BETHLEHEM (777). CHRISTMAS EVE. Hymn 78. PART I. Heil'ger Geist, du Tröster mein. FRIEDRICH FILITZ, Ph.D. 88. A-men. "This is indeed the Christ, the Saviour of the world." I. PART 1. BLESSED night, when first that plain 2. Blessed hills, that heard the song 3. Happy shepherds, on whose ear Fell the tidings glad and dear: "God to man is drawing near." HAVERGAL (777). "Lamb of God 4. This, the woman's promised seed, p Babe of promise, born at last, When our hopes were overcast, cres. We adore Thee as our King, Thy lowly Namecres. King of kings we Thee proclaim, f Heaven and earth shall hear its fame. Amen. 88. A-men. |