
However the good dame is by no means a gossip, a great point in her favour; what she says of us I neither know nor care, to us she hardly ever disseminates that odious and meddlesome species of slander. A former landlady of mine was a great transgressor in this way. She would talk by the hour, without seeming to care whether I was interested in what she was saying (and as a rule I went on reading the paper or a book unconcerned). The style of her discourse amused me immensely; it was interlarded with such expressions as the following:-" but excuse me," as I was saying," "in point of fact," "knowing from a very good source," "though of course I should never mention it," and so on ad nauseam. In the way in which she perverted the English language she was a veritable Mrs. Malaprop. Moreover she was very fond of quoting her former lodgers, and that too without any title of Mr.; thus, "as Light or Brookey used to say." No doubt by this time I am made use of as a book of reference.

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But after all landladies are very kind and motherly, rather too much so perhaps. At the same time they do not forget to look after their own pockets.

A fellow I know is afflicted with a landlady who is too much of a lady. When he dares to complain, she answers him in such a way that (poor fellow, he is rather shy) he almost thinks he has no voice whatever in the matter.

Another friend of mine has a landlady who is too little of a lady. She herself is very liberal in her use of h's and she apparently thought her lodger was given the same way. One day he had hot mutton for his midday meal, and when she cleared away he told her she could "heat that mutton up this evening." When supper time came, no mutton appeared. He rang and asked why she had not brought it up. She answered indignantly, "Why, sir, you told me to h'eat it up." And it was gone beyond recall!



No. 5.

Oct. 28th, at Christ Church, Simla, Alexander Bulstrode Fenton to Janie Parke, youngest daughter of Lieut.-Col. O. R. Newmarch, Bengal Staff Corps.

Nov. 8th, at St. Mark's, Hamilton Terrace, by the Rev. Canon Duckworth, William Alfred Eckersley, only son of

William Eckersley, C.E., of Westminster, to Rachel, third daughter of Professor Huxley, F.R.S., &c.


The Suffolk Regiment-Lieutenant Alexander W. Hunt, from the Lincolnshire Regiment, to be Lieutenant.

The Berkshire Regiment-Captain W. I. de la P. BeresfordPeirse, to be Major.

Royal Engineers-Lieut.-Col. Edward Talbot Thackeray V.C., to be Colonel.

Staff-Major and Brevet Lieut.-Col. Charles Wyndham Murray, to be Deputy and Assistant Adjutant and Quartermaster-General for service in South Africa.

Amongst other officers applied for specially by Lord Wolseley, for service in the Nile Expedition, we notice the name of Captain Kekewich, O.M., of the East Kent Regiment. A. T. Drake has joined Colonel Methuen's Horse, as a Volunteer for the Bechuanaland Expedition.

John Callaway.

Frederick Thomas Halcomb.

Walter Rayner Shirley, B.A.


Dixon Henry Davies.

Albert Edward Dawson.

Alfred Macartney Helmsley, B.A.
Robert de Berdt Hovell.

Charles Richard Mayo.


Rev. Charles Edward Green; Vicar of Howick, Lesbury, Northumberland.

Rev. Becher Freeman Turner; Curacy of Bremhill and Highway.

Rev. Charles C. Wood; Licensed Priest in the Diocese of Southwell.

Rev. F. D. How; Vicar of St. James's, Edgbaston, Birmingham.

Rev. W. M. H. Milner; Organising Secretary of the Church of England Temperance Society for the Diocese of Exeter.

Occasional Notes.

ON Nov. 22nd the School was defeated by Keble College by two goals to a goal and a try; and on Nov. 29th by the Marlborough Nomads by a goal and a try to nil.

CONSIDERING that in both matches we had lost the services of Bull, and in the second of Davis also, the results are decidedly satisfactory.

IN Cock House Match Way's have defeated HartSmith's by four goals and a try to nil.

IN semi-final ties of House Ground, Way's have beaten Preshute.

WE must congratulate the School on winning a Balliol Scholarship for the fourth year in succession. It is especially creditable, as Poynton was suffering from the effects of a recent illness, and the competition was unusually keen this year.

WE are sorry to say that our surmise with regard to the completion of the new Chapel was only too true. We hear that it will not be out of the builders' hands till Christmas year.

ON Advent Sunday there was an early celebration of the Holy Communion in the College Chapel.,

OWING to unforeseen circumstances, it has been decided that the Penny Reading will not take place this term.

FOR Some time past, part of C House has been without hot water. Now however a new boiler has been put in, "which sends up a twice as large a supply of water as before."

