

OUR American friends have recently published a small volume of anecdotes of this very extraordinary man, for the use of young persons, from which we extract the few following facts :


It was a lovely morning, in the autumn of 1737, when the father of George rapped at the door of two friends, who were on a visit to his family, and invited them to accompany him in a walk. The invitation was gladly accepted.

It was indeed a delightful morning. The party were full of life and animation. But no one seemed to enjoy the walk more than George, who was, at this time, a little boy of five years old.

"We will take a turn in the orchard," said Mr. Washington. "I can show you a fine sight."

"A fine sight, indeed," observed one of the gentlemen of the party, as they entered a large orchard, abounding with the richest variety of fruit. "The ground seems to be quite covered, and yet the trees are still bending under their load."

"An abundant crop," said Mr. Washington;

well know how to dispose of."

66 more than we shall

At this moment, Mr. Washington turned to George, who was round among the trees, selecting the fairest apples he could find, and filling his pockets. "George, my son."

66 What, father," said George; "do you want me ?"

"I called you, my son; come here."

George came running to his father, who said,

"Do you remember, my son, how that your cousin gave you a large fine apple last spring?"

"Yes, sir."

"Well, George, and what became of it?"

The countenance of George fell. He looked quite confused and ashamed. The apple in question had been given to him; and when asked by his father to divide it, and to give part to his little brothers and sisters, he had almost refused. He was quite a little boy, and his father had endeavoured to show him the impropriety of being selfish. And, moreover, he had told him, that in the autumn, he would give him an abundance of apples, if he would be liberal and kind.

I said George appeared confused and ashamed. He looked down upon the ground, and scratched the earth with his little toes, just as I have seen other boys do, when they felt bad.

"Look up, my son, look up," said Mr. Washington, "and see how bounteous God has been to us. Here are more apples than you could eat in all your life. I promised you an abundance; and, now, because you gave your brothers and sisters some of your apple last spring, you may have as many as you want."

This did not satisfy George. He had indeed given a part of his apple to his brothers and sisters; but he had done it reluctantly; and now he felt condemned for his selfishness; nor was he happy again, until, stepping up to his father, he said, in a soft and very pleasant

tone, "Well, father, only forgive me this time, and see if I ever be so stingy any more."


Some time after the above occurrence, I suppose it was, George had a present made him of a hatchet. Like other boys, he was very fond of it, and was abroad every fine day to use it.

At length he found his way into the garden, where he employed himself for some time in hacking pea-bushes. This was quite an innocent amusement. But by and by, he discovered a young cherry-tree, which he attacked with great spirit; and, though unable to cut it down, he so hacked it as to render it of no value.

It happened to be a choice variety, and a tree which his father had cultivated with great care.

The next morning, Mr. Washington was, as usual, in the garden quite early, and discovered the mischief.

"What! what! who has done this?" he inwardly exclaimed, as he examined the lacerated tree. "I would scarcely have taken five guineas for it."

With some warmth, and a somewhat quicker step than usual, he hastened into the house, and began his inquiries as to the author of the mischief. No one knew-no one had remarked it. And, for a time, it seemed doubtful whether the author would be found out.

Where George was all this time, I am unable to say. But, at length, it occurred to Mr. Washington that he had a hatchet, and might prove

to be the rogue.

Search for George was now made; when lo! the little fellow was discovered with the very instrument of all the mischief in his hand. "George!" said his father, with some sternness.

"What! father," said George, quite confused; not thinking about the cherry-tree, and not knowing indeed much about its value.

"George! do you know "-I can well imagine that Mr. Washington almost hesitated to go on with the question, for fear George might be tempted to conceal the truth. But, be this as it may, he did ask,— George! do you know who killed that beautiful little cherry-tree, yonder, in the garden ?"


What a question for poor George! For a moment, he said nothing; his head fell; he looked upon the ground; he was tempted to say, "that he did not know." But this would not do; no, he could not deceive; or, if he could, he would not; so, looking up to his father, with a manly spirit of confession, and with a kind of triumph, that he had gotten the victory over the temptation which came upon him to deceive, he cried out, "I can't tell a lie, father; you know I can't tell a lie. I did cut it with my hatchet."

