Cament of the Irish Emigrant. 'M sittin' on the stile, Mary, Where we sat side by side The corn was springin' fresh and green, And the lark sang loud and high And the red was on your lip, Mary, The place is little changed, Mary, 'Tis but a step down yonder lane, And the little church stands near— I see the spire from here. LAMENT OF THE IRISH EMIGRANT. GET I'm very lonely now, Mary, For the poor make no new friends; But, oh! they love the better still Yours was the good, brave heart, Mary, I'm bidding you a long farewell, 195 196 LAMENT OF THE IRISH EMIGRANT. They say there's bread and work for all, But I'll not forget old Ireland, And often, in those grand old woods, And my heart will travel back again Where we sat side by side; And the springin' corn, and the bright May morn, HON. MRS. PRICE BLACKWOOD. |