
who have endeavoured to persuade the world that Dr. Johnson's character has been lessened by recording such various instances of his lively wit and acute judgment, on every topick that was presented to his mind. In the opinion of every person of taste and knowledge that I have conversed with, it has been greatly heightened; and I will venture to predict, that this specimen of the colloquial talents and extemporaneous effusions of my illustrious fellow-traveller will become still more valuable, when, by the lapse of time, he shall have become an ancient; when all those who can now bear testimony to the transcendent powers of his mind shall have passed away; and no other memorial of this great and good man shall remain but the following Journal, the other anecdotes and letters preserved by his friends, and those incomparable works, which have for many years been in the highest estimation, and will be read and admired as long as the English language shall be spoken or understood.

LONDON, 15th August, 1786.

J. B.


Importance of old friendships...
August 23. Dr. Johnson made a burgess of Aberdeen.
Dinner at Sir Alexander Gordon's. Warburton's
powers of invective. His Doctrine of Grace. Lock's
verses. Fingal..

August 24. Goldsmith and Graham.

August 25. The advantage of being on good terms with
relations. Nabobs. Feudal state of subordination.

Dinner at Strichen. Life of country gentlemen.



August 30. Dr. Johnson on horse-back. A Highland hut.
Fort Augustus. Governour Trapaud




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