PREFACE. THE ushering into the world, an investigation of the nature of the following answer to the AGE OF REASON, at this late period, after so many conclusive answers have been given to it, and particularly that of the learned, pious, and excellent bishop of Landaff, certainly requires some apology. The substance of the following sheets, were written soon after the first appearance of the AGE OF REASON, in this country. The original design, was merely to guard a beloved child and intimate friend, against any sceptical doubts that might have been produced, by the many conversations that daily took place, when that artful book was first handed about in this city. It was, at first, designed to be confined within the limits of a few sheets. Soon after, having occasion to review the subject, it opened itself in such a manner, that before I was aware of it, the bulk increased to a manuscript of a considerable size. When, in my opinion, it had answered the origi. nal design, I desisted from any farther pursuit of the subject, till a short time since, when, being credibly informed, that thousands of copies of the AGE OF REASON, had been sold at public auction, in this city, at a cent and an half each, whereby children, servants, and the lowest people, had been tempted to purchase, from the novelty of buying a book at so low a rate; my attention was excited, to find out what fund could afford so heavy an expence, for so unwor-thy an object. I was soon convinced, that a principle of the illuminati in Europe, had been adopted by some unknown persons in this country, viz.-that of fixing on the rising generation, and the lower orders of the people, as the chief objects of an attack, for spreading the principles of infidelity; finding, from long experience, that the arts of deception must ever fail, where sound learning and pure science prevail. This became the subject of much conversation among men of sober principles, with whom I was intimate; during which, two or three learned friends became acquainted with my attempt to answer that dangerous pamphlet. They assured me of their opinion, that although it was a repetition of reasoning, arguments, and facts, that had been published over and over again; yet, under present circumstances, it might be of real service to the young and unlearned, as the subject was placed in a light more adapted to their capacities and memories, than in those publications that had preceded me; and many facts enumerated, that were not easily attainable by them; that, at all events, it would be casting in my mite, towards : opposing the flood of infidelity that was deluging our land; and coming from a layman, engaged in avocations foreign from the study of divinity, it might encourage others, under like circumstances, to devote their leisure hours to investigate so important a subject, as the religion on which their hopes of happiness hereafter, must depend. It must be acknowledged, that however pleased I have been with Bishop Watson's very learned, able, and judicious "APOLOGY FOR THE BIBLE," I do not think it altogether calculated for young people, and the lower ranks of the community; and it is really to be wished, that the title had been better adapted to the work. Several other valuable answers have appeared, each containing many important arguments on the subject; and as many of them as have come to my hands, have been perused, and though much pleased and edified with most of them, I have not been entirely satisfied with them, as applicable to the youth of our country, and those whose opportunities have not been so advantageous, as to guard them against the sophistry of art, cunning, and an inbred hatred of every thing sacred and holy. The boldness of impiety is often mistaken for knowledge, founded on an independent spirit, and thereby saps the necessary defence of simple innocence and unsuspecting modesty. For a considerable time past, I have ardently wished to see some more able hand, meet Mr. Paine more on his own ground, in a plain and simple manner-but after waiting several years, I have lost all hopes of being gratified; and therefore have been more easily persuaded to undergo, amidst a variety of other busi 1 ness, the labour of copying once more, what was designed for a particular and special purpose; and altering the address, by applying it more directly to the author of the Age of Reason, and through him to all his brethren in scepticism. I am averse to increasing the number of books, unless it be on important occasions, or for useful purposes; but an anxious desire that our country should be preserved from the dreadful evil of becoming enemies to the religion of the Gospel, which I have no doubt, but would be introductive of the dissolution of government and the bonds of civil society; my compliance with the wishes of a few select friends, to make this work public, has been more easily obtained. However, I am not sanguine of great success, knowing my own insufficiency for the task; neither do I expect to carry much conviction to the minds of those, who have been long engaged in the vices of infidelity; what I principally look for, is, to persuade the rising generation, and those who are but beginning to doubt or waver, to make the divine Scriptures their serious and attentive study; and seek to understand the principles of the Gospel, before they pretend to judge of them, or to renounce them as untrue, or of but trifling importance. Thus they would do in any other science, and they cannot reasonably adopt a different practice in religion. Few know to what lengths, conscious ignorance of a subject that every man ought to know, will lead a person to go, in order to cover the knowledge of it from the world. |