
skins are sometimes of great size, and we without thoroughfare and without trade; few have measured one which was nine feet sev-leave it and still fewer think of going there, en inches from tip to tip. The leopard skins are exclusively used for military purposes, and the jaguar's are preferred for rugs.


From the Dublin University Magazine.

for there one feels as if on the very verge of society; for there, even by day, reigns a monastic gloom, a desertion, a melancholy, a uniform and voiceless silence, broken only by the croak of the gleds and the cawing of the clamorous gulls nestling on the old church tower, while the sea booms incessantly as it rolls on the rocky beach.

A LEGEND OF THE EAST NEUK OF FIFE. T was a cold night in the March of the year 1708. The hour of ten had tolled from the old Gothic tower of the Collegiate But there was a time when it was otherChurch; beating on his drum, the drummer wise; when the hum of commerce rose around in the livery of the burgh had proceeded from its sculptured cross, and there was a daily busthe Market-cross to the ruins of St. David's tle in the chambers of its Town-hall, for there Castle, and from thence to the chapel of St. a portly provost and bailies with a battalion of Rufus, and having made one long roll or flour-seventeen corpulent councillors sat solemnly ish at the point from whence his peregrina- deliberating on the affairs of the burgh; and tion began, he adjourned to the Thane of swelling with a municipal importance that Fife to procure a dram, while the good folks was felt throughout the whole East Neuk of of Crail composed themselves for the night, Fife; for, in those days, the bearded Russ and the barring of doors and windows announ- and red-haired Dane, the Norwayer, and the ced that those who were within had resolved Hollander, laden with merchandise, furled to make themselves comfortable and secure, their sails in that deserted harbor, where while those unfortunate wights that were now scarcely a fisherboat is seen; for on without were likely to remain so. Crail, as on all its sister towns along the coast, fell surely and heavily the terrible blight of 1707, and now it is hastening rapidly to insignificance and decay.

Hollowly the German Sea was booming on the rocks of the harbor; and from its hazy surface a cold east wind swept over the flat, bleak coast of Crail; a star peeped at times between the flying clouds, and even the moon looked forth once, but immediately veiled her face again, as if one glance at the iron shore and barren scenery, unenlivened by hedge or tree, were quite enough to prevent her from looking again.

On the sad changes a year had brought about, Spiggot pondered sadly, and was only roused from his dreamy mood by the sudden apparition of a traveller on horseback standing before him; for so long and so soft was the grass of the street that his approach had been unheard by the dreamer, whose mind was wandering after the departed glories of the East Neuk.

"A cold night, landlord, for such I take you to be," said the stranger, in a bold and cheerful voice, as he dismounted.

The town drummer had received his dram and withdrawn, and Master Spiggot, the gudeman or landlord of the Thane of Fife. the principal tavern, and only inn or hostel in the burgh, was taking a last view of the main street, and considering the propriety of "A cauld night and a dreary too," sighed closing for the night. It was broad, spacious, poor Boniface, as he bowed, and hastening to and is still overlooked by many a tall and seize the stranger's bridle, buckled it to a gable-ended mansion, whose antique and mas-ring at the doorcheek; "but the sicht of a sive aspect announces that, like other Fife- visitor does gude to my heart; step in, sir. shire burghs before the Union in the preced- A warm posset that was simmering in the ing year, it had seen better days. Indeed, parlor for myself is at your service, and I'll the house then occupied by Master Spiggot set the stall-boy to corn your beast and stahimself, and from which his sign bearing the ble it." panoplied Thane at full gallop on a caparisoned steed swung creaking in the night wind, was one of those ancient edifices, and in former days had belonged to the provost of the adjoining kirk; but this was (as Spiggot said) "in the auld warld times o' the Papistrie."

The gudeman shook his white head solemnly and sadly, as he looked down the empty thoroughfare.

"There was a time," he muttered, and paused.

Silent and desolate as any in the ruins of Thebes, the street was half covered with weeds and rank grass that grew between the stones, and Spiggot could see them waving in the dim starlight.

