
clare what Books were not commendable, paffing no furder, but leaving it to each ones confcience to read or to lay by, till after the yeare 800, is observ'd already by Padre Paolo the great unmafker of the Trentine Councel.


which time the Popes of Rome engroffing what they pleas'd of Politicall rule into their owne hands, extended their dominion over mens eyes, as they had before over their judgements, burning and prohibiting to be read, what they fanfied not; yet fparing in their cenfures, and the Books not many which they fo dealt with till Martin the 5. by his Bull not only prohibited, but was the first that excommunicated the reading of hereticall Books; for about that time Wicklef


and Huffe growing terrible, were they who first drove the Papall Court to a ftricter policy of prohibiting. Which cours Leo the 10, and his fucceffors follow'd, untill the Councell of Trent, and the Spanish Inquifition engendring together brought forth, or perfeted thofe Catalogues, and expurging Indexes that rake through the entralls of many an old good Author, with a violation wors, then any could be offer'd to his tomb. Nor did they stay in matters Hereticall, but any subject that was not to their palat, they either condemn'd in a prohibition, or had it strait into the new Purgatory of an Index. To fill up the measure of encroachment, their laft invention was to ordain that no Book, pamphlet, or paper

R 4

paper should be Printed (as if S. Peter had bequeath'd them the keys of the Preffe alfo out of Paradife) unleffe it were approv'd and licenc't under the hands of 2 or 3 glutton Friers. For example:

Let the Chancellor Cini be pleas'd to

fee if in this prefent work be contain'd ought that may withstand the Printing,

Vincent Rabatta Vicar of Florence.

I have feen this prefent work, and find nothing athwart the Catholick faith and good manners: In witneffe whereof I have given, &c.

Nicolò Cini Chancellor of Florence.


Attending the precedent relation, it is allow'd that this prefent work of

Davanzati may be Printed,

Vincent Rabatta, &c.



be printed, July 15,

Frior Simon Mompei d'Amelia Chancellor of the holy office in Flo


Sure they have a conceit, if he of the bottomleffe pit had not long fince broke prifon, that this quadruple exorcifm would barre him down. I feare their next defigne will be to get into their cuftody the licencing of that which they fay Claudius intended, but went not

* Quo veniam daret flatum crepitumque ventris in convivio emittendi. Sueton. in Claudio.


through with. Voutsafe to fee another of their forms the Roman ftamp:

Imprimatur, If it feem good to the reverend Master of the holy Palace,

Belcaftro Vicegerent.


Friar Nicolò Rodolphi Mafter

of the holy Palace.

Sometimes 5 Imprimaturs are feen together dialogue-wife in the Piatza of one Title page, complementing and ducking each to other with their fhav'n reverences, whether the Author, who stands by in perplexity at the foot of his Epiftle, fhall to the Preffe or to the fpunge. These are the pretty refponfories, these are the deare Antiphonies that fo bewicht of late our Prelats, and their Chap

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