
three hundred and twenty communicants, two hundred and eightyupon confession of faith, and thirty-two by certificate- The lar number he ever had the pleasure of receiving here was fifty-si June, 1831, during which year one hundred and two were added. 1 many have been fed by his ministrations, and what impressions 1 been made on the hearts of others, God knows, and eternity will close, and the disclosure will be interesting to many souls.


Sometime last August, while visiting his friends in State of New-York, he discovered some unusual appearances about mouth, but not at first of a character to indicate the nature of disease or excite alarm. Soon, however, a growing tumor was covered, whose rapid increase rendered a severe and painful surg operation necessary. This was performed, it was hoped, with hap success, on the 19th day of October, and a comfortable hope enterta ed for a few weeks of his restoration to health and usefulness. prospect, however, so completely evanished, that during the latter p of December, apprehensions were entertained that his life on earth wo terminate in the course of a few days. A glimmering hope was again rais in the early part of January: but this also died away, and the progre of a deadly cancer, which rendered it impossible for him to hold verb intercourse with his friends, or to take a sufficiency of food to sustain h powerful and manly frame, closed his mortal career, at four o'clock: the morning of sabbath, the 9th of March, the day on which his b loved people last met to commemorate the dying love of the Lord Jesu -he, at the same time, occupying, as we hope and believe, a place a the marriage supper of the Lamb, in glory.' pp. 12-16.

Dr. Livingston's disease was of such a nature, that, for some time after every hope of cure had been abandoned, his bodily strength and mental vigor remained unimpaired. When his recovery was first pronounced hopeless by his professional attendants, Drs. Physic, Randolph, and others, the church under his care resolved to hold a day of fasting and prayer in reference to his case, and invited the members of other churches to unite with them on the occasion. The afflicted pastor himself penned the invitation addressed to his brethren in the ministry, in which he requested that prayer might be offered that he might "glorify God in his death, and that the event might be sanctified to the churches, and especially to the ministers of the city."

In these circumstances, the testimony he was enabled to bear to the sustaining power of that gospel which he had preached to others, was of a most convincing and consoling kind. His resig nation was not that of one in whom the desire of life had been well-nigh extinguished by weakness and suffering, for he endured but little physical pain; and his bodily strength, as we have already remarked, for some time after he entered his chamber with the full conviction that he should never leave it a living man, was not perceptibly diminished. He was thus enabled calmly to arrange his

worldly business, which indeed required scarcely an hour, for he laid up no treasures upon earth, and to address affectionate and solemn letters to many of his friends, and to different classes of persons in his congregation, some extracts from which are furnished in the discourse before us, from which we now quote the following passages:

Hear what he wrote from his sick chamber, while death appeared very near, to the teachers of the sabbath school connected with his church: "Your pastor, as long as he has known any thing of the worth of sabbath schools, has uniformly prayed and labored for their success. He knows that no church, at the present day, can prosper, unless the children shall be early taught in these most simple, yet effectual, nurseries, the knowledge essential to salvation. Scarcely a church in our country has as yet embarked and gone forward to do all her duty to the rising generation. Your pastor affectionately, and for the last time, begs of you to be faithful to your trust, as superintendents and teachers. On you devolves a weighty responsibility, to you are committed in charge, precious, immortal souls. Let it be your daily errand, at the With the rethrone of grace, to obtain covenant blessings for them. fections of a year just closed, and another dawning upon you, evidence enough is furnished that you have need to "work while it is called to-day."