Crail is an out-of-the-way place. It is

"I thank you, gudeman; but for unharnessing it matters not, as I must ride onward; but I will take the posset with thanks, for I am chilled to death by my long ride along this misty coast."

Spiggot looked intently at the traveller as he stooped, and entering the low-arched door which was surmounted by an old monastic legend, trod into the bar with a heavy clanking stride, for he was accoutred with jackboots and gilded spurs. His rocquelaure was of scarlet cloth, warmly furred, and the long curls of his Ramillies wig flowed over it. His beaver was looped upon three sides with something of a military air, and one long white feather that adorned it, floated down his back, for the dew was heavy on it. He was a handsome man, about forty years of

age, well sunburned, with a keen dark eye,¦ and close-clipped moustache, which indicated that he had served in foreign wars. He threw his hat and long jewelled rapier aside, and on removing his rocquelaure, discovered a white velvet coat more richly covered with lace than any that Spiggot had ever seen even in the palmiest days of Crail.

According to the fashion of Queen Anne's courtiers, it was without a collar, to display the long white cravat of point d'Espagne, without cuffs, and edged from top to bottom with broad bars of lace, clasps and buttons of silver the whole length; being compressed at the waist by a very ornamental belt fastened by a large gold buckle.

"Good again-give him my most humble commendations, and ask him to share thy boasted posset of wine with me."

"What name did you say, sir?"

"Thou inquisitive varlet, I said no name," replied the gentleman, with a smile. "In these times men do not lightly give their names to each other, when the land is swarming with Jacobite plotters and government spies, disguised Jesuits, and Presbyterian tyrants. I may be the Devil or the Pope for all thou knowest."

"Might ye no be the Pretender?" said Spiggot, with a sour smile.


Nay, I have a better travelling name than that; but say to this gentleman that the Ma"Your honor canna think of riding on to-jor of Marshal Orkney's Dragoons requests night," urged Boniface; "and if a Crail-ca- the pleasure of sharing a stoup of wine with pon done just to perfection, and a stoup of him." the best wine, at least siccan wine as we get by the east seas, since that vile incorporating Union-"

"Vile and damnable! say I," interrupted the stranger.

"True for ye, sir," said Spiggot with a kindling eye; "but if these puir viands can induce ye to partake of the hospitality of my puir hostel, that like our gude burrowtoun is no just what it has been-”

"Gudeman, 'tis impossible, for I must ride 30 soon as I have imbibed thy posset."

"As ye please, sir-your honor's will be done. Our guests are now, even as the visits of angels, unco few and far between; and thus, when one comes, we are loath to part with him. There is a deep pitfall, and an ugly gullyhole where the burn crosses the road at the town-head, and if ye miss the path, the rocks by the beach are steep, and in a night like this-"

"Host of mine," laughed the traveller, "I know right well every rood of the way, and by keeping to the left near the Auldlees may avoid both the blackpit and the sea-beach." "Your honor kens the country hereawa then," said Spiggot with surprise.

"Of old, perhaps, I knew it as well as thee." The gudeman of the Thane scrutinized the traveller's face keenly, but failed to recognize him, and until this moment he thought that no man in the East Neuk was unknown to him; but here his inspection was at fault.

"And hast thou no visitors with thee now, friend host?" he asked of Spiggot.

"One only, gude sir, who came here on a brown horse about nightfall. He is an unco' foreign-looking man, but has been asking the way to the castle o' Balcomie."

"Ha! and thou didst tell of this plaguy pitfall, I warrant."

Assuredly, your honor, in kindness I did but hint of it."

"And thereupon he stayed. Balcomieindeed! and what manner of man is he?"

"By the corslet which he wears under his coat, and the jaunty cock of his beaver, I would say he had been a soldier."

