Illustris hospes! mox spatiabere Gaudebit explorare cœtus, Buccina qua cecinit triumphos; Audin? resurgens spirat anhelitu Ahæna quassans tela gravi manu Phersonius vigil ad favillam." ......, Dr. Johnson's droll expression respecting, 374. Armidale, 138, 281. Arms, 370. Attainments, literary and religious, not to be described as too hard, 327. Auchinleck, an account of, 395. .... ..., Lord (the Authour's father) character of, 391. .... .... his idea of Dr. Johnson, 392. and Dr. Johnson in collision, 398. his styling Dr. Johnson the Ursa Major, 400. Authours, attacks upon, serviceable to them, 279, 417. observations upon their not practising what they teach, 208. B Bacon's History of Henry the Seventh,' 219. Banks, Mr. 249. Baxter's, Anacreon,' 393. Bayle, confutation of, 294. Beaton, Cardinal, 51. ....... Mr. 228. Biography, 242. .. esteemed by Dr. Johnson, and why, 67. defects as well as virtues, the proper subject of, 240. Birch, Dr. 258. Bishops, promotion of, 68. Blacklock, Dr. 34, 439. his letter to the authour, 437. Blackstone, Sir William, 199. Blair, Rev. Dr. Hugh, 29. ....., his letter to the authour, 414. Bond, honourable preamble of one, 262. Bonnetta, a merchant ship, why called so, 332. Book, a present by Dr. Johnson to the landlord's daughter at Anoch, 127. Books, number of, in Sky, 266. ... the best solace in confinement, 302. Borough English, 332. Boswell, (the Authour of this Journal) some account of, 39. ........, his comparison, on having prevailed with Dr. Johnson to visit the Hebrides, 214. his defence of the ardour of his pursuits, 214. ......... his Journal praised by Johnson, 227, 267, 282, 317. وه ......... ..... ..... .. و. his assiduous attention to Johnson, 271. his apprehensions during a storm at sea, 288. his employment on ship-board, 289. to be bribed by flattery, 315. his declared intention of writing Johnson's Life, 322. و... .......۰۰ his regret at discontinuing his Journal, 391. ..., his imitating the lowing of a cow, 413. his letter to Dr. Robertson, 3. to Dr. Beattie, 4. to Lord Monboddo, 62. to David Garrick, Esq. 359. .. to the Laird of Rasay, 429. .... ........, his character by Burke, 64. وه Dr. 37. Mrs. her particular attention to Dr. Johnson, 11, 13 .., Veronica, 13. Bossuet, 321. Bourdaloue, 321. Burney's History of Musick,' 60. Boyd, Hon. Charles, 85. Braidwood, Mr., his academy for the deaf and dumb, 416. Brewse, Major, 111. Brodie, Laird of, 206. Browne, Isaac Hawkins, 145. Buchannan, 46. Buck, ludicrously applied to Dr. Johnson, 177. Buildings, religious, neglect of, 377. Burke, Mr. his various and extraordinary talents, 3, 20, 211, 275,340. Burnet's History of his own Times,' 292. Butler's Hudibras, 225. C Cadogan, Dr. his treatise on the gout criticised, 207. Caledonian Mercury, 335. Caldermanse, 107. Campbell, General, 264. ........., Hon. Archibald, 370. ......., Mr. 388. Campbell's Britannica Elucidata,' 335. Cards, 420. Carre, Rev. Mr. 15. Carte's Life of the Duke of Orinond,' 304. Cascade, 205. Castiglione's 'Il Corteggiano,' 281. Catechism, Church of England, 59. Caves, 164, 171, 195, 239, 343. Chambers, Mr. 5, 10. Character, nice trait of, 373. Charity, rules for the distribution of, 389. Charles, the First, 858. Chastity of women, 208. Chatham, Lord, 139. Cheyne, Dr. his rule for living, 144. Cheynell's life in the 'Student,' by Johnson, $6, Chieftain, what should be his sentiment, 253. Cholmondeley, Mrs. 250. Cibber, Mrs. 114. Clamours, popular, 45. Clarke, 294. : Composition, instruction relative to, 54. Conveniences often unaccountably neglected, 164. Conversations, the power of exhibiting, observations upon, 434. Cooke, Mr. his singular presentation of Foote, 25. Coote, Sir Eyre, 111. Corneille, 321. Corrichatachin, 136. Cottages, description of those in Sky, 260 Country Life, 149. ........ gentleman, life of, 96. neighbours, 366. Court of Sessions, mode of pleading at, 416. Courts, German, 281. Craig, Mr. 56. Credulity, English not less than Scotch, 404. Creeds and Confessions, 107. Criticism, 112. Crosbie, Mr. his comparison of the English and Scots, 10. Cucumbers, 296. Cullen, Dr. 33. ......., Mr. 31. Culloden, battle of, 129, 189. Cumberland's Fashionable Lovers,' 168. Cumming, the Quaker, 232. Cuninghame, Sir John, 388. Cunning, 216. Custom, singular, 341. • Cyder,' Philips's Poem, 65. D Dalrymple, Sir David, 37. Sir John, 418. Danes, colony of, 58. Death, observations on, 171, 197, 327. warrants signed by Sixtus Quintus on his death-bed, 241, Dedications, difference between and histories, 292. Dempster, Mr. 424. Derrick, Samuel, Esq. 104, 242. Dick, Sir Alexander, 36. Dirk, use of the, 203. Dispatch, bustling not necessary to, 317. Doddridge, Dr. 277. Dog-fighting, 340. Donne, Dr. 358. Douglas, Duchess of, 31, و ... . Lady Lucy, 374. Dressing, different modes of, 55. Drinking, thoughts on, 337. |