

Review of New Publications.

dinary character of the NEPHEW of God Almighty, and commiffioned by him to predict the very near approaching deftraction of London by earthquake and fire, and, in it, of the British Parliament, whom he fuppofes the Armaggedon of the Revelations. But, as he has an exclufive privilege of interceffion, he has given a list of thofe who will be fo happy as to be included in it. Among thole named by him were William Pulteney, William Pitt, Gilbert Elliot, Charles Grey, the Earl of Buckinghamhire, the Marquis of Lanfoowne, the Earl of Chatham, Maitland, now called Earl of Lauderdale; Henry Phipps, "for 1 remembered his brother to have done me an act of friendship;" John Dalrymple, John Griffin Griffin, Alderman PICKETT, " because that, during bis mayoralty, be opposed, by a public advertisement, the frequency of taking oaths; in doing fo, he honoured that all-remembering God, who will, in due time, as publicly honour him;" Wilberforce, Baftard, Sheridan, Philip Stephens, Charles Fox, John Luke a poor Quaker, Simuel Hood, the King and his Family, for they were to be ga thered into London; Ponfonby, "for whom I conceived an efteem from obferving in his countenance opennels and honesty, and poffeffing, as I thought, a heart fimilar to my own, I was led to intreat for him: until lath year, I could affign no other reason for mentioning that name than what I have given; but the true one is, that, as God had deter. mined, not only to keep in London the people then in it, but likewife to allow great multitudes to be drawn to it from all parts of the country, he would be found among the number to be destroyed; for which, to prevent his death in fuch a place, the Lord God influenced me to regard him, that I might after wards remember fuch a perfon, and be mindful of his fafety. I am not in the leaft acquainted with the man I have mentioned, whom God was pleafed to diftinguish by fo great a teftimony of his regard. But, although I am not, and our names are different, he is as well as myself, defcended from DAVID KING OF ISRAEL. The Countess of Buckinghamshire, whom I am no more acquainted with than the stranger I mentioned before, is likewife defcended from David King of lirael. The family the is married into are alfo of the He brews, and are defcended from JOSEPH the once PRESIDENT OF EGYPT.


There are many families of the fame origin as the three I have named, made known to me by Revelation; but I am forbid to mention any of them at prefent for public knowledge. After intreating for the perfons I have fet down, and pointing from my mind to numbers belides, whofe names I did not know, [ was, to prepare me for the defignation of God, carried up to heaven in a vifion, and faw, on my right fide, at a finall dilance, a beautiful filver white bird, in the shape of a dove, but a little larger. It was the HOLY GHOST, and was the very fame that defcended on the head of my BLESSED SAVIOUR when he came up from being baptized in the river Jordan. He kept between me and Satan, who was then revealed, that I might witnels it and great power given him to vifit the earth.

The LORD GOD then

fpoke to me from the middle of a white fining cloud After this I was in a vilion, having the Angel of God near me, and faw Satan walking leifurely into London; his face had a fimile, but under it his looks were fly, crafty; and deceitful. On the right fide of his forehead were feven dark foots; he was drefled in white and fearlet robes. Again I was in a vision, and faw London a scene of confufion; it was effected on a fudden; all the people were armed, and appeared quite furious. I was carried through the city in the Spirit of God, to fee all things that were defigned should come to pafs, and be informed how quick they could be accomplished. After this I was in a vifion, and faw a large river run through London coloured with human blood. Exceedingly unhappy for all that I faw, and which I knew would foon be fulfilled; I prayed and entreated the Lord God to give me one more inBance of his mighty regard, by Sparing London and the great multitude in it. I faid, I acknowledge, O Lord my Go i, the pople do very wrong but it is through compulfion and for want of knowing bet ter. The Lord God was fo highly displeased that I should, after all his former kindnefs, ftrain his affection, and entreat him to annul his recorded judgement, as to stop me, and, in a voice of great sharpnels and anger, fay, They hate my blessed Gospel, and will not obey it. The angel. that was appointed to give me inftruction forfook me in an inftant on hearing' this anfwer. I trembled for my life, and feemed to be another man; for, I was afraid of being deftroyed with the city. It was three days after, this, before the


