Is there a leaf that greenly grows Is there a word, or jest, or game, Assumes a mournful sound. My brother gave that name to me That life had any pain. No shade was on us then, save one Of chestnuts from the hill- ELIZABETH BARRETT BROWNING. The human soul that through me ran ; And much it grieved my heart to think Through primrose tufts, in that sweet bower And 'tis my faith that every flower The birds around me hopp'd and play'd; The budding twigs spread out their fan, And I must think, do all I can, That there was pleasure there. 190 SONNET. From Heaven if this belief be sent, WORDSWORTH. Sonnet. POME, Sleep, O Sleep, the certain The baiting-place of wit, the balm The poor man's wealth, the prisoner's The indifferent judge between the high and low; prease Of those fierce darts Despair at me doth throw I will good tribute pay, if thou do so. SIR PHILIP SIDNEY. ७ 192 THE SEMPSTRESS. Those eyes, for ever drooping, give Hast thou not cut that flounce enough, Ye graceful fingers, deftly sped! How slender, and how nimble ! How blest the youth whom love shall bring, To change the dome into a ring, Who'll steal some morning to her side, Who'll watch her sew her wedding gown, Who'll taste those ripenings of the south, |