
surprised to see the door shut, Alas!' cried he, 'the grave of which formerly was ever open. her honour was the grave of my He knocked at the door; a miser-peace.' Displeasure lowered on able Swiss opened it. 'Is your the Baron's forehead. Her homaster at home?' 'Yes,' replied nour?-is it possible?-No: it the porter. At home is he?" cannot be.' ' And yet thus it is,' said the Baron, 'well so much the cried the unfortunate deluded better.' Count. Sobbing, and scarce able


He entered: no footman opened to articulate his words, he related the door; no lady's maid tripped to the friend of his youth, to the forth to meet him; no lap-dog brother of his still loved Emilia, barked; no parrot chattered; the adventure of that hateful eve all, all was dead, as in the habi- of All Saints, his anguish, his tation of a miser. He walked fury, his revenge.

into the Count's room, and found

him sitting on a sofa, with his

To be continued.

heavy eye rivetted on Emilia's picture, which hung opposite to



Starting, as if from an oppressive dream, he staggered towards An Abridgment of the Travels of a

the Baron, burst into his arms in speechless agony, and pressed him with fervour to his heart. At the same moment a flood of tears gushed from his eyes, for time had converted his rage into melancholy.

Gentleman through France, Italy,
Turkey in Europe, the Holy Land,
Arabia, Egypt, &c.

(Continued from Page 203.)


The chief Pagan temple remaining is the Pantheon, or temple of all the Gods, usually called the Rotunda from its circular figure, and now dedicated to the Blessed Virgin and All Saints. The roof is vaulted in form of a

'Brother,' exclaimed Baron T, what means all this? Your house is now no more the same, and you scarce can I recognize you. Where is that man- dome or cupola, but is open at ly bloom, which onceadorned your the top, by which means, and no cheek? those frightful looks other, the whole temple receives forebode some terrible calamity. its light. Nothing can be more -Where is my sister?' 'Ah!' majestic than the portico, which sighed the Count. The Baron is supported by sixteen tall costarted, and hastily demanded- lumns of Egyptian granite, each Is she dead?? - To me she is pillar being but one stone, of the dead?' returned Gustavus. Ex- Corinthian order, and about five plain yourself,' said her brother. yards in circumference. The temple is a hundred and forty feet mains of the ancient temple of high, and about the same in diame- Jupiter Stator. This was built ter; the walls are lined with mar-on account of a vow made by blé, even up to the very cornish Romulus, who, finding his troops that supports the roof. gave way in an engagement with

The Pantheon was built by the Sabines, promised to erect a Marcus Agrippa, son-in-law of temple to the honour of Jupiter, Augustus Cæsar, third consulate, if they stood their ground; which as appears from an inscription they did, and gained the victory. still remaining over the portico.

The name Stator was added, from sisto to stop, as supposing that Jupiter put a stop to the flight of the Roman army.

The frontispiece of the church, dedicated to St. Adrian, is part of the ancient temple of Saturn, which was a very strong building, Those who are lovers of antiand made use of by the Romans quity cannot fail of a particular for a public treasury. Here they pleasure in viewing the Columna also kept their records, among Rostrata, which was erected to the honour of Caius Duillius, when he gained a signal victory over the Carthaginian and Sicilian fleets, above two hundred and fifty years before the birth of our Saviour. It was adorned with the beaks of the vessels taken in the engagement, from whence it has its name.

which were the Tabulæ Elephantinæ, or great ivory-tables, con taining a list of all the tribes of of the city. This church stands near the foot of the Capitol.


The temple of Janus, in the Beast-market, is a building exactly square, with niches in each -front for twelve statues, representing the months of the year, over which Janus was supposed to preside, and from whom the month of January took its name. It is the ancient Romans. Considerawell known that the brazen gates ble remains of these are to be seen

of this temple were always kept open in time of war, and shut in time of peace.

Of the temple of Concord there are no remains but a portico, supported by eight marble pillars, each of one stone. It stands on the ascent from the Forum Romanum to the Capitol.

The Thermæ, or baths, are one of the greatest instances of the magnificence, or rather luxury, of

at this day, particularly of Antonines bath, which lies at the foot of mount Aventine, and appears more like a town than a single fabric. It formerly contained sixteen hundred seats of polished marble, for so many persons to sit and bathe in separately. Some of these bathing-places were floored with silver, and had the water

In the Campo Vaccino there are three marble pillars, the re- conveyed into them through pipes


of the same metal. The furni-when the machine had ascended ture of these apartments was also to the height of about 1300 feet it extremely sumptuous, the walls went back towards the north, and being adorned with statues and in less than five minutes time it pictures, and enriched with pre- ascended to the height of above cious stones. 6000 feet. In less than ten mi

This experiment, and, indeed, the similar success of many others, shews that there frequently are in

The Aqueducts were undoubt-nutes it fell at the distance of nearedly some of the noblest and most ly four miles. useful designs of the ancient Romans, and evident tokens of the grandeur of their empire: nor does any thing contribute more the atmosphere currents of air in to the beauty of modern Rome, different, and sometimes quite opthan the great fountains we meet posite, directions; this, however,

with almost in every part of it. The old Aqueduct, which Paul V. restored, brings the water along a vaulted channel from a collection of springs almost forty miles distant from the city, where it breaks out into five several fountains.