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for ever, is the meaning of and he will
think to change times and laws.' And
they will be given into his hand, for a
time and times, and the dividing of
time.' The meaning of which is, that
the KING of PRUSSIA, although aing
in oppofition to the will of God (for,
every man that reads the Scripture, and
believes it to be the Book of Truth, pof-
feffes, from that moment, a knowledge
of good and evil, of right and wrong, of
what is merciful and what is cruel, of
what is pleafing to God and what is of-
fenfive), is permitted to wage a war of
injuftice against the righteous for three
years and a half; during which time,
according to the prophecy, he would
conquer and defiroy great multitudes of
them. But my pravers prevailed with
God, even against his own recorded
judgement by Daniel; for, I befceched
him to oppofe the unjuft defigns of the
King of Pruffia before he invaded
France, after he had to fufpend the pro-
phecy, and, for my fake, to turn him
back. The Lord God fpeke to me in a
vifion at night, and faid, He hall go
out of France with fhame and confu-
fion.' This promife was fulfilled in the
year 1792. for, foon after the Pruffian
army entered France, God led it into
fuch difficult places as to endanger its
fafety. He alfo fent the vifitation of a
wafting fickness that forced it to go a-
way ahamed and highly difappointed.
Although the other parts of the pro-
phecy muft neceffarily be fulfilled, to
accomplish the purposes of God, and the
deftruction of the Pruffian monarchy,
the King cannot conquer as the judge-
ment intended, hut he is permitted to
oppofe, fometimes defeated with thame,
and fometimes encouraged by deceitful
fuccefs; until his armies become weak,
and the BEAR becomes frong, until the
proper time arrives for HIM likewife to
fall." p. 33. "As I knew, in the be
ginning of 1792, that the KING OF
ENGLAND would enter into this war,
and, by doing lo, fall under the fame
judgement from GoD as the other Mo.
NARCHS hewn in the vifion, unless I
could, by a juft explanation of the pro-
phecies, perfuade him to remain at
peace, he will, I truft, with the QUEEN
and Minister of State, do me the juice
hereafter to acknowledge that the dan-
ger was fully communicated, and that I
did not ceale in my endeavours to pre
vent him from joining in the confederacy
against France, not only for a long time

Lord God would be reconciled to hear
mv pravers, and fpeak to me with his
former kindness. In ten days after the
three, I was in a vifion, and, being car-
ried up to heaven, the Lord God fpoke
to me from the middle of a large white
cloud, and faid, in a ftrong, clear voice,
ALL, ALL. I pardon London and all
the people in it, for your fake; there is
no other man on earth that could ftand
before ine to ask for fo great a thing."
For ever, O Lord my God, I will praife
and thank you for this great infance of
your bleed regard; all nations will
bear it and may all nations bonour you
by their obedience! your great mercy is
over them all, and by its goodness the
world is now Jafe. Had London been
deftroyed in the year 1791, the place
where it ftands would have formed a
great bay or inlet of the channel: all the
land between Windfor and the Downs
would have been funk, including a dif-
tance of 18 miles each fide, but confider-
ably more towards the fea coaft. It
would be funk to the depth of 70 fa-
thoms, or 420 feet, that no traces of the
city might be ever found, or even fo
much as looked for." (Book I. p. 43-
46). We have feen, in article 14, the
prophecy of Daniel, vii. 25, applied to
the FRENCH. Our prophet refers it to
the King of PRUSSIA (II. 32). "The
beginning of this verfe means the KING
of PRUSSIA fpeaking in blafphemy a-
gainst God, threatening, in great words,
as if he poffeffed the whole power of
heaven, to conquer and deftroy with his
army all cities that do not open to him,
and all men that oppofe his defigns.
This was exactly fulfilled by the HORN
when he entered France in 1792; the
proclamations which he iffued at that
time are full of blafphemy against God,
prefumption for his great army, and vi-
olent threats, to deftroy cities, and cut
innocent men in pieces. Change times
and laws, the meaning of which is, that
what God decrees is his law, and his
prophecy contains it: an oppofition by
the King of Pruffia to what God has de-
creed thall come to pafs, is endeavour-
ing, by force of arms, to top the courfe
of the prophecy, and change the decreed
time for it to be fulfilled. The King of
Prufia, by threatening, with the great
ftrength of his army, to build up what
God, to fulfil this prophecy, has thrown
down; to refiore that MONARCHY in
France, which God, to fulfil his recorded
judgement in this prophecy, has removed
GENT. MAG. March, 1795.



