


N times of peril and alarm, when, for wife and falutary reafons, Providence permits the fagacity of the wife to be fruftrated by the artifices of wicked men, and the triumphs of moral virtue to be for a while fufpended, the mind can rest upon no base fo strong, or feelings fo confolatory, as the consciousness of having done its duty.

With fuch emotions Mr. Urban enters upon a new year; and, although fomewhat depreffed, in common with all thofe not profelytes to a new philofophy, which laughs to fcorn the better fympathies of the heart, he looks back upon bis labours of the year that is past, with a manly confidence. He boldly avows that no principles can be imputed to him but fuch as neceflarily proceed from loyalty as a fubject, benevolence as a man, impartiality as a critick, and a general love of genius and talents wherever they appear. He has ever acted, and ever will act, upon a fyftem of conduct, which, equally defying the infinuations of prejudice, malignity, and difappointment, at once elevates and fecures the mind, from the reach of mean and contemptible paffions. At the fame time, therefore, that he repeats his acknowledgements to the publick, for the undiminished fuccefs which ftill continues to accompany his exertions, he again holds forth his accustomed invitation, without diftinction of fect or party, to all who may think proper to exercife their talents, in whatever purfuit, for the elucidation of what is obfcure, or the promotion of what is ufeful, in any branch of Science or the Arts. Neither will he take his leave of the numerous circle whofe friendship is his pride, and whofe affiftance he may boaft, or of that publick whofe approbation ftamps its valued fanction on his labours, without offering his ferious prayer to the Father of Good, that all forrow for paft, or terror of future calamity, may be fpeedily obliterated by the return of peace, the extinction of animofities, the oblivion of injuries, and the circulation of benevolence to an extent, which may embrace every quarter of the globe.

Dec. 31, 1795.

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