This was a noble confession. Mr. Washington felt a thrill of joy running through all his bones, and his heart fairly leaped with delight. He clasped his son to his bosom, and exclaimed, “I am glad you killed the cherry-tree; for by means of it, I have discovered how much my boy regards the truth. You was powerfully tempted to deceive; but you have nobly triumphed. Such a victory is worth a thousand trees all blossoming with silver-nay, all loaded with gold."

(To be Continued.)


I HAVE often been entertained by the importance of the little word "only." As a weapon of attack and defence, it is wonderful; as an enemy, it is treacherous and destructive; a powerful incentive to virtue, and a frequent palliative of vice. I will give you a few illustrations:

Calling at a toy-shop with a young lady, I observed her pay five dollars for a prettily ornamented, but perfectly useless trinket. As a pupil of Franklin, I expressed the simplicity of surprise. She silenced me by the following unanswerable argument-" Phoo! it's only five



My dear," said I, one Sabbath morning, to my wife, with all the humility of patience, as she was dressing for church, we shall certainly be late." "It cannot be," she replied, "it's only three quarters past ten now."

Some short time since, I happened to be present at a party, where a young lady indulged herself in the most bitter sarcasms upon several persons who were absent. A minister, at last, denied some of her statements, and was proceeding to unravel the truth, when she stopped him thus:- 66 - Why, how rude! You cannot surely think me serious? I was only in joke.'


I was some time since at a friend's house, when his wife returned from market :-" My love, see what fine shad; it's the first this season." "Indeed! what did you pay for it?" Only a dollar and a half." "I shall be ruined! Two handful of peas! It is ab

"And the peas?"


Only a dollar." dollars and a half for a small shad and a

solutely insufferable!" "Pshaw!" she replied, "Nonsense! sure it's very cheap; besides, it's only once in the way."


I was standing before the door of a house, reflecting upon death, as a corpse was proceeding onwards. My acquaintance lived in this house, and saw me: "Come in," said he; "do not stay there, man ; it's only a funeral; did you never see a funeral before?"

Watching some young women flirting about, with bonnets nearly large enough for parasols, and lace flounces, full half a yard deep, trailing in the mud, I asked a person, "What is the price of that Leghorn ready to fly away?" "Only forty dollars." "What is the price of the lace?" "Only three dollars a yard." "How many yards in the whole?" Only fifteen yards."


So I have seen heedless boys buying an orange, a stick, a knife :"It's only twopence;" "It's only sixpence !' "What is sixpence ?"

he adds, "Nothing!"

I one day addressed, in a serious moment, a gay and beautiful girl, on the uncertainty of life, and the necessity of a preparation for its close. "But," said she, "is there any fear of that? All this may do very well for an old woman of eighty; but you know I'm only eighteen."

Thus, evils are palliated; extravagance excused; good purposes delayed and defeated; defamation supported; and roguery defended; by the insidious sophistry of this little talisman, Only.-ADAM PRI



No fact is more frequently proved than that human beings are prone to extremes; and in nothing is this more evident than in connexion with marriages. We have known those who have been so imprudent as to hurry lovely and amiable females into this most important union without the least prospect of a comfortable provision; and, on the other hand, cases are not uncommon when money-money-seems to be the grand attraction. The following facts we glean from the American Father's Magazine, though some of them relate to persons in England. In this latter case we have omitted the names of places, and even the initials, because we would not needlessly grieve living persons :



