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chaser makes a direct offer, the down to proceed to the final cereseller rises, as if going away. The mony-the delivery of the goods. brokers follow him crying aloud, All that has passed is a mere comeand bring him back by force; they dy; it is, however, indispensable; contend and struggle; one pulls because the Hindoo will by all one way, and one the other; it is means have the appearance of hava noise, a confusion, of which it is ing been deceived and duped. If difficult to form an idea. The he has not been sufficiently pushed poor Hindoo acts the most passive about and shaken; if he has not part; he is sometimes even ill-treat- had his collar torn; if he has not ed. When this has continued some received the full complement of time, and they think they have per-punches in the ribs, and knocks suaded him, they proceed to the third on the head; if his right arm is act, which consists in giving the hand, and which is performed in a most grotesque manner.

not black and blue, from being
held fast, to make him give his
hand to the buyer; he repents of
his bargain till the next fair, and
then it is very difficult to make
him listen to any terms.
In the
affair in which I assisted as a wit-
ness, the Hindoo had demanded
230,000 roubles, and came down
to 180,000; and of this sum he
paid 2 per cent. to the brokers.

"Our whole party, the seller,

The brokers seize upon the seller, and endeavour, by force, to make him put his hand into that of the purchaser, who holds it open, and repeats his offer with a loud voice. The Hindoo defends himself; he makes resistance, disengages himself, and wraps-up his hand in the wide sleeves of his robe, and repeats his first price in a lamenta- buyer, brokers, interpreters, and ble voice. This comedy continues a considerable time; they separate, they make a pause, as if to recover strength for a new contest; the noise and struggling recommence: at last, the two brokers seize the hand of the seller, and, notwith- little spatula of mother-o'-pearl, standing all his efforts and cries, oblige him to lay it in the hand of the buyer.

"All at once, the greatest tranquillity prevails; the Hindoo is ready to weep, and laments in a low voice, that he has been in too great a hurry. The brokers congratulate the purchaser; they sit

witnesses, sat down with crossedlegs upon a handsome carpet, with a broad fringe, spread on purpose. First of all, ices were brought, in pretty bowls of China porcelain ; instead of spoons, we made use of

fixed to a silver handle by a button of ruby, emerald, turquoise, or other precious stones. When we had taken refreshments, the merchandise was delivered,

"The marks had been verified a second time, and all found right; new disputes arose about the time of payment; and when every thing

was at last settled, the whole com- that as St. Marcayi was the patro

and founder of Mackarieff, the fair could not be removed without offending the saint. Notwithstanding this superstitious scruple, the removal of the fair to Nishni-Novo

pany knelt down to pray. I followed the example of the rest, and could not help being struck by the diversity of the faith of those who were here assembled: there were Hindoos, aderers of Brama and of gorod was determined upon. A numerous dois ; Tartars, who sub-plan for the necessary buildings at mitted their fate to the will of Nishni-Novogorod was drawn up, Allah, and Mahomet, his prophet; and laid before the emperor, who two. Parsis, or worshipers of fire; approved of it, and assigned a a Calmouck officer, who adored in large sum for the execution of it. Dala Llama, the living image of the -Percy Anecdotes. divinity; a Moor who venerated I know not what unknown being; lastly, an Armenian, a Georgian, and myself, a Lutheran, all three Christians, but of different communions-a remarkable example of toleration.



An Abridgment of the Travels of a
Gentleman through France, Italy,
Turkey in Europe, the Holy Land,
Arabia, Egypt, &c.

(Continued from page 92.)

Le Palais Royal, (The Royal Palace) formerly the residence of royalty, now presents a very cu


My prayer was fervent and sincere I prayed to Heaven to be pleased to cure the women of Europe, as soon as possible, of their extravagant fondness for this article of luxury. The prayer being ended, we saluted one another, and every one emptied his bowl; I never tasted a more rious spectacle, Retaining the agreeable beverage. We then name of palace, with all the magseparated, and each went his own nificence of royalty, it affords way." scene of mingled splendour and In the summer of 1816, a great poverty, beauty and deformity, fire destroyed the buildings ap- luxury and misery, which defies propriated for magazines and all description. Under the arcades shops at Mackarieff. In conse- at one end is a double row of quence of this misfortune, it was little shops, in which is the most proposed to remove the fair to beautiful and fanciful display of Nishni-Novogorod. The Rus- jewels, china, prints, books, risians, it appears, were much divided in their opinions on this subject, most of them thinking

bands, clothes, and indeed of every possible luxury. Beneath are subterranean apartments, in one

meetings; while, perhaps, the neighbouring apartments are occupied by the fashionable impure. The Palais Royal is the favourite haunt and chosen residence of this miserable and degraded class

of which a motley assembly is Literary societies here hold their tripping it to the music of some wretched performer; in a second, an equally ill-assorted group are regaling themselves with their favourite liqueurs, from the vin de Burgundie to simple small beer; in a third a number of miser- of society. able objects are crowding arouud the hazard or the billiard table; and, if you dare venture into a fourth, you witness the most disgusting scenes of debauchery and vice. Ascending once more to the arcades, the stranger admires scription, and it is well if he esthe cleanly and elegant appear-capes without paying dearly for ance of the restaurateurs, or ta- his curiosity.

