
When they are older grown, then they No gentle one near him, to home to

are bolder grown,

Turning your temper, and spurning

your rule!

endear him,

In sorrow to cheer him, no friend if no guest;

Girls through foolishness, passion, or No children to climb up-'twould fill

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Equal in quality, Bachelor's Fare? He has no one to put on, a shoe or


(A Parody on the Bachelor's Fare.) Happy and free are a Married Man's


Cherrily, merrily, passes his life; He knows not the bachelor's revelries, devilries,


Shirts mangled to rags-drawers

stringless at knee;

The cook to his grief too, spoils pudding and beef too,

With overdone, underdone, undone is he;

Caressed by, and blessed by, his No son, still a treasure, in business or

children and wife;

From lassitude free too, sweet home

still to flee to,


No daughter, with pleasure new joys to prepare,

A pet on his knee too, his kindness But old maids and cousins, kind

to share,

A fire-side so cheery, the smiles of his deary,

Oh! this, boys this, is the Married
Man's Fare.

Wife kind as an angel, sees things

never range ill,

souls! rush in dozens,

Relieving him soon of his Bachelor's


He calls children asses, Sir, (the fox and the grapes, Sir,)

And fain would he wed when his locks are like snow,

Busy promoting his comfort around, But widows throw scorn out, and tell Dispelling dejection, with smiles of

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Not so the bachelor, lonely depres- communication, but it will not suit

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Select Biography.

"No part of History is more instructive and delightful than the Lives of great and worthy Men."



To the Editor of the Oxford Entertaining Miscellany.


I perceive in your interesting Miscellany, that you have given publicity to the life and character of eminent persons long since" gathered to their fathers;" perhaps the following account (from Time's Telescope), of this intrepid sailor, now on another voyage of discovery, may not be uninteresting to your readers; and by inserting it you will oblige

Yours, &c.


fleet, to whom young Parry was recommended by a near relative of the Admiral, and was permitted to make trial of the naval service under the immediate auspices of that gallant officer. He, therefore, joined the Ville de Paris, in 1803; and, during his probationary year in this active scene, his conduct was such as secured the high opinion of both the officers and crew. His intrepidity of character was often displayed, and the deference he paid to his superiors, and his amiable attention to his equals, were constantly manifested. The Rev. W. Morgan (afterwards Chaplain of the Royal Navy Asylum, Greenwich,) was, at that time, Chaplain of the Ville de Paris, and was particularly attentive to the younger part of his charge. So that his classical knowledge was increased at the same time; and these circumstances seem also to have riveted more firmly the principles of virtue and religion, which had been deeply impressed on his mind by the care and attention of his parents.-It showed, too, that his taste and disposition were suited to the service to which he had been introduced. In reference to this period, the testimony of Ad

L "William Edward Parry, the fourth son of the late Dr. Parry, was born at Bath, on the 19th of December, 1790, and received the rudiments of his education at the grammar-school of that city, under the care of the Rev. Nathaniel Morgan. Here he continued till he was about twelve, pursuing his miral Cornwallis is decisive. On studies. with diligence, and uni- the fourth of August, 1804, he formly maintaining that deport-writes, "I never knew any one ment which gained him the regard so generally approved of. He of the master and his school-fel- will experience civility and kindlows. At that time Admiral Corn-ness from all, whilst he continues wallis commanded the channel to conduct himself as he has done,


which I dare believe, will be as vented leaving that parallel by long as he lives." The first three large masses of floating ice, and years he spent on board the Ad-made the North Cape. The folmiral's ship, in the tedious and lowing January, Parry was disunprofitable task of blockading charged from the Alexandria, the French fleet in the harbour of and ordered to proceed to Halifax, Brest; a service in which he had in which station the years 1813 great opportunities of acquiring and 1814 were passed. In May, a knowledge of good discipline 1816, Parry was at the top of the and practical seamanship.... Admiralty list for promotion; and

tained leave to return to England, and he arrived in May, 1817. He spent the summer in the vicinity of Bath, where his parent resided; and in the Autumn of that year, when the first of the late expedis tions in search of the north-west passage to the Pacific Ocean was

In May, 1806, Parry joined the in June, was appointed first LieuTribune, 36 guns, then command-tenant of the Niger, on the Halied by Captain Baker, and em- fax station. In consequence of a ployed off L'Orient. The acts of severe affliction experienced by service that presented themselves his father, Lieutenant Parry ob at this period were reconnoitering, and others, which belonged to a blockading party, into all of which young Parry entered with his usual spirit and promptitude. In April, 1808, Captain Baker was appointed to the Vanguard of 74 guns, then in the Baltic, and which Parry also joined the follow-contemplated, Lieutenant Parry ing month. On the 9th of January, was strongly recommended to the 1810, he was promoted to the Lords of the Admiralty; in conrank of Lieutenant, and in Febru- sequence of which he was appointary, joined the Alexandria, com-ed to the Alexander, the second: manded by Capt. Quilliam. Soon ship destined to explore that pas after this, the subject of this me- sage, under the command of Capmoir began to study the situation of tain Ross. The particulars of the principal fixed stars in our he- this voyage are too well known to misphere, with a view of applying require repetition; and the result them to the purpose of finding the of the discussions which followed, latitude and longitude at night: was the appointment of a new exhe was also, at the same period, pedition to the same quarter, to sail employed in preparing charts of on the following spring. And, the northern navigation. The through Parry's conduct on the Alexandria was ordered to proceed as far as 76 degrees of north latitude, and return with the last of the whalers; but she was pre

former occasion, the present expedition was solely entrusted to his care and direction. The two ships (Lieut. Parry, in the Hecla, and

