

Tide," was delightfully fresh. Besides this were several other water-colour drawings of his, some sketched from the neighbourhood, others gleaned from holiday excursions. Mr. Lloyd himself figured as the subject of a Portrait Study by Mr. Shannon-a remarkably vigorous piece of work from one who is still, we understaud, comparatively a young student. Mr. Massey sent a series of life-studies, Cornish fishermen and fisher-wives and fisher-lads, very truthfully drawn, and sketches of other scenes by the seaside and elsewhere, remarkable for cheerful colouring. Two sketches of the misty and smoky lower Thames by Mr. Webb were particularly admirable, and even more so the bold and imaginative renderings of similar scenes, realised in a few broad and powerful strokes, which came from the hand of Mr. Suthers. Very different but equally instructive was the water-colour work of Mr. T. R. Way, who sent illustrations from Esmond, Westward Ho!, the Vicar of Wakefield, and Gray's Elegy, and some landscapes, all characterised by fine and delicate handling. The "Harvest Moon" of the same artist was a very beautiful study of moonlight in mist. The only other exhibitor who remains to be mentioned is Mr. Pearce, whose contribution consisted of a set of drawings chiefly of coast scenery, containing one remarkable study of the sudden on-coming of a shower which forces a lady, standing in front of her house, to run for shelter.

The arrangements for the entertainment of the guests with tea and refreshments were carried out under the direction of Mr. Williams, to whom, as well as to all those who worked under him, our very best thanks are due.

Nor must we conclude without a reiterated word of thanks to the artists who so kindly lent us their works, and helped us for one too brief evening to enjoy if only a casual glimpse or two at some few of the manifold aspects of the multitudinous and multifarious world of Art.



Balance Subscriptions

Potter's salary

To Joe Potter

67 5 8

£231 6 11

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To Chambers, for Horse

32 5 0


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Booth Prize:-B. G. Ussher.

Farrar Prize:-Senior, G. S. Curtis.

Junior, E. F. Benson.

Back numbers of the Marlburian may be had of the Printer,

Waterloo House, Marlborough.

Printed by CHAS. PERKINS, at his General Printing Office, High-Street, Marlborough.

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HEINE, if not the greatest prose-writer and poet of Germany, has written prose not surpassed in any literature for mingled wit and pathos, while for exquisite lyrics, as he himself proudly boasts, "When the greatest names are named, mine also will be named."

Before making any criticisms on his writings it will be necessary to give some account of his life, as there is no other author whose writings are so closely bound up with his own experiences and his own feelings.

Heine was born at the end of 1799, at Düsseldorf, and was of Jewish parentage. His father was an army clothier, and, with no love of literature himself, did little towards his son's education. His mother, on the other hand, was a woman of masterly mind, and it was to her in great measure that he owed his great passion for books. She was repaid by his most devoted affection all through his life, in fact she is almost the only one of his relations for whom he unswervingly displayed true consideration. Heine's childhood was passed during stormy days for Germany, when Napoleon was extending his conquests far and wide. Nor did the


little town of Düsseldorf escape the conqueror's yoke, and there is a quaint passage, which we quote, in one of his works, describing the involuntary abdication, in 1806, of the Elector Maximilian Joseph :

"Formerly, princes were not the pestered wretches they are now, and the crown grew firmly on their heads, and at night they pulled a night-cap over it, and slept quietly, and their subjects slept quietly at their feet. And when the subjects woke up in the morning they said, 'Good morning, father!' and the princes answered, 'Good morning, dear children!'

But suddenly all this was changed. When we woke up one morning at Düsseldorf and were going to say, 'Good morning, father,' lo! the father had gone off, and the city was plunged into a state of helpless despair."

From this time he became thoroughly imbued with French views, and he then acquired that romantic admiration for Napoleon, which sometimes amounts almost to worship, and which seems somewhat incongruous with his free and even democratic ideas.. Though a Jew he was sent to the Roman Catholic School at Düsseldorf. Here he seems to have imbibed a hearty hatred of Latin, geography, and Hebrew, and as for Greek he entirely concurred with the opinion of the medieval monks, that it was an invention of the devil. Thence he was sent as a clerk to the bank of his uncle Solomon, at Hamburg,

who was the millionaire of the family. It is an ununpleasing trait in Heine's character that though this uncle showed him the greatest kindness and was extremely liberal to him all through his life, he was nevertheless very ungrateful to him. There is a remark reported of him, which may very well be authentic, to the effect that this uncle paid him a pension for the privilege of bearing his name. It was at Hamburg that he formed his unlucky attachment for his cousin, Amalie Heine. His love, though


