
The enlisted men who are made prisoners are given the same medical attention, pay, clothing, and quarters as are allowed United States soldiers. The quarters authorized for war prisoners are similar to and constructed in accordance with the specifications governing the construction of cantonments used by the army of the United States. War prisoners are not confined in the sense of being placed in jails or prisons or penal institutions, but as it is necessary to limit their freedom of movement, the cantonments in which they are confined are surrounded by a wire fence. Within the limits of this fence prisoners are given liberty of action.

Entire Religious Freedom

The Hague Convention requires that war prisoners shall enjoy complete liberty in the exercise of their religion. To provide for this, there is a chaplain of the regular army on the staff of the commandant of each war prison barracks, who has general supervision of the religious matters connected with the prison, and services are authorized for all prisoners so desiring where churches cf special denominations are located in the vicinity of the places of internment. A representative of the International Committee of Young Men's Christian Associations is also accredited to each war prison barracks and, in conjunction with the barracks chaplain, assists in the athletic and social affairs of the prisoners. In the event of the death of a war prisoner, the same honors and respect are shown as in case of the death of an individual of corresponding rank in the United States Army.

The educational welfare of the prisoners is under the immediate control of the barracks chaplain, who is charged with the organization of courses of instruction as elected by the prisoners and who is aided in the work by the prisoners themselves. Later, vocational training will be introduced in each barrack to provide for prisoners who are without any trade or vocation, the qualified prisoners being used as instructors for the others.

Prisoners are entitled to send mail matter through international mails with

out postage. Mail matter for domestic destination is subject to postage, as is also all incoming mail, both outgoing and incoming mail being censored at the barracks.

As the number of prisoners increases, the Adjutant General will, under the authority granted him by Paragraph 6 of the Fourth Hague Convention, authorize the employment of these prisoners on work connected with the public service, for individuals, and upon their own account.

In arriving at the wages to be paid prisoners for these classes of work, the provisions of international law govern. When the work is for branches of the public service or for private persons, the conditions are settled in an agreement with military authorities. The wages of prisoners go toward improving their positions, and any balances remaining are paid them on their release, after deducting the cost of maintenance.

Complete records are kept of all sums disbursed for the care and upkeep of war prisoners, and at the close of hostilities reports of these disbursements are forwarded to the enemy Government for reimbursement.

Some of Those Interned

Among the Germans who have been arrested on the suspicion of being spiesby Secret Service agents of the Government are Carl Heynen, for years one of the most influential German agents in North America, and at one time German Consul General at Mexico City; P. A. Borgemeister, formerly a New York banker, but more recently confidential secretary to Dr. Heinrich Albert, late Financial Attaché of the German Embassy in Washington; Professor Jonathan Zenneck, an expert in wireless telegraphy, and Heinrich S. Ficke, auditor in New York City of the North German Lloyd Steamship Company, whose home on Staten Island commands a view of the ships entering and leaving New York Harbor. These and other suspects were connected either directly or indirectly with the German Government and great financial, industrial, and maritime concerns owned or controlled by

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German interests. Most of the spy suspects are interned at Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia.

A Copenhagen dispatch, dated July 26, stated that more effective measures than were then in force for supervision of Scandinavian liners plying to the United States must be put into effect if the passage of numerous German agents and couriers and the transmission of intelligence by German spies in America were to be checked. It was said authoritatively that German passport-forging bureaus were equipping German agents in Scandinavia with fraudulent Scandinavian passports. These were copied from genuine originals in the same fashion as American passports had been counterfeited photographically by the Pass Bureau of the Admiralty. New names and descriptions are substituted occasionally, but sometimes the only change is to attach a new photograph of the ostensible holder. Every liner sailing to the United States carries 200 or 300 passengers, principally of Scandinavian nationality. There is little to prevent the Intelligence Department of the German Admiralty, now under the leadership of Captain Karl Boy-Ed, ex-Naval Attaché at Washington, from planting any desired number of agents, equipped apparently with genuine Scandinavian passports, among the passengers. Various attempts to recruit neutrals for courier and information missions to the United States had been reported more or less definitely. The Scandinavian police, the dispatch continued, also could tell a tale of unmasked Americans who were employed in the German Secret Service.

Those Who Organize Sedition Among the measures instituted by the United States Government is the prohibition of German residents from going within a certain distance of forts, armories, shipyards, piers, and other places where the presence of enemies or spies would be dangerous. Germans who can prove their good faith are allowed to go within the barred zones provided they have permits.

