
which generally attend such an in his own church-yard. His wit advanced period of life. "The was ever poignant, and always Resignation," a poem, the last levelled at those who shewed any and least esteemed of all Dr. contempt for decency or religion. Young's works, was published a His epigram, spoken extempore, short time before his death, and upon Voltaire, is well known; only served to manifest the taper Voltaire happening to ridicule of genius, which had so long shone Milton's allegorical personages of with peculiar brightness in him, death and sin, Dr. Young thus was now glimmering in the socket. addressed him :

Thou art so witty, profligate and thin,
Thou seem'st a Milton, with his death

and sin.

He died in his parsonage house, at Welwyn, April 12th, 1765; and was buried, according to his own desire, (attended by all the poor The attention which Young of the parish,) under the altar- bestowed upon the perusal of piece* of that church, by the side books is not unworthy of imitaof his wife. tion. When any passage pleased him, he appears to have folded down the leaf; on these passages

Before the Doctor died, he ordered all his manuscripts to be burned. Those that knew how he bestowed a second reading. much he expressed in a small But the labours of man are too compass, and that he never wrote frequently vain. Before he reon trivial subjects, will lament turned to much of what he approvboth the excess of his modesty (if ed he died. Many of his books, we may so term it) and the irre- which I have seen, are by those parable loss to posterity. notes of approbation so swelled beyond their real bulk that they will hardly shut.

As a Christian and Divine, he might be said to be an example of primeval piety. The turn of his mind was naturally solemn; and

What tho' we wade in wealth or soar in fame!

he lies!

he usually, when at home in the Earth's highest station ends in Here

country, spent many hours in the

day walking among the tombs And dust to dust concludes her

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This altar-piece is reckoned one of the most

noblest song!

The author of these lines is not without his Hicjacet. His son has

cürious in the kingdom, adorned with an ele gant piece of needle-work by the late Betty erected a small marble monument Young. Iu the middle are inscribed these words to mark the spot where he is

"I am the bread of life." On the north side of the chancel is this inscription, as supposed by the Doctor's order, "VIRGINIBUS -----In- ing monument in his works, which crease in Wisdom and Understanding;" and will endure for many generations,

buried; but he has a more last

opposite on the south side, "PUERISQUE.. And in favour with God and Man,"

until time shall be no more.


(Continued from page 130.)

Thus in the years 1782 and 1783 it was ascertained that bags full of hydrogen gas, or of rarefied com. mon air, either of which is lighter than common air in its usual state, would ascend into the atmosphere, and that they might take up considerable weights.

Soon after the success of the first attempt, the Montgolfiers repeated the experiment in the open air, and with bags of different

The attempts to fill this bag commenced on the twenty-third of August, 1783. But the operators met with many difficulties and disappointments, from inadvertences, want of materials, want of precaution, &c. so much so, that the accomplishment of the experiment, viz. the actual ascent of the balloon, did not take place sizes; but their first grand and before the 26th of the same month. public exhibition in the presence On the morning of that day the of a very respectable and numerous assembly, was made on the 5th of June, 1783, with an aerostatic machine or bag that measured thirty-five feet in diameter. The machine, inflated by the rarefied

inflated balloon, having a small cord fastened to its neck, was permitted to rise only to the height of about 100 feet; but at five o'clock in the afternoon of the 27th, the balloon was disengaged from its air, ascended to a considerable fastenings, in the Champ de Mars, height, and then fell at the distance

of 7668 feet from the original place of ascension. This experiment was described and recorded with accuracy; and accounts of it were immediately forwarded to the court of France, to the academy of sciences, and almost as far as literary and entertaining correspondence could reach. The young

and rose majestically in the atmosphere before the eyes of a great many thousand spectators, and amidst a copious shower of rain. In about two minutes time it rose to the height of about 3123 feet. After remaining in the atmosphere three-quarters of an hour, this balloon fell in a field near Gonesse, a village about 15 iniles from Paris. er Montgolfier, arriving at Paris Its fall was attributed to a rupture that was found in it, and it was reasonably imagined, that the expansion of the hydrogen gas, when the balloon had reached a much less dense part of the atmosphere, that gentleman began to construct had burst it. When this balloon an aerostatic machine of about seventy-two feet in height, at the expence of the academy. But while this operation was going on,

went up, it was found upon trial to be 35 pounds lighter than an equal bulk of common air.

not long after the above-mentioned public exhibition, was invited by the Academy of Sciences to repeat his singular aerostatic experiment; in consequence of which invitation, and as a successful experiment al family of France, and an innuwith an inflammable air balloon had merable concourse of spectators. already been performed on the The preparation for filling the 27th of August, the project of mak- machine with rarefied air consisting balloons became general; and ed of an ample scaffold, raised those who wished to make the ex- some feet above the ground; in the periment on the smallest scalesoon middle of which there was a well calculated the necessary particu- or chimney, about 16 feet in dialars, and found that the perform- meter; in the lower part of which, ance of the experiment was far near the ground the fire was made. from being either difficult or ex- The aperture of the balloon was pensive. The baron de Beauma- put round the chimney or well, noir, at Paris, by the suggestion of and the rest of it was laid down a Mr. Deschamps, was induced to over the well and the surrounding try gold-beater's skin, and soon scaffold. As soon as the fire was made a balloon by gluing several lighted the machine began to swell, pieces of that skin together. This acquired a convex form, stretched balloon was no more than 19 inches itself on every side, and in 11 in diameter; it was of course easi- minutes time, the cords being cut; ly filled with hydrogen gas; and the machine ascended, together with a wicker basket or cage, which was fastened to it by means of a rope, and in which a sheep, Mr. Montgolfier having com- cock, and a duck, had been placed. pleted his large balloon, agreeably These were the first animals that to the desire of the academy, made ever ascended with an aerostatic a private experiment with it on the machine. The apparatus rose to 11th of September, which succeed- the height of about 1440 feet, and ed. On the following day another remained in the atmosphere during experiment was made with the eight minutes; then fell at the dissame, before the commissaries of tance of about 10,200 feet from the academy, and a vast number of Versailles, with the animals safe other spectators; but this experi- in the basket.

on the 11th of September, 1783, it mounted with rapidity into the atmosphere.

ment, in consequence of a violent shower of rain, was attended with partial success: and the aerostat was considerably damaged.

