
crash, and the spray of its fall came beating against the windows of the light-house.

Did you see him?" shouted Lucy.

'See whom?" said Ellis, pale and motionless from terror, though without any distinct cause of that terror.

had been for years undermining, his brow, too, was slightly scathwas hurled down with a horrible ed; whether it was the electric shock, or the force of imagination, a single drop of blood did, indeed, fall slowly from his dilated nostrils. It is impossible to calculate the power of fancy on such occasions; it is neither to be estimated, nor controuled by reason. The old man was almost frantic with terror, and dashed out of the light-house, as if impelled by some external agency; while the maniac quietly installed herself in a large oak chair before the window, with all the pride of a queen just restored to her lawful throne by the expulsion of its

'Did you hear hiin?" echoed the maniac.

Hear whom?" replied the father.

So, you neither saw, nor heard,



Whom? whom,? exclaimed Ellis, almost frantic with the impatience of fear.

The Devil! The arch-fiend! The fisherman of souls! He has you, father; he has marked you with his mark, and signed you with his sign. His broad lightning wings covered you as he spoke over you the baptism of hell:

One drop of thy blood where the

[blocks in formation]


'So, so; the old boy is gone, and I am his heir-his lawful heir. _ This house is mine and all that is in it; I am the lord of the castle now;-but what do you here?"-it was a large Newfoundland dog, that had caught her eye, 'What do you here, I say? -Your name and calling?--quick - Why how now! Can't you speak?--and with that large tongue, too, licking your paws? -Sirrah, Sirrah, I shall find means to make you answer.'

The dog for a moment looked her in the face and wagged his tail, in token of recognition; but

Hisses and dries 'neath this touch of he did not choose to leave his mine!

[blocks in formation]

warm place before the fire, and quietly resumed his occupation of licking his paws. Highly incensed at this imagined obstinacy, the maniac started from her seat, and hurled a wooden dish at his head; on which the animal, setting up a long and pitious howl, slunk into the farthest corner of the chamber. But even this would not have saved him from her wrath, had not her attention been suddenly drawn away by the appearance of a small brig, that was visible in the flashes of lightning, as it tossed and pitched and struggled with the waters, like a drowning man.

ations best adapted for the purposes they are intended for: the teeth are situated where alone they. could serve the purpose of mastication: the throat, or more properly the œsophagus beneath them to convey the food, mixed with saliva, to the stomach, and thus prepared for digestion. The large bone of the neck and back, commonly called the spine, is intended to support the body in an erect posture, and to defend the spinal marrow contained in it, so essential to life, through orifices in the

'He comes! He comes! My own dear Richard!-Missed many a day and come at last!'-The vertebræ, of which it is composed, poor thing knew not how truly to permit the nerves to pass and she was speaking.--'Blow, blow, give sensation to every part of the my gentle wind, blow him to me, body. To the upper part of the my bridegroom, my husband! Oh spine are affixed the ribs, to prohow slow the bark moves towards tect the heart and lungs containthe shore. 'Tis my cruel fathered in the thorax; the heart is holds him back."

To be continued in our next.


situated in that position, with respect to the lungs, arteries, and veins, in which it communicates to them, through the whole body, in the most advantageous manner, the blood, which is the great instrument of sustaining life. The lungs are in the same wise manner connected with the throat by the

The body of man is a system of parts, very numerous and diversified, admirably arranged, and calculated to answer the best of purposes, every part is regularly trachea, so as to receive the air to be met with in the human after it is admitted into the nosbody, alike, and in its own place. trils. The hands are situated so The skull is intended to protect as to answer their various purthat vital and tender substance, poses, where alone they could be called the brain, from various in- employed in their innumerable juries, to which, otherwise, it uses, and the feet, where alone would be liable; from the brain they could enable us to stand or proceeds the nerves of all our walk. This wonderful mechanism senses. The eyes and ears are of the body has attracted the atplaced, near to the brain, in situ-tention of some of the wisest

men: Galen, it is said, was con- mouth, there is an odious harmony verted from atheism at the sight between his glossy garment and of a human skeleton; and after- his smooth senseless phiz; a diswards observed that he would give gusting keeping in the portrait. Of a man a hundred years study to all vile exhibitions defend me from discover a more commodious situ- a fool in a new coat with brass ation for any one member of the buttons! avaunt then new coat, body. hence horrible substance; broadcloth mockery hence! But come thou old coat fair and free, be thou my muse, be thou my Cha


To the Editor of the Oxford Enter-ron: conduct me to the Elysiuın taining Miscellany.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

of threadbare essayists, battered beaux and jobbing tailors, where the genius of shreds and patches dwells in some fairy Monmouth Street, while eternal cabbage springs beneath his feet.