Another aspect of the enemy alien problem is the participation of Germans in movements of native origin, such as

the stirring up of labor troubles, aiding anti-war agitation, and encouraging the activities of anarchist groups. As many of these movements were in existence before the United States entered the war and are local manifestations of a worldwide discontent with the existing social order, it is not always easy to draw the line between genuine reformers and pro-Germans; but to be on the safe side the Government has taken vigorous action in combating all movements opposed to the conduct of the or tending to prevent enlistment and to destroy the fighting spirit in the nation. Under the Espionage act it is unlawful to discourage or oppose recruiting, and the Postmaster General has power to stop the mailing privilege of any publications which give voice to anti-war or anti-conscription views. Socialist About twenty and radical newspapers and magazines have been so dealt with.


A further development has been in connection with the German-language Some of papers of the United States. these newspapers have been, either by direct comment or by insinuation and satire, conducting an active campaign against the Government, and already several of them have been suppressed.

Considerable resentment has been expresssed by Socialists, radicals, and others against these measures on the ground that the Government is acting autocratically in abridging the freedom of the press and other rights guaranteed under the Constitution. Street meetings have also been prohibited or broken up; the headquarters of the Socialist Party in Chicago has been subjected to a domiciliary visit by Department of Justice agents, and papers seized; the home of Professor Scott Nearing, a radical writer on economics, has been similarly searched; and in every direction the Government has been vigorously endeavoring to suppress revolutionary and radical movements that are suspected of being seditious and treasonable.

The organization which has caused the greatest concern is the I. W. W., (the Industrial Workers of the World,) whose

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treaty will be allowed ninety days to leave the country. It is estimated that this action will call approximately 1,275,000 men to the American colors; besides these there are 81,000 enemy aliens who under the resolution could be put to work related to the war, but not as soldiers. It is understood that Great Britain and France will take over their drafted nationals; the others would become part of the American forces.

On Sept. 19 a joint committee on the Trading With the Enemy act approved a clause stipulating that all papers printed in foreign languages, when criticising war measures, must file translation accompanied by an affidavit, with the Post Office of the city in which the publications are located.

Congress also enacted into law a measure carrying drastic regulations against any commercial intercourse in this country in which subjects of Germany may be financially concerned.

Work of the American Red Cross


Sketch of a Great Relief System

HE War Council of the Red Cross, with Henry P. Davison of J. P. Morgan & Co. as Chairman, was created May 10, 1917, by President Wilson to carry on the extraordinary relief work made necessary by the entrance of the United States into the European war. From May 10 to Aug. 31 this council appropriated for its work in the countries of the Allies the sum of $12,339,681. An elaborate report of the work of the American Red Cross, issued in September, contains many interesting details. The general objects of the work in France are described as follows:

1. To establish and maintain hospitals for soldiers in the American Army in France.

2. To establish and maintain canteens, rest houses, recreation huts and other means of supplying the American soldiers with such comforts and recreation as the army authorities may approve.

3. To establish and maintain in France canteens, rest houses, recreation huts, and other means of supplying comforts and

recreation for the soldiers in the armies of our allies.

4. To distribute hospital equipment and supplies of all kinds to military hospitals for soldiers of the American or allied armies.

5. To engage in civilian relief, including: (a) The care and education of destitute children.

(b) Care of mutilated soldiers.

(c) Care of sick and disabled soldiers. (d) Relief work in the devastated areas of France and Belgium, such as furnishing to the inhabitants of these districts agricultural implements, household goods, foods, clothing, and such temporary shelter as will enable them to return to their homes.

(e) To provide relief for and guard against the increase of tuberculosis.

6. To furnish relief for soldiers and civilians held as prisoners by the enemy and to give assistance to such civilians as are returned to France from time to time from the parts of Belgium and France held by the enemy.

7. To supply financial assistance to committees, societies, or individuals allied with the American Red Cross and carrying on relief work in Europe.

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Scope of Red Cross Work

Separate commissions of representative Americans, skilled in medical and administrative work, have been sent to Europe. The first commission, which went to France, is headed by Major Grayson. M. P. Murphy, Vice President of the Guaranty Trust Company of New York, has general supervision over the work of the American Red Cross in Europe, and its membership is composed of fourteen leading experts in special lines of work. Each of the other commissions has been selected along similar lines, and the work of all these commissions is either volunteer or is paid by private contributions.

"The effort," the report adds, “has been, in accordance with the expressed views of the President of the United States and of the civil and military authorities of France, to co-ordinate along helpful lines all relief work being done in France and America."

Concerning the scope of the Red Cross work in behalf of the United States Army the report says:

"The first and supreme object of American Red Cross care is our own army and navy. The American Army in France is received in large reception camps on the coast, and after several weeks of preliminary training the men are sent across the country to permanent training camps back of the firing lines. Along the route followed by the troops the Red Cross has established infirmaries and rest stations, each in charge of an American trained nurse with an American man to assist her.

