THE broad blue Atlantic was unbroken by the slightest breeze, and the rising sun was reflected in its mirror-like surface. Slumbering on its bosom lay a small its bosom lay a small schooner, a model of symmetry, which rose and fell with the long gentle undulations of the waters; the sails hung idly from her yards and booms, and not even a zephyr sighed through the light rigging that fell from her taunt masts; her hull was entirely black, but from the stern-head to the quarter stancheon was a thick range of guns, whose red muzzles formed a striking contrast to the sable broadside from which they projected. She was a noble vessel; and her calling was easily distinguished by her warlike appearance. Her commander, Walter Macarthy, was the only son of a wealthy merchant, who had carried on an extensive commerce from the city of Limerick, but who, from heavy misfortunes, was reduced to the lowest ebb of poverty, and who finally died a victim to the uncertainty of earthly hopes, leaving his son heir to a barren world. The youth was about twenty years old when his father died. Nature seemed to have concentrated all her art in moulding his outward person in all the symmetry of manly beauty, while his mind was a strange intermixture of recklessness and benevolence. He had a heart which the charms of woman alone could unstring; but when the spirit of revenge or anger nerved it in wrath, the mad courage of the lion lay in his arm, and he who provoked him soon had cause to repent his ill-fortune. In the day of his prosperity he had loved; but now that the fickle goddess had trodden down his hopes, he endeavored to crush the passion with all the force he could summon; yet when he imagined he had overcome the deep-rooted sensation, still, phoenix-like, it would rise up again in his soul, and overwhelm all his former resolutions. The object of his ill-starred affection was the daughter of a naval officer of high renown. In the summer of his fortune, the father had encouraged his hopes; but when that fell, the smile that used to welcome his visit was changed to the cold, haughty, commonplace expression of slender civility, till at length the once hospitable door was closed to his approach. His natural inclination led him to the resolution of endeavoring to overcome his passion by going to sea. While his aged father lived, filial tenderness forbade him to desert his couch; but when he saw the only tie that bound him to the land of his fathers deposited in the clay, he wrote a last adieu to the mistress of his heart, and departed from the place of his birth with but one sigh for her with whom he left his affections. He directed his course to Portsmouth, where he entered on board a squadron which was about to sail on a cruise up the Mediterranean. They had several actions with the pirates who infested those seas, in all of which our hero so distinguished himself, that he was quickly raised to a command suitable to his exploits; and every succeeding engagement brought laurels to his honored brow. In this manner nearly four years passed away, and at length, being recommended to the Admiralty Board, they invested him with the command of a small brig, to sail against a famous French smuggler that traded on the north-western coast of England. On the third day after sailing from Spithead, he hove in sight of his object, then about to land a valuable cargo; and after four hours' hard fighting, in which he lost nearly one half of his crew, he towed the prize into port, where, having delivered her up to the authorities, and refitted, he proceeded to London to surrender his command. But his little vessel was destined to never reach the land. When he was doubling the Land's End, a tremendous gale from the north-east set in, and he was blown out to sea; however, when the storm began to abate, he again stood on his former course, and was proceeding steadily on, when the bursts of artillery broke over the swelling ocean, and the very heavens seemed to tremble in echoing back the heavy booms. Macarthy immediately resolved to alter his course, and he was soon slashing on towards the place whence the sounds proceeded. A few leagues brought him in sight of two large ships in a hot engagement; and, crowding all sail, he soon came within range of their guns. The British ensign was fluttering from the mizen peak of one, while that of France spread its proud folds from the foremast head of the other. Macarthy did not long hesitate, but, getting his little brig ready for action, he bore up to the assistance of his countryman. The Frenchman had boarded his antagonist, and numbers fell on both sides; but when the English beheld the succor that had arrived, their sunken courage sprang up again, and they soon rerepulsed the boarders who had rushed on them. Broadside after broadside did the little brig pour into the stern of the enemy, until at length, overpowered by the renewed attacks of both crews, and finding their vessel fast sinking, the Frenchman struck, and the English ensign floated above theirs, amid the triumphant cheers of the victors. Mutual congratulations ensued, and the venerable commander of the British frigate rushed forward to embrace his preserver. Macarthy was leaning on his cutlass, fatigued after the dreadful contest he had so opportunely concluded, when the frigate's long-boat, crowded with officers, came alongside; but when he saw the old commodore with open arms approaching, he reverentially uncovered, and bowed low to