mote as 300 years before the in- the departure of all earthly greatvasion of England by William the ness. Conqueror. "His sacred foot, thro' many a distant The building of this Church is of the Gothic order, and a large The object that claims the first and most general inquiry of the visitors is the humble dwelling where this "Mighty Genius" started into existence. The habita- cluster of elm trees encircling it tion is still preserved and kept casting a sombre shade around it open for the inspection of the cu- tends much to heighten the effect; rious: and the avenue by which it is ap. proached is through a long vista of trees, from which the eye can but at intervals catch a glimpse of the edifice, which at length, wholly expanding itself to the "No pillar'd line with sculptur'd foliage crown'd, ground." No fluted remnants deck the hallow'd The fabric is principally of wood, and its outside presents to view, and seen in conjunction the eye a very mean appearance, with the dark shadows occasioned and to the imagination nought but by the surrounding trees while the idea of poverty. In the inte- the soft murmuring of the Avon, rior there is nothing attractive or gliding by its base, alone disturbs worthy of observation, except the the silence, presents a scene at humble room where this great once impressive and grand. "painter of mankind" first drew his breath. Shakspeare did not always live on this spot; the lat- the attention of the observer.ter part of his life was spent in a The pleasing simplicity which house situated in New Street, and every object assumes, and the adjoining the Guildhall. It is de- chaste style in which every ornascribed by Dugdale in his history ment is executed, contrasted and of Warwickshire, as being "a very mingled with the grandeur refair house, built of brick and flected from its lofty and highlycoloured windows, adds much to timber." In the interior of the building there is much to attract and fix A monastery and some other its general beauty; while the somonuments of antiquity, in and leinn and unbroken stillness which near the town, have long since pervades it, reconciles the mind suffered from the lapse of time, that it is a fit place for the habiand now lie" buried in the dust," tation of death and the resting but the Collegiate Church still place of those whose "hands have braves the wreck of ages, and forgotten their cunning." In this stands as a beacon to point us to situation the mind, in unison with These are the relics in the church that relate to Shakspeare. the solemnity of the scene by which it is surrounded, will naturally revert to the occurances I shall forbear trespassing longer of periods "long since gone by," on your pages, and only briefly whilst remembrance whispering notice in conclusion, that, to the to it that the spot then in view honour of its inhabitants, every enshrines all that was mortal of possible respect has been paid to the sweet poet of nature, of the the memory of its Bard. In Sepmatchless Shakspeare, raises it to tember, 1767, a Jubilee was celethe highest pitch of its feeling, bratel, under the direction of and bids it seek his tomb to drop Garrick and several other gentlethe tear of sensibility over his men of distinction and a statue was dust. This monument is situated erected to his memory in the town in the chancel, against the north hall. But they who celebrated wall.-In the bust which is in- this festival, like the poet whose tended to represent him he appears memory they cherished, have rein the attitude of inspiration, with tired to "that bourne from whence a cushion before him, holding a no traveller returns," and their pen in his right hand, and his efforts may be forgotten; but left resting on a scroll. The his name is immortalized, his bust, with the ornaments, were fame shall live in song, and beings originally painted to resemble the yet unborn, charmed with the colours of life, conformably to magic spell he holds over their the prevailing taste of the times souls, shall, in his own words, in which the monument was erect- unanimously exclaim, ed; the eyes being of a light hazel and the hair and beard auburn, The monument is fixed under an arch, between Corinthian columns of black marble, with gilded bases and capitals supporting the entablature; above which, and surmounted by a death's head, history of the British Islands, are carved his arms, and on each bearing so close an analogy to side is a small figure, in a sitting some of the most remarkable posture, one holding in his left events in Homer's history of the hand a spade, the other, whose Trojan War, which, as they afford eyes are closed, an inverted torch no inconsiderable collateral supin his left hand, while the right port to that poet's authority, as a rests on a scroll; they are design-faithful relator of facts, and *ed as "symbols of mortality. - painter of manners, may not be "Take him for all in all, Wene'er shall look upon his like again." : TROJAN WAR. There are circumstances in the improper to lay before our read- England. The English conquest of Ireland followed.