
be of one form; nay rather the perfèc-tion confifts in this, that out of many moderat varieties and brotherly diffimilitudes that are not vaftly difproportion-all arifes the goodly and the gracefull; fymmetry that commends the whole pile: and ftructure. Let us therefore be more; confiderat builders, more wife in fpiritual architecture, when great reforma-: tion is expected. For now the time feems come, wherein Mofes the great Prophet may fit in heav'n rejoycing tofee that memorable and glorious wifh. of his fulfill'd, when not only our fev'n-. ty Elders, but all the Lords people are. become Prophets. No marvell, then though fome men, and fome good men. too perhaps, but young in goodneffe, as, Jolbua


Joshua then was, envy them. They fret, and out of their own weaknes are in agony, left thefe divifions and fubdivifions will undoe us. The adverfarie again applauds, and waits the hour, when they have brancht themselves out, faith he, fmall anough into parties and partitions, then will be our time. Fool! he fees not the firm root, out of which we all grow, though into branches: nor will beware untill he fee our fmall divided maniples cutting through at every angle of his ill united and unweildy brigade. And that we are to hope better of all these fuppofed fects and fchifms, and that we shall not need that folicitude honeft perhaps though over timorous of them that vex in this behalf, but fhall

fhall laugh in the end, at those malicious applauders of our differences, I have these reasons to perfwade me.

Firft, when a City fhall be as it were befieg'd and blockt about, her navigable river infefted, inroads and incurfions round, defiance and battell oft rumor'd to be marching up ev'n to her walls, and fuburb trenches, that then the people,' or the greater part, more then at other times, wholly tak'n up with the study of highest and most important matters to be reform'd, fhould be difputing,' reafoning, reading, inventing, difcourfing, ev'n to a rarity, and admiration, things not before difcourft or writt❜n of, argues firft a fingular good will, contentedneffe and confidence in your pruZ 4 dent

dent forefight, and fafe government,. Lords and Commons; and from thence derives it felf to a gallant bravery and well grounded contempt of their enemies, as if there were no fmall number of as great spirits among us, as his was, who when Rome was nigh befieg'd by Hanibal, being in the City, bought that peece of ground at no cheap rate, whereon Hanibal himself encampt his own regiment. Next it is a lively and cherfull prefage of our happy fucceffe and victory. For as in a body, when the blood is fresh, the fpirits pure and vigorous, not only to vital, but to rationall faculties, and those in the acuteft, and the pertest operations of wit and futtlety, it argues in what good plight and conftitution


the body is, fo when the cherfulneffe of the people is fofprightly up, as that it has, not only wherewith to guard well its own freedom and fafety, but to fpare, and to bestow upon the folideft and fublimeft points of controverfie, and new invention, it betok'ns us not degenerated, nor drooping to a fatall decay, but cafting off the old and wrincl'd skin of corruption to outlive thefe pangs and waxyoung again, entring the glorious waies of Truth and profperous vertue deftin'd to become great and honourable in thefe latter ages. Methinks I fee in my mind. a noble and puiffant Nation roufing her-felf like a strong man after fleep, and fhaking her invincible locks: Methinks I fee her as an Eagle muing her mighty youth,.

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