
their country. They would not then, if they were trufted with fair and hopefull armies, fuffer them for want of just and wife difcipline to fhed away from about them like fick feathers, though they be never fo oft fuppli'd; they would not fuffer their empty and unrecrutible Colonells of twenty men in a company, to quaffe out, or convay into fecret hoards, the wages of a delufive lift, and a miferable remnant: yet in the mean while to be overmafter'd with a score or two of drunkards, the only fouldiery left about them, or elfe to comply with all rapines and violences. No certainly, if they knew ought of that knowledge that belongs to good men or good governours, they would not fuffer these things.


But to return to our own institute, befides these conftant exercises at home, there is another opportunity of gaining experience to be won from pleasure itselfe abroad; In those vernal feasons of the yeer, when the air is calm and pleasant, it were an injury and fullenneffe against nature not to go out, and fee her riches, and partake in her rejoycing with heaven and earth. I fhould not therefore be a perswader to them of studying much then, after two or three yeer that they have well laid their grounds, but to ride out in companies with prudent and staid guides, to all the quarters of the land: learning and obferving all places of ftrength, all commodities of building. and of foil, for towns and tillage, harbours.


bours and ports for trade. Somtimes taking fea as farre as to our navy, to learn there alfo what they can in the practical knowledge of failing and of fea fight. These wayes would trie all their peculiar gifts of nature, and if there were any fecret excellence among them, would fetch it out, and give it fair opportunities to advance it felfe by, which could not but mightily redound to the good of this nation, and bring into fafhion again those old admired vertues and excellencies, with farre more advantage now in this puritie of Chriftian knowledge. Nor fhall we then need the Monfieurs of Paris to take our hopefull youth into thir flight and prodigall custodies and fend them over back again tranfform'd

form'd into mimics, apes & Kicfhoes. But if they defire to fee other countries at. three or four and twenty yeers of age, not to learn principles, but to enlarge. experience, and make wife obfervation, they will by that time be fuch as fhall deserve the regard and honour of all men where they paffe, and the fociety and friendship of thofe in all places who are best and most eminent. And perhaps then other nations will be glad to vifit us for their breeding, or else to imitate us in their own country.

Now laftly for their diet there cannot be much to fay, fave only that it would be best in the fame houfe; for much time elfe would be loft abroad, and many

ill habits got; and that it fhould be plain, 0 4 healthfull,

healthfull, and moderate I fuppofe is out of controverfie. Thus Mafter Hartlib, yon have a generall view in writing, as your defire was, of that which at seve rall times I had difcourft with you concerning the beft and Nobleft way of Education; not beginning, as fome have done from the cradle, which yet might be worth many confiderations, if brevity had not bean my scope, many other cir cumftances alfo I could have mention'd, but this to fuch as have the worth in them to make triall, for light and direction may be anough. Only I believe that this is not a bow for every man to fhoot in that counts himfelfe a teacher; but will require finews almoft equall to those which Homer gave Ulyffes, yet I


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