"Sir, it mattereth little whether ye give your name or no," replied the host bitterly; "for we are a' nameless now. Twelve months ago we were true Scottish men, but now—”

"Our king is an exile-our crown is buried for ever, and our brave soldiers are banished to far and foreign wars, while the grass is growing green in the streets of our capitalay, green as it is at this hour in your burgh of Crail; but hence to the stranger; yet say not,” added the traveller, bitterly and proudly, "that in his warmth the Scottish cavalier has betrayed himself."

While the speaker amused himself with examining a printed proclamation concerning the "Tiend Commissioners and Transplantation off Paroch Kirkis," which was pasted over the stone mantelpiece of the bar, the landlord returned with the foreign gentleman's thanks, and an invitation to his chamber, whither the Major immediately repaired; following the host up a narrow stone spiral stair to a snugly wainscotted room, against the well-grated windows of which a sudden shower was now beginning to patter.

The foreigner, who was supping on a Crailcapon (in other words a broiled haddock) and stoup of Bourdeaux wine, arose at their entrance, and bowed with an air that was undisguisedly continental. He was a man above six feet, with a long straight nose, over which his dark eyebrows met and formed one unbroken line. He wore a suit of green Genoese velvet, so richly laced that little of the cloth was visible; a full-bottomed wig, and a small corslet of the brightest steel (over which hung the ends of his cravat), as well as a pair of silver-mounted cavalry pistols that lay on the table, together with his unmistakable bearing, decided the Major of Orkney's that the stranger was a brother of the sword.

"Fair sir, little introduction is necessary between us, as, I believe, we have both followed the drum in our time," said the Major, shaking the curls of his Ramillie wig with the air of a man who has decided on what he says.

"I have served, Monsieur," replied the foreigner, "under Marlborough and Eugene."

"Ah! in French Flanders? Landlord-versation from a point which evidently seemgudeman, harkee; a double stoup of this ed unpleasant to the stranger. "Twas sharp, wine; I have found a comrade to-night-be short, and decisive, as all cavalry affairs should quick and put my horse to stall, I will not be. You will of course remember that unride hence for an hour or so. What regiment, sir?"

"I was first under Grouvestien in the Horse of Driesberg."

"Then you were on the left of the second column at Ramillies-on that glorious 12th of May," said the Major, drawing the highbacked chair which the host handed him, and spreading out his legs before the fire, which burned merrily in the basket-grate on the hearth," and latterly-"

"Under Wandenberg."
"Ah! an old tyrannical dog."

A dark cloud gathered on the stranger's lofty brow.

I belonged to the Earl of Orkney's Grey Dragoons," said the Major; "and remember old Wandenberg making a bold charge in that brilliant onfall when we passed the lines of Monsieur le Mareschal Villars at Pont-a-Vendin, and pushed on to the plains of Lens."

"That was before we invested Doway and Fort-Escharpe, where old Albergotti so ably commanded ten thousand well-beaten soldiers."

pleasant affair of Wandenberg's troopers, who were accused of permitting a French prisoner to escape. It caused a great excitement in the British camp, where some condemned the dragoons, others Van Wandenberg, and not a few our great Marlborough himself."

"I did hear something of it," said the stranger in a low voice.

"The prisoner whose escape was permitted was, I believe, the father of the youths who captured him, a circumstance which might at least have won them mercy-"

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From the Baron!"

"I forgot me he was indeed merciless." "But as I left his dragoons, and indeed the army about that time, I will be glad to hear your account of the affair."

"It is a very unpleasant story-the more so as I was somewhat concerned in it myself," said the Major, slowly filling his long stemmed glass, and watching the white worm in its stalk, so intently as he recalled all the circumstances he was about to relate, that he did not observe the face of the French gentleman, which was pale as death; and after

"And then Villars drew off from his posi-a short pause, he began as follows: tion at sunset and encamped on the plain before Arras."