THE Examination for the Foundation Scholarships are fixed for Dec. 3rd and 4th.

WE regret to see that the Debating Society has not held a meeting for a month. The energetic Speaker has been unable to get two fellows of enough patriotism to propose and oppose a motion respectively! We trust that this state of things will not continue, and that we shall not have to mourn the decease of that useful institution.

THE Council at their last meeting accepted the proposals of the Master for the formation of a new Army Department to improve the preparation of candidates for Woolwich and Sandhurst. It is hoped that it will also give help in some of their subjects to Candidates for the Indian Civil Service. Mr. Bull, Mr. Drury and Mr. Rundall will be the Masters in charge of the Department.

MR. Bull and Mr. Drury will retain the chief direction of the Modern School and the Mathematical sets respectively.

THE REV. E. Noel Smith has informed the Master that the site for the proposed Church, schools and parsonage of our Tottenham Mission has been secured, and that he will send a statement respecting it to the next number of the Marlburian.

We beg to acknowledge with thanks the receipt of the following contempories:-Whitgift Magazine, Radleian, Blue (Christ's Hospital), Alleynian, Cinque

Port, Felstedian, Lorettonian, Pelican, Shirburnian, Malvernian, Our Magazine (North London Collegiate School for Girls), Wellingtonian, Thistle, Newtonian, Meteor.


To the Editor of the Marlburian.

DEAR SIR,-If there is one thing which, as a rule, is more conspicuous than others in your truly excellent periodical, it is the almost invariable tone of good feeling which pervades the letters from your numerous correspondents.

I was therefore all the more surprised to observe, on reading two letters on the subject of Rugby v. Association Football, that the writers had been so far carried away by their ardour in defence of their favourite game, as to attempt to cover the obvious weakness of their case by personal attacks on the author of the letter with which they disagreed.

I should like, if you will allow me, to make a few remarks on the question which "Well-Wisher" has mooted. I have myself for some years been in the habit of frequently playing both the Rugby and Association game. I do not hesitate for a moment to declare my preference for the latter. It appears to me to be a more scientific game and to encourage skill and quickness where the Rugby game puts a premium on mere lumbering brute strength. Again, it is a far more pleasant game to play than its decidedly barbaric rival. You obtain a great deal of healthy exercise without the necessity either of wallowing in a swamp of mud, or toiling and straining in a hot and steaming" squash." In Association moreover the work is always fairly divided between centres, wings and backs, while in Rugby, now the forwards, now the behinds, according to the state of the day, do everything while the others remain idle. With regard to accidents, neither game has much to boast of: yet I imagine the most serious acci dents of all are caused by a man falling under the squash and getting kicked. I came across a fatal case only the other day. It is not fair to mention wilful 'hacking' as a feature of Association play. It would not be tolerated in any decent club, and if a fellow goes up with the deliberate intent to 'hack' another, he surely can find plenty of opportunities in the Rugby game. Apologising for the inordinate length of this letter,

I remain, etc.,


To the Editor of the Marlburian. DEAR SIR,-I write about an old grievance, but a sore one, to fellows in the upper parts of the Fifth form. I refer to the overcrowding of Adderley by the Removes. R.M.V. of course disapproves of being turned out of Adderley, and what person who ever got a comfortable place did not object to be turned out of it? As far as I can remember the Removes are only allowed in the Library on sufferance. I am very glad that they Ishould have the privilege, but I do think that they might

behave themselves and not give the prefect in charge the trouble of calling out for silence so often.

Again, I have several nights gone into Adderley at seven o'clock and found not a place to sit in; and so have had to stand the whole of preparation. It seems hard that this should be the case, because one does not take part in that unseemly 'burr' that goes on outside Adderley every night. I ascribe these faults to the Removes, because, before that Form was instituted, there were no disturbances, and a fellow could do his work on a seat, and in peace and quiet. I should propose that they should not be admitted till a quarter past seven so that other fellows, who are more deserving, should have first choice. I trust that this grievance will soon be redressed. With many apologies for trespassing so much,

I remain, yours,


To the Editor of the Marlburian. SIB,-A rumour has just reached me of the truth of which I can scarcely convince myself. I have been told upon the best authority that the Marlborough College Debating Society has fallen into such decay that it has allowed an interval of at least a month to elapse since its last meeting. The eloquent and moving appeal of the President in your first number of the term gave us to understand that some kind of collapse had occurred, but it seems to have been unsuccessful in arousing the spirit of the School.

Surely this state of things is deplorable: if the members of the Debating Society are few, and if the oratorical talent is not so conspicuous as at previous times, the meetings ought to be made more frequent; certainly no earthly good can come of the total self-annihilation of the institution.

