
emerald, which they say was pre-Genoese ladies, who distinguished sented to Solomon by the queen of themselves by their bravery in å Sheba. The church of the Annun- crusade against the Turks. Over. ciation, which was built at the sole the door of the arsenal is placed charge of a private citizen, is the an old rostrum or beak of a Rofinest in Genoa, for its gildings, man ship, which is made of iron, paintings, statues, and magnifi- is about a foot long, and ends like a boar's head; this was found in

cent altars.

The palaces in Genoa are nu- the harbour of Genoa, as they merous, and some of them ex-were cleaning it, and is perhaps tremely beautiful. The Doge's the only Roman antiquity to be palace is a large building, which met with in this city. contains chambers for the senate As to the manners of the Geand other councils to assemble in, noese, they are generally esteemed and also appartments for the Doge, a cunning, industrious people, and and some of the senators and their more capable of hardship than the families but this is far exceeded rest of the Italians. Their ingenuby the private palaces of the nobi-ity and industry may be in some lity, in point of architecture, ma- measure owing to the barrenness terials, and furniture.-A palace of their country; for want sharpfacing the harbour, makes the ens men's wits, and sets their most splendid appearance of any hands to work but there may be in the city, extending from the another reason given for their artsea-shore, to the top of the hill; ful and over-reaching behaviour, and has a noble gallery, supported viz. that their nobility and gentry by marble pillars. The paintings apply themselves to trade, and so are exquisite, and the furniture is become acquainted with the little the richest that can be imagined: arts of tricking and deceiving, even the bedsteads are of silver, which they put in practice when and also some of the tables, among an opportunity offers. As for jeawhich there is one said to weigh lousy, of which the Italians are twenty-four thousand crowns; the generally accused, I think the rest are of jasper, alabaster, ag- Genoese ought not to be included ate, &c. The gardens are ele- in the charge, there being few gant, and adorned with fountains, countries in the world where wogrottos, and statues. men are allowed more freedom, or The arsenal of this city deserves seem to take more. They are to be mentioned, in which they pre-hospitable, and frequently make tend there are arms for forty thou- elegant and splendid entertainsand men; and here they shew ments. The quality have few several pieces of armour, which coaches, most of the streets being they say were worn by certain too narrow for them to pass, so

that they chiefly make use of supported by a huge figure of the chairs and litters.

We left Genoa for Milan, and met with but little to interest us

same metal. Just before the entrance of the choir, is a little subterraneous chapel, dedicated to

until we arrived at Milan. This St. Charles Borromeo, once archbishop of this see, where his body lies, upon, the altar, in a crystal shrine of immense value. chapel is adorned with an abund


city stands on the little river Olana. The streets are broad and clean, the squares spacious, and the houses lofty. It is an university, and the see of an arch-ance of silver-work, and is full of bishop. The number of churches, rich presents made to its saints: colleges, &c. is almost incredible; and their treasures of gold and silver plate, jewels, and other valuable offerings of the devout, is beyond imagination.

some services for the altar are of
massy gold, and set with jewels:
and others are so finely wrought,
that the workmanship is thought
equal to the value of the metal.-
This cathedral abounds with re-
lics, some of which run up as high
as Abraham: and amongst the
rest, there is a fragment of our
countryman Becket; as, indeed,
there are few treasuries of relics
in Italy, that do not afford a tooth
or bone of this saint.
I went up
to the top of the tower, from
whence one may see several towns,
and a great part of the Milanese.

The cathedral, so justly admired, is a vast Gothic structure, about 500 feet in length, and 200 in breadth. The whole building is of marble, except the roof, which is supported by 160 white marble pillars. It is generally said that there are eleven thousand statues about this church; but such a computation must include every particular figure in the historical pieces, and all the little images The church of St. Ambrose is which we frequently see placed a- famous for the body of that Saint, bout those that are larger. Indeed, which is interred there; and who there are a great number as large is said to have denied the Empeas life, and some of them admira-ror Theodosius admittance into it, ble pieces; especially those of after his barbarous massacre of Adam and Eve, and one of St. the inhabitants of Thessalonica.— Bartholomew, flead alive, with his Here is a brazen serpent on a high skin hanging over his shoulders. marble pillar; which being lookThe choir is wainscotted, and the ed upon as a representation of carved-work is excellent, repre- that which Moses erected in the senting the histories of the Gospel. wilderness, many of the common Here are two noble brazen pul- people and pilgrims approach it pits, each of them running round with great veneration. a large pillar like a gallery, and

It would be endless to describe

all the beautiful churches in Mi-the bloom of this new flower, put lan; besides which, the archbi- it into fresh earth, and the branch shop's palace, the town-house, the remained green all the year. In seminary, erected by the above-the following spring it grew, auð mentioned Borromeo, the Jesuits' was covered with flowers. It Aloucollege, and the great hospital, are rished and multiplied so much unwell worth observation. The last der the fair nymph's cultivation, is a magnificent structure, which that she was enabled to amass a has a large yearly revenue, and little fortune from the sale of the entertains four thousand poor and precious gift which love had made infirm people. her, when, with a sprig of Jas mine in her breast, she bestowed her hand and wealth on the happy gardener of her heart. The Tuss can girls, to this day, preserve the remembrance of this adven ture, by invariable wearing a nosegay of Jasmine on their wed: ding-day; and they have a pro÷ verb, which says, a young girl

To be continued.




