
which they look upon as a barba- a bishop suffragan of Rome, and rous custom : but they wear mourn- has a cathedral that deserves a ing more regularly and longer traveller's view. Here they prethan in many other countries. tend to shew you a pillar of SoloA woman in a mourning-dress ap-mon's Temple, and a rock which pears in black from head to foot, was cleft in two by an earthquake not the least bit of linen being to at our Saviour's crucifixión. It be seen. is also noted for the Mausoleum The Italians possess a great of Minutius Plancus, now called choice of provisions, which are for the tower of Ornando; and for the most part very fine, but they the monument of the duke of eat kites,buzzards, jays, magpies, Bourbon, constable of France, and many other kinds which we who was killed at the siege of never touch in England. Rome, in the year 1527.

Having satisfied our curiosity Within sixteen miles of Naples, at Rome, we set out for Naples. on the river Volturno, and in a Till we came to Terracina, which delightful plain, stands the city of is almost fifty miles, there is scarce Capua, an archbishop's see, but a town of note, except Velitri, in a declining condition. About which is the see of a bishop, (who two miles from it lie the ruins of is also bishop of Ostia) and pret- the ancient Capua, where the fa ty full of inhabitants. Augustus mous Hannibal wasted his time was nursed in a house near this and debauched his army, while place; into which the Romans the Romans recovered from the made it unlawful to enter, out of consternation into which they á veneration for his memory. had been thrown by their de Terracina, the anxur of the anci- feat at Cannæ, and not long afterents, stands on a hill a little dis-wards obliged him to abandon tance from the sea, near the Fron-Italy. tiers of the kingdom of Naples. It is but a small town, and thinly inhabited, on account of its unwholesome air, occasioned by the neighbouring marshes; but is still the see of a bishop.

The next place of any account on the road is Gaieta, situated on a rock near a bay of the sea, to which it communicates its name. The harbour is defended by two castles, and is reckoned the best in the kingdom. It is the see of

It is certainly very pleasant, in travelling from Rome to Naples to observe the several places that have been described by the classic authors, (especially the poets), and have been the scenes of so many memorable actions: but perhaps the most noble remnant of antiquity to be seen in the whole journey is a part of the Via Appia, over which we travelled for about thirty miles. This highway, which received its name from Appius

Claudius Cæcus, who began it lent domestic economy, which during his consulate, extended by imagination can conceive, may be the way of Capua quite from Rome depended on, as the writer, whose to Brindisi, upwards of 300 miles; veracity there is no from whence also several other doubt, avers every circumstance ways were branched out to the therein to be literally true.


reason to

cities in the south-west parts of Italy. It is twelve feet broad, consisting chiefly of blue stones, You ask me what of a cubical form, each side mea- I have seen in my ramble, worth suring a foot and a half. The relating. You are no antiquarian; strength of this causeway is evi- I will not therefore trouble you dent from its long duration, for it with ruined abbeys, Gothic cashas now lasted above two thousand tles, Roman and Danish camps, years, and is for several miles toor Druidical circles, but confine gether as entire as when it was my narrative to a human curiosity.. first made. It is very probable This is a Mr. Osbaldeston, an atthat this pavement was originally torney's clerk, and, in spite of the above the level of the ground, and popular prejudices against his prothat a long course of years has fession, said to be an honest man. brought it to an equality with the This you will allow to be a cusurface, as we find it at present: riosity, but that is not all. This for had it been upon a level first honest limb of the law is married, of all, the weight of the stones and has at least half a dozen would in time have sunk them children, all of whom, with as many lower, and the ground on each couple of hounds, and a brace of side would have been considerably hunters, he maintains out of,-how higher than the pavement. Mules much do you think? Guess a are the beasts of burthen that little, I pray you.-Why then to can hold out longest in this road, support himself, a wife, and six which is very inconvenient for children, twelve dogs, and two wheel carriages, being in many horses, he has not a penny more places rugged and uneven.

To be continued

To the Editor of the Oxford Entertaining Miscellany.


than sixty pounds per annum ! And, if possible to increase the miracle, he did this in London for many years, paying every one his own, and keeping a tight coat for sundays and holydays. But I will try to explain this seeming paradox. After the expiration of the time which Mr. Osbaldes

The following letter, containing an instance of the most excel-ton owed his master, he acted as

an accountant for the butchers in
Clare market, who paid him in
offal; the choicest morsels of this
he selected for himself and family,
and with the rest he fed his
hounds, which he kept in his gar-
ret. His horses were lodged in
his cellar, and fed on grains from
a neighbouring brewhouse, and
on damaged corn, with which he
was supplied by a corn chandler,
whose books he kept in order.
Once or twice a week he hunted,
and by giving a hare now and
then, to the farmers, over whose
grounds he sported, secured their
good will and permission.
sides which, several gentlemen,
struck with his extraordinary eco-
nomy, winked at his going over
their manors with his moderate
pack. Accident has since re-
moved this uncommon
man to
Lewes, in Sussex, where, on the
same stipend, he continues to
maintain the same family. Cu-
riosity led me to visit this extra-


having snatched a piece of liver from Miss Dorethea, was obliged on the spot to restore it to the young lady. On inquiry I found that Mr. O. was the younger son of a gentleman of good family, but small fortune, in the north of England, and that having imprudently married one of his father's. servants, he was turned out of doors, with no other fortune than a southern hound big with pup, whose offspring has since been a source of profit and amusement to him.

