
the mind. Nor is the naturalist the first who ascertained the spe without his part in the entertain-cific gravity of hydrogen gas ment; for he is assisted to recol-(then called inflammable air) and lect and combine, to arrange his discoveries, and to amplify the sphere of contemplation."

To the Editor of the Oxford taining Miscellany.


found it to be a vast deal lighter than common air. In conse quence of this discovery, it was natural to conclude, that if a large bladder, or other envelope, was Enter-filled with hydrogen gas, and that

I think the following account of the invention of the Air Balloon may afford amusement to your readers.

Your's, &c.


if the weight of the envelope added to that of the contained gas, was less than the weight of an equal bulk of common air, the apparatus would mount up into the atmos... phere for the same reason, -and in the same manner, as a cork would rise from the bottom towards the surface of the sea, supposing the cork was left at liberty in the former place.

The art of flying, or of imitating the feathered tribe, has long been the object of earnest desire Early in the year 1782, Mr. amongst men. Cars, artificial birds, Cavallo made the first attempts to wings, and other mechanisms for elevate a bag full of hydrogan gas flying, generally absurd, and into the surrounding air, and an always insufficient, have frequent-account of his experiment was ly been exhibited to the undistin- read at a meeting of the Royal guishing eye of the vulgar; but the Society on the 20th of June, 1782. strictest enquiry into the accounts The weight of hydrogen gas, of authentic history, finds no men- the mean weight of atmospherical tion of any success having ever air, and the weight of the subattended the attempts of this na-stance of which the vessel or bag ture previous to the year 1782. is to be formed, being ascertained, The discoveries made on the it is easy from those particulars nature and properties of aerial to determine by calculation the fluids, by the industry of Black, dimensions of a vessel, which, Priestley, Cavendish, and others, when filled with hydrogen gas, suggested, 'some time before the might be lighter than an equal above-mentioned year, the practi-bulk of common air.

cability of forming machines suf- Upon this principle Mr. Cavallo ficient to elevate considerable tried bladders, the thinnest and weights into the regions of the largest that could be procured. atmosphere. Mr. Cavendish was Some of them were cleaned with

great care, removing from them that the latter might be elevated all the superfluous membranes, and by the boyancy of the former, was other matter that could possibly the first project of those cele be scraped off; but notwithstand-brated gentlemen.

ing all those precautions, he found

Stephen Montgolfier, the elder the largest and lightest of those of the two brothers, made the first prepared bladders to be some what aerostatic experiment at Avignon, too heavy for the purpose. Some towards the middle of November, swimming-bladders of fishes were 1782. The machine consisted of also found too heavy for the ex- a bag of fine silk, in the shape of periment; nor could he even suc- a parallelopipedon, open on one ceed to make any durable light side, the capacity of which was balls by blowing hydrogan gas equal to about 40 cubic feet. into a thick solution of gums, Burning paper, applied to its thick varnishes, and oil paint. In aperture, served to rarefy the air, short, soap-balls, inflated with or to form the cloud; and, when hydrogen gas, were the only sufficiently expanded, the machine things of this sort which he could ascended rapidly to the ceiling of elevate in air; and these perhaps the room. Thus the original diswere the first air balloons that were ever constructed.

covery was made, which was afterwards confirmed, improved, and Not long after this, news was diversified, by different persons received from France of the suc-in different parts of the world. cess which had attended an ex- As soon as the news of Mr. periment of a similar nature made Montgolfier's successful experiat Avignon, by Stephen Mont- ment reached Paris, the scientific golfier; but the bag was not filled persons of that capital, justly with hydrogen gas. It was filled concluded that a similar experiwith air rarified by heat, which of course was lighter than an equal bulk of common air of the usual temperature.

ment might be made by filling a bag with hydrogen gas, immediately attempted to verify the supposition. A subscription for deIt is said that the two brothers, fraying the expences that might Stephen and John Montgolfier, attend the accomplishment of the began to think on the experiment project, was immediately, opened; of the aerostatic machine as early persons of all ranks ran with as the middle or latter end of the eagerness to sign their names, year 1782, the natural ascension and the necessary sum was speedily of smoke, and the clouds in the raised. Messrs. Roberts were atmosphere, suggested the first appointed to construct the maidea; and to imitate those bodies, chine, and Mr. Charles, professor or to inclose a cloud in a bag, so of experimental philosophy, was

On this vast piece of ground the troops perform their military evolutions and are reviewed. Here also chariot, horse, and foot races, are exhibited on public festivals.

appointed to superintend the work. Istone, and bordered on both sides The obstacles, which opposed with double avenues of trees the accomplishment of this first which extend from the front of the attempt, were many; but the two edifice to the bank of the Seine. principal difficulties were to produce a large quantity of hydrogen gas, and to find a substance sufficiently light to make the bag of, and at the same time impermeable to the gas. At last they Tivoli. This garden, which is constructed a globular bag of a superior to any other that as been sort of silk stuff, called lutestring; formed in Paris for the reception which, in order to render it im- of the public, unites at once the pervious to the gas, was covered most finished and rustic beauties. with a certain varnish, said to It is intersected with winding consist of dissolved elastic gum. rivulets of limpid purity, while The diameter of this bag, which, its contiguity to an humble but from its ball-like shape, was called elegant dairy, produces a fascia balloon (and from this the name nating contrast between the cotair balloons was derived), wastage, and the luxury displayed in twelve feet two inches French, or the surrounding modern pavilions. about thirteen feet English. It The price of admission is two had only one aperture, like the neck of a bladder, to which a stop-cock was adapted. The weight of the balloon, when empty, together with the stop-cock, was twenty-five pounds.