As I cast my eye over the names of those who began life with me, my heart is deeply affected by the sad destiny of my friend C. The morning of his days was one of high promise. Educated in the first commercial house in one of our large cities, he became an accomplished merchant; and soon after the close of his apprenticeship, he removed to a distant city, and embarked in business on his own account. soon became acquainted with a lady of wealth, but who possessed few qualifications to make happy a man of fine feelings. Some of his prudent" friends soon proposed to him the excellent opportunity this lady presented of advancing his worldly fortune. But with the ingenuousness of a manly spirit, he turned a deaf ear to the bare mention of a union with one for whom he felt not the slightest affection. Still was the match urged, and by his father too, until the union was consummated. Years passed on, and C. was wretched. The alliance, which a kind Providence has instituted, to cheer the rugged way of life, was sacrificed upon the altar of avarice. At length he failed in business; and when the fact was announced to his wife, she heaped upon him the keenest reproaches. He found no solace for his wounded spirit in her sympathy. One of the newest graves in the church-yard he now occupies—a suicide-and the victim of a "prudential" match. I know a rich man in whom the love of gold has swallowed up the kindlier feelings. He argued, and persuaded his favourite daughter to marry a million of dollars against her will. The victim resisted,

but yielded at last to the powerful argument, that love matches are always unhappy, and that love, which comes after marriage, is by far the most enduring. For a little while all was pomp and splendour. In two short years, where was the million gone? The sea had swallowed it, fires had consumed it, the whirlwind had swept it away. Even, according to her father's views, she might as well have married the man she liked best. So vain is it for mortals to contend with Providence.

Another, in the middle class of life, had the same views on a more moderate scale. He had a pretty and intelligent daughter. Her hand was sought by a coarse and selfish man, whom she regarded with utter aversion. But the coarse and selfish man had gold, accursed, polluting gold, and with it he bought the father's heart. Long and varied were the persecutions which broke the spirits of the young creature, before he persuaded her that worldly prudence sanctioned perjury. What could he expect from such an union? The selfish man was selfish still; for he who consents to take a wife on such terins

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is ignorant of that pure and holy affection which elevates and improves the whole character. His fortune is nearly spent in dissipation; and she does her duty, as well as patience and gentleness can do it, towards her negligent husband.

The Rev. Mr. was educated for the ministry in England. His first efforts in the pulpit were successful; and he eventually became a popular student. During his academic visits to various congregations, he became acquainted with a young lady in the county of. She was exceedingly interesting in her person, pleasing in her manners, and serious. The intimacy was kept up during the remainder of his term at college; and, while there, terminated in a promise of marriage. Subsequently to this, he preached on probation in the county of. There he boarded with the widow of a townsman, who had been extensively engaged as a smuggler. She was vulgar in her habits, and coarse in her manners, but she had property. He was fond of music. She immediately gratified his taste by supplying her parlour with an elegant pianoforte. Her attentions were costly, marked, and incessant. He became a pastor. He first neglected and then deserted the lady of his first intimacy; and then, in the spirit of sordid calculation, married his hostess. In two years the congregation were disgusted with their minister's wife. He removed into the county of From the same cause the same effect eventually followed. He removed into the county of There his own life soon became miserable. As a relief from the disagreeableness of home, he became a stage-coach proprietor, and actually drove four in hand to London. The concern failed. He lost his reputation; and, as a minister, was ruined.



Addressed to a Sister leaving England for Bahia, in the Brazils.


Go-far from the land of the free,
Where the captive groans under his
And asks that no longer he be

Enthrall'd in his fetters and chains.

Go: haste to Bahia away,

Tell her sons 'tis Jehovah's behest, His truth shall prevail and bear sway, His creatures on earth shall be blest.

Go tell the oppressor of man,

That England has nobly achieved The freedom of Africa's clan,

And claims that all slaves be relieved

From the lash and the servitude vile
That so long with reluctance they've

For Britain, the far-renown'd isle,
From her slaves has the manacles torn.
Go-tell them the Sabbath of rest
Was design'd for the whole human race,
A day that Jehovah has bless'd,

For advancing his truth and his grace.
Go-tell them that erst you have spent

The sacred, the heart-hallow'd time, When to Zion you joyfully went,

To partake of the pleasures divinė.
Go-may the Most High with you go,

Till you stop on the far distant strand,
And there His rich blessings bestow,
And guide you with tenderest hand!
Go-and though in a different sphere
For a time you are destined to roam,
Oh may we in some future year,
Gladly hail your arrival at HOME.

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