From the several Improvements arifing by
that Beneficial PLANT: As well to the
private Cultivators of it, as to the Publick.
With the Obfervations and Remarks of the most
celebrated Hop-Planters in Britain.
Wherein such Rules are laid down for the Management
of the Hor, as may improve the most barren Ground,
from one Shilling to thirty or forty Pounds an Acre
per Annum.
In which is particularly set forth, the whole Culture
from the first breaking up of the Ground, the Plant.
ing, &c. to the Kilning, or Drying of the Hор.
Rendred familiar to every Capacity.
By R. BRADLEY, Profeffor of Botany
in the University of Cambridge, and F. R. S.
Printed for CHARLES DAVIS in Pater-nofter Rovo,
and THOMAS GREEN at Charing-Cross.