him. The old man suddenly stopped short, and, recoiling a few paces, raised his hands to his forehead, as if to bring some recollection hither; then, with a tear-drop standing in his eye, he stretched out his hand to Macarthy, and said, "And is Walter Macarthy my preserver?" Emotion choked his further utterance, but in a few moments he continued: "Walter, I have wronged you! Yes, by Heaven, I have deeply, foully wronged you; but a soul like yours must forgive;" and the old man lowered his voice while he said, "I will endeavor to make amends, in some degree, for the pain I have caused you." Macarthy was silent; not a word escaped his lips; but he fervently pressed the commodore's hand to his bosom, and then turned hastily away, to hide the tribute of gratitude that rose to his eye. What must he have felt when the father of her whose image was enshrined in his soul, once more took him to his bosom, and dashed down the barrier that intervened between him and the object of his early love! The officers and men who were looking on this scene were filled with wonder, and most of them shook their heads, unable to understand why their old weather-beaten commander should be so moved. But while they were conjecturing the cause, a new event called all their energies together; after a sort of tumult below, which lasted a few minutes, the carpenter rushed upon deck, and with hurried accents announced that a shot had struck the vessel on one of the bilge-planks, and she was fast sinking. All was immediate bustle, each endeavoring to save as much as he could conveniently carry. The boats were soon manned; and, just as Macarthy stepped into the last boat, and moved away to a short distance, his gallant little brig rolled heavily in the sea, and the water closed over her in a vast whirlpool. The After a tedious journey, the commodore and Macarthy at length came in sight of their destination. Oh! how did the restored lover's heart bound when all the scenes of his early endearments severally presented themselves to his view, and when the carriage drove up to the door of the house that contained his Emily! In a few moments the lovely girl, with every charm floating around her, rushed into the arms of her fond father, and then, with burning blushes suffusing her face and bosom, she paid a tribute of true affection to the enchanted Macarthy. She was, in truth, a model of female loveliness. The rich, glossy, black tresses that floated in unrestrained locks over her neck, and fell gracefully back, revealing a noble forehead, white as Parian marble, contrasted beautifully with the clear transparency of her bosom; while her easy, naturally majestic carriage, and exquisitely symmetrical figure, left no room for the most fastidious critic to stand upon. Then she had such a heart, and such a spring of noble affections! In short, she was a paragon of mental and bodily perfection. rapidly away, and the time of parting at length came. "Walter," said the affectionate girl, as they lingered, gazing on the full moon sailing through her ocean of glory, and a pearldrop glittered in her eloquent blue eye"Walter, I am a little sad; there is a whispering consciousness within me that a rude hand will part us. I cannot free myself from the idea, for I felt the same foreboding before you went first. But may God avert that stroke, for I shall sink under its affliction!" and she fervently raised her now streaming eyes to heaven. "Emily," said Macarthy, "your fears are groundless; the power is not of earth that can drag you from my bosom. Cheer up! Fortune will smile, and then-" "Is not that a bad omen, Walter?" said Emily, smiling languidly, and pointing to a dark, heavy cloud that rushed over the moon, and darkened every object. "I heed not omens, love," said Macarthy, "when thou art my horoscope. Fortune shall pursue my tread when thou art the star of my destinies. It will rain soonadieu, Emily;" and, for the first time, he sealed his parting with an ambrosial kiss. The morning came, gloomy and cheerless, and with it a letter from the Admiralty still more gloomy to the fate of Walter. It required his immediate attendance at London, and he must set out without a moment's delay. He took a hasty farewell from the old commodore, but a still more painful and lengthened one from his heart-bursting daughter. But to our tale. A week passed away, in which Walter reveled in all the delights of mutual love. But his happiness was too complete, of too divine a cast to dwell in mortal bosom. He had walked out with his Emily, and the shades of evening closed over them before they thought of returning, but the moon rose up and shed down her mild, chaste light. It is at such a time that the heart will open, and the most secret workings of its core develop themselves. It is in such an hour that the breathings of affection will arise like incense, and offer themselves in sacrifice at the shrine of eternal fidelity. Emily talked long and endearingly, and the ravished Walter could have bowed down in adoration. The hours passed | astonishment when he was there arraigned "Oh!" said she, "Walter, I guessed aright. Adieu! I feel our happiness is at an end;" and a torrent of tears gushed from the eyes of the fair one. Macarthy was overcome; he once more pressed her to his heart, and tore himself from her embrace, and in a few moments was on the road. After a fatiguing journey, he reached London, and presented himself at the office of the Board. What must have been his |