
scurity, and raised her to a different sphere. She was, indeed, capable of filling almost any station with dignity and propriety, and without any of that vanity and ostentation which are so apt to discover themselves in inferior minds, when brought into public notice. Of the manner in which divine Providence called her from her loved retreat, our youthful readers will be informed in the next chapter. In the mean time, we ask of them to consider well the amiable traits of character developed in our departed friend, and copy them in their own lives. Consider, too, how the blessing of God followed her pious endeavors to do good, and 66 go and do likewise."


Journal of Mrs. A. previous to her engaging to go on a foreign mission.

CONCERNING this Journal, a writer in the Christian Spectator remarks:-"It shows that she habitually maintained a holy jealousy over her motives and her actions; that she regularly, humbly, and diligently examined her own soul; that she had an experimental acquaintance both with the solemnities and comforts of religion; that she was fervently desirous of personal usefulness in the world; that she cherished deep compassion for those who were perishing for lack of knowledge; that she greatly rejoiced in the progress of the Redeemer's kingdom in her immediate neighborhood, and in the world in general; that she deeply sympathized with her Christian friends in the trials which were sent to them, and eagerly sought to lead them to a right improvement of them: and that she manifested great gratitude for the mercies of the Lord, and especially for the means of grace with which she was favored. The follow

ing quotations will illustrate this statement, and throw light on some of the arrangements of the New England churches. Our limits forbid us to extend them."

"Jan. 1, 1823.-Have taken leave of the old year, and this day entered on a new one. This interesting period calls anew to retrospective self-examination, and a renewed surrender of myself to the service of my Maker. I have been propitiously guarded and preserved during the past year; and the distinguished mercies I have experienced call aloud for grateful strains of love and praise. Amidst numberless temptations and conflicts with spiritual enemies, I have been upheld and supported by an invisible power, and I hope the 'Star of Bethlehem' has guided me to the foot of the cross. Thou Saviour of sinners! ever keep me there; subdue my carnal lusts which war against my soul; let thy presence go with me hence; prepare me for every trial, preserve me from every sin, and bring me at last in safety to thy kingdom.

"March 9th.-With emotions of sacred pleasure would I hail the return of the holy Sabbath-gracious appointment of heaven for the refreshment of weary pilgrims, wandering through the mazes of sin and wick

edness in the desert wilds of this world, and directing their course towards the heavenly Canaan, the mansion of eternal rest. How sweet to find in the sanctuary a sacred retreat from the cares and perplexities which attend us through the week,-to unite in the solemn prayers and sacred songs of praise, and to listen to the faithful dispensation of the word of life! O gracious Father! may I this day experience these divine joys in thy house; may I be washed from my innumerable sins in the fountain of redeeming blood; be delivered from wandering thoughts, and attend with solemn reverence to the ministrations of thy servant who may speak to us in thy name. Wilt thou give him grace to be faithful, and attend his labors with the energy of thy Spirit, without which they will prove utterly ineffectual. May thy faithful servants every where be strengthened by divine influence this day, and set forth the terrors of thy law, and the precious invitations of the gospel, in a clear and forcible manner; so that the impenitent may be awakened, and thy children comforted and stimulated to renewed vigor in thy service.


May 18th.-Attended public worship, and heard the Rev. Mr.

Text in

the morning from these words: "Though he be not far from every one of us.' The truths advanced were very good, though I thought I needed something to search more thoroughly. Discourse this afternoon on the subject of reason, which was represented as the agent in enlightening the mind in the truths of revelation. No reference was made to the influence of the Holy Spirit, either in the sermon or the prayers. Each one was directed to use reason, and search the scriptures for himself, and not blindly receive his principles from another. This appears to be right; but we need the influences of the Spirit to enlighten and guide reason in her researches. Candid

reason herself must acknowledge this, if scripture is to be the standard of judgment. 'When he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth'-and John xvi. 7, &c. Yes, we are depraved, sinful creatures, and without the spirit to enlighten, and the blood of Christ to cleanse us, we can have no scriptural hope of an inheritance in the heavenly Canaan.

"May 29th.-A tribute of gratitude and praise is due to the Almighty Redeemer, for his abundant grace displayed in the recent conversion of two dear friends,* and I


Little did she at this time think that she should her

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