
Anonymous Songs

Hey Nonny no!

Hey nonny no!

Men are fools that wish to die!
Is 't not fine to dance and sing
When the bells of death do ring?
Is 't not fine to swim in wine,
And turn upon the toe

And sing hey nonny no,

When the winds blow and the seas flow?
Hey nonny no!


Mus EHartken The Chester Place Wethersfield Com

My Love in her Attire

My Love in her attire doth show her wit,
It doth so well become her;

For every season she hath dressings fit,
For Winter, Spring, and Summer.
No beauty she doth miss

When all her robes are on:

But Beauty's self she is

When all her robes are gone.


Weep you no more, șad Fountains

Weep you no more, sad fountains;
What need you flow so fast?
Look how the snowy mountains
Heaven's sun doth gently waste!
But my sun's heavenly eyes
View not your weeping,
That now lies sleeping
Softly, now softly lies


Sleep is a reconciling,

A rest that peace begets;
Doth not the sun rise smiling
When fair at even he sets?
Rest you then, rest, sad eyes!
Melt not in weeping,
While she lies sleeping,
Softly, now softly lies



Phyllida. Corydon, arise, my Corydon,
Titan shineth clear.

Corydon. Who is it that calleth Corydon,
Who is it that I hear?

Phyllida. Phyllida, thy true love, calleth thee,

Arise then, arise then;

Arise and keep thy flock with me.

Corydon. Phyllida, my true love, is it she? I come then, I come then,

I come and keep my flock with thee.

Phyllida. Here are cherries ripe for my Corydon,

Eat them for my sake.

Corydon. Here's my oaten pipe, my lovely


Sport for thee to make.

Phyllida. Here are threads, my true love, fine as silk,


To knit thee, to knit thee,
A pair of stockings white
as milk.

Corydon. Here are reeds, my true love, fine and neat,

To make thee, to make thee, A bonnet to withstand the heat.

Phyllida. I will gather flowers, my Corydon,

To set in thy cap.

Corydon. I will gather pears, my lovely


To put in thy lap.

Phyllida. I will buy my true love garters


For Sundays, for Sundays,

To wear about his legs so tall.

Corydon. I will buy my true love yellow


For Sundays, for Sundays,

To wear about her middle small.

Phyllida. When my Corydon sits on a hill Making melody

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