"Additional infirmaries and rest stations will be established in the near future, and adequate buildings are also being erected wherever needed.

"Canteens are being established by the Red Cross at railway stations where American soldiers on reserve duty or on leave, and those returning to or from duty, may find rest and refreshment. Baths, food, games, and other comforts will be made available at these canteens. "When American troops start for France the men are given comfort kits. Christmas parcels will be sent over later.

"The War Council has appropriated $100,000 for medical research work in France.

"To be able to do its work without delay, the Red Cross is establishing warehouses at different points of importance in the French theatre of war. An appropriation of $500,000 has been voted to establish this service and provide its first stock of supplies.

Millions Spent for Supplies

"In response to a cable from the commission in France, the War Council appropriated $1,500,000 to purchase foodstuff to be sent to France.

"It has also appropriated $1,000,000 for the purchase of supplies in France; all for use in the hospital supply service.

"Near the firing line the Red Cross is establishing field canteens. Extending the work already begun by the French Red Cross, it will provide one of these canteens for every corps of the French army, and as well later for the American Army.

"To carry out these plans the War Council has made appropriations of about $700,000, which will establish the canteens and maintain them for about three months. Much of the equipment will be supplied by the French Army.

"A Red Cross transportation service, through the co-operation of the French, British, and Italian Governments, the United States Shipping Board, and the leading steamship and railroad companies, has been established to handle the vast quantities of medical and relief supplies now being shipped almost daily to France, Belgium, Serbia, Russia, and other belligerent countries.

"The Red Cross will have cargo space on every steamer chartered by the United States Shipping Board. Army transports also will carry Red Cross supplies.

"In advance of the fighting forces the United States sent to the European battlefields six base hospitals organized during the last year by the Red Cross-the first United States Army organization sent to Europe. These were sent at the request of the British Commission.

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now seeing active service in France, and others are rapidly being made ready for foreign service. Each of these base hospitals has a staff of 22 physicians, 2 dentists, 65 Red Cross nurses, and 150 enlisted men of the Army Medical Corps. Before war was declared, 26 of these units had been formed, and 47 are now ready for service. It costs at least $75,000 to equip a base hospital with beds, blankets, sterilizers, operating tables, tents, dental outfits, automobiles, and kitchens."

500,000 White Plague Victims

One of the most important undertakings of the Red Cross in France is to combat the tuberculosis peril. The report says that at the present time 500,000 persons are afflicted with tuberculosis as a direct result of the war, and that "scientific efforts to control the spread of the malady are not only of supreme concern to France herself but they are of great importance in making France healthy for our own troops." All work is being done under the general administration of the French Government and by French people.

For the relief of wounded and sick French soldiers and their families the American Red Cross has appropriated $1,000,000, and the organization has made plans to take care temporarily of the hundreds of thousands of destitute refugees in France. The report cites the French Ministry of the Interior as authority for the statement that these refugees number about 400,000, but adds that there is reason to think that the number is much larger."


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The budget of the Department of Civilian Relief in France, prepared by Homer Folks, Director of the Red Cross Department of Civil Affairs in France, up to Nov. 1, 1917, calls for $2,190,353.

The budget of the Department of Administration in Paris, prepared by Carl Taylor, Director of Administration, up to Nov. 1, 1917, calls for $115,700.

The budget of the Planning Department, prepared by George B. Ford, Director, up to Nov. 1, 1917, calls for $3,890.

General appropriations have also been made, amounting in all to $10,692,601. They cover hospital supplies, foodstuffs, transportation supplies and motors, building material, machinery, medical research, child welfare work, clothing, American Ambulance Hospital expenses, nurses, &c.

Before appropriations are recommended by the French Commission they are carefully prepared by the Director of the particular department concerned. They are then considered by a Finance Committee, consisting of Major Murphy, Chairman; J. H. Perkins, H. H. Harjes, H. O. Beatty, Carl Taylor, Homer Folks, William Endicott, and Ralph Preston. Three of this committee constitute a quorum, and every appropriation reported must receive the consent of all present.

Most of those in charge, for the Red Cross, of the work in France are giving their own time and paying their own expenses. A special fund of $100,000 has also been privately contributed to meet expenses of members of the French Commission unable to pay their own way.

The appropriations made for use in Europe outside of France, covering drugs and medical supplies, relief funds, and expenses, are reported as follows:

For Russia For Rumania For Italy

For Serbia For England

For Armenia

Other appropriations








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