

Hymn 104.

Sollt 'ich meinem Gott nicht singen?


PEACE be to thy every dwelling,

City by Jehovah blest; Who, His grace to thee revealing, Thee preserves in peace and rest. cres. May His presence still attend thee; May'st thou sit by day and night, In His shadow with delight; His all-powerful arm defend thee; f Prize, O prize, thy lot of grace; Live unto thy Saviour's praise.

Hymn 104.




1. Peace be to thy ev'ry dwell -ing,

Ci - ty by Je

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ho-vah blest; 2. Grant, we fervently im-plore Thee, That, while pil-grims here be - low.

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1. Who, His grace to thee

reveal -ing, Thee pre-serve in peace and rest. 2. We may walk in truth be -fore Thee, Lord, and in Thy knowledge grow,

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1. Prize, O prize, thy lot of grace; Live un to thy Saviour's praise. 2. Keep and seal us e- ver Thine, Leave with us Thy peace di

vine. Amen.


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He shall come down like showers Upon the fruitful earth; And love, joy, hope, like flowers, Spring in His path to birth; cres. Before Him on the mountains, Shall Peace, the herald, go; And Righteousness, in fountains, From hill to valley flow. 3.

[Arabia's desert-ranger

To Him shall bow the knee:
The Ethiopian stranger
His glory come to see:
With offerings of devotion,
Ships from the isles shall meet
To pour the wealth of ocean
In tribute at His feet.


Kings shall fall down before Him, And gold and incense bring; f All nations shall adore Him, His praise all people sing: For He shall have dominion O'er river, sea, and shore, Far as the eagle's pinion,

Or dove's light wing can soar.]


To Him shall prayer unceasing,
And daily vows, ascend;

cres. His Kingdom still increasing-
A Kingdom without end;
The mountain dews shall nourish
A seed, in weakness sown,
Whose fruit shall spread and flourish,
And shake like Lebanon.


cres. O'er every foe victorious, He on His throne shall rest, From age to age more glorious, f All-blessing and all-blest. The tide of time shall never His covenant remove; His Name shall stand for ever, dim. That Name to us is-Love. Amen

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