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ordinary party, about their dinner The Funeral Ceremonies of the An

cient Mexicans.

time. The two-legged part of it were clean, though not superflu- (Extracted from the Historical Works of Acosta.) ously clothed, and seemed to live The priests and their attendants like brothers with the surround- are the parties who perform the ing animals-it looked in short funeral ceremonies of the Mexisomewhat like the golden age. cans. Some people among them Mr. O. himself seemed and acted are interred in their own gardens, as the father of the quadrupeds, as or in the courts of their own well as the bipeds, and as such, houses; others are taken to the decided with the utmost impar- places of sacrifice on the mountiality; for master Jacky having tains, and others are burnt and taken a bone from Jowler, he their ashes conveyed to the temcommanded instant restitution. ples, where they are preserved. And on the other hand, Dody, It is the custom with respect to Tt

those whose bodies are burnt after thought to be in a deep declinethey are dead, to collect the ashes when a friend advised him to and put them into an urn, in which swallow an egg every morning, are placed the jewels and precious which restored him to health, and stones belonging to the deceased. shortly after he got married. Dr. ! Funeral songs are chaunted, and D- soon after, upon meeting him, the bodies, before they are de- complimented him upon it. “I stroyed by fire, have a number of was egg'd into it," said the genceremonies performed around them, tleman. "Then I hope," replied. In the places where these things the Doctor, "that the yolk will are executed, much feasting takes sit easy upon you." place, while the body lies in state, and if the deceased be a rich man, mourning habits are given to every one who attends the funeral.

An ignorant candidate for medical honours, having thrown himself into a fever, from his incapability of answering questions, was asked by one of the censors, how

When any one of condition dies, the body is put into a room, until all the friends of the deceased are assembled, and then presents are he would sweat a patient for the offered to it as though it were liv-rheumatism? he answered, "" I ing. Should the deceased hap-swear I would send him here to pen to be á King, or a man at the be examined."

head of a city, a number of slaves are put to death, according to the

Lord S




rank of the party, in order that the deceased may be properly at- for his reverence of the clerical tended in the other-world. The habit, being once in company priest or chaplain is also sacrificed where there were a number of cler(for it is the practice for every gymen, offered, in a whisper, to great man to have a priest resi- lay a considerable wager with the ding in his house, to administer gentleman who sat next him, that to him religious consolation), in among the ten parsons there was order that the dsceased may not not one prayer book. The wager be neglected in the other world. was accepted and a mock dispute His cooks and many of his ser- gave him occasion to ask for a vants are likewise killed, and even prayer book to decide it. They had not one. the youngest brothers of the deHe soon offered to funct are not spared. lay another wager with the same gentleman, that among the ten parsons there was half a score

Cure for Consumption.-A cork-screws. This was also acyoung gentleman of Oxford was cepted, and the butler being pres

viously instructed, coming into the room with a bottle of claret, and a broken cork-screw, requested any gentleman to lend him one. Every priest who was present had a cork-screw in his pocket.

Newspapers. One of the earliest country Newspapers was printed by a man named Mogg

Oh! why did I break from the womb.
And why did heav'n send me to life
Was it but for to sink in the tomb,

And share in this troublesome strife? Did I know you would feel for my grief,

That you'd shed o'er my sorrows a tear,

Oh! fairest, 'twould be a relief;

I could sink full of joy to the bier. For thou wert not cruel-alas!

T'was fortune that frown'd at my birth-

ridge, who used to insert the in- But enough-for my life will soon pass;

telligence from Yorkshire, under the head"Foreign News."



Farewell to the home of my sires,

Farewell to thee, girl of my heart, Farewell to the land which inspires

All virtue, all goodness, and art.

For life I'm unfit, as the slave

Who bows to a despots command; For me there remains but the grave,

Which I'll find in a far distant land; Where no mortal shall hear my sighs;

Where the wild beast still roams for

prey; Where the vulture shall list to my cries,

And wait for my body's decay.

In a land where no mortal appears,
Where no vestige of man can be


Where nothing the heart-broken cheers
But the howling of tempests around!

The waves of the storm-beaten ocean;

And I be at rest in the earth.

If a thought of me enter thy breast, Mid life's madd'ning pleasures and joys

Oh! think that I then am at rest

In a world where no sorrow annoys. When my breath is fast dying away,

When my heart is corroded with care, The winds, as lone I decay,

My blessings to Marg'ret shall bear.


There's a pleasure arises when zephyrs
are blowing,

When murmuring streams through the
meadows are flowing,
When birds in the grove, in rich foli-

age array'd,

Are warbling their wild notes beneath its cool shade.

There's a pleasure far sweeter in beauty's fond smile,

Which our thoughts of all sorrows will oft times beguile;

And we think it is bliss never fading we feel,

When the eyes tell the secret the tongue would conceal.

The winds 'mid the mountains which But O! these are fleeting as youth's

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