To those who had sustained the monthly concert of prayer, he, about the same time, wrote as follows: "It is a subject which cannot be too deeply deplored, that there is so little interest generally felt by those who profess the christian name, in the observance of the monthly concert. The prominent objects presented in the monthly concert are to benefit ourselves, and to do good to a world lying in sin and misery,— either of which are of sufficient importance to excite a much greater interest in the churches of our land than has ever been manifested. Every child of God has need to have the subject often urged upon heart. Do you feel rightly towards the heathen who are perishing for lack of vision? Contemplate the multitudes,-yea, the hundreds of millions, in every age, who have never possessed one ray of light from the Sun of righteousness,who have lived and died without any which of mercy knowledge of him who made them, or of the purposes our bible unfolds! Have we felt rightly towards so large a portion of the human family? Have we discharged our obligations to them? Can we meet them in the judgment? The thought is animating and full of inspiration, that on the same evening, once every month, christians of various denominations assemble together, in every part of the earth, to implore the same mercy-seat, to present the same meritorious sacrifice, as the foundation of hope and joy, and ask for Christ's sake, that the standard of gospel truth may every where be set up, and that all the nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, may be convert

ed to God."

Hear his estimates and wishes concerning prayer meetings, as he communicated them to those who sustained them in his church, when he

supposed himself very near to death: "The degree and amount of religion, in any church, can generally be ascertained from the s which reigns in these little assemblies, where the express object in view is to call on God. Hence, in revivals of religion, c tians exhibit, more than on any other occasion, a spirit of prayer; a satisfaction is felt in the increase of meetings with a special desig pray, which at other times is not experienced. To you who habitually attended one or more of the weekly meetings for prayer this church, I feel grateful for the encouragement you have afforded in performing my Master's work. So long as I knew you were holding me, and the interests of Zion, by your prayers, new motives action were presented, and new hopes were inspired, that some g would be done for a dying world. I trust you will not permit any these precious nurseries of the church to languish. Now, more t ever, are you urged to go forward with zeal, and keep them alive."

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Let me detain you a few moments longer with a very brief view the exercise and hopes of his soul. In the early part of December, of the elders of the church were, at his request, assembled together his room, for the last time. He placed three of them on each side him, and said: I wish those brethren on my right hand each one pray in rotation." After prayer, he said: "I find my disease makin rapid advances, and wished to have an interview with you, as a bod before I grow worse, and while I am in the full possession of the facul of speech." He then spake freely of his approaching dissolution, an continued, "I am satisfied that my work as a minister of the gospel finished, and have not the most distant idea of being restored to health I lament that I have not been more faithful in my Master's work, bu have perfect confidence in the forgiving mercy of God, through the blood of my Redeemer. Although I see the grave open to receive me, I have not the least shadow of the fear of death, and am thankfu to God for his goodness in supporting me. Remember me daily in your prayers, that God may enable me to glorify him in life and in death. The greatest difficulty I have had to contend with, has been the leaving of my family, but I have been enabled to resign them also into the Lord's hands." After speaking of many other interests, he said to them, "I now resign my body to you. When I am dead, I wish you to take charge of it, and invite the trustees to participate with you in conducting my funeral. I wish you to make no parade." He then addressed himself to the three elders on his left hand, and said, "I wish each one of you to engage in prayer, perhaps I may never hear your voices again in prayer." Of this interview, one of the elders remarked, "It seemed to him like the scene on the mount of transfiguration."


To one of his ministering brethren he said, "As I am now in full possession of strength and reason, and in full view of the grave eternity, I can say, there is no consolation in death, and no hope in the view of the judgment, but a hope in Christ,-that hope which is revealed in the gospel, and is the truth of God." With respect to himself he said, speaking to the same brother, "I am going home." To another he said, "I am resigned to every circumstance of my


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and can look into the grave with composure." To another he said, 'God is on the throne, and that is enough. All is right in his dealings, and with me is peace. I have no raptures, but an assurance which sustains me." To many he spake of" delightful communion One said to him, "You find him to be a covenant-keeping God?" He replied, "His gospel is true, his promises are sure; the truths which stand out so prominently in his word, he has made truths in my soul."

with God."

