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No. III.
THE TWO BROTHERS: An Hungarian Tale.

(By Jous Count Mailatu.) THERE were once two brothers of having surveyed the simple apparel very different dispositions; the young- l of his brother, he asked, “ What er was kind and gentle, but the elder are you then, brother?"--The youngthe reverse of him in every respect. I er replied, “Nothing at all as yet.” When they had grown old enough " And I,” rejoined the elder, “ am to go to school, their father died, and judge on the estate of a great nobleboth of them were obliged to leave man, and ride in a coach and four, their home. On reaching a place as you see. You recollect our agreewhere the road divided, the elder ment, that on meeting, whichsoever stood still, and said to his brother, of us should be the greater man of " Go you to the left, while I take the two should have a right to put the right-hand road, and we will out the eyes of the other. Look make this bargain-either of the two around you then once more, for never who shall become a greater man shall you again behold the light." than the other shall have a right to The younger raised his eyes to heaput out the eyes of the latter when ven, and implored the Almighty to we next meet.” The younger re- aid him in his distress: he then said monstrated with his brother against to his brother, “ If you can really be the cruelty of this proposal; but the so cruel as to put out my eyes, proelder was not to be dissuaded from mise me at least, that you will afterit, so that he was at length forced to | wards take me to a cross, where I assent. They then departed, the may say my prayers and die." The one to the right, the other to the wicked brother readily promised, but left, in quest of a school where they without any intention of keeping his might learn something useful. word. Having put out his eyes, he

Some years had passed away, dur carried his brother under a gibbet, ing which the younger brother had and there left him. pursued his studies with great dili- The blind student now prayed gence, when he one day went out much and fervently, and there came for a walk. He perceived at a dis three ravens flying from different tance a coach and four approaching, quarters, and perched together. “Tell and the horses ran very swiftly. Ha! me,” began one of them, “what there thought he to himself, it must be is new with you, and then I will tell some great personage who rides in you what has happened with us.”— such style. When the carriage had “ Our king," answered the second come close to him, he recognised his raven, “ is extremely sad: he had a brother. “God bless you, my dear tree which bore silver pears, which brother!” he exclaimed, “ how glad | the king valued very highly, as well I am to see you again!"— The elder on account of their rarity, as because ordered his coachman to stop, and they were very good to eat; but for Vol. VI. No. XXXII.

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seven years past this tree has pro- | question that is asked it: but the duced no fruit, and that is the reason wise bird Greif will not easily part why the king is so sad."--" Is there no l with one of his feathers; and, behelp for this?" asked the first raven. | sides, who would venture to repair

" () yes,” replied the second: “ at to his abode?"- With these words the foot of the tree lodges a toad, || the three ravens flew away. which draws to itself all the silver. The blind man, when the talking that ought to ascend into the tree. ceased, stooped to the ground, and If this toad were dug out and shot, | pulled up one blade of grass after the tree would again bear silver fruit; || another, just as they chanced to but this can only be done with twen- come to hand, and rubbed his eyes ty-four diamond bullets, which must | with them, in hopes of finding that be fired off at once."— Then said sort of which the ravens had spoken; the third raven, “Our king is very thinking at the same time, “If I find sad; for his son has fallen out of the the grass that restores my sight, I window, and injured both his eyes will be, as long as I live, kind and so much that he is quite blind, and beneficent to all the distressed.” As the doctors cannot do any thing for he was thus thinking, he plucked a him."-" Is there no help for this?" || fresh blade of grass, and, on apply. asked the second raven.--" O yes,"|ing it to his eyes, his sight all at replied the third raven: “ under this once returned. He thanked God gibbet on which we are perched for his extraordinary recovery, and there grows a kind of grass, which, set out to relieve the three sorrowif rubbed on his eyes, would restore ful kings of whom the three ravens his sight.”—“ Well,” said the first had been talking. raven, “ I will now tell you what has He went first to the king with the happened with us. Our king is very | silver pears. He proceeded to the sad; he has imagined all along that palace, and was about to enter, when he was the wisest man in the world, the sentinel asked, “ Who are you?" and knew every thing, and he has | -He answered, “ I am a gardener.” lately found something which he can- |-The sentinel again asked, “ What not account for, and that is, a glass is your business here?"-" I am coffin, containing a maiden of exqui- come," he replied, " to make the silsite beauty; this maiden daily grows ver pears grow.”.-" There have larger and more beautiful, and as been many other gardeners here beshe grows, the glass coffin grows with fore you," said the sentinel, " and her, but she does not awake."-" Is they could not do it; but go in.” there no help for this?” asked the When he entered the hall, he made third raven.--"Hardly,” replied the due obeisance to the king. “ Most first, “ for nobody knows the history | puissant king," said he, “ I know of this maiden; and if any one did | how to make the silver pears grow." know it, the king would be the sad- Then did the countenance of the der, because he had not discovered | king beam with joy, “ If you can the mystery. The only help that accomplish that,” said he, “ I will can be had for it is, to procure a fea-give you half my kingdom.”—Therether out of the tail of the bird Greif, upon he replied, “ I shall want for which will answer in writing every this purpose twenty-four men with