The finest and largest fountain is in the middle of the square called Novona. It is a large oval bason, lined with marble; in the midst of which rises a rock, with four grottos cut in it, and on the top stands an obelisk of Egyptian granite.

To be continued.


(Continued from Page 141)

is far from being always the case. If different currents could always be met with at different heights above the surface of the earth, the method of guiding balloons would be extremely easy; for the aerial traveller would have nothing more to do than to place himself in the favourable current, which he might do by throwing out either some ballast or some inflammable gas, according as he wished to go higher or lower.

The first aerial voyage undertaken in England, with an inflammable air balloon of 33 feet in diameter, made of oiled silk, was performed by Mr. Lunardi, an Italian gentleman, on the 15th of Septeinber, 1784.


On the 13th of January, 1784, an aerostatic machine of about 37 feet in height, and 20 in diameter, was launched from the castle De Pisancon, near Romans, in DauShakspeare and Burbage.phiny. It rose with surprising One evening when Richard III. velocity, and as the wind was was to be performed, Shakspeare north, it went southward: but observed a young woman deliverLaw. Law is like a country dance, people are led up and down till they are tired. Law is like a book of surgery, there are a great

wife, very bad when it follows us. Law is like a new fashion, people are bewitched to get into it; it is also like bad weather, most people

ing a message to Burbage in so cautious a manner as excited his curiosity to listen to it. It imported that her master was gone out of town that morning, and her many bad cases in it. It is also mistress would be glad of his like physic, they that take least company after the play; and to of it are best off. Law is like a know what signal he would ap- homely gentle-woman, very well point for admittance. Burbage re- to follow. Law is like a scolding plied "Three taps at the door, and it is I, Richard III."-She immediately withdrew, and Shakspeare followed till he observed her go into a house, in the city; are glad when they get out of it. and, enquiring in the neighbourThe essence of the law is alterhood, he was informed that a cation; for the law can altercate, young lady lived there, the favou- fulminate, deprecate, irritate, and rite of an old rich merchant. Near go on at any rate. Now the the appointed time of meeting, quintessence of the law has, acShakspeare thought proper to cording to its name five parts. anticipate Mr. Burbage, and was The first is the beginning, or inintroduced by the concerted sig- cipiendum; the second the unnal. The lady was much surprised certainty, or dubitandum; the at Shakspeare's presuming to act third delay, or puzzliendum ; Burbage's part; but as we may fourthly, replication without enbe certain that he who wrote Ro-dum; and fifthly, monstrum et meo and Juliet did not want wit horrendum.

or eloquence to apologise for the intrusion, she was soon pacified, and they were mutually happy till Burbage came to the door and re


Ingenious Anagram. The following anagram, on the well

peated the same signal as his hap- known bibliographer, William Olpier rival: but Shakspeare, pop-dys, may claim a place among the ping his head out of the window, first productions of this class. It was by Oldys himself, and was the Conquerer reigned before found by his executors in one of

bade him begone, for that William

Richard III.

his MSS.

The prices of admission to the

Theatres in Shakspeare's time,

W. O.

In word and WILL I AM a friend to

about the year 1603, were,


Boxes, 1s.; Pit, 6d.; and Gallery And one friend OLD Is worth an hun only 2d.

: dred new.


Musical Stones. - About three of St. Ives even a cloth laid for a miles from Pottstown, in the Uni- poor man. A singular feudal prited States, there is a place to vilege appears in Du Cange, that which the name of the " Singing of the lord being entitled to the Valley" is given. There is in table-cloth, towel, &c. &c. of the this valley a large and irregular house where he dined. A father mass of ill-shaped stones, which giving advice to his son, particuappear to have been thrown to- larly recommends him, as one of gether by some terrible convul- the means of success, to have his sion of nature. From the appearance of the stone it is judged that at some former time a volcanic eruption must have occurred here. By striking on these stones, the most varied sounds imaginable are produced. The chime of the finest bells in the world, does not exceed in variety the sounds produced here, from the most sonorous bass to the most delicate treble, the gradations of which are exquisitely fine. We are not aware of any similar phenomenon existing in any other part of the world.

table covered with a clean cloth; and there is a complaint made against the monks for putting before their visitors a dirty one. It seems that table-cloths were made for the use of the nobility and gentry, of great value. One would cost £18. Damask table-cloths are ancient. La Brocquiere thus describes some used abroad.

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They are (he says) four feet in diameter, and round, having rings attached to them, so that they may be drawn up like a purse. When they are used they are spread out, and when the meal is over, they are drawn up, so that all which remains, even to a crumb, is pre


History of Table Cloths.- served."-Fosbrooke's AntiquiThe Romans began to cover the tables with cloths in the time of the emperors. Some were striped with gold and purple. Montfaucon adds, that they were of linen, sometimes painted or worked with gold. D'Arcy says also, that table linen was very rare in England about the thirteenth or fourteenth centuries. It was certainly not unusual. The Anglo-Saxons dined with a clean cloth, and they

Exotics.- Cresses come from Crete, the Cauliflower from Cyprus, and Asparagus from Asia. We are indebted to Italy, for the Chevil, to Portugal and Spain, for the Dill seed, to the Canary Islands, for Fennel, 'and to Egypt, for Anniseed and Parsley. Garlic is a production of the East,

called it reod sceat; their succes- Shallots come from Siberia, and sors drapet. We find in the Life the Horse Raddish from China.


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