"In the onfall at Pont-a-Vendin, it happened that two young Frenchmen who serv"Thou forgettest, comrade, that previous-ed as gentlemen volunteers with you in the ly he took up a position in rear of Escharpe." dragoon regiment of Van Wandenberg, had "True; but now I am right into the very permitted-how, or why, I pretend not to say melée of those old affairs, and the mind car--the escape of a certain prisoner of distincries one on like a rocket. Your health, sir- tion. Some said he was no other than M. le by the way, I am still ignorant of your name." Mareschal Villars himself. They claimed a "I have such very particular reasons for court martial, but the old Baron, who was a concealing it in this neighborhood, that—" savage-hearted Dutchman, insisted that they "Do not think me inquisitive; in these should be given up unconditionally to his own times men should not pry too closely." mercy, and in an evil moment of heedlessness "Monsieur will pardon me I hope.' or haste, Marlborough consented, and sent "No apology is necessary, save from my-mne (I was his Aid-de-Camp) with a written self, for now my curiosity is thoroughly and most impertinently whetted, to find a Frenchman in this part of the world, here in this out-o'-the-way place, where no one comes to, and no one goes from, on a bleak promontory of the German Sea, the East Neuk of Fife." "Snow covered the whole country, which "Monsieur will again excuse me; but I have was all a dead level, and a cold, leaden-colmost particular business with a gentleman in ored sky met the white horizon in one unbrothis neighorhood; and having travelled all ken line, save where the leafless poplars of the way from Paris, expressly to have it set- some far-off village stood up, the landmarks tled, I beg that I may be excused the pain of of the plain. In broad flakes the snow fell prevarication. The circumstance of my hav- fast, and directing their march by a distant ing served under the great Duke of Malbor- spire, the Dutch troopers rode slowly over ongh against my own King and countrymen the deepening fields. They were all muffled is sufficiently explained when I acquaint in dark blue cloaks, on the capes of which you, that I was then a French Protestant the snow was freezing, while the breath of refugee; but now, without changing my reli- the men and horses curled like steam in the gion, I have King Louis's gracious pardon and thickening and darkening air. kind protection extended to me."

"And so you were with Wandenberg when his troopers made that daring onfall at Ponta-Vendin, and drove back the horse picquets of Villars," said the Major, to lead the con

order to that effect, addressed to Colonel the Baron Van Wandenberg, whose regiment of horse I met en route for St. Venant, about nightfall on a cold and snowy evening in the month of November.

"Muffled to the nose in a well furred rocquelaure, with my wig tied to keep the snow from its curls, and my hat flapped over my face, I rode as fast as the deep snow would permit, and passing the rear of the column

where, moody and disarmed, the two poor French volunteers were riding under care of an escort, I spurred to the Baron who rode in front near the kettle drums, and delivered my order; as I did so, recalling with sadness the anxious and wistful glance given me by the prisoners as I passed them.

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Wandenberg, who had no more shape than a huge hogshead, received the dispatch with a growl of satisfaction. He would have bowed, but his neck was too short. I cannot but laugh when I remember his strange aspect. In form he looked nearly as broad as he was long, being nearly eight feet in girth, and completely enveloped in a rough blue rocquelaure, which imparted to his figure the roundness of a ball. His face, reddened by skiedam and the frost, was glowing like crimson, while the broad beaver hat that overshadowed it, and the feathers with which the beaver was edged, were incrusted with the snow that was rapidly forming a pyramid on its crown, imparting to his whole aspect a drollery at which I could have laughed heartily, had not his well-known acuteness and ferocity awed me into a becoming gravity of demeanor; and delivering my dispatch with a tolerably good grace, I reined back my horse to await any reply he might be pleased to send the Duke.

"His dull Dutch eyes glared with sudden anger and triumph, as he folded the document, and surveyed the manacled prisoners. Thereafter he seized his speaking trumpet, and thundered out

"Ruyters-halt! form open column of troops, trot!'


in the falling snow flakes, their lurid and fitful glare was thrown on the close array of the Dutch dragoons, on their great cumbrous hats, on the steeple crowns of which, I have said, the snow was gathering in cones, and the pale features of the two prisoners, altogether imparting a wild, unearthly, and terrible effect to the scene about to be enacted on that wide and desolate moor.

