| William Shakespeare - 1714 - 460 pages
...And fheath'd their Swords for lack of Argument ; Dilhonour not your Mothers; now atteft, That thofe whom you call'd Fathers did beget you. Be Copy now to Men of groffer Blood, And teach them how to War; and you, good Yeomen. Whofe- Limbs were made in 'England,... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1740 - 498 pages
...And fheath'd their fwords for lack of argument. Difhonour not your mothers ; now atteft, That thofe, whom you call'd fathers, did beget you. Be copy now to men of grofler blood, And And teach them how to war ; and you, good yeomen, Whofe limbs were made in England,... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1747 - 538 pages
...And fheath'd their fwords for lack of argument. Difhonour not your mothers ; now atteft, That thofe, whom you call'd fathers, did beget you. Be copy now to men of grofier blood, And teach them how to war ; and you, good yeomen, Whofe limbs were made in England,... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1747 - 352 pages
...And (heath'd their fwords for lack of arguments Di(honour not your mothers ; now axtcft, That thofe whom you call'd fathers did beget you* Be copy now to men of gruffer blood, And teach th.im lin\v to war ; and you, good yeomen,. Whofe limbt were made in England,... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1752 - 580 pages
...fheath'd their fwords for lack of argument. ' Difltonour not your mothers ; now atteft, That thofe, whom you call'd fathers, did beget you. Be copy now to men of grofler blood, And And teach them how to war ; and you, good yeomen, Whofe limbs were made in England,... | |
 | Robert Dodsley - 1754 - 576 pages
...And fheath'd their Swords for lack of Argument. Difhonour not your Mothers ; now atteft, That thofe, whom you call'd Fathers, did beget you. Be Copy now to Men of grofier Blood, And teach them how to war. And you, good Yeomen, Whofe Limbs were made in England, fhew... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1765 - 610 pages
...fheath'd their fwords for lack of argument '. Difhonour not your mothers ; now atteft, That thofe, whom you call'd fathers, did beget you, Be copy now to men of grofler blood, And teach them how to war. And you, good yeomen, "Whofe limbs were made in England,... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1765 - 600 pages
...fheath'd their fwords for lack of argument. * Difhonour not your mothers ; now atteft, That thoie, whom you call'd fathers, did beget you. Be copy now to men of grofler blood, And teach them how to war. And you, good yeomen, \Vhofe limbs were made in England,... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1767 - 314 pages
...fought, And fheath'd their fwords for lack of argument. Dimonour not your mothers; now atteft That thofe, whom you call'd fathers, did beget you. Be copy now to men of grofler blood, And teach them how to war. And you, good yeomen, 'Whofe limbs were made in England,... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1768 - 410 pages
...And fheath'd their fwords for lack of argument. Difhonour not your mothers; now attefl, That thofe, whom you call'd fathers, did beget you. Be copy now to men of grofler blood, And teach them how to war; and you, good yeomen, Whofe limbs were made inEngland, fhew... | |
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