Lieut. Liddon, in the Griper), dle of fresh straw, were carried to left England in May, 1819, under the turret. the extreme degree of public inEmilia received with rapture terest and anxiety. But although the tidings of her beloved lord, success did not crown their great whose embrace her beating heart and enterprising exertions, yet too long had missed. With the they set out again undaunted on a beauteous bloom of fervent desire second and even a third expedition, upon her cheek, she opened the which, we trust, will be crowned note, and read with that success which the arduous endeavours of so daring and enterprising an Officer deserves.



The bearer hereof has orders to bring you to me.


Great was Emilia's astonishment at the dry laconic style of her husband, yet made she not a moment's hesitation to accompany the messenger. The journey was difficult to a lady in her state; but Emilia, with the impatience of affection, forgot her burden, scarce allowed herself a few hours sleep

(Continued from page 201.) Early on the following morning Count Z*** examined the castle, searched into every corner, and dived into the lowest cellar. at night, and on the fourth even

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ing arrived safe at the castle..

Her husband awaited her within the walls of the dismal turret, seated on the wooden chair, and ruminating on his misery. Emilia flew to embrace him with his clenched fist he struck her on the breast, and felled her to the earth. this?'

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At the end of a lonely gallery, through which he heard the echo of his every step, he stumbled against an old iron door, which guarded the entrance to one of the four turrets at the corner of the castle's roof. The door was opened a loathsome stench of long-confined air burst through Heavens! what means the chasm. He entered-found cried the unfortunate Countess, four naked walls and some moul- and crept upon the straw. The dered straw. For the first time Count spurned her from him. the Count's mouth was distended Monster,' roared he, in a tone of to a smile, but it was a grim dia- the most dreadful fury, thou bolical smile. He silently quitted art unmasked. Here, here shalt the turret, and dispatched the ser- thou end a life of which I have not vant who had accompanied him, courage to deprive thee.' with a note to the Countess. In Heavens!" whimpered Emilia, the mean time, by his command, a spare at least the child which table, a wooden chair, and a bun-I bear.

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gazed at it, thought she saw it smile, and forgot her misfortunes. But, alas! scarce had she regained her strength, when the garden

With these words he forsook walls, for two long months, allethe wretched Emilia, and locked viated her sorrows. She pressed the door. Left to reflect in soli-the little cherub to her fond matude upon her misery and inno-ternal heart, and recommended it cence, doomed, with the purest to the care of the Almighty. She conscience, to the cruelest of punishments; Emilia sunk upon her knees, and prayed to that Being who reads in our hearts, as in an open book, to tear from the eyes er's wife tore the infant from her of her husband, her still much lov-arms, and locked the prison. ed husband, the bandage woven Jesu Maria!' exclaimed poor by infernal calumny. The night Emilia; 'leave me at least my crows shrieked during her prayer, child,'-she fell to the earth in a and the ear of inexorable fate swoon, and, when she awoke, seemed deaf to the sighs of suffer- prayed to God for death.

ing innocence.

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Her inexorable husband would

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On the noon of the succeeding not even see the child. He sent day, bread and water were admin-it to the wife of a boor, and istered to her through a hole. ordered it to be educated as an She salted the bread with her orphan. The gardener's wife tears, and her heart almost broke quitted Emilia two weeks after with melancholy. her delivery, the Count returned She had begged that she might to the city, and the wretched vicbe allowed writing materials, but tim remained a prey to consumthey had been denied. By chance ing misery more than three years. she found in her pocket a little It was at this time that Baron blue silk and a needle. She wash-T, her brother, a major in the ed her handkerchief, and sewed Brunswick service, returned from upon it these words:" I am America; he loved his sister sinSave me and our cerely and Count Z*** had been



the friend of his early years. He therefore, as soon as possible after his return, obtained leave of absence, for a few months, and

She sent the handkerchief to her husband. The deluded wretch tore and returned it. A burning tear fell from Emilia's eye upon hastened to embrace his relations. Accustomed to see his brother's house the seat of every pleasure; accustomed there to find an enter


Emilia was attended by the old gardener's wife, and was delivered of a daughter. The first cry of taining circle of both sexes, drawn this child, the first sound which together by the Count's affability she had heard within these dreadful and hospitality, he was not a little

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