
to accomplish matters of greater importance. An attempt, therefore, to make a wooden chess-player might, a priori seem almost as ridiculous as to make a wooden preacher, or counsellor of state. That such a machine really was made, however, the public have had ocular demonstration. The inventor came over to Britain in 1783, and exhibited his automaton to public inspection for more than a year. He paid this country a second visit in 1819, when his invention excited as much wonder as ever, notwithstanding the vast progress made in the interim in mechanical science.

The room where it was exhibited, when seen by the writer of this article, had an inner apartment, within which appeared the figure of a Turk as large as life, dressed in the Turkish fashion, sitting behind a chest of three feet and a half in length, two feet in breadth, and two feet and a half in height, to which it was attached by the wooden seat on which it sat. The chest was placed upon four castors, and, together with the figure, might be easily moved to any part of the room. On the plain surface, formed by the top of the chest in the centre, was a raised immoveable chess-board, upon which the figure had its eyes fixed, its right arm and hand being extended on the chest, and its left arm somewhat raised, as if in the attitude of holding a Turkish pipe, which was originally placed in its hand.

The exhibitor begins by wheeling the chest to the entrance of the apartment within which it stands, and in front of the spectators. He then opens certain doors contrived in the chest, two in front and two in the back, at the same time pulling out a long shal low drawer at the bottom of the chest made to contain the chess-men, a cushion for the arm of the figure to rest upon, and some counters. Two

lesser doors, and a green cloth screen, contrived in the body of the figure, and its lower parts, are likewise opened, so that the construction both of the figure and chest internally is displayed. In this state the automaton is moved round for the examination of the spectators, and to banish all suspicion from the most sceptical mind that any living subject is concealed within any part of it, the exhibitor introduces a lighted candle into the body of the chest and figure, by which the interior of each is in a great measure rendered transparent, and the most secret corner is shewn.

The chest is divided by a partition into two unequal chambers. That to the right of the figure is the narrowest and occupies scarcely one-third of the body of the chest. It is filled with little wheels, levers, cylinders, and other machinery used in clock-work. That to the left contains a few wheels, some small barrels with springs, and two quarters of a circle placed horizontally. The body and lower parts of the figure contain certain tubes, which seem to be conductors to the machinery. After a sufficient time, during which each spectator may satisfy his scruples and his curiosity, the exhibitor recloses the door of the chest and figure, and the drawer at the bottom; makes some arrangements in the body of the figure, winds up the works with a key inserted into a small opening on the side of the chest, places a cushion under the left arm of the figure, which now rests upon it, and invites any individual present to play a game of chess.

To avoid, however, the obstructions which might be occasioned by the inattention of stranger antagonists, in moving the pieces as required exactly in the centre of the squares, the adversary does not play at the same board with the automaton, but has a

chess-board to himself, on which he copies the automaton's moves and makes his own; while a person who attends at the automaton's board, copies with due precision for the automaton the adversary's moves.

The automaton makes choice of the white pieces, and always gives the first move. It plays with the left hand, the right arm and hand being constantly extended on the chest behind which it is seated. This slight incongruity proceeded from inadvertance in the inventor, who did not perceive his mistake till the machinery of the automaton was too far completed to admit of the mistake being rectified. At the commencement of a game, the automaton moves its head as if taking a view of the board; the same motion occurs at the close of a game. In making a move it slowly raises its left arm from the cushion placed under it, and directs it towards the square of the piece to be moved. Its hand and fingers open on touching the piece which it takes up, and convey it to any proposed square. The arm then returns with a natural motion to the cushion, upon which it usually rests. In taking a piece, the automaton makes the same motion with the arm and hand to lay hold of the piece which it conveys from the board, and then returning to its own piece, it takes it up and places it on the vacant square. These motions are performed with perfect correctness, and the dexterity with which the arm acts, especially in the delicate operation of castling, seems to be the result of spontaneous feeling, bending at the shoulder, elbow, and knuckles, and cautiously avoiding to touch any other piece than that which is to be moved, nor ever making a false move.