Review of New Publications.

before he intended it, but also after he
had-even till the defigns of Govern-
ment were ready to be executed by open
preparations for hoftility. If this war
was like any which has preceded it, a
prince might, as ufual, fit down at his
leifure, and calculate from his fuccefs
how long to carry it on, or by his de-
fears how foon he must leave it off: but
the death of Louis the XVIth, and the
Revolution in France, having proceeded
GOD, the Two things which bave oc-
cafioned it, and which have rendered it
Jo entirely different that its confequences
are already determined, will be the fame
to the monarchs engaged in it as hap-
pens to a man unexpe&edly caught in a
large trap on forbidden ground-the
pains of death convince him of trans-
greffion before his eyes could warn him
of the danger. I know the Judgements
of God; by them I am directed: by
Revelation and through his Holy Spirit
I write. To fulfill them, the feventh
chapter of Daniel, and fuch parts of the
Revelation as mean the present time and
the fame things, the war now carrying
on will involve all the nations engaged
in it in great diftrefs, and nearly all the
princes of Europe in death. As I knew
all this a confiderable time before the
war, I fet my heart and my mind to in-
tercede with God, although it was a-
gainst his recorded judgements, to fave
the KING and fpare the country I live
in. I fucceeded with God, and obtained
an offer of mercy, but could not with
'man to believe and accept it. I wish
well to the KING and QUEEN, and
likewife their FAMILY: to know all
that I have related, and more than I am
'permitted to tell; to know the unavoid-
able death of him, and afterwards the
certain deftruction of an amiable woman
and her children, Would, I thought, be
a crime to reproach for ever the feelings
of my heart, if I did not implore, when
I knew the great kindness that God had
for me, and endeavour, by all the means
in my power, to prevent it." pp. 35, 36.
As the prophet fell under the lafh of
human laws, and was confined in New
gate, he has it in command from the
Lord God to procure rewards to Ifabella
Wake and Capt. Hanchett, who relieved
him there; and to inform the latter,
tha, though his name is Hanchett,
there is John Pitt Earl of Chatham, Sir
Gilbert Elliot, and Charles Grey, you as
well as them, the whole as well as my-
felf, are of the Hebrews, branches of my


own family, and are defcended from
David King of Ifrael. All this has been
told me by Revelation from the Lord
God in vifions of the night." P. 47.-
"When I was writing of these things to
the Earl of Chatham, on my knees I
made a folemn vow to the Almighty
God, declaring, that, if he would be
pleafed to enable me, I would most
furely procure an indemnification for
the poor man that loft his fhip. Since
that time, the Lord God has told me,
by revelation at night, that he would
moft truly enable me; for, if I liked, I
fhould be prefident of the council, and
chancellor of the exchequer; I fhould
have any thing that I required. Imme-
diately after this, I heard another voice
from heaven fay, the Lord have mercy
on them if they had not you for their
friend and counfellor; for, England is
the Spiritual Egypt mentioned in the
11th chapter of the Revelations of St.
John." p. 51." Hear, therefore, all
nations, and be warned by it, what the
Lord God has told me by Revelation,
and now commands me to write, that
the injuries I received, because done for
obeying his word in the bletted Gospel,
the remembrance of them should never
be blotted out from the throne of hea-
ven. Moreover, he faid likewife, that
he would shake the English Admiralty
as a man would violently bread in a
basket, until he loofed the foundations of
the earth, and shook the place in pieces."
P. 52.-"The Lord God commands me
to lay to William Bryan, that you are of
the Hebrews, and of the tribe of Judab;
and that you John Wright are appointed
and will be commanded by him to teftify
publicly to the world who I now am,
and what my future defignation is." p.
83. The Lord God commands me to
remind all people of the loud thunder
that was on the 7th of August laft
[1794], and to fay, it was a threat from
him to deftroy London, fooner than fuf-
fer me to be hurted: take it for a warn
ing, and beware of the dreadful confe-
quences that will most certainly ensue, if
a fimilar injury is intended against me:
for, if you, the English Government, is
determined to moleft me, the Lord God
is alfo determined to oppose you; and
will vifit with death on his enemies, and
with deftruction on their capital. For,
the English Government, both what is
called Civil and Ecclefiafiical, in its
prefent form will, by the fierce anger
and determined judgement of the Lord
God, be removed annihilated-and ut-


