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6. "Now we have haryed all Bamborowe schyre,

All the welth in the world have wee;
I rede we ryde to Newe Castell,
So styll and stalworthlye."

7. Upon the morowe,3 when it was day,
The standerds schone fulle bryght;
To the Newe Castell they toke the waye,
And thether they cam fulle ryght.

8. Syr Henry Perssy laye at the New Castell,
I tell yow wythowtten drede; 4 30
He had byn a march-man all hys dayes,
And kepte Barwyke upon Twede.

9. To the Newe Castell when they cam, The Skottes they cryde on hyght: "Syr Hary Perssy, and thow byste within, Com to the fylde, and fyght.

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