The correspondence upon the state of the society in the pages of the Marlburian has been increasing persistently dur ing the past year with the object of galvanising it into its old life. All plans seem equally to have failed, and every one will admit that the reason of this astonishing eclipse lies not in the constitution of the Society, but in the slackness of its members. Will you allow me, Sir, to make an appeal to the whole school to second the energy of the President in supporting an institution which should by no means be suffered to die ?

If it is thought that the school is deaf to all appeals, will not the Sixth take the matter up, and make the Society once more a Sixth Form Debating Society with perhaps a strictly limited number of members from the rest of the School ?

As a practical point I might suggest that the president should be elected only for a term in future. Of course I do not mean to cast the slightest slur upon the energy and capacity of the present president, who has been, as everybody knows, for a long time almost the sole support of the society; but the plan might be found to answer by stimulating the interest of members by the prospect of office, and an arrangement could easily be effected for rendering the election a party struggle. Also a short space, say five or ten minutes might be

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backs, especially Wynne, at this period proving very obstructive to dribbling or loose play, but our forwards were not to be denied, and Martin and Cooper after persistent efforts got the ball away and brought it up to their quarters. A good drop from Hughes followed up by him in splendid fashion brought the ball back, but again a rush of our forwards headed by Tyssen and Hume brought the ball on to their lines, where Kaye obtained a try. The kick by Buchanan, which was a hard one, failed. Their kick off was not well returned and they were well into our half, but a run by Bucknall and again by Davis took it away, the forwards were on to the ball very quickly, and Lias getting the ball away was well backed up by Woolner, who made a smart run, but was well stopped by Hughes, whose collaring and dropping throughout were first-class. Soon after, Wynne, who bad been well looked after by Martyn, passed away to Harvey and backing up again got clear owing to some misunderstanding on the part of our behinds, and after a good dribble picked it up and got in straight behind. The place by Legge was just successful. After kick-off and a good return from Hughes we drove them back, Martin, Ord, and Buchanan being conspicuous for their dribbling, but again Hughes followed up his drop and charged Bett's kick down, thus bringing the game into our quarters again. However, our forwards stuck to their work, and Tyssen and Hume showed to the fore once more, Lias contributing a pretty and useful run; the result was that at half-time the ball was in their quarters. We were now getting into a good quick game, which was rather too much for them, and thanks to the excellent play of Lias and Martyn, Davis and Bett were both enabled to get away, but not as yet to get in, Hughes and Wynne collaring very well. The Keble forwards now worked hard to get the ball away, R. C. Harvey and Legge doing splendid work, but Lias passed well away to Bucknall, who after a short run transferred it to Bett, who rushed through the Keble forwards and got in; the try was disputed, but decided in our favour and Buchanan made a good goal of it. Bucknall returned the kick off grandly, Hughes replying in similar style, and we had to act on the defensive. Wynne at last got clear away, and after an excellent run passed to Harvey who ran well round and in behind. Cheales turned it into a goal. Our forwards were now eager to make

up for this, and played up harder than ever, but the close play of Harvey and Legge in the scrimmage, and good runs by Bath, prevented our doing anything, and for the last five minutes the squashes became tighter, though the game lost none of its excitement. At the call of time we were left losers, Keble having scored 2 goals to our 1 goal, and 1 try. We had lost the services of Bull, and they were not playing their best team, but the game was a thoroughly good one to watch, and we may con gratulate ourselves on the result, as it is the least defeat wo have yet received, and if anything we beat them forward by our looser game.

Besides those mentioned Robertson and Buchanan did useful work for the school: Parker and Cheales showed well for Keble.

TEAMS.-M.C.-G. E. Cooper (back); H. C. Bett, H. J. Davis, H. C. Bucknall (); C. R. Lias, A. Martyn (); H. Woolner (capt.), D. E. Martin, R. O. Hume, R. W. Ord, H. S. Tyssen, H. J. Cooper, T. G. Buchanan, E. Robertson, E. P. Kaye.

KEBLE COLLEGE. Hughes (back); Glennie, Pott, Harvey (); Wynne, Bath (); Legge (capt), Harvey, Raikes, Nalden, Mackenzie, Cheales, Maxse.


A sharp frost overnight and three hours snow in the morning made the common somewhat dangerous, but two-thirds of the ground had been swept, and happily no accident occurred. The school team was again lamentably weakened by the loss of Bull and Davis owing to sprained knees, and some fresh blood had been brought into it by the introduction of H. C. Bucknall, back, Fletcher, threequarters, and Keeling, forward. The Nomads' XV, if not as formidable as some teams of previous years, played a fine game, and were quite good enough for us.