terly deftroyed, before the expiration of ten months from this day." p. 91. This date was printed 11 April, 1794, altered with a pen to Oct. 26, 1794; and the acquittal of the prifoners to be tried for high treafon at the Old Bailey is predicted with confidence. Laftly, Peter Woulfe, one of the Avignon Society, is promifed the refloration of all his property confifcated in France, and that of every other peaceable individual by Spain, England, Pruffia, Germany. Holland, and all the other nations of Europe."The very loud and unufual kind of thunder heard in the beginning of January, 1791, was the voice of the Angel mentioned in the 18th chapter of the Revelation, proclaiming the judge. ment of God and the fall of Babylon the great. It was the loudest that ever was heard fince man was created, and hook the whole earth every time the Angel fpoke, it roared through the streets, and made a noife over London like the falling of mountains of stones. Many buildings were damaged at the time of this thunder, and many perfons were frightened by it; the great flashes of lightning proceeded alfo from the Angel, and was, according to the first verfe, reflected from the brightness of his glory." I. 41. This is defcribed Jan. 21, at Liverpool, in our vol. LXI. p. 82. That on the evening of Aug. 3, 1793, was the voice of the Angel ftanding in the fun, Rev. xix. See an account of it at Ipswich, Aug. 7, LXIII. 761.

So much for the author's own intrinfic marks, which we have been thus long in extracting that the publick may judge of his credentials and commiflion. Whether he is a volunteer, or the dupe of fuperior intellects, It us try by the account given of him by Nathaniel Braffey Halhed, M. P.

of his credulity, and fuppreffed his pam-
phlet. Certain it is, that what we are
now reviewing is called the second edi-
tion. After a difcuffion of the question
of war and peace, on which Mr. H. was
prevented from delivering his fentiments
in the House of Commons, he proceeds
to characterize the prophet for his plain-
nefs, fimplicity, want of grammatical
knowledge, harmony of arrangement,
and elegance of diction; and, having af
fured us, that he himself had explained
all the Hindu allegorical writings, he
fets up for an explainer of all the pro-
phecies of the Old Teftament, in which
he perfectly concurs with the new pro-
phet; declares that the prophecies of
Daniel can abfolutely apply to nothing
but the prefent ftate of Europe; and af-
firms, from his own difcoveries, that the
prophet Daniel pofitively and particu-
larly denounces annihilation to the Bri-
tifh navy in the prefent war; and, as a
proof of this propofition, in the courfe of
his effay he is content to reft his whole
pretenfions to penetration. p. 13. Mr.
H. afferts, that, without the affiftance of
Mr. B, who, when he called on him,
only referred him to the Scriptures, he
has found the fate of Europe in Daniel
and Efdras, which last he admits into
his canon of Scripture; but, as it is not
in our canon of the facred books, we
pafs his conftruction of the prophecy
contained in it, and proceed to hear how
he concurs with the modern prophet in
pronouncing LONDON to be Babylon-
because it trades in Daves, and fouls of
men are fold there. Would one not be
aftonished, after this, to hear that Mr.
H. had fold His foul among the reft-to
the treasury bench-for nolbing? or ra-
ther, waiting, with his foul in bis band,
for a good offer? But, though he fold
his foul, he could never sell his tongue-
and, more unfortunately for him, he
never has been lucky enough to catch
the Speaker's eye to get a fingle oppor-
tunity of using it. But London is alfo
"Sodom in Egypt, where our Lord was
crucified;" i. e. where the bleffed facra-
ment of redemption is proflituted for a
tf. The two cities of London and
Weftminster, and the wicked Church of
England, come in for their share all to-
gether. In proof that Mr. B. is to be
the re-conductor of the Jews, Mr. H.
obferves, that Mofes was born in Egypt,
and afcended from an ark of bull-rushes:
this fecond Mofes was born in fome pi-
ritual Egypt, i. e. London, and rose from
a fhip, having been bred to the navy.

The prophet having commanded him, in the name of the Lord God, to publih and declare to the world, in wiiting, without the leaft fear of any human power whatever, that the Revelation by him published is from him the Lord God, and is true; and that Mr. H. was converted to the full knowledge of his word, and convinced that he is his prophet; which teftimony he is to fend copies of to the King of England, his Queen and family, all the members of both houfes of parliament, the judges, and all the foreign ambassadors, the lord mayor and all the aldermen of London; this, we are told by fome, was done; by others, that the writer was afhamed



Review of New Publications.