"By order of Van Wandenberg, three halberts were fixed into the frozen earth, with their points bound together by a thong, after which the dismounted trumpeters layed hands on one of the young Frenchmen, whom they proceeded to strip of his coat and vest.

"Disarmed and surrounded, aware of the utter futility of resistance, the unfortunate volunteer offered none, but gazed wistfully and imploringly at me, and sure I am, that in my lowering brow and kindling eyes, he must have seen the storm that was gathering in my heart.

"Dieu vous benisse, Monsieur Officer," cried the Frenchman in a mournful voice, while shuddering with cold and horror as he was stripped to his shirt; 'save me from this foul disgrace, and my prayers-yea, my life shall be for ever at your disposal."

"Good comrade,' said I, ‘entreat me not, for here, I am powerless.'

"Baron,' he exclaimed; 'I am a gentleman-a gentleman of old France, and I dare thee to lay thy damnable scourge upon me.'

"Ach Gott! dare-do you say dare? ve vill ze!' laughed Van Wandenberg, as the prisoner was dragged forward and about to be forcibly trussed to the halberts by the It was done as rapidly as heavily armed trumpeters, when animated to the very verge Dutchmen on fat slow horses knee deep among of insanity, he suddenly freed himself, and snow could perform it, and then wheeling rushing like a madman upon the Baron, struck them into line, he gave the ordershim from his horse by one blow of his clench"Forward the flanks-form circle-slinged hand. The horse snorted, the Dutch troopmusquetoons!-trumpeters ride to the centre and dismount.'

"By these unexpected manoeuvres, I suddenly found myself inclosed in a hollow circle of the Dutch horsemen, and thus, as it were, compelled to become a spectator of the scene that ensued, though I had his Grace of Marlborough's urgent orders to rejoin him without delay on the road to Aire." "And-and you saw

"Such a specimen of discipline as neither the devil nor De Martinet ever dreamed of; but thoroughly Dutch I warrant you.

"I have said it was intensely cold, and that the night was closing; but the whiteness of the snow that covered the vast plain, with the broad red circle of the half-obscured moon that glimmered through the fast falling flakes as it rose behind a distant spire, cast a dim light upon the place where the Dutchmen halted. But deeming that insufficient, Van Wandenberg ordered half a dozen torches to be lighted, for his troopers always had such things with them, being useful by night for various purposes; and hissing and sputtering

ers opened their saucer eyes wider still, as the great and corpulent mass fell heavily among the deepening snow, and in an instant the foot of the Frenchmen was pressed upon his throat, while he exclaimed:

"If I slay thee, thou hireling dog, as I have often slain thy clodpated countrymen in other days,' and the Frenchman laughed fiercely, by St. Denis! I will have one foeman less on this side of Hell!'

"Gott in Himmel! ach! mein tuyvel! mein—mein Gott!' gasped the Dutchman as he floundered beneath the heel of the vengeful and infuriated Frenchman, who was determined on destroying him, till a blow from the baton of an officer, stretched him almost senseless among the snow, where he was immediately grasped by the trumpeters, disrobed of his last remaining garment, and bound strongly to the halberts.

"Meanwhile the other prisoner had been pinioned and resolutely held by his escort, otherwise he would undoubtedly have fallen also upon Van Wandenberg, who choking with a tempest of passion that was too great

to find utterance in words, had gathered up his rotund figure, and with an agility wonderful in a man of his years and vast obesity, so heavily armed, in a buff coat and jackboots ribbed with iron, a heavy sword and cloak, clambered on the back of his horse, as a clown would climb up a wall; and with a visage alternating between purple and blue, by the effects of rage and strangulation, he surveyed the prisoner for a moment in silence, and there gleamed in his piggish gray eyes an expression of fury and pain, bitterness and triumph combined, and he was only able to articulate one word



our breaths were ascending like steam. Yes! there was one other sound, and it was a horrible one-the monotonous whiz of the scourge, as it cut the keen frosty air and descended on the lacerated back of the fainting prisoner. Sir, I see that my story disturbs you.