; this makeautiful, and with fore yoould not

spades, and twenty-four soldiers with prince.”—“Then," said the sentinel, guns charged with diamonds instead" there have been doctors enough of leaden bullets."-"My guards al- here, and they have not cured the ways fire with diamonds," cried the prince, neither will you be able to do king. The king beckoned, and im- it.”—“ You know, comrade," said mediately twenty-four soldiers and another sentinel, “ that the king has twenty-four gardeners provided with given orders to admit into the palace spades entered, and taking the stu- || every one who says he is a doctor, dent in their midst, conducted him were it even a gipsy: go in then." into the garden. When they had The king was sitting upon his throne, come to the tree which was wont to and he was very sad. The student bear silver pears, the student order- made obeisance before him, and said, ed the twenty-four gardeners to dig “ Most puissant king, I am come to round about the tree till they should cure your son."-" Come to him find a toad, when they must all in- then," answered the king. “ If you stantly draw back, because the toad can cure my son, I will give you was extremely vicious. The men half my kingdom.” The king dedid as they were bidden, and after scended from his throne, and condigging half a day, they found the ducted the student to his son. Then, toad: they immediately drew back, the student drew from his pocket the for the toad was as large as a hog, grass which had restored his own had on silver harness, and vomited sight, and rubbed the eyes of the fire; but the twenty-four soldiers | young prince, who immediately saw: were not afraid, they pointed their the king was exceedingly rejoiced, guns, and when the student cried and gave to the student half his “ Fire !" they fired all at once, and kingdom according to his promise, the toad fell down dead. The tree so that he now had two half-kinginstantly appeared flourishing, and doms. But the student said, “ () the silver pears glistened on the king, I have yet a long journey to branches. The king forthwith tast- | make; take care of my half-kingdom ed one, and finding them as savoury || for me till I come back.” The king as ever, he gave half his kingdom and the prince whom he had cured to the student, so that he was now promised to do so, and he set out to half a king. But the student said, find the third sorrowful king. "O king, I have yet a long journey And as he came to the door of the to take; give me three of the pears palace, the king sat upon his throne, to take with me.” The king plucked and said to his ministers, “ There is them with his own hand, and gave at the door a young man who wishes them to bim, and he departed in to speak to me; bring him in.” The quest of the second sorrowful king. ministers went forth, found the young

The second sorrowfulking to whom man, and were astonished at the wishe came was he whose son had lost | dom of the king. On the entrance his sight. The sentinel asked him, l of the student, the king motioned to “Who are you?”—He replied, “Ithe ministers, and they retired. When am a doctor.”—The sentinel again the king and the student were alone said, “What is your business here?” together, the king said, “ You are He replied, “I am come to cure the come to tell me the history of the maiden in the glass coffin; first look,“ Well then," said the other bill, at her.” He pulled a silken cord, a “ run on between us, we will strive curtain rose, and the student beheld to be quiet; but you must ask the the maiden: she pleased him beyond bird Greif how long we are to batmeasure, for she was uncommonly kitle it here, and bring us his answer, beautiful. The student bowed and for we are both quite tired, and yet said, “ Most puissant king, you cannot desist from fighting.”—"That must not suppose that I am wiser I will do with great pleasure,” replithan you; in fact, I possess not half ed the student; and the hills strove your wisdom: but if you will promise to be quiet, but rocked on their bato give me this maiden to wife, I will ses while the student ran on between find means to make you acquainted them. Scarcely had he cleared the with her history, and how to bring narrow pass, when the hills fell upon her to life.” The king was astonished one another again with increased at the sensible speech of the stu- fury. dent, and replied, “ Your desire Again the student travelled many shall be granted.” Then the stu- days through countries in which dent immediately went his way, and there was neither man nor beast, till journeyed to the wise bird Greif. at length he came to the Dead Sea,

