
Druids temple, 95, 120.

Drummond, Mr. 31, 401.
Drunkenness, 251, 263.

Dryden, 241.

......., a translation of his lines on Milton, 73.

Duelling, 12, 231.

Dunbui, a remarkable rock, 87.

Dun, Rev. Mr. 398.

Dun Can, a high mountain, 159, 162.

Dunvegan castle, 204.


description of, 234.

Durham On the Galatians,' 399.

Dyer, 97.


Edinburgh, unpleasant to walk in at night, 11.


surveyed, 27.

[blocks in formation]

Elgin cathedral, 102.

Elibank, Lord, 2, 5, 327, 401, 409.

... ....

.... ,

Dr. Johnson's character of, 402,

his letter to the authour, 173.

.... to Dr. Johnson, 174

Emigration, 15, 66, 125, 172, 202, 283, 308.

English and Jewish history compared, 362.
Entails, Dr. Johnson's opinion of, 89.

Enthusiasm, ancient Highland, 140.

Epictetus on the voyage of death, 285,

Epigram, 277.

Epitaphs, 38, 141, 307.

Errol, Earl of, 85, 91.

Erse, poetry, 324.

Estate, grounds on which the sale of one may be set aside, 332,

Evil, origin of, 104, 381.

Execution, an account of one, 92.


Faith, Catholick, observations on, 59.

Fame compared to a shuttlecock, 417.

Families, old, respect for on the decay, 04.

Family chronicle, 220.


pride, 269.

Faulkner, Mr. George, 32.

Fenelon, 321.

Ferguson, Dr. Adam, 30.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]




his embarrassment in Westminster hall, 245.

and Foote compared, 407.

his letter to the authour, $61.

Gastrell's Institutes, 335.

Gataker, On Lots and on the Christian Watch,' 311..

Gay, parodied, 128.

Genius, question concerning, 23.

Gerrard, Dr. 118.

Giffard, a parson, verses by, 105.

Glasgow, surveyed, 385.

Gleg, Mr. 61.

Glenelg, wretched inn at, 135.

Glenmorison, Laird of, 125.

Glensheal, 120.

Goldsunith, Dr. 128, 280, 318.

....., anecdote of, 84.

his love of talk, 282.

Good-humour, acquirable, 209.
Goodness, natural, observations upon, 213.

Gordon, Sir Alexander, 73.


Hon. Alexander, 413.

......., Thomas, 72.

Gory, Lord Monboddo's servant, 70.

Grace, observations upon, 111.

Graham, authour of Telemachus, a Masque, 84,

Grange, Lady, her confinement, 228.


[blocks in formation]

in a cottage, considered, 300.

Harris, Mr. 394.

Hawkins's History of Musick, 60.

Hawthornden, 419.

Hawthornden's 'Cypress Grove,' 171.

Hay's Martial, 384.

Hebrides, Martin's account of, 1.

Hervey's Meditations' criticised, 364.

Hell, Virgil's description of the entrance of, compared to a printing-

house, 322.

Highlander, 417.

Highlanders, the loyalty of, 198.

Highland hut, 120.

[blocks in formation]

House of Commons, very moderate talents requisite to make a figure

in, 275.

Houses, subterraneous, 160, 238.

Hume, David, Esq. 17, 277, 280.

......, Dr. A. Smith's panegyrical letter upon, 18.

Hunting, French, 257.



Janes, Mr. 138.

Icolmkill, island of, 345.

sketch of the ruins of, 347.

Johnson, Dr. Samuel, rapid motion one of his most favourite amuse-

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


ments, 5.

sketch of his general character, 5.

his prejudice against Scotland, 9.

his Journey to the Western Islands,' misapprehended, 10.
his arrival in Scotland, 10.

his bad specimen of Scotch cleanliness, 10.

his contempt of tragic acting, 26.

his observations on prayer, 26.

his remark on writing, 28.

his assertion of its being easier to him to write poetry than

compose his Dictionary, 35.

Diary of his life, 41.

his method of composition, 55.

presented with the freedom of Aberdeen, 78.

taken for a doctor of physic, 84.

his observations on Lord Monboddo, 99.

his object in visiting Scotland, 100.

his objection against hearing Principal Robertson preach, 109.

his kindness to young M'Aulay, 110.

his happy art of gaining instruction, 117.

his Dictionary, 118, 279.

on horseback, 120.

his generosity, 125.

out of humour, 134, 278, 319, 323, 329, 386.

his Ode upon the isle of Sky, 144.

his horror at the sight of some human bones, 160, 338.

his reverence for religious places, 160.

his discourse on death, 171.

his letter to Lord Elibank, 174.

out of spirits, 176.

his sleeping on the bed in which Prince Charles lay, 178.

not fond of eating many kinds of fish, 204.

و ........




... ......


his fall on alighting from his horse, 204.

his abstaining from fermented liquors, 212.

his melancholy, 213.

his imaginary seraglio, 215.

his minute knowledge in various arts, 213, 248, 269.

his feudal enthusiasm, 223.

his being in the state in which Lord Bacon represents
kings, 234.

Johnson, his pleasure in little things, 252.



his conviviality, 266.

., popular in the isle of Sky, 267.









و . . .


his gaiety with a Highland lady, 267.

his spirit of adventure, 268.

gradual impression made by, 278.

his play of words, 285.

his sickness at sea, 286.

his mode of living in the Temple, 291.

his curious appearance on a sheltie, 291.

his impetuosity of manner, 295.

his powers of ridicule, 299.

his avidity for books, 311.

his delicacy of feeling, 312.

his high opinion of London, 314.

his use of an uncommon phrase, 315.

his particularities, 316.

...., disgusted with coarse manners, 316.


و ...




و ...






and the Author's princely reception during their tour, 328.
loses his walking-stick, 331.

his appearing as a Highlander, 326.

his Latin verses on Inchkenneth, 337.

his eulogium on Col, 341.

his faith in the Christian religion, 343.

his refusing to change wet clothes, 358,9.

his drinking whiskey, 359.

his meditation on a pudding, 365.

talking laxly, 366.

his letter to the Duke of Argyle, 378.

his politeness, 378.

his negligence, 379, n.

his sentiments on dress, 380.

his wonderful memory, 384.

[blocks in formation]

his character of a rapacious Highland Chief, 395.

[blocks in formation]

his high respect for the English clergy, 398.


his visits before leaving Edinburgh, 410, &c.


handsome compliment paid him, 416.



his parody of Sir J. Dalrymple's Memoirs, 420.

his observations on the Hebridean tour, 421.

his advertisement, acknowledging a mistake in his 'Journey

to the Western Islands, 431.

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