If the traveller ascend still higher, he witnesses more deplorable scenes of depravity. Here he finds the lower and more disgusting prostitutes; he is surrounded by sharpers of every de

verns. The English epicure can Such is the Palais Royal. It form no conception of the rich is a little world. It comprises in and almost innumerable dishes it every character, and almost which there invite his taste. The every scene that can be imagined, coffee-houses are convenient and elegant, and constantly filled.

If the traveller now ascend to the first floor, a different and unexpected scene breaks upon him. He is admitted into the very abode of gaming and ruin. In

every thing to corrupt the heart. It has not its parallel in any city of Europe, and actual observation alone can convey any adequate idea of its splendour and its se ductions.

Palais du Luxembourg

numerable rooms open in succes- Luxembourg.)—Of all the roya”

palaces in the metropolis, an even in France, none surpasses the Luxembourg in magnificence. This fine structure is composed of one principal building, termi

sion, and all of them crowded, in which every game of hazard or of skill is played. These are authorized by law; they are under the immediate sanction of government, and contribute largely to nated by large square pavilions, its support. Other ranges of while from the centre a noble apartments are occupied by res-pavilion elevates itself, crowned taurateurs; others are appropri- by an ample dome. The archi ated to scientific pursuits Lec-tecture throughout is distinguishtures on every branch of philoso-ed by its bold and masculine chaphy, and on the Belles-Lettres, racter, and by the regularity and are delivered almost every hour. beauty of its proportions. This

palace contains three noble gal- lest bitterness. On coming aboard, Jeries of paintings. The throne the decks were crowded with supported by the imperial eagles, Queens and Chiefs, pigs and poulstill remains in the chamber of try. Of pigs there were about the peers. On the pannels of the three hundred; goats, thirty-six ; chamber are ranged immense pic- sheep, six; and bullocks, four; tures, representing the warlike with eight dozen of fowls, and exploits of Napoleon. The prin- four dozen of fine ducks,-allcipal walks are luxuriantly orna- adrift together; and potatoes and mented with orange-trees, taste- powey from stem to stern. The fully arranged, and presenting Queen joined her lamentations picturesque groups, interspersed to the rest; and what with the with vases and statues. A large grunting of the pigs and the howlsheet of water, surrounded by a ing of the natives we were almost terrace, spreads itself in front of stunned. The King preserved the building. his composure till the Chiefs and other Queens took their leave, and then his grief overpowered him. We fired a salute in return for those received from the forts and shipping, and the natives in the canoes gave us three cheers, and thus we quitted the Sandwich Islands. The King, Queen, Governor Boguey and his wife; the Pilot, and two other Chiefs; the King's Steward and two servants, with two interpreters, made up the group. Among other things brought on board was some salted dog's flesh, a favourite dish with

In this palace the Peers, formerly the conservative Senate, hold their meetings,


To be continued.


The following curious particulars of the Royal Party from the Sandwich Islands, are extracted from the Journal of a fellow pas

sick, and then the fowls went to wreck, for they generally eat

senger: "At his departure the natives them.-Sometimes they were seagathered around him, and tore their hair, and shrieked and yelled with the most frantic gestures. The twice as much as at any other King was dressed in the Europe- time. Whenever a pig was killed an fashion, and when the boat shov- the raw entrails composed a delied off from the shore, he stood up cious feast ;-and grog for ever. without betraying the slightest They always drank their liquor emotion: while the natives swam neat, and seldom less than a pint round and clung to various parts, at a time; and when one got crying aud yelling with the great-groggy all hands did the same.

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They varied their dress occasion-ed them an interview, and the two ally, from a piece of cloth round monarchs met together. The Emthe middle, to their long coats and peror behaved with considerable trowsers. The Queen was some- kindness and affability, and pretimes dressed in the richest silks, sented the King with a handsome which were soon covered with diamond-hilted sword in a gold filth and grease. They were sheath; and the Empress gave very affable with the crew, and the Queen a pair of diamond earit was no uncommon sight to rings, for which they received in see black and white pigging to- return a very beautiful feathergether, like the checquers on a dress. they visited the British a draft board.-There was no Admiral on board the Spartiate, jealousy amongst them. When and were much delighted with her majesty got groggy she was their entertainment. When they very loving, and would be always returned, the King described the kissing and hugging her royal two decks as one ship a-top of spouse, till it was carried too far, t'other. Lord Cochrane paid them and then she used to get knocked great attention while on shore, as down. One of their greatest indeed did every body else. They luxuries was to strip naked, and frequently came on board of us, to get one of the crew to heave get a mess of raw fish and entrails, buckets of water over them. Their as the Captain would not suffer majesties were uncommonly at- them to eat such garbage before tached, and if either one was sick the Portuguese. One day the the other would sit crying by the Captain landed with some ladies, side. Boguey's wife was distin- and saw Governor Boguey swimguished by the name of She Bo-ming about near the landing-place, guey. Cards were their chief to the great diversion of hundreds amusement, and some of them of spectators. The moment the played a good game. Governor caught sight of the skipper, he hastened out of the water, and in a state of nudity, came up to the party and began to converse,

On arriving at Rio Janeiro we fired a salute, which was returned by the forts and the Brazilian fleet, and the English Admiral promised to send his barge to convey them ashore, but after waiting two days, they landed from one of the country boats, and took up their lodgings at a private house, in a retired part of the town. The Emperor was at his country house, but directly he returned he grant

We left Rio Janeiro with the same ceremony of salutes, and soon after one of our boys died. This seemed to affect them very much, and they were particularly attentive during the reading of the burial service. Just before we got into sounding, one of the Chiefs departed this life; but it

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