accepted at first, was afterwards rejected, and this disappointment had a lasting influence on him, as he himself says, by developing that cynicism which is so prominent in all his writings. Ofice work was found to be utterly uncongenial and distasteful to a mind like his, so his uncle at last consented to send him to the University. At first he went to Bonn, which he seems to have liked exceedingly, but suddenly left it for Göttingen, for some unexplained reason. The Göttingen students were not at all in his line, their sole idea of life being to drink lager-beer, and to slash one another across the face. Though he hated duelling, no German student could escape it, and after a few months he was rusticated for some affaire d'honneur. next find him at Berlin in more congenial society, intimate with great scholars like Bopp and Wolf, and two Jews, Varnhagen Von Ense and his wife Rahel, whose receptions used to include the greatest wits and of Berlin. While at Berlin he became sages connected with the "Society of Jewish Culture and Science," the object of which was to improve the social condition of Jews, to whom at that time the door of every profession, except of medicine, was shut unless they first went through a form of mock conversion to Christianity and baptism. The society was not very successful; in fact in 1825 Heine was baptised, so as to enable him to enter the profession of law. Meanwhile, in 1824, he had returned to Göttingen to take his degree, and in the September of that year the Harzreise, forming the first part of his great work, the Reisebilder, appeared. It is a description of a summer excursion into the Harz Mountains, with sketches of the people he met, or is supposed to have met, and with digressions on every conceivable subject. through it is brimming over with wit and satire of the most brilliant description. To take one instance out


of thousands we reproduce the following conversation with a "well-bred citizen of Goslar, with a fat, shiny, and unexpressive face: "

"He also pointed out to me the providence and utility of nature. The trees, for example, are green because green looks nice to the eyes. I agreed with him and added that God had created cattle because meat broth strengthens men, and asses to serve men for comparisons, and that He had created man himself to eat meat broth and not to be an ass. My companion was delighted to have found somebody to agree with him, his face became still shinier from joy, and at our parting he was moved."

In 1825, as a second instalment of Reisebilder, he produced the Norderney, which is composed of a collection of beautiful lyrics, accounts of the rough fisher-folk of those parts and their folk lore, and. towards the end, of reflections on the lives of great men like Napoleon, Scott, Byron, with criticisms of their works. The third, and perhaps the best part, Das Buch Le Grand, appeared in the following year. It is almost entirely autobiographical, and gives an amusing account of his early childhood at Düsseldorf and of his school life there. In this book his power for quaint humour is seen to best advantage, as in the passage quoted above, about the abdication of the Grand Duke. Soon after this he visited England under rather unfavourable circumstances, as he went at the time of the November fogs, hardly knowing a soul there. Hence he conceived a violent aversion for England and Englishmen, which he never entirely got rid of. During all these years he had been writing most exquisite lyrics and other poems, which in 1830 he collected in his Buch der Iieder.

In 1830 he left Germany never to return. Several reasons induced him to take this step. In Germany, writing as he did against all the time-honoured institutions, he was constantly liable to be seized and imprisoned: the censorship of the press was very strict: and he had offended many people of eminence in what we cannot regard otherwise than as scurrilous libels. Moreover, Louis Philippe, the people's king, had just been raised to the French throne, and here liberty was promised him. Paris he went. After this his life was comparatively uniform. He still wrote to German newspapers, and several of his most well-known works, such as "Die Romantische Schule," were written in Paris. It was during the last ten years of his life, when he

So to

was on his "mattress-grave," that the true heroism of his character shines forth. Though enduring the most excruciating torments almost without cease, though he could not open his eyes without holding up the lids with his hands, still he lost none of his fire and sparkle, and some of his most beautiful poems date from this period. On February 16th,

1856, he passed away.

We will first speak about Heine's poetry, as that is the least important part of his work. He only wrote it by fits and starts, and then hardly anything but lyrics. But what lyrics he has left us are some of the most perfect ever written. Their lightness, their easy rhythm, their musical tones can only be appreciated in the original; but we subjoin a translation of one of his sonnets, which is not only beautiful in itself but illustrates his affection for his mother as mentioned above:

Once mad with passion, from thy love'd side,
Mother! unto the limits of earth's sphere,

I wandered, seeking Love I knew not here,
That in her arms content I might abide.
Thus, seeking Love, from street to street I went,
And at each door I raised to heav'n above

My hands, and begged with tears an alms of Love ; Yet every door chill hate and insults sent. And, ever wandering on, for Love I sought, For Love; yet of Love's joy I won me nought. At length I came unto the well-known door, With sorrow-laden heart and mournful mien: Thou camest forth; and in thine eye was seen My mistress Love I sought so long before. The great aim of Heine's prose was to make war in general upon all sham, in particular upon the petty pomps and vanities of the puny princelings and Grand Dukelings of Germany. He wished to liberate the people and gain freedom for all shades of opinion. Yet, like Carlyle, he had a profound contempt for this same grimy plodding people.

In fact he has many points of resemblance with our great denunciator of shams, much as the latter despised "blackguard Heine." Both, though showing themselves radicals in wanting the overthrow of most existing institutions, think the multitude a multitude of fools and have decidedly aristocratic feelings. Both wage war against the class which Heine calls Philistines, which Carlyle calls respectability with its thousand gigs, or gigocracy. They both show inconsistency in the heroes which each has chosen to adore and immortalize, Napoleon and

Frederick the Great, who were both great opposers of those very doctrines of freedom and liberty which their devotees preached so ardently.

