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"Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us, therefore let us keep the feast."


THE day of Resurrection!
Earth! tell it out abroad!
The passover of gladness-

The passover of God.

From death to life eternal,

From earth unto the sky,

Our Christ hath brought us over,

With hymns of victory.


Our hearts be pure from evil

That we may see aright

The Lord in rays eternal

Of resurrection-light:

And, listening to His accents,

May hear, so calm and plain,
His own-All hail!-and hearing,
May raise the victor-strain.


f Now let the heavens be joyful!
Let earth her song begin!

Let the round world keep triumph
And all that is therein;

Invisible and visible,

Their notes let all things blend,

For Christ the Lord is risen,

Our Joy that hath no end. Amen.

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His strongholds are spoiled.


O sin, thou art vanquished, Thy long reign is o'er; Though still thou dost vex us,

We dread thee no more.

O sing Hallelujah! O sing Hallelujah! ƒ O sing Hallelujah! O sing Hallelujah!

O sing Hallelujah, be joyful and sing, ff Our great foe is baffled-Christ Jesus

is King!


O death, we defy thee!

A stronger than thou
Hath entered thy palace;
We fear thee not now!

s.O sing Hallelujah! O sing Hallelujah! O sing Hallelujah, Le joyful and sing, f The grave cannot scare us-Christ Jesus is King!

O sing Hallelujah, be joyful and sing, Who now can condemn us?

Jesus is King!



Our Lord Christ hath risen!
Day breaketh at last;
The long night of weeping

Is now well-nigh past.

ƒ O sing Hallelujah! O sing Hallelujah! O sing Hallelujah. be joyful and sing, ff Our foes are ai conquered-Christ Jesus is King! Amen.

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Hymn 191.*

JUBILER (6666 88).

"It is the Jubilee; it shall be holy unto you."


BLOW Ye the trumpet, blow

The gladly solemn sound

Let all the nations know,

To earth's remotest bound;

f The year of jubilee is come;

Return, ye ransomed sinners, home.


Jesus, our great High Priest,

Hath full atonement made;

p Ye weary spirits, rest;

Ye mournful souls, be glad:

f The year of jubilee is come;

Return, ye ransomed sinners, home.


Extol the Lamb of God,

The all-atoning Lamb;

Redemption by His blood

Throughout the world proclaim :

The year of jubilee is come;

Return, ye ransomed sinners, home.


Ye who have sold for nought

Your heritage above,

Receive it back unbought,

The gift of Jesu's love:

The year of jubilee is come;

Return, ye ransomed sinners, home. Amen.

This Hymn may be also sung to "Quam dilecta," No. 37



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