After the success of this experiment with the animals, &c. and when ten months had scarcely elapsed since Mr. Montgolfier made his first experiment of this sort, Mr. Pilatre de Rozier pub

A similar machine was speedily constructed by the same Mr. Montgolfier, by whom the experiment licly offered himself to be the first was performed at Versailles, on the adventurer in this newly-invented 19th of September, before the roy-machine. His offer was accepted,

his courage remained undaunted, thing better than to gaze on the and on the 15th of October, 1783, varied groups that present themhe actually ascended into the at- selves to the keen observer of men mosphere, to the astonishment of and things; and to enter into all the a gazing multitude. The balloon minutiæ of the varied scene, all, with which he ascended was of an especially about the market-places, oval shape, its height being about is noise, bustle, and confu 74, and its horizontal diameter 48 sion; all gives busy note of prefeet. The aperture or lower part paration for the morrow, yet all of the machine had a wicker gal- seems happy and contented. The lery, about three feet broad, with a mechanic, with face shining and balustrade both within and with- half washed, has received his out, about three feet high. The wages, and hastens to provide the inner diameter of this gallery, and morrow's dinner:-the dapper of the neck of the machine which apprentice has just closed the passed through it, was nearly 16 shop, and hurries to the tailor, or feet. In the middle of this aper- hatter, to provide an article in ture an iron grate or brazier was which he can figure away in on supported by means of chains the morrow; perchance he conwhich came down from the sides templates a trip to Richmond, if of the machine. In this construc- the skies forbid it not, or a jourtion, when the machine was up in ney to Hertford; (for that at prethe air, with a fire lighted in the sent is the centre spot of attracgrate, it was easy for a person who tion for all the idle gadabouts of stood in the gallery, and had fuel London.) About eleven the buswith him, to keep up the fire in the tle is at its height, and Babal beat opening of the machine, by throw-hollow at sounds;-now the gining the fuel on the grate through shops begin to fill, and crowds of port-holes made in the neck of the servant-girls, dustmen, and intelmachine; by which means the machine might be kept up as long as the person in its gallery thought proper, or till he had no fuel to supply the fire with.

To be continued.

lectual butcher-boys, indulge their tender sensibilities at the shrines of some neighbouring ballad-singer, who, with note unmusical, warbles, or rather roars out some plaintive ditty:-now the flying pieman, with voice and gesture, a la Harley, scatters around his puns and pastry in rich profusion, much to the edicfiation of the sur

rounding vegetable vendors, don

SATURDAY NIGHT IN LONDON. I love the bustle and confusion key-drivers, cats'-meat men, and of a Saturday Night :-I like no-match merchants; on one side



An Abridgment of the Travels of a
Gentleman through France, Italy,
Turkey in Europe, the Holy Land,
Arabia, Egypt, &c.

(Continued from page 132.)

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may be seen a group composed of from the florid drunkard to the fish-women and oyster-wenches, distressed mechanic, who pledges. discussing their tipple and small an article for the morrow's meal. talk, perhaps scandal; for ladies Such is Saturday Night in Lonin whatever sphere they may move, will talk scandal; in St. James's, we may, if admitted into the boudoirs of some fair-one of rank, hear sly innuendoes and allusions to the. Lady Marys and Lady Janes; we may hear of singular circumstances :-" Bless me! can it be possible ?" "Do you believe it?" "Who did you have it from?" Now, in St. Giles's it is much the same, only clothed in different language; we may there hear how mighty high Moll holds her head, and what good clothes Bet wears, and how strange 'tis we' a'nt seen Sall lately, and so on to the end of the chapter. Turn your eyes, and you may, perchance, see a group of ragged urchins risking their pence and suppers, by tossing halfpence with some itinerant vendor of mutton-pies. Mark well the eager and expectant look of the young aspirant for fortune's favours, and the calm and subdued countenance of the man, ere the hand There is a certain levity in the is removed that decides the issue genius of the French, which disof the toss. Now the well known coveres itself in their discourse, and oft repeated cry of, What gestures, and apparel. In this do you buy, what do you buy," last particular especially they are is silenced for this simple reason, making continual variations, their all are too busy to cry it. Now fashions or modes of dress changdrunken tailors and printers reel ing almost as often as the moon. by you, perhaps upset you; and On this account, a Venetian, who the pawn-brokers' shops have was ordered to paint a Frenchman, been filled since six o'clock with drew him naked, with a pair of every description of characters, shears and a piece of cloth lying


HAVING thus given an ample description of this famous Metropolis, it is time to take a view of the manners, &c, not only of the Parisians but of the French Nation in general: previous to which, we shall just observe with respect to their persons, that they are gene. rally of a lower stature than their neighbours of Germany or Hol land, of a much slighter make, but nimble active, and well-proporti oned.


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