To be continued.


An Abridgment of the Travels of a
Gentleman through France, Italy,
Turkey in Europe, the Holy Land
Arabia, Egypt, &c.

francs (one shilling and eightpence English), which includes the right to enjoy the amusements of dancing, rowing upon the water, with every other recreation which the place affords.

Frascati. This spot, which is very much frequented by the Parisian fashionables after the Opera is concluded, may be justly esteemed the centre of pleasure and elegance.

The garden is small, but laid out with much taste. It is di-' vided into two parts by a central walk. On each side of this walk are erected small pillars, round Champ de Mars, (Field of which are entwined woodbines Mars.) This large expanse is sur- and passion-flowers. The capirounded by a fosse, paved with tals of these pillars are connected

(Continued from page 120".)

by rods of iron, to which are attached the names of the most celebrated ancient and modern poets. At the end of the walk is a beautiful piece of rock-work, forming a grotto. The remainder of the garden is diversified by miniature eminences covered with shrubs, with shady walks and arbours, with numerous statues, each of which holds a small lamp in his hand. The rooms are spacious and magnificent.

Nothing is paid for admission, but the proprietors are amply compensated by the sale of liqueurs, ices, fruit, and other re


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ing the different divinities of the water. The whole is crowned by a spherical roof, covered by plates of copper. The naïads, the watergods, and the tritons, in bas-relief, are remarkable for the gracefulness of their attitudes, the beauty of their forms, their finished execution, and the true antique air of their drapery. Little tablets of black marble bear this inscription:


FONTIUM NYMPHIS. Fontaine de Grenelle. fountain was built by Bouchardon, in 1739. It is of a semicircular form, ninety feet in length and thirty-six in heighth, adorned with pilasters and niches, in which are the statues of the four seasons with bas-reliefs applicable to each underneath. The projection in

Within the confines of Paris are sixty fountains:-Fontaine des Innocents is an exquisite specimen of architecture and does the centre is composed of four honour to the French school. At Ionic columns crowned with a the base of each of the four sides pediment. A figure representing is a square projecting stone, on the city of Paris sits on a pedestal which is placed a vast leaden basin in the centre, on each side of of an antique form, supported by which, and a little lower, are a lions' feet. Above, at the corners, river-god and a nymph, repreare four lions of lead, from which senting the Seine and the Marne. jets of water are directed into the The water issues from two heads, basins; and above those, in the placed at equal distances from the middle of an arch, is another middle. The architecture and basin elevated on a pedestal, from decorations of this fountain have the centre of which springs a jet been much admired. d'eau, and from the sides are several little streams.

Fontaine du Chatelet. This consists of a column in the EgypEach side presents a portico, tian style, supporting a globe, on composed of four fluted Composite which is a statue of bronze reprepillars, surmounted by a pedi-senting Victory. At the base are ment. Between the pilasters are the statues of Vigilance, Law, figures of naïads, and above and Strength, and Prudence. They below are bas-reliefs represent-are celebrated for their graceful

ness and fine proportion. The construction.


In this edifice is

base of the column is composed of preserved a circular universal a single stone in the centre of the chart, designed upon the pavement of one of the large chambers, Fontaine de l'Ecole de Médi- by Chazelle and Sédillan. There cine. The form of this fountain is also, particularly deserving of is remarkable. It consists of a notice, a geometrical staircase, kind of grotto formed by four which leaves a vacuity or well Doric pillars, from the roof of 170 feet deep, at the bottom of which the water descends like which the heavenly bodies may be rain, and is received in a semi-seen at noonday. circular basin at the base.

Fontaine St. Dominique. This beautiful edifice has two pilasters in each front. Towards the hospital is the figure of the goddess

To be continued.

of health, succouring a wounded Singular Customs of the Maldivian soldier. Between the pilasters on

the other sides are large vases entwined by a serpent.

and Philippine Islanders.

[blocks in formation]


One more object which attracted alone. They retire to the most our attention we shall describe. hidden parts of their houses and L'Observatoire, (the Observa- draw down the cloths which serve tory.) This building was erected as blinds to their windows, that by Perrault, under the great Col- they may eat unobserved, bert, in 1667. Its exterior is absurd reason may be alleged for grand, and its aspect imposing. their misanthrophical repast; they The simplicity of its design and will never eat with one who is inthe harmony of its parts, ferior to them in birth, in riches, a public edifice of the first order, or dignity; and as it is a difficult though erected on a superficies too matter to settle this equality they contracted. are condemned to lead this unsocial life. On the contrary the


The principal mass is a square with octagonal towers at two of Philippines are remarkably sociWhenever one of them finds the angles, and a projecting build-able.

ing on the opposite side. It himself without a companion to stands exactly north and south, partake of his meal, he runs till and a meridional line runs through he meets with one, and however the great hall. It is completely keen his appetite may be, he vaulted throughout, and has nei-ventures not to satisfy it without ther wood nor iron in its whole a guest.

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