Lines supposed to be wrillen in Vavcluse, the residence of Petrarch. FROM THE FRENCH..

ENCHANTING Vale! not that thy lim pid springs

Reflect their flowery banks, nor that thy groves

We are told that the duke of wearing this nosegay is rich es Tuscany was the first possessor of nough to make the fortune of à this pretty shrub in Europe, and good husband. he was so jealously fearful lest others should enjoy what he alone wished to possess, that strict orders were given to his gardener not to give a slip-not so much as a single flower-to any person. Το this command the gardener would have been faithful, had not love wounded him by the sparkling eyes of a fair but portionless peasant, whose want of a little dowry, and his poverty, alone kept them from the hymeneal altar. On the birth-day of his mistress, he presented her with a nosegay; and to render the boquet more acceptable to his mistress, ornamented it with a branch of the Jasmine. The poor girl, wishing to preserve

In brightest verdure smile, I thee admire;

But that the Tuscan bard, in numbers


Here woo'd his Laura. Yes on yonder


Once Petrarch sat, and charm'd the
listening woods
With Laura's praises. Here he told
his love,

From dewy dawn to evening's twilight

Dwelling with fond delay on Laura's vince of Schirwan, formerly be


Haply these eyes on some lone rock may 'spy

Their tender names combin'd. Behold

yon cave!

longing to Persia, but now to Russia, there is found a perpetual, or as it is there called an eternal fire. It rises, or has risen

Ah, tell me, hath the happy pair re- from time immemorial, from an irregular orifice of about twelve


Within thy friendly shades? Say, feet in depth, and 120 feet in

aged pine

That bendest o'er yon brook, hath e'er

the breeze,

width, with a constant flame.The flame rises from the height

That whispers through thy foilage, of from six to eight feet, is unat tended with smoke, and yields no To soft repose? And thou, aerial smell. The finest turf grows a

sooth'd the pair

Sweet Echo! say, forget'st thou Laura's


Laura, she answers: And the rocks

and groves

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bout the borders, and at the distance of two toises are two springs of water; the inhabitants have a veneration for this fire, and cele

Repeat the well-known sound : in fan-brate it with religious ceremonies.

cy's eye

Still Petrarch sweeps the lyre, still

Laura smiles,

And love and inspiration breathe around!

People laugh at the story of Argus with one hundred eyes; but what was even Argus to some insects? The cornea of insects Sedan Chairs. They were seems to cut into a multitude of first introduced in London in 1648, little planes or facets, like the fawhen Sir Saunders Duncombe ob-cets of a diamond, presenting the tained the sole privilege to let, appearance of net-work; and each use, and hire a number of them of these facets is supposed to pos

an eye. Lewenhoeck counted in the cornea of a beetle three thousand one hundred and eighty-one of these facets; of a horse fly, eight thousand; and of the grey

for 14 years. The first was sess the power and properties of seen in England (says Hume) in the reign of James I. and was used by the Duke of Buckingham, to the great indignation of the people, who exclaimed, that he employed his fellow-creatures to do drone fly, fourteen thousand!!! the service of brutes. In 1694

they were taxed.

Animal Life.-The following

is a scale of the average duration

Perpetual Fire.-In the pe- of animal life, from the most cele ninsula of Abeheron, in the pro- brated writers on natural history.

E e

A hare will live 10 years; a cat man begged he would not overlook

10; a goat 8; an ass 30; a sheep -10; a ram 15; a dog from 14 to 20 ̊; a bull 15; an ox 20; swine 25; a pigeon 8; a turtle-dove 25; a partridge 25; a raven 100; an eagle 100; a goose 100.

the dimple in his chin, his manner was so simpering, that no power of face could withstand it ; Gainsborough burst out into an immoderate fit of laughter, threw his pencils on the floor, and cursing the dimple, declared that he could neither paint that nor the The circumference of this globe person neither, and never touched is computed to be 25,000 miles, the picture more. Gainsborough and it revolves once on its axis in painted the portraits of Garrick 24 hours; consequently any one and Foote, but did not succeed in spot on it is carried round 25,000 their likenesses according to his miles in that space of time-which wishes, and humorously excused is upwards of 1049 miles in an himself for his failure, by observhour, or 17 miles in one minute! ing that they had every body's Vast as this may seem, and in faces but their own—a remark comparison of which the utmost which may be applied to every degree of velocity which man has player.-Mrs. Siddons once sat been able to produce, by the most for her portrait to a Mr. Scott, ingenious contrivances, sinks al- of North Britain, who observed most into nothing; yet when put her nose gave him much trouble. in competition with the amazing! "Ah," said she "Gainsborough velocity of the earth in its orbit, was a great deal troubled in the this of its diurnal revolution on same way." He had altered and its axis (though indeed astonish- varied the shape a long time, ingly great,) is comparatively trifling and insignificant.

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when he threw down the pencil, saying "Confound the nose ! there's no end to it !"

Temper.-Temper, like the unseen but busy subterranean fires in the bosom of a volcano, is always at work where it has once gained an existence, and is for ever threatening to explode, and scatter ruin and desolation around

the greatest difficulty he was pre-it. vented from laughing in his face. The difficult part of good temAt length, when the worthy alder- per consists in forbearance, and

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