in royal favour as any member of first man in the first rank of its the Cabinet, and is assuredly not opponents. Had Mr. Pitt lived in danger either of removal from to the present day, he had probaoffice or curtailment of power. bly avowed his conviction that Mr. Canning is the legitimate reform was impracticable and unsuccessor of Mr. Pitt. He inhe- necessary. rits all his eloquence, and a double The distinguishing part of Mr. portion of his literature and wit. Canning's character, as compared Mr. Pitt has been frequently with all preceeding and contemcharged with tergiversation and porary Ministers, is his scholardereliction of principles without ship and his wit. In the province a parallel. The charge is at least of polite literature, he is, perhaps, grossly exaggerated. He was as second to no man of the present liberal and as popular as ever his age. The elegant writers of father had been, until the awful Greece and Rome; the history, poflood of the French revolution etry, romances, and works of taste, changed the relative position, not in Italian and English, he has péonly of parties but of principles. culiarly made his own. The puIt was not his destiny to survive rity of his Latin verses would the agitations of that flood, and to have distinguished him even in take his place according to the the Miltonic age, and his English permanent conviction of his great poetry illustrated the scholar at understanding and the true inte- Eton, and the senator in St. Sterests of his country: if then he phen's. French writings and erred in a moment of unprece- French taste he ever abjured; the dented alarm and no imaginary mathematics of D'Alembert and danger, it would be the highest La Place he valued as little as injustice to brand him as a traitor their politics. His style corresto his principles and a martyr to ponds to this cultivation; it is his ambition. Mr. Canning came elegant, smooth, expressive-it is into parliament in 1793, and uni-full of point and pleasantry and formly advocated the principles classical carricature-it clothes arand the measures of the premier. gument and debate in the graceWhen at the end of 30 years the ful dress and winning attitude of disciple found himself the succes- the academy, rather than in the sor of his master in the Lower stiff and unconciliatory forms of House, he seems to have adopted demonstration. The sublime, the the precise course of politics which pathetic, the solemn and affecting, the master would himself have a- are not in his province. He is in dopted. Mr. Pitt was once a zeal- oratory what Horace among the ous reformer; Mr. Canning has ancients, and Pope among the long been distinguished as the moderns, were in poetry. He 4 surprises and delights by wit, ed and followed as entirely serious point, and epigram; by spright- and earnest are the very highest liness, elegance, and irresistible qualifications of an orator, who felicity of thought and diction; would persuade as well as delight. but he never approaches the seat Mr. Canning, though sensibly of pathetic emotion or the "sacred alive, almost to disease, to chasource of sympathetic tears." racter, honour, consistency, and In this characteristic talent of manly conduct in every transacthe Minister, may be discovered tion, public or private, cannot the cause of the suspicion and dis- carry the confidence of country trust with which grave gentlemen gentlemen. He cannot conceal regard him. A laughing, wicked that he is skilled in the use of the wit is never trusted. Humboldt, detestable weapons of wit, sarin his travels through South Ame-casm, and raillery. rica, remarked a species of monkey, Mr. Canning's elocution and which was particularly solemn delivery are graceful and easy. and prone to melancholy. It has As a leader, he is less petulent in often been observed that the ass, his tone, less swaggering in his proverbially the stupidest, is the gestures, and really more conciligravest of animals. A very large ating and classical in his whole proportion of our kind, who almost bearing, than he had been in a monopolize the epithet respect- subordinate station. The love of able, are eminently sober in their fame, that "last infinity of noble notions of life and steady in con- minds," is ever present to his duct, but totally devoid of genius, view, and even operative, whether wit, and fanciful combination of he speaks or acts. His age apideas. These are immeasurably pears to be about 52; his person, jealous of that order of mind like his mind, is elegant, animated, which can play with human affairs, and commanding. The living excite mirth against well-mean-lightning of his electric eyes is as ing and selfish stupidity, and powerful as it is brilliant. speak without reverence of the hallowed prejudices of our ancestors. Mr. Pitt never startled these sage men, for he always seemed in earnest; but Mr. Canning has laughed, and ridiculed, and made merry, until he is pro CORAND AND ATHЕТА. An ancient British Novel. (Continued from page 251.) 1 From that instant he formed foundly feared, and sincerely dis- the design of robbing the goddess trusted by the stern foes of Demo- of Atheta's service, and commucritus. This is by no means a nicated his resolution to her in trifling misfortune, for to be trust-private. He spoke, however : her in the most respectful manner, obey, but the arrival of his king well knowing he should never be made obedience almost indispenpermitted the attempt till it was sable. That prince, naturally no effected. In short, Atheta, deli- warrior, came during the truce vered out of her captivity, had no to put himself at the head of his reason to believe that she was en-army, and reiterated his intensnared into another. From the tions to Corand. "Sir," answered temple of Isis she was conducted he, "command me in your name into a castle of which Corand had to conquer West Britain, and my made himself master, and was life shall be responsible for the there attended and served as in success; but I beg it as an only the midst of her father's court. favour, that you would leave to Corand often visited this asy- me my captive, who belongs to lum, but always behaved with the me by all the laws of war, and respect of a sincere lover. Atheta whose possession I prefer to the was still silent on her birth. She empire of all Britain." "She reserved this confession to stop must then be some incomparable short the prince in certain tender wonder," replied the monarch. pursuits, presuming, sooner or "Yourself shall judge what she later, he might