After a move made by its antagonist, the automaton remains for a few mo. ments only inactive, as if meditating

its next move, upon which the motions of the left arm and hand follow. On giving check to the king, it moves its head as a signal. When a false move is made by its antagonist, which frequently occurs through curiosity to observe in what manner the automaton will act (as, for instance, if a knight be made to move like a castle), the automaton taps impatiently on the chest with its right hand, replaces the knight on its former square, and not permitting its antagonist to recover his move, proceeds immediately to move one of its own pieces, thus appearing to punish him for his inattention. The little advantage in play which is hereby gained makes the automaton more of a match for its antagonist, and seems to have been contemplated by the inventor as an additional resource towards winning the game.

When a move is once made, no alteration in it can take place, and if a piece be touched it must be played somewhere. This rule is strictly observed by the automaton. If its antagonist hesitates to move for a considerable time, it taps smartly on the chest with the right hand, which is constantly extended upon it, as if testifying impatience at his delay.

During the time the automaton is in motion, a low sound of clock-work running down is heard, which ceases soon after its arm returns to the cushion, and then its antagonist may make his move. The works are wound up at intervals after ten or twelve moves, by the exhibitor, who is usually employed in walking up and down the apartment in which the automaton is shewn, approaching, however, the chest from time to time, especially on its right side. It is pretended, indeed, that the automaton cannot play unless M. de Kempelen, or his substitute is near to direct its moves; but it is very

certain the whole mystery lies in the might occasion some disturbance chest, and that there can be no connec- in the state. He came to a reso tion with the floor or any part of the lution, which he judged lawful, room, as the investor advertises his because it seemed expedient: this willingness to exhibit at private houses. A person, who could beat M. de Kem- was moving for ever from the pelen, was of course certain of con- court the princess who was not to quering the automaton. It was made occupy the throne. He well in 1769." His own modest account of knew that a sacrifice of this kind it was "that it was a mere bagatelle, would be extremely disagreeable

not without some merit as a piece of mechanism, but the effects of which depend chiefly on the happy means employed to produce illusion."


An ancient British Novel.

to Vologeses, who was not the less the good father than the good king. But Udores, (this was the high priest's name) had recourse to his usual privilege of making his gods speak. He framed an oracle entirely conformable to his views. Such an expedient could not fail of its effect; and the king dared neither to act contrary to

The two princesses were therefore separated, and the younger by only seven minutes difference


Near half a century before Britain was invaded by Julius Cæsar, it was then divided into two monarchial governments, distinguish- the oracle, nor even doubt of it. ed by the East and West. Vologeses, king of the West, reigned happily, loving and beloved by his subjects. It was much regretted in the birth, was sequestered athat so worthy a monarch had no mong the priestesses of Isis, for heir male. His whole stock of it seems that the Egyptian-rites, children consisted but of two in point of religious observance, daughters, both born the same had then obtained in that part of day, beautiful beyond expression, Britain. Udores' view was, on an emergency, to oppose one to the other, that is to make her effectually queen who should prove more tractable to his designs.

and exactly formed on the same model. Never was resemblance more perfect; it extended to the sound of the voice; the eye and ear were deceived in them. The Two years elapsed in this manchief of the Druids, who in the ner, and Atheta, the recluse prinreign of Vologeses, was more cess, was just on the point of than first minister, hoped to be completing her fifteenth year; more than king in the reign of Vologeses still reigned, but was the princess that should succeed engaged in a ruinous war with him. He only feared that the the British king of the East: equality of age, and the extreme Corand, a prince of the latter resemblance of the two sisters, king's family, commanded his


army, and among other strong would not touch her veil. Corand, places, had seized upon the tem- by reiterating some pressing inple of Isis, where the princess stances, added only to her trouble, Atheta was immured. The wor- and obtained nothing more, ship of Isis was unknown to the companion of this coy priestess Eastern Britons. They followed thinking it dangerous to urge to that of the Celtic Gauls, their extremity a young conqueror, neighbours, which, it seems, was raised without hesitation, the disnearly the same as that of the agreeable veil, and perhaps satisGreeks and Romans. On this fied two persons at once. At account, it might be presumed, least it is certain nothing could that the conqueror would be little please Corand so much. "Hah! scrupulous in being over com- what do I see," cried he, "no, plaisant to the goddess, her tem- thou art not merely a priestess, ple, treasures, and more especially thou art the deity of this temple, her priestesses. if, indeed, Isis had ever charms