He had travelled many days which he had to cross, but there was through countries in which were neither boat nor raft to be seen. By neither men nor beasts, when at land by, he perceived an old woman length he heard a prodigious noise: in a nutshell, and this was the only he wished to know whence the noise conveyance across the sea; but the proceeded, and he journeyed on the old woman threw every one whom whole day and the whole night, and she undertook to carry over, out of the noise became louder and louder. the nutshell into the middle of the At dawn of morning he found him- | sea, where he perished miserably. self near two hills, which were en Then said the student, “ Kind and gaged in fierce conflict with each beauteous lady, carry me over."other, and made this tremendous “ Whither are you going ?” asked uproar. As two fighting cocks or the old woman.—“ To the wise bird two rams dart and butt at one ano- || Greif," answered he.—“ Well, I will ther, so did these hills spring and carry you over,” said the old woman, clash and encounter; and the only if you will promise to bring me an road which led to the bird Greif lay answer to the question, how long I between the two contending hills. I am to attend this ferry.”—“ That I " Then,” said the student, “inay it will do with great pleasure," answerplease you, mighty hills, have the ed the student, boldly stepping into goodness to be quiet for a moment, the nutshell to the old woman, and that I may pursue my way."-"And in three days and three nights she whither are you going?" asked one ferried him over the Dead Sea. of the hills.--" To the wise bird (To be concluded in our next.) Greif," answered the student. - !!

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DEATHBED OF CHARLES IX. OF FRANCE. The accession of Charles X. to ,, ons could alleviate his torments. Mathe throne of France recals the mind zille replied, that every resource of by a numerical association to the cha- their skill was now exhausted, and racter of Charles IX. though no act in such a disease God alone could be of the new sovereigo bears any si- the physician. “I believe you," anmilarity to the atrocious horrors of swered the king, “ so draw from me St. Bartholomew. The death of my large cap, that I may try to rest." that royal bigot offers an awful les ! Mazille obeyed the order, and with: son to all who are guilty of the ty- drew, enjoining all to leave the room rannical abuse of power. From the 'excepting the nurse and two inferior high justiciary to the prison-keeper, attendants. The nurse, fatigued from the naval and military com with watching, endeavoured to sleep; mander, ambitious to be distinguish but the sighs and groans of the royed as a rigid disciplinarian, to the al patient would not allow her to pedagogue armed with an instru- i compose herself; and going to his ment of torture, to avenge the trou- ! bedside, she endeavoured to sooth ble occasioned by puerile ineptitude, his distress. In broken sentences, giddiness, or indolence, the dying interrupted by the violence of his agonics of Charles IX. ought to in- feelings, the king exclaimed, “ () culcate the important truth, that, in my dear nurse, beloved woman! what the hour of death, the recollection | blood! what murders! Oh! I have of severities inflicted upon our fel- i followed wicked counseks! I know low-beings will dreadfully aggravate not where I am--they so perplex the sufferings of nature. The de- and agitate me. How will all this scription given by Dr. Cayet of the end? I am lost-lost for ever!"-The bodily and mental anguish endured nurse, with sympathizing tears, reby the sanguinary monster, who had 'plied, “ Sire, be the murders on been the means of spilling the blood those who induced you to order them; of seventy thousand of his subjects, and since you never willingly conmight deter all mankind from giving - sented to and now repent them, beneedless pain to the meanest of sen- lieve that the Almighty will not impute tient creatures.

them to you. Oh! for God's sake, By a remarkable effect of retribu- cease weeping!" tive Providence, Charles IX. found! What a striking adınonition to the blood oozing from all parts of his human pride and cruelty. When body, and two days before his de- merciless to others, could we for one cease he sent for Mazille, his chief moment look forward to deathbed physician, to whom in helpless impa- sufferings, fellow-feeling must lead us tience he expressed his surprise, that I to spare inflictions, which, in some neither the principal nor any of the il form or other, inevitably recoil upon numerous physicians in his domini." ourselves.

THE FLOWER OF CHIVALRY.. " My dear, dear mother," said, increasing melancholy. Change of Lord Seabourne, “ I conjure you to scene might have a salutary effect; acquaint me with the source of your yet you delay returning to England."

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