To the objection taken from the affumed title of Nephew of God Almighty, Mr. H. anfwers, "I fincerely hope there is no man in this country who will openly deny that Jefus Chrift is God Almighty; if there be, I fpeak not to him. I am fure no member of the Eftablished Trinitarian Church can fafely fay otherwife. Now, if Jefus Chrift had brothers and fifters, as is expreffly proved from the Gospel, the fon of one of them must neceffarily have been bis nephew. Extend the line of filiation as far as we pleafe, through 50, 100, or 1000 defcents, the laft is ftill a nephew, lineally defcended from the firft, in the fame manner as every Jew, to this day, is a fon of Abraham, and as we are all of us, bevond 'all doubt, the fons of Adam. Next, Mr. B. fays, he was, in a vifion, taken up to heaven, where he faw the Holy Ghoft, under the figure of a filver-coloured dove. As a fpirit, truly, the Holy Ghoft may have no fhape; but that he actually appeared as a dove when Jefus Chrift was baptized by John in Jordan, I prefume no believer in the Gofpel will think ft to conteft with me. Again, Mr. B. faw Satan entering London in an human hope. Why, what fhape thould he be in? Perhaps, indeed, if he had represented him with faucer eyes, cloven hoofs, and a tail a fathom and a half long, all the old women of both fexes in this great city would have been mightily tempted to believe him. But, after all, what other hape can we more confiftently fuppofe him to have worn in his triumphal entry into a city inhabited by men? I am only forry that, defcribed as he is, in robes of white and fcarlet, he must have been hardly diftinguished from any of the peers of Great Britain, whom I have 1een in the fame drefs come into, and go out of, Westminster-hall, at the diabolical impeachment." p. 37. From fuch arguments as thefe, and others of the fame complexion, one would almost be tempted to fufpe& Mr. H. joined the impoftor to laugh at him. But, if this be the cafe, how comes Mr. H. to fit in a room in the fame houle, whither fo man reforted to fee and confult the prophet, and to be ready to be feen himfelf-it enquired after? We cannot lofe fight of the aim of the writer of "The Word of Admonition to Mr. Pitt," who affects a ferious alarm at the progrefs of the doctrines of the impoftor, when he

* Yet commentators are divided whether 5 refers to the mode of defcent of the of the Spirit.


fays, "Already a vaft portion of the phyfical strength of this country believe him to be another Meffiah," p. 10; and "his prophecies daily acquiring the fanity and authority of holy writ," p. 15,-for the purpole of bringing in Mr. Fox to fave the ftare from a religious impofture, when he avers, in the outfet of his book, that he would not undertake the guide, the helm of government, in the prefent fituation of affairs. We cannot help thinking, refpecting Mr. B, that there is no third probability, but that he is either an impoftor or a mad. man. With all our refpect for Mr. H's Hindu knowledge, we fear he has bewildered himfelf too much in Eastern myfteries to decide the queftion.

Before this review of the prophet. his partizan and oppofer, meets the public eve, it will be known that the firft has been arrefted by the proper authority, and, by the proper judges, adjudged a lunatick; the fecond, bound by proper fecurities not to difturb the public tranquillity; and, as to the third, the publications, in answer to these prophetic pretentions, have multiplied fafter than we can find time or room to review them; but the whole bufinefs is already fallen into neglect and contempt.

21. Wonderful Prophecies; being a Differtation

on the Exiflence, Nature, aad Extent, of the Prophetic Powers in the Human Mind: with unquestionable Examples of feveral eminent Prophecies of what is now acting, and foun to be fulfilled, upon the great Theatre of Europe, particularly thofe, worthy of Notice, by Richard Brothers, and a remarkable Prophecy of Dr. Smollett, jufi before bis Death; alfo others, never before made public, by Daniel Defoe, James Lambet, Martha Ery, and Hannah Green. To ubich are added, felected from the most antient Authorities, thofe of Dr. Goldimith, Dr. John Harvey, Michael Noftradamus, William Lilly, Anna Trappel, Mr. Love, John Tillinghaft, Peter Jurieu, Seth Darwin, Robert Nixon, Robert Fleming, Dr. Priestley, John Lacy, John Maximilian Dent, Rev. Mr. John Wilfon, Ep. Newton, Baron Swedenborg, Dr. Hoadly, Hannibal, King James V. Alexander the Great, Thomas Wotton, Abbey Raynal, Countels of York, Thomas a Becket, Dr. Sibly, Barclay, Dr. Gideon, Harvey, Bradwaram, Auguftus zác Roman Emperor, Crocfus, Sir Christopher Wren.

THE human mind must be bufied about fomething, and, on fome occafions, the more abfuid-vit is employed, the more profitably. No man, without hope of gain, would amals together fuch a jumble of incoherent conceits, to all


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