS, a maritime city of Mysia, situated on the wester coast, at some distance to the southward of the supposed site d ancient Troy. The adjacent region is also called Troas or the Troad. (Acts xvi. 8. 11. xx. 5, 6. 2 Cor. ii. 12. 2 Tim. iv, 13.

TROGYLLIUM (Acts xx. 15.), a promontory at the foot of Mount Mycale, opposite to, and about five miles from, Samos. TROPHIES, military, of the Jews, 92.

were wanting, that St. Paul was twice a prisoner at Rome; fe Trophimus, at the time of his first journey to Miletus, had not been left there, since we read of his arrival in Judæa. (Acs xx. 15.)

TROPHIMUS, a Christian disciple of Ephesus, who accompanied Saint Paul on his departure from Greece to Judæa, and at Jerusalem was the innocent cause of the dangers to which he was there exposed. Recognised by some Jews from Asia Minor, whe had seen him with St. Paul, they took occasion to accuse the apostle of having taken Greeks with him into the temple. (Acts xx. 4. xxi. 29.) After this time we find no mention made of TIRHAKA, a king of Egypt or Ethiopia, is known in Scripture Trophimus in the New Testament, until after his master's first only by the powerful diversion which he made in behalf of Heze-imprisonment at Rome. In one of the voyages which followed kiah, king of Judah, when pressed by the forces of Sennacherib, the apostle's liberation, Trophimus was "left at Miletum sick." king of Assyria. (2 Kings xix. 9. xviii. 21. Isa. xxxvi. 6. xxxvii. (2 Tim. iv. 20.) This circumstance proves, if further proc 9.) Although, under this prince, Egypt appears to have recovered some of the advantages which it had lost under So, the predecessor of Tirhaka; it is not clear whether we are to understand in the passages just cited a mere report of an invasion which was circulated, and which deceived the Assyrians, or an actual war in which they were engaged with the Egyptian monarch. Some expositors are of opinion that he carried his arms into Assyria, while Sennacherib was in Judæa. Tirhaka, the third sovereign of the Ethiopian or twenty-fifth dynasty, whose name is confirmed by ancient Egyptian monuments and inscriptions (compare Vol. I. p. 89.), is the Taracus of profane historians. If the predictions contained in the thirtieth and following chapters of Isaiah relate to Hezekiah, Tirhaka must be the Pharaoh intended in those passages; which some commentators refer to anterior times. The prophecies contained in the nineteenth chapter of Isaiah, particularly verses 2. and 4., have been supposed to announce the events which followed Tirhaka's death, the supplanting or removal of the Ethiopian dynasty by that of the Saites, and the revolutions which are recorded to have taken place in that period of the history of Egypt.

TIRZAH, a delightful city of Ephraim, the royal seat of the

TRUMPETS, form of, 184.; feast of, 127.

TRUST, violations of, how punished, 63. TRYPHENA and TRYPHOSA, two Christian women resident st Rome, where they laboured in diffusing a knowledge of the Gospel, and in succouring their fellow-believers. The mention of both their names by Saint Paul has led some to conjecture that they were sisters. (Rom, xvi. 12.)

TUBAL-CAIN, the son of Lamech and Zillah, invented the art of working metals: there is great reason to believe that be was the Vulcan of ancient mythology.

Tuμranous, or beating to death, account of, 68.
TUNICS, of the Jews, form of, 156.

TYCHICUS, a Christian, probably of Ephesus, who was the friend and associate of St. Paul, and is mentioned by him in the most affectionate terms. (Acts xx. 4. Eph. vi. 21. Col. iv. 7 2 Tim. iv. 12. Tit. iii. 12.)

TYBANNUS, a person at Ephesus, in whose house or school

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