TOM BOWLING. ERE, a sheer hulk, lies poor Tom Bowling, No more he'll hear the tempest howling, His form was of the manliest beauty, His heart was kind and soft, Faithful, below, he did his duty, But now he's gone aloft. Tom never from his word departed, His friends were many and true-hearted, But mirth is turn'd to melancholy, Yet shall poor Tom find pleasant weather, Shall give, to call life's crew together, The word to pipe all hands. Thus Death, who kings and tars despatches, In vain Tom's life has doff'd, For, though his body's under hatches, His soul is gone aloft. BEN BLOCK. OULD you hear a sad story of woe, His name was Ben Block, of all men The most true, the most kind, the most brave; But harsh treated by Fortune, for Ben In his prime found a watery grave. His place no one ever knew more; His nature had most of the dove; Sent him far from his love, where hard fate A curse on all slanderous tongues !— A false friend his mild nature abused, And sweet Kate of the vilest of wrongs, To poison Ben's pleasure, accused :—That she never had truly been kind; That false were the tokens she gave; That she scorn'd him, and wish'd he might find In the ocean a watery grave. Too sure from the cankerous elf, The venom accomplish'd its end; Ben, all truth and honour himself, ་ Take thy wish, he cried, false, cruel fair, THE GIRL ASHORE. HE tar's a jolly tar that can hand, reef, and steer, That can nimbly cast off and belay, Who in darkest of nights finds each halliard and gear, And dead reck'ning knows well and leeway: More jolly must be, He must laugh at the waves as they roar; He must rattle, And in battle Brave danger and dying, Though bullets are flying, And all for the sake of his girl ashore. The tar's a jolly tar who his rhino will spend, E For we sailors all think he that's true to his friend Will never be false to his king: But the tar to please me More jolly must be, He must venture for money galore; A generous spirit, And save up his cash for his girl ashore. The tar's a jolly tar who loves a beauty bright, But the tar to please me Though teased at each port by a score; At their leering, Never study to delight 'em, But scorn 'em and slight 'em, Still true to the core: Singing, laughing, Dancing, quaffing, And constant return to his girl ashore. B BEN BACKSTAY. EN BACKSTAY loved the gentle Anna, Her honey words, like succ'ring manna, One fatal morning saw them parting, At distance from his Anna's beauty, On a rock splitting, open'd wide; The semblance of each charming feature, The portrait came-joy turn'd to mourning— |