* ers. Exploits like that of Paris, were, in the 12th century, not uncommon in Ireland. In a lower line they have been frequent still in our days; but in that age popular opinion was so favourable to them, that even princes, like Jason, and Paris, gloried in such J. W. D. SIR HUGH ACKLAND. The late Sir Hugh Ackland Bart. of Devon. apparently died of a fever, and was laid out as such. The nurse, with two of proofs of gallantry and spirit. the footmen, sat up with the Dermot king of Leinster, accordingly formed a design on Devorghal, a celebrated beauty, wife of O'Ruark, king of Leitrim; and between force and fraud, he succeeded in carrying her off.O'Ruark resented the affront, as might be expected. He procured a confederacy of neighbouring chieftains, with the king of Connaught, the most powerful prince of Ireland, at their head. Leinşter was invaded, the princess was recovered, and, after hostilities, continued with various success during many years, Dermot was expelled from his kingdom. Thus far the resemblance holds with exactness. The sequel differs : for the rape of Devorghal, beyond comparison in celebrity, bad yet consequences far more im- noise of his fall and cries alarmed portant than the rape of Helen. The fugitive Dermot, deprived of every other hope, applied to the powerful monarch of the neighbouring island, Henry II.; and in return for assistance, to restore him his dominions, offered to hold them in vassalage of the crown of a young gentleman who slept in the house that night, who got up and went immediately to the room • Mr. Hume, in his History of England, has written the name of the heroine of this story OMACH. Dr. Leland's History of Ireland is here followed, with which Mr. Hume's more abridged account, in all material cipcur stances sufficiently tallies. Lord Lyttleton, in his His tory of Henry II. both wiates the facts, and writes the names nearly as Dr. Leland. where the supposed corpse lay, of considerable burthen, but of Ivory Turners, who are esteemed He called the servants; Sir and well fortified; and the rocky Hugh was put into a warın bed mountains on the south make it a and the physicians and apothecary place of considerable strength. were sent for. These Gentlemen There are in it a great number of in a few weeks perfectly restored their patient to health, and he lived several years afterwards. The Baronet often told the story, and when he really died, left the brandy footman a handsome annuity. Travels. S. T. An Abridgement of the Travels of a Having made a short stay in this place, about the middle of April we set out for Rouen, one of the largest, best peopled, and most ancient cities in France. This city stands on the river Seine, which is deep enough to admit ships of considerable burden close to the quay. The bridge, which was formerly of stone, is now of boats, paved like a street, and so artfully contrived, as to rise and fall with the tide. The Metropolitan church, is remarkable for its three lofty towers: one of which is called the ButterHaving settled every thing with tower, because it was built with regard to the remittance of what money arising from the sale of money we should want, &c. we dispensations to eat butter in Lent. set out from London to Dover, In this tower hangs the famous great bell called George d'Amboise, from an Archbishop of that name, who caused it to be placed attended by three servants, whose K ed aspect. In this cathedral are In one of these grottos are artifimany magnificent tombs, par- cial birds, whose notes are so ticularly those of Henry III. and charming, that they seem to exRichard I. Kings of England and ceed the natural music of the Dukes of Normandy, and that feathered choir. In another is a of Charles V. King of France. representation of a young woman There is also one for John Duke playing upon an organ, whose of Bedford, who was entrusted eyes and fingers are contrived to move so artfully, that the spectator can hardly help thinking her to be alive. In a third we see Neptune represented in a tri with the regency of France by Henry VI. of England, and who is represented in Armour on horseback. There are many fine structures umphal chariot drawn by two in this city, both churches and white horses, which come out of a palaces, besides stately houses cavern, stand a while, and then belonging to private citizens. It return back with the sound of is one of the greatest trading trumpets. In a fourth there is an towns in France, and would pro- admirable representation of Orbably have exceeded Paris in size, pheus playing on his lute, who had it not been several times al- keeps time exactly with his body most entirely destroyed by fire. and head, whilst beasts, birds, This place is noted for the death rocks, trees and plants (agreeably of William the Conqueror, for to the poetical fiction) seem to the birth of the learned Bochart, move and follow him. In short, and several other famous men. the contrivance of these waterworks is elegant, and the representations extremely natural. Having received so much satisfaction at this place, we were easily We left Rouen, passed through Poissy, and arrived at St. Germain's, which is pleasantly situated on a hill near the Seine, about ten miles from Paris. Here induced to step out of our road, we could not resist the temptation in order to take a view of the ceof staying a day or two, to take lebrated palace and garden of a view of the castle, one of the Versailles, one league distant from finest palaces in Europe. It was St. Germain's. Between these built by Charles the fifth. The two places lies Marli, another paintings in this palace are ex- palace built by Louis XIV. The quisite, especially those in the situation is lofty and extremely gallery built by Henry IV. which pleasant; and the water-works represent some of the chief cities are very beautiful, being supplied in Europe. Here are abundance from the same reservoir that furof grottos with water-works the nishes Versailles. We were parmost delightful I ever met with. | ticularly delighted with the grand |