throw out some is," added Corand, imprudently. hints of them; but before any He did not perceive that these evident danger seemed to threaten, sorts of tests are always dangerpeace was proposed between the ous, especially when one risks two rival people. Corand was having a master for a rival. : greatly surprised to find the westAtheta, though with reluctance, ern king insist more on the liberty appeared before the king. He of the young priestess than the was surprised at her charms, and restitution of a large tract of his the more he beheld them, the country. The good Vologeses, more Corand's resistance seemed said he to himself, has, no doubt, excusable to him. He bethought the same pretensions I have to this himself of another stratagem, young beauty; but surely I am which the young prisoner's exallowed to give myself the prefer-treme beauty suggested to him. ence. The king of the east This was taking upon himself the thought to settle matters thus: he care of restoring her to Vologeses, despatched orders to Corand to but with the design of detaining restore to Vologeses all the priest- her in his custody as long as he esses he might have carried away, found convenient. This king's and to keep all the conquered maxim was to refuse nothing to country. Such orders sunk Corand his desires, when he could gratify into the deepest grief. He felt them without danger to his perwithin himself that he could not son. He was voluptuous, timid, weak, and cruel. For some time quality can be no sure means of your security." past, in order the better to amuse Corand, he affected to declare him By the end of the next day all publicly his son-in-law. Per- was ready for the escape of the haps the prince believed him to two lovers. The quality of genebe, insincere; perhaps he took ral, of which: Corand still exercounsel only with his love: but cised the functions, facilitated his when once the king had positively going out of the camp at whatever insisted on having the young time, and with whatever escort he priestess at his disposal, then pleased. Atheta, in a male garb, Corand consulted only his despair with two female attendants disand grief. He determined to lose guised in the same manner, were all, sooner than renounce Atheta. confounded among them. They She was still free; at least Corand reached the sea, opposite Gaul, was not yet, debarred access to where a ship was ready to receive her. He availed himself of the them. Soon after they were landopportunity to inform her of the ed, they chose for their residence king's views in regard to herself, a solitary, but agreeable valley. and of the proposal he had made There Corand regretted nothing, to him for marrying his daughter. especially in the enjoyment of Her consternation at the bare Atheta's company, who, on her mentioning of the last particular, side, thanked Isis for having so indolently protected her temple. Atheta informed Corand of all the particulars regarding her birth, and of her transformation into a priestess. This gave room to ex having fully convinced him that he was not indifferent to her, he was not long in persuading her to elope with him. The danger was pressing, flight necessary, the conductor agreeable. "If it must cite in Corand the first emotions be so," said she, "dear prince, of his love. "Yes, prince," said become the arbitor of my destiny: Atheta, "I am well assured of its I am ready to accompany you, sincerity, but it is before the Let us fly these suspected parts, altars we must plight our faith." and know that it is the princess Nothing could be more desirable of the West that flies with you." to Corand himself. The ceremony "Propitious Heaven!" cried was not accompanied with the Corand, "how you astonish me! pompous apparatus of our modern You, the daughter of Vologeses! princely marriages, but with That title can add nothing to my something more delectable; for love. But by what chance? there assisted at it a witness, What say I? Ha! let us first which is almost always excluded think of withdrawing from the theirs, and this was love; which danger that threatens you. Your never deserted the lovely pair when their vows were once ac-ple in twenty-four hours after complished. they are dead, and sometimes soon A year was now spent in this er. The funerals of persons of retreat, unknowing and unknown quality are performed with great to all strangers, when Corand one pomp and solemnity, and the dead day, out a hunting, was surprised are carried to the place of interat his return home, to hear that ment with their faces bare. The a band of armed men, from Britain, ceremony of a cardinal's funeral in with the permission of the king ancient times, was as follows: He of the Celts, had carried off was carried in one of his coaches Atheta. The thought naturally by night to St. Andrew's church, occurred to him, that her father, which was hung all over with Vologeses, having at length disco- black on that occasion; and next vered where she was, had watched day the corpse was laid upon a a convenient opportunity to de- bed of state in the middle of the nave, dressed in the sacerdotal vestments, with the head turned towards the choir, and the cardi prive him of her. He scarce allowed himself more than a day to settle his affairs in Gaul, when he journeyed to Britain, resolved nal's hat lying at the feet. At either to regain his Atheta, or each corner of the bed stood a perish in the attempt. There he valet de chambre, holding a banwas apprized of great alterations. ner of black taffety, with the arms The Archdruid had been dead of the deceased. An hundred about half a year, Vologeses with-large wax-tapers were placed in in a few days, and a princess, his candlesticks round the bed; and daughter, was just raised to the high mass was sung with music, throne. To be continued.] Travels. An Abridgment of the Travels of a Arabia, Egypt, &c. (Continued from Page 253.) at which the whole sacred college was present. When the cardinals. entered the church, they went and kneeled at the feet of the deceașed; where they said a prayer or two, and then sprinkled the corpse with holy water. After mass was over, the cardinals retired; but the body lay exposed till the evening, when it was stripped of the vestments, put into a leaden coffin inclosed in another of Cypress, and then let down into the grave. The mention of black, induces It is not usual amongst the Itame to say something of their fu- lians for the relations of a deceased nerals. At Rome they bury peo-person to attend his funeral, |