An old coat is like an old acquaintance: however stiff you may have felt with either at first introduction, time makes you perfectly easy with both; with both you take equal liberties; you treat neither with much ceremony : an accidental breach with either is soon repaired. An old coat is favourable to retirement and study. When your coat is old, you feel no tendency to flaunting abroad, or to dissipation. Buffon, they tell us, used to sit down and write in his dress wig; and Haydn, to compose in a new coat and ruffles. I cannot conceive how they could manage it. I could no more write an article in a new coat than in a strait waistcoat. A happy thought, by the way, just strikes me. You may tell by the manner

I hate a new coat; it is like a troublesome stranger that sticks to you most impertinently whereever you go, embarrasses all your motions, and entirely confounds your self-possession. A man with a new coat on is not at home even in his own house, abroad he is uneasy; he can neither sit, stand, nor go like a reasonable mortal. All men of sense hate, but a fool rejoiceth in, a new coat. Without looking at his person you can tell if he has one on. New coat is written on his face. It hangs of an author how he is usually like a label out of his gaping dressed when composing. I am


convinced that Sir W. Scott writes coat are the armpits, the elbows, in an old coat. The late Lord and the skirts, of these you must Byron must have written without be cautious. I remember a friend any coat at all; Geoffrey Crayon who was rather attached to em

phatic gesticulations, and used to elevate his arms to an indiscreet height, long after his coat had passed its grand climacteric,

writes in the ordinary dress of a gentleman, neither new nor old; Cobbett in a coat very often turned; Anacreon Moore in a handsome brown frock and nankeen this should be avoided. I recoltrowsers; Croly in full dress; lect another, an old brother solLeigh Hunt in a night-gown of a dier, who Joseph-like, left his fantastic pattern and somewhat skirts in his washerwoman's hands shabby. Wordsworth in a frieze one morning, and went to parade jacket and leather gaiters. The in a short jacket, though not belate Mr. Shelly wrote in a dread- longing to the light infantry. I nought. Coleridge in a careless have seen an old coat appear to dress, half lay half clerical. Your monstrous advantage on the body old coat is a moralist, it recals of a great buck: as thus, he was your mind from external pomps well dressed in all other respects, and vanities, and bids you look immaculate waistcoat, unexceptiwithin. No man ever thinks of onable inexpressibles, silk-stockdrawing the eyes of the ladies ings, in perfect health, but coat old in an old coat, their flattery is not as Adam. Thus attired he used likely to turn his head, so long as to caper at a ball with immense his coat remains unturned. A applause. Next morning he vifriend asked me the other night sited his partners in a suit that

Sir R. Steele would call fire-new. The indifference with which you enter all sorts of company, places, and adventures, when your coat is old, your gallant independence of the weather, your boundless scorn of coaches and umbrellas, the courage with which you brave every accident by flood and field, are all conspicuous advantages of an old coat. The last benefit I shall notice of an old coat is the exercise it affords to the genius of the wearer; judgment, taste, and fancy

to go to the concert: I consulted my old coat and stayed at home to study for the benefit of posterity. I cannot say that I have so great an attachment to other aged artieles of dress as to an old coat: an eld waistcoat is well enough, but old breeches are treacherous friends too apt to desert you on a pinch; their friendship rests on a very slight foundation, and they often fail those who are in need. Not so an old coat, it sticks by you to the last: with a little care you may wear it for years, nay, for life.- are equally strengthened by the The vulnerable parts of an old patching, disguising, and setting it off to the best advantage. I standing upright and entire, this found a friend the other day busi- pit having been but lately opened. ly engaged on a blue coat, that to These Coffins, or Mummy-Chests, all seeming, was in the very last are very thick, and made of a stage of decrepitude. First he kind of Sycamore, by the Egyppatched the elbows, &c. and tians called Pharaoh's Fig-tree, strengthened the tottering buttons. Next came brushing and dusting, a ticklish operation, let me tell you. Then came watering, 'your water is a sore refresher raneous apartments. The top of of your whoreson old coat; then the coffin is usual'y cut into the came a second brushing with a shape of a head, with a face paintsoft piece of cloth. He then took ❘ed on it resembling a woman; the a sponge, dipped in ink mixed rest is one continued trunk, and with vinegar, and rubbed the at the end of it is a broad pedes_ seams of the garment withal. tal to set it upright upon the reLastly he polished the buttons conditory. Round the pedestals of with a piece of soft leather. After the coffins are sometimes ranged all this the coat was not to be re- a number of little images of vacognised by its most intimate rious colours, as if they were defriends. There was as much dif- signed for so many guardian ference between it and its former Genii and attendants. Most of self, as between an old beau of 60 the coffins are adorned with heiwhen he first rises in the morn- roglyphics, and some of them ing, bald, grizzled, rough, and richly guilt and painted, either toothless, and the same beau, with the figure of some tutelar shaved and dressed, with his false teeth, painted eye-brows, and new black wig.

which, though spongy and porous to appearance, will continue sound above three thousand years, for: so long has it laid in these subter



[Extracted from the Travels of Chas. Thomson, Esq. in Egypt.]


"The second pit into which we were let at Saccara, we had the satisfaction to find several coffins

deity, or that of the deceased.

The bodies usually appear in this manner: they are wrapt up in a shroud of linen, upon which are fastened divers scrolls of linen, also painted with sacred characters. These scrolls generally run down the belly and sides, or else are placed on the knees and legs.

The face is covered with a kind of head-piece of linen-cloth fitted with plaister, on which the countenance of the person is represented in gold; and the feet have also a cover of the same, fashioned like

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