But perhaps the greatest point of resemblance in these two men is the rugged Hebrew character common to both. They have not one of the virtues of the New Testament, faith, hope or charity, but in both we see the stubbornness, the inflexibility of purpose and the earnestness of the old Jew: the words of Matthew Arnold 'by his intensity, by his untamableness," by his longing which cannot be uttered," he is Hebrew,' would be as applicable to the one as to the other.

In conclusion no notice of Heine would be complete without quoting a verse of Matthew Arnold's "Grave of Heine," which sums up the man in six lines


"The Spirit of the world,

Beholding the absurdity of men

Their vaunts, their fears,-let a sardonic smile,

For one short moment wander o'er his lips.

That smile was Heine !-for its earthy hour
The strange guest sparkled; now 'tis pass'd away.

In Memoriam.


The mighty heart of England weeps: for now
Her own true son, the stainless and the brave
Hath past 'mid thronging mourners to his grave,
And those who loved in silent anguish bow.
His soul hath burst the fetters of earth's night,
And now enraptured stands for evermore
'Mid streaming floods of more ethereal light
Than e'er hath shone upon this grosser shore.
He hath been victor in the weary strife,
And now in some far land doth wear the crown
Triumphant: we, who still on earth abide,
May win some lesson from his noble life.

His true and high resolve, ne'er broken down
By an affliction, worse than all beside.


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the "beauty" of the situation, I do not mean it to be understood that in every way it is so full of petty annoyances as it may seem or that it is altogether devoid of advantages, but only that in some ways it is not such a state of complete bliss as some people imagine.

My humble diggings are situate in "a healthy and desirable suburb not more than half-an-hour by train from the great metropolis, with frequent service of trains," and are shared by another O.M. Our landlady, Mrs., is a most respectable woman, about whom there is more to be said. She is very punctual in calling us in the morning; and she always remarks when she brings in breakfast that "it is a beautiful morning," a remark which is slightly varied when we turn up again at night, a lovely day it's been." Unfortunately once or twice lately it has not been at all lovely; so the good dame hastily utters after her first remark, “Oh no, it hasn't though." She is of course (how can one of her genus help it ?) rather inquisitive, all for our good, she would no doubt be happy to explain. For instance, if, for some time I sit still by the fire after coming down from town, instead of going upstairs, as usual, to change my coat and wash preparatory for the evening meal, she will suddenly appear and nervously ask if I rang; whereat I answer rather sharply "No, Mrs.," and look rather annoyed. She then performs that unnecessary and very irritating little farce of "tidying,” which means moving your hat or gloves, or putting the newspaper in another place, or re-arranging the fire-irons, or those obnoxious and dust-collecting nuisances known by the very unpoetical name of antimacassars, a method of procedure which makes my behaviour unbearable till after I have enjoyed the soothing influences of tea and tobacco. Very often on coming back from town we find the good lady sitting in our room before the fire, having evidently been enjoying a little doze. When she hears the door handle turn, she immediately sits up, snatches hold of the poker and proceeds to poke the fire vigorously, thinking to make us believe that she has just come in to see to our fire.

When the bell is rung to summon her to clear away, -this I believe is done in the usual way; but I never observe the method, as it only makes one think of the good things gone beyond recall.

Then every

night she has to be called back for the kettle, which she invariably remembers to forget. As it has been standing in the fender, the handle is naturally very hot; of this she is always reminded, yet she never seems to heed the warning, but clutches it vigorously. On reaching the door she very generally remarks that "it is very hot." Whereat a smile is seen on both our faces, as much as to say, "What an old fool she is!"

When the monthly bill is presented, we examine it and proceed to "shell out." Then comes a little proceeding which recurs about every thirty days; no stamp has Mrs. to place on the bill when receipted. Whereupon we provide her with one, which is forthwith deducted from the bill.

I must say Mrs.

is very honest; but then we are boarded by her, which prevents, to a certain extent, our keeping the whole family in victuals and coals; but it has occurred to me that this good feature is owing to her great stupidity. For a month she could not master my name, a very simple dissyllable. One day she achieved that wondrous feat, and was so pleased with herself that she made use of it no fewer than six times in a minute, much to my amusement. But that effort has almost paralysed her, and now she can never say my name outright, but first tries my friend's, then Mr. er-er, finally mine. Then she sighs a little sigh of relief as if a very nervous task had been brought to a most

successful issue.



One day while I was up in town, a steamroller, which was going to roll some hill near, stopped at -'s and the men asked her their way, which she told them. My friend who had not gone up to town was in his room upstairs and witnessed the When I came back, she said to me in a great state of excitement, "Do you know, sir, this morning the fire engine was going to put out a fire on Hill, and they stopped here and asked me the way, and I told them. Lord only knows how I mayn't have saved." Mrs.




is also rather superstitious. The gas globe in our sitting room is always cracking. complained to her about this, and she answered quite seriously: "No, sir, it isn't turning the gas up too high that does it; it's the cards.

I have heard that when people are playing cards the evil one is about, and you may be sure it is him that has done it."

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