Corand, who required nothing as thou hast. Thou needest only for himself of the plunder, was at shew thyself to our East Britons, least desirous of passing in review and thy worship will soon be all the virgins of the temple, established amongst them. It is which he had taken care to keep already for ever established in my untouched. Their number was heart."


To be continued.


An Abridgment of the Travels of a
Gentleman through France, Italy,
Turkey in Europe, the Holy Land,
Arabia, Egypt, &c.

considerable, and the sight of of them very interesting. wore veils. One of the youngest priestesses appeared to him veiled with much greater care, which notwithstanding could not hide from his curious eye her graceful motion, and the elegance of her stature. The prince could not resist the agitations of his mind. He advances towards her, not as a conqueror but captive. wish," said he, "you would be so kind as to remove that deceitful and sacrilegious veil. Let me see what my heart has a presage of adoring." These words seemed Tibur is said to have uttered her to make very uneasy the person oracles. The finest villa that Tito whom they were addressed. voli, or perhaps Italy, can boast She, however, kept silence, and of, is that belonging to the family


(Continued from Page 238.)

The Teverone, runs by this town, and at a little distance from it forms a beautiful cascade by falling down a rock; in one of the cavities whereof the Sibyl of of Este, which for its architecture, About nine miles south-east of paintings, sculptures, and particu- this place stands Palestrina, on larly its gardens and water-works, the side of a mountain near the

ruins of the ancient Præneste, famous for its temple of fortune, whereof there are still some pillars of granite, and other consi-> derable remains; particularly a

all made out of the natural colours and shadows of the marble. The parts of this pavement are so admirably joined together, that the whole looks like one continued picture, and perhaps is the finest piece of old Roman Mosaic to be met with in Italy; for the moderns, as has been already intimated, have made great improvements in this art.

cannot be sufficiently admired, The gardens lie on the side of the hill, and the walks, grottos, fountains, and labyrinths, are extremely well disposed. Every body is astonished at the water-works, beautiful Mosaic pavement, whereespecially that representing a in we see the figures of elephants storm of rain and thunder; and and other animals, with variety of the singing of artificial birds, put landscapes that look very lively, in motion by water, is equally delightful. Tivoli is still the see of a bishop, though reduced to a small town, in comparison of what it has been formerly; and would perhaps come to nothing, if the pleasantness of its situation did not induce the nobility and gentry of Rome to retire thither at convenient seasons. But I had almost forgot the greatest curiosity of all, which is not far from this town, viz. the rivulet of Salforata, and the little lake from whence it issues. An offensive sulphureous stench arises from these waters, which may be smelled at a considerable distance; and in the cati is adorned with several fine Jake are several floating islands, villas belonging to the Roman nofifteen or twenty yards over, sup-bility, some whereof are so parposed to be formed originally of ticularly beautiful, that they desulphureous earth, rising from the serve our attention. That of bottom of the water. This lake is Monte Dracone, stands on an thought to have been much larger eminence in full view of Rome, than it is at present, and that the and is a large building not much banks have grown over it by an unlike the Pope's palace of Monte incrustation of the same inatter Cavallo. The Belvidere, is situa

that has formed the islands, which in time will probably cover its whole surface.

We returned by the way of Frescati, or Frascati, a little town on the brow of a hill, from whence we have a pleasant prospect over a plain as far as Rome, which is about twelve miles distant. Fres

ted on a high ground, somewhat like that of Monte Dracone. It has fine gardens, with a beautiful

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