I add only what he wrote when his physicians declared his case hopeless: "Since my sickness I have not had a doubt cross my mind, that there is a God, an eternity, a heaven, a hell,-that salvation is of sovereign grace alone, through Jesus Christ, that he is the great propitiation for sin, that the Holy Spirit must move and new-create the heart, or it will not believe. To these doctrines, which I have preached, I give my dying testimony. I have often thought of death when in health, but it seems differently to me now, but I have not a fear,-—I have not a desire to live. I did, and have thought it hard, to leave my family, but I feel that God does all things right, the time, the manner, the circumstances, all are right; and I have not a wish to have them otherwise." The preacher might add much that has fallen under his own observation and gladdened his heart, but will only say that such continued to be the views and hopes of our departed friend, while he had any power of expressing them. Probably the last time he had intercourse with any one on earth, concerning the hope of his soul, he asked him, "Is Jesus still precious to your soul?" The question seemed to rouse every energy of body and soul, and spreading out both his hands, he said, with animation, "All in all." pp. 18-22.

It is truly a subject for gratitude on the part of the church, when her ministers are enabled to preach thus from the very brink of the grave.

The reader of the foregoing extracts will perceive, that Dr. Livingston was an active man; and it is unnecessary to say, that all his efforts were directed to win many souls to Christ. He was abundant in labors. While in Philadelphia, he preached regularly three times on the sabbath, and attended meetings of some kind always three, and frequently five evenings in each week. A large portion of every day, except Saturday, was set apart for pastoral visiting. He was also frequent in his attendance at protracted meetings in the vicinity, and often preached for many days in succession; in the results of which he will, no doubt, be found to have many stars in the crown of his rejoicing in heaven.

He was not to any considerable extent a student of books, though he was a friend and supporter of the cause of education. He had not, perhaps, as high an opinion of the utility of theological seminaries as most of his brethren. His opinions on this subject were influenced by his observing, as he supposed, in some thus educa ted, a tendency to speculation rather than action,--a want of that VOL. VI.


simplicity and directness of address which he thought indispensable to success in preaching. This he believed more readily attainable from that intercourse with men, which those commonly enjoy who pursue their studies under the direction of an active and faithful pastor. He valued devotion and common sense far above genius and intellectual furniture, and was a careful observer of men as they are found in the business of life. Thus he acquired an extensive acquaintance with human nature in its various aspects and conditions. Hence he became a man of prudence and efficiency, and ever acted on knowledge which he himself had acquired and possessed. He followed no particular system of measures, but decided upon his course by the circumstances of the case before him; not clinging to a thing because it was old, or rejecting it because it was new. During the first revival under his ministry, he knew not, as he himself confessed, what course to pursue, and in many instances, probably, erred. The course which he afterwards adopted was the result of his own experience, in carefully noting the exercises of sinners while under the influence of the Spirit, and of a diligent study of the word of God. He followed as authoritative no man's example, and listened to the teaching of no human master. The result of this course was, that he for the most part coincided, as to measures, with those who have been most instrumental in securing the powerful revivals which have blessed our land.

In regard to doctrines, he very nearly agreed with his teacher in theology, the late Dr. John H. Livingston. In his views, however, the system thus taught received such modifications, or rather he originated for himself such a mode of adaptation, as freed him from all shackles in preaching the sinner's obligation. Those who have heard his discourses will admit that none, whether old school or new, preached with more directness, and few with more pungency, the obligations of the sinner to immediate submission.

Dr. L. felt but little interest in the theological controversies of the day. He was not formed for speculation. He had no taste for theories. He confined his attention to preaching Christ from the pulpit, and by the fire-side, and in promoting the benevolent enterprises which bear immediately on the conversion of souls. When, however, he did engage in a discussion, it was remarkable how he would confine himself to facts, proving his own positions, and overthrowing those of his opponent, by statements of facts,He was what may be called a matter-of-fact man. In his knowledge of every thing pertaining to the condition, regulation and government of the churches, he was equaled by few of his ministerial brethren. With the history, circumstances, mode of action, etc., of most of the churches in his vicinity, he was familiar; oftentimes more so than even their respective pastors.

His knowledge of men and things did not, as is sometimes the

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