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the Holy Ghost in that wonderful manner, who enabled them to do what none but God could do.

He appeals for the truth of the miracle to their own senses; and the argument was so forcible and strong, that as many as were disposed for eternal life believed, which were about three thousand, who were converted at that time. :

And soon after, most of the nations of the then known world were, by their preaching to them in their several languages, brought out of the darkness of idolatry into the clear light and true knowledge of God, and of his Son Jesus Christ.

And it is upon this, that our faith in the Holy Ghost is most firmly founded. We believe in the Holy Ghost, that he is an infinite and an eternal Spirit, who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified; that he is the immediate cause of all holiness in us; and that it is he who must fit us for heaven and happiness,

by his grace and assistance. That therefore we

are dedicated to him, together with the Father and the Son, in baptism; and are directed to make it one of our daily prayers, that he may ever be with us."

We believe particularly, that it was he who inspired the holy apostles, and enabled them to lay the foundation of ONE HOLY CATHOLIC CHURCH; which is the society of all true believers through the world; for that is the meaning of the word catholic; (that is, universal;) because the church of Christ is not confined to one people, as was the church of the Jews, but is appointed for the salvation of all nations, and all ages.

We believe, and are assured, that it is the same Holy Ghost who still appointeth the successors of the Apostles, which are the Governors and Pastors of Christ's flock. Take heed (saith St. Paul) unto yourselves, and to all the flock over which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers.

It is the same Holy Spirit who enables them to preach the gospel with effect; who empowers them to seal covenants betwixt God and men ; to sanotify us, by consecrating us to God, making us members of his church and family, and heirs of the kingdom of heaven.

It is the Holy Ghost who empowers and commands his ministers, to reprove, correct, and to turn out of that society, all such as are a scandal to it, and refuse to be reformed. For this society is, or ought to be, A COMMUNION OF SAINTS; that is, of persons dedicated to God; who are all members of one body, of which Christ is the head; who have all one common faith, one hope of eternal life; who are to pray for, and to assist, and be concerned for, one another as members of one body. This we firmly believe, and ought to act accordingly, as we hope for a share in the blessings promised to this society: one of which especial blessings we believe to be THE FORGIVENESS OF SINS upon our true repentance.

This was what the apostles were, by the Holy Ghost, commanded to publish, THAT GOD WAS IN CHRIST, RECONCILING THE WORLD UNTO HIM, SELF; that he had appointed them and their successors to be the ministers of this reconci

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* 'Acts xx. 28.

liation that he had ordained the sacrament of Baptism for the remission of sins past; and the sacrament of the Lord's Supper, as a standing means to restore such as should. afterwards. fall into sin; and repent of the same, to restore them to God's favour and pardon.

And we shall be more sensible of the importance and comfort of believing the forgiveness of sins, when we consider the next article of our Christian faith, which is THE RESURREC~TION OF THE BODY: for this is revealed to us by the Holy Ghost, That all men shall rise again with their own bodies, and give an account of their own works. God has expressly said this, ~ and he is able to dotit; and therefore it is necessary we should know and firmly believe it : for the consequence of the Resurrection will be →AN EVERLASTING LIFE; and they that have done good, or have lived good lives, shall go into life everlasting; and they that have done evil, or have lived bad lives, and have not repented, shall go into everlasting fire.

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Thus I have given you a short account and explanation of this last part of your Creed; that bas in the two former parts I did endeavour to shew you how we might put our faith into practice; so I may take this occasion of doing the same in all these articles of the Christian faith just now mentioned.

And believe it, Christians, it is not for nothing that you are so often called upon to repeat these articles of your faith: it is, that you may put them in practice, as you hope for salvation; and that you may do so every day of your lives:

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that, as you BELIEVE IN THE HOLY GHOST, THE LORD AND GIVER OF LIFE, you may, every day of your life, pray for his gracious assistance, his guidance, and blessing: that you may continue true and living members of THE HOLY CATHOLIC CHURCH, out of which there is no appointed means of salvation: that believing THE COMMUNION OF SAINTS, you may strive to live as becomes members of so holy, a society, or body, which has Jesus Christ for its head and pattern, the Holy Ghost for its guide and comforter, and God the Father for its eternal reward: that believing the FORGIVENESS OF SINS, on one hand, you may, never despair of mercy; nor, on the other, presume on God's mercy and forgiveness, while you continue to live in any known sin: that professing to believe THE RE


* LASTING, you may often remember, that you will most certainly come forth out of the grave just as you go in, either beloved or hated of God to all eternity.

But that we may not pass over these articles, which contain truths of so great importance, too lightly, or as lightly as too often we repeat them, we will now consider how they should influence our practice.

And in the first place let us consider, that we are, every soul of us, subject to be led and governed both by good and evil spirits. St. Paul [Ephes. ii. 2] expressly tells us, That there is an evil spirit which worketh in the children of ; disobedience. And he reckons up a very numerous host of these enemies of mankind,

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Now, Christians, consider what a mercy it is, that from our very infancy we are dedicated to the Holy Ghost, by whom we are put under the protection of the angels of God, who are appointed to minister unto such as shall be heirs of salvation.


But then let us remember, that this Holy Spirit may be grieved, and provoked to leave us, -to leave us, not only to ourselves—(though that would be curse enough) but to the malice of the devil, who goes about seeking whom he may be permitted to devour, finding them out of the protection of the Holy Ghost, and the holy angels his substitutes.

And this, God knows, is but too often the case and the reason that so many, who were once the children of God, are now become the children of the devil; they forgot their baptismal vows; they left off to pray for the fellowship of the Holy Ghost; they added sin to sin, till they provoked God to forsake them; and then they became the slaves of the devil, and must do what he will have them to do, though never so unreasonable, never so wicked.

Let us therefore always remember, that the condition upon which the Holy Ghost will continue to guide and to protect us, is this; that we keep the vows we made at our baptism, or that we sincerely repent when we are sensible we have broken them.

When a Christian, therefore, is going to do any thing which he knows to be a sin, he should argue thus with himself: I shall certainly displease the Holy Spirit by this action; if I shall

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