"A corpulent Provost Mareschal, with a pair of enormous moustachios, amid which the mouth of his meerschaum was inserted, stood by smoking with admirable coolness, and marking the time with his cane, while a drummer tapped on his kettledrum, and four trumpeters had, each in succession, given their twenty-five lashes and withdrawn; twice had "On the handsome young Frenchman's the knotted scourge been coagulated with. dark curly hair, glistening with the whitening blood, and twice had it been washed in the snow that fell upon it, and on his tender skin snow that now rose high around the feet of reddening in the frosty atmosphere, on the our champing and impatient horses; and now swelling muscles of his athletic form, on a the fifth torturer approached, but still the half-healed sabre wound, and on the linea- compressed lips and clammy tongue of the ments of a face that then expressed the ex- proud Frenchman refused to implore mercy. tremity of mental agony, fell full the waver- His head was bowed down on his breast, his ing light of the uplifted torches. The Dutch, body hung pendant from the cords that enaccustomed to every species of extra-judicial circled his swollen and livid wrists; his back cruelty by sea and land, looked on with the from neck to waist was one mass of lacerated most grave stolidity and apathetic indiffer- flesh, on which the feathery snowflakes were ence; while I felt an astonishment and indig-melting; for the agony he endured must have nation that rapidly gave place to undisguised horror.


"The other prisoner uttered a groan that seemed to come from his very heart, and then covered his ears and eyes with his hands. Wielded by a muscular trumpeter, an immense Scourge of many-knotted cords was brought down with one full sweep on the white back of the victim, and nine livid bars, each red, as if seared by a hot iron, rose under the infliction, and again the terrible instrument was reared by the trumpeter at the full stretch of his sinewy arm.

been like unto a stream of molton lead pouring over him; but no groan, no entreaty escaped him, and still the barbarous punishment proceeded.

"I have remarked that there is no event too horrible or too sad to be without a little of the ridiculous in it, and this was discernible here.

"One trumpeter, who appeared to have more humanity, or perhaps less skill than his predecessors, and did not exert himself sufficiently, was soundly beaten by the rattan of the trumpet-major, while the latter was castigated by the Provost Mareschal, who, in "Monsieur will be aware, that until the turn for remissness of duty, received sundry late Revolution of 1688, this kind of punish-blows from the speaking-trumpet of the Bament was unknown here and elsewhere, save ron; so they were all laying soundly on each. in Holland; and though I have seen soldiers other for a time. run the gauntlet, ride the mare, and beaten by the martinets, I shall never, oh, no! never forget the sensation of horror with which this (to me) new punishment of the poor Frenchman inspired me; and, sure I am, that our great Duke of Marlborough could in no way have anticipated it.


Accustomed, as I have said, to every kind of eruel severity, unmoved and stoically the Dutch looked on with their gray, lacklustre eyes, dull, unmeaning, and passionless in their stolidity, contrasting strongly with the expression of startled horror depicted in the strained eyeballs and bent brows of the victim's brother, when after a time he dared to look on this revolting punishment. Save an ill-repressed sob, or half-muttered interjection from the suffering man, no other sound broke the stillness of the place, where a thousand horsemen stood in close order, but the sputtering of the torches, in the red light of which


"Morbleu!' said the Frenchmen, with a grim smile, "'twas quite in the Dutch taste, that.'

"The Provost Mareschal continued to mark the time with the listless apathy of an automaton; the smoke curled from his meerschaum, the drum continued to tap-tap-tap, until it seemed to sound like thunder to my strained ears, for every sense was painfully excited. All count had long been lost, but when several hundred lashes had been given, Van Wandenberg and half his Dutchman were asleep in their saddles.

"It was now snowing thick and fast, but still this hideous dream continued, and still the scourging went on.

"At last the altered sound of the lash and the terrible aspect of the victim, who, after giving one or two convulsive shudders, threw back his head with glazed eyes and jaw relaxed, caused the trumpeter to recede a pace

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