
Bell. Hoc,Hellicans?

Hel. Calls my Lord?

Per. Thou art a graue and noble Counseller,

Moft wifein generall tell me if thou canst what this mayde is, or what is like to bee, that thus hath made mee weepe.

Hel. I know not,but heres the Regent fir of Metaline, fpeakes nobly of her.

Lyf. She neuer would tell her parentage,

Being demaunded that she would fit ftill and weepe.

Per. Oh Hellicanus, ftrike me honored fir, giue mee a gah, put me to prefent paine,leaft this great fea of ioyes ruthing vpon me,ore-beare the fhores of my mortalitic, and drowne me with their sweetneffe: Oh come hither, thou that beget himthat did thee beget,, Thou that waft borne at fea,buried at Tharjus, And found at fcaagen, O Hellicanus,

Downe on thy knees, thanke the holie Gods as loud

As thunder threatens vs,this is Marine.

What was thy mothers game? tell me,but that for truth can neuer be confirm'd inough, Though doubts did euer fleepe.

Mar. Frift úr,I pray what is your title ?

Per. Iam Pericles of Tyre; but tell mee now my
Drownd Queenes name,as in the rest you fayd,
Thou haft beene God-like perfit,the heir of kingdomes,
And an other like to Pericles thy father.

Ma. Is it no more to be your daughter,then to fay,my mothers name was T hassa?T haifa was my mother, who did end the minute I began.

Pr. Now blefling on thee,rife th'art my child. Giue me fresh garments, mine owne Hellienus. Chee is not dead at Tharfus as fhce fhould haue beene by fauage Clean; fhe fhall tell thee all,when thou halt kneele,and iuftific in knowledge,fhe is thy verie Princes;who is this?


Hel. Sir

V. i. 182-220

Hei. Sir,tis the gouernor of Metaline, who hearing of your melancholie ftate,did come to fee you.

Per. I embrace you,giue me my robes.

I am wilde in my beholding,O heauens bletfe my giric,
But harke what Musicke tell, Hekicanus!my Marina¦
Tell him ore point by point,for yet he feemes to doat:
How,fure you are my daughter;but what musicke?
Hel My Lord I heare none.

Per. None,the Mulicke of the Spheres,lift my Marina.
Ly. It is not good to croife him,giue him way.
Per. Rareft founds,do ye not heare?

Lyf. Mulicke my Lord? I heare.

Per. Most heauenly Mulicke.

It nips me vnto liftning, and thicke flumber
Hangs vpon mine eyes,let me reft.

L. A Pillow for his head,fo leaue him all. Well my companion friends,if this but answere to my iuft beliefe,lle well remember you.


Dia. My Temple ftands in Ephesus;

Hie thee thither, and doe vppon mine Altar facrifice; There when my maiden priefts are met together, before the people all reueale how thou at fea didft loose thy wife; to mourne thy croife's with thy daughters; call, & giue them repetition to the like,or performe my bidding, or thou liueft in woe:doo't, and happie,by my filuer bow awake and tell thy dreame.

Per. Celestiall Dian, Goddetse Argentine,
Hell. Sir.

I will obey thee:Hellicanus.

Per. My purpose was for Tharfus, there to strike

The inhospitable Cleonsbut I am for other feruice firft;
Toward Ephefus turne our blowne fayles;

Eftfoones lle tell thee why;fhall we refresh vs fir vpon your fhore, and giue you golde for fuch prouifion as our intents will neede?

V. i. 221-259

Lyfe Sing

Lyf Sir,with all my heart,and when you come a hore, I have another fleight.

Per. You shall preuaile were it to wooe my daughter,for it feemes you have beene noble towards her.

Lyf. Sir, lend me your arme.

Per. Come my Marina.


Gaver. Now our fands are almoft run,

More a little,and then dum.