The school began up the hill and were at once penned. Fletcher relieved his side by a clever run, but in less than five minutes Templer ran in smartly for them, and Vans Agnew placed a goal. Shortly after kick off the Nomad forwards charged down a drop of Bett's, and Padwick getting the ball was away in his old style, but was admirably collared by Fletcher, who let him go in time to collar another

Nomad, to whom the ball had been passed. Shortly afterwards Vans Agnew, whose play throughout was of the highest order, dropped a shooter at goal. Then Lias dribbled the ball well away on the right, and Fletcher did the same, immediately after its return, on the left. But the Nomad forwards, splendidly led by Gardiner and Windeler, were not to be denied, and, in spite of a plucky rally by the school, Templer again made a capital fast run, and secured a try, but the place failed. For the last ten minutes before change the play was fairly level, Martin, Tyssen and Cooper working well together forward, and Trethewy helping his side materially at half-back.

Shortly after change the Nomads, who, when they did put forth all their strength, seemed to have complete command over the squash, drove the school up the hill, and after another shot at goal by Vans Agnew, the ball was touched down behind the school line. Bucknall kicked out well, and the forwards well led by Hume forced their opponents to touch down. After kick out two big and useful punts by Bucknall sent the ball back again into the Nomads' quarters, where it remained for a time a good deal owing to Buchanan's determined play in the squash. Then a grand rush by the visitors drove the School fast up the hill, and made them touch down again. During the last ten minutes there was some fast and brilliant play, notably by Windeler, Vans Agnew, Gardiner, Lias, Trethewy, Ord and Bett, but no further advantage was gained by either side.

And so we have to record another defeat. Some are beginning to ask the question, "Why has the school football fallen off?" We would rather ask, "Has it fallen off?" Are not the conditions under which we play matches now different from what they were some years ago ? To-day the school play no more than they did then, and possibly no better, but the teams we play against play oftener and a far more scientific game than we can perhaps be expected to learn here. There can be no question that in Ball and Lias we possess a threequarters and a halfback of unusual merit, and no one who watched the game to-day and saw the brilliant perfomances of Ord, Martin, Hume, H. J. Cooper and others, can find fault with our forwards, but under these altered circumstances it is hardly reasonable to

expect as many successes as before. Appended is a list of the sides:

School-H. C. Bucknall (back), H. C. Bett, C. E. Fletcher, G. E. Cooper (threequarters), C. R. Lias, T. L. Trethewy (halves), H. Woolner (captain), D. E. Martin, R. O. C. Hume, R. W. Ord, H. S Tyssen, H. J. Cooper, T. G. Buchanan, E. Robertson, A. T. Keeling.

Nomads:-A. J. Burness (back), F. G. Padwick, J. D. Vans Agnew, G. C. Alston (three-quarters), A. S. Soden, F. N. Templer (halves), R. G. Windeler (captain), E. N. Gardiner, H. S. Preston, C. S. Preston, G. J. Young, R. Hardy, E. Latter, H. G. Vassall, C. S. Rashdall.


WAY'S V. BAKER'S.-2ND TIES. 2ND DAY.-We went up expecting a good game, and our best expectations were realised. The sides were the same except that Olivier resumed his place at threequarters for Baker's. Olivier kicked off for Baker's, and their forwards at once came to the fore in dribbling, but when Way's once got close their weight told, and they worked the ball steadily back along the line, and Chambers catching it from touch made a good rush and brought it on to Baker's line. A drop out from Olivier relieved the pressure, and Ferguson-Davie and Davies made a good dribble bringing the ball back again to the middle of the ground. Good runs by Cooper and Olivier were as well stopped by Bett and Bucknall, till Olivier seemed to have got clean away and was only stopped by tripping. Bett now made use of a bad piece of passing by Harvey and did his best to get off, but Baker's collaring proved too much for him. Martin soon burst out of the squash and gained a lot of ground by a fine piece of dribbling, and Way's had a bit the worst of the game. However, in spite of this they prevented Baker's scoring. Change relieved them-after which Baker's went to work harder than ever and Waterfield was conspicuous for his gallant efforts to get away, but he had an opponent worthy of him in Trethewy who was successfully obstructive though somewhat too selfish for the good of his House. some time there was an opportunity of comparing the respective style and strength of the forwards on either side, as it was mainly a forwards game, and everyone was playing their best and hardest. Cooper and


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