This my last boone giue mee,

For fuch kindneffe muft relicue mec:
That you aptly will fuppofe,

What pageantry,what feats,what showes,
What minitrelfie,and prettie din,
The Regent made in Metalin.
To greet the King, so he thriued,
That he is promifde to be wiued
To faire Marina, but in no wife,
Till he had done his facrifice.
As Dian bad, whereto being bound,
The Interim pray,you all confound,
In fetherd bric fenes fayles are fild;
And wishes fall out as they'r wild;
At Ephesus the Temple fee,
Our King and all his companie.
That he can hither come fo foone,
Is by your fancies thankfull doome.

Per. Haile Dian,to performe thy iuft commaund,

I here confelle my felfe the King of Tyre,

Who frighted from my countrey did wed at Pentapolis the faire Thailajat Sea in childbed died fhe,but brought forth a Mayd child calld Marina whom,O Goddelle wearsyet thy filuer luerey;fhee at Tharfus was nurft with Cleon, who at fourteene yeares he fought to murder, but her better fars brought

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V. i. 260—V. iii. 9

brought her to Meteline; gainft whofe fhore ryding, her Fortunes brought the mayde aboord vs, where by her owne moft cleere remembrance, fhee made knowne her felfe my Daughter.

The Voyce and fauour, you are, you are, O royall


Per.What meanes the mum? fhee die's, helpe Gen


Ceri. Noble Sir, if you haue tolde Dianaes Altar true, this is your wife?

Per. Reuerent appearer no, I threwe her ouer-boord with thefe verie armes.

Ce. Vpon this coaft, I warrant you.

Pe. Tismoft certaine.

Cer. Looke to the Ladie, O fhee's but ouer-joyde, Earlie in bluttering morne this Ladie was throwne vpon this fhore.

I op't the coffin, found there rich Tewells, recouered her, and plac'fte her heere in Dianaes temple. Per. May we fee them?

Cer. Great Sir,they thalbe brought you to my house, whither I inuite you; looke Thuisa is recouered.

Th. Olet me looke if hee be none of mine; my fanAitie will to my fenfe bende no licentious eare, but curbe it fpight of feeing: O my Lord are you not Pericles? like him you (pake, like him you are; did you not name a tempeft, a birth, and death?

Per. The voyçe of dead Thaila.

Th. Thit Thula am I, fuppofed dead and drownd.
Per. I,mortall Dian.

Th. Now I knowe you better; when wee with teares parted Pentapolis, the king my father gaue you fuch a ring. Per. Thus,this,no more,you gods, your present kindenes makes my past miseries sports; you fhail doe well that on the touching of her lips I may melt, and no more be


V. iii. 10-43

feene; come,be buried a second time within thefe armes. Me. My heart leaps to be gone into my mothers bo


l'er. Looke who kneeles here, flesh of thy flesh Thaisa, thy burden at the Sea, and call'd Marina, for he was yeelded there.

7. Bleft, and mine owne.

Hell. Hayle Madame,and my Queene.

Th. I knowe you not.

Pt. You haue heard mee fay when I did flie from Tyre, I left behind an ancient substitute, can you remenaber what I call'd the man, I haue nam'de him oft.

Th. T'was Hellicanus then.

Per. Still confirmation, imbrace him deere Thaifa,this is hee, now doel long to heare how you were found? how pofliblic preferued? and who to thanke (befides the gods) for this great miracle?

Th. Lord Cerimon, my Lord;this man through whom the Gods hauchowne their power, can from first to laft refolue you.

Per. Reverent Syr,the gods can haue no mortali officer, more like a god then you, will you deimer how this dead Queene reliucs?

Cer. I will my Lord, befeech you firft, goe with mee to my house, where shall be showne you all was found with her. How fee came plac'fte heere in the Temple, no needfulll thing omitted.

Per. Pure Der bleffe thee for thy vifion, and will offer night oblations to thee Thara, this Prince,the faire betrothed of your daughter, fall marrie hier at Pentapolis, and now this ornament makes mee looke difinall, will I clip to forme, and what this fourteene yeeres no razer touch't, to grace thy marridge-day, Ile beautifie.

The Lord Cerimen hath letters of good credit. Sir, my father's dead.

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V. iii. 43-78

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