
sometimes, though but rarely; and ner in which the worst of criminals only on such days I always kept away. ought to suffer. I must go, my dear His visitors staid twice twenty-four good girl. No, you are not guilty; you hours, each of which seemed to me have not conspired against him who lova year. When they were gone, I ed you. But what harm have I done to wrote him a note, begging his par

the young man, that he should watch don in Armand's name and my own

me, that he should unite with my enefor our unintentional offence and in

mies? You love him, Rosa; he is your trusion. I carried it myself, and de

cousin, he is to be your husband-well!

let him make you happy, and I forgive livered it to Therese, who, as usual,

him. I must go and conceal my wretchwas in a very ill-humour. She told

ed existence from my persecutors. Rome that there was some mischief

sa, I shall never see you more! but I brewing against her master, and that

shall daily think of you till the day when his life would not be safe if he re

I shall cease to think. I know not whimained any longer at Mottier. Ma ther cruel Fate will lead me; perhaps ny of the inhabitants were in fact beyond the sea. Carino cannot accomprejudiced against him, but he was pany me; we must part, and this is adored by the great majority; and not the least of my sorrows: he was the Mademoiselle Therese was in the pledge of the friendship of a female habit of saying so many absurd whom I loved above all things; let him things, that I paid no regard to this. now be the pledge of mine for you.

I shall narrate here only such cir Tend Carino, my Rosa, as you would cumstances as relate to Carino, and

have tended your old friend had he staid with which I am intimately acquaint-|| with you! Let Carino recal me every ed. If, therefore, I make mention

moment to your mind; and recollect of the well - known stoning which

that you have promised me, if possible, took place the same night, it is be

to unite Jean Jaques and Sophie's bird in

one grave. If my last abode be too far cause it occasioned the removal of

distant from yours, if the waves swallow Rousseau the following morning,

me up, or I be destined to die in a foreign which threw me into the deepest af

land, take my place, and let my bird re: Aiction. That morning we were sit

pose with you! Farewell, Rosine! forting sorrowfully together, talking

get not your old unfortunate friend, your over the scandalous procedure of

father, your instructor; and prove by the night; and I had already made your virtues, that he who taught your up my mind to go and comfort him, youth was virtuous." when a girl, who used to assist The- I am not writing my own history; rese, brought us the news of Rous- | my narrative draws towards a conseau's sudden departure, together clusion: I shall therefore say nothing with Carino in his cage, and a note of my distress, my tears, my irrepafor me to the following purport: rable loss. I have never seen my “Adieu, Rosine! it would be too pain

old friend since, but I have never ful for me to hate you; to part from you

ceased to think of him. Carino's is distressing enough. I will believe that

life was prolonged through the care you have no hand in the conspiracy

which I bestowed on him. He livwhich drives me from Mottier. I intend- | ed longer than birds of his species ed to pass the rest of my days here; but generally do, longer than his protecI should not like to lose my life in a man tor, whose death rent open an old

wound in my heart. I was myself, hands of a friend of Rousseau's, he detained at Mottier by the age and will no doubt read it with interest, infirmities of my two mothers; for and perhaps deposit Carino with bis Armand's mother became mine, anal master. Who but a warm friend of I his wife. Even as mother and Jean Jaques' would examine his nurse I could not travel to Ermenon tomb with sufficient attention to disville, ardently as I wished to see my cover this little unobtrusive coffin excellent instructor once more. I which I am about to place upon it? wrote to him, however, and he an

Rosine N. swered me: he had not forgotten either Rosa or his Carino. Carino Yes, indeed, it was a friend of died an easy death, of old age; he Rousseau's who found him, and who sang but a moment before, as though with sacred veneration has carried it was his last farewell. I had him | him back to his former place, with a carefully stuffed by a clever man, request that he may never be remov. who proposed to put clock-work in- | ed from it. I have retained nothing to him, like Bibi; but I had taken a but Rosine's narrative. It bears so dislike to automatons, and, besides, high a character of truth and ingeCarino was destined to repose with nuousness, that its authenticity can Rousseau. It was for this purpose scarcely be doubted; for what moalone that I kept him. At length antivecould Rosine have for falsehood? opportunity presented itself. Ar-1 It is true, that in Rousseau's Memand, who has correspondents in | moirs we find nothing to confirm this Paris, was informed, that Rousseau's anecdote, and yet this little episode remains were to be removed to the would outweigh several of those Pantheon, and a monument to be which are contained in them; but the erected over them: he offered to ac- acquaintance of Jean Jaques with company me to Paris. With joy I | Rosine occurred in a period of his assented to this proposal, and my | life which was one of the most turtwo children, my Emile and my So-bulent and unhappy. His Confesphie, travelled along with us. I had sions cease with his abode at Mottier. given them these names in memory I find that he makes no mention of of my old friend. They went with | several intimacies which he formed me to the Pantheon: Rousseau's spi- || there, or refers to them only in gerit assuredly blessed them. I had neral terms. I should imagine that suckled them myself, as he had so his intercourse with Rosine was in repeatedly enjoined me; I have edu- the same predicament. Be this as it cated them according to his princi- || may, I cannot help thinking that ples, and thus far this education has | both she and Carino will interest answered my wishes and my hopes. ll those who, like me, have loved, esp

If this paper should fall into the Il teemed, and pitied Rousseau,

THE SPLENDID MISERY OF VICE. LEOPOLD, Duke of Lorraine, in his capital, was informed by some of a hunting excursion from a royal re- his courtiers, that, in rambling for sidence situated at a distance from | amusement, they obtained a glimpse of a young girl, poorly clad, but || -But why do I grieve? Sure for her matchless in beauty, and admirable it is best-yet her daughter-in her for grace in her movements and de- lost all-all-yet she bears it better meanour. They came upon her all than I can. My lady lived to see unexpectedly, while feeding a large her fortune squandered in working flock of turkeys; and pretending to a silver-mine: the baron is now at the inquire the way, had time to observe hilly country toiling in that ill-omenher rare attractions. With only sixed scheme. He thinks more of it attendants, Leopold rode next morn- | than of his lovely daughter. He ing to this scene of enchantment. leaves her at the château with no An hour before noon he reached a company except my old wife and mynarrow vale intersected by woody hil- self, not even a servant to spare her locks; and on the summit of a green the trouble of attending the turkeys, mountain rose a dilapidated castle: which the baron ordered her to rear, a single curling column of smoke as he expected a very high price for betokened the small number of its them, since Duke Leopold and his inhabitants. Not far from the base court are coming to hunt where they of the mount, the duke descried never hunted till now." a peasant making up faggots, who, Thus the duke obtained all the inbeing questioned regarding the pro-telligence he desired; and courteprietor of that domain, replied, ously wishing peace and plenty to his The fortress, and the land it pro- simple informant, he commanded his tects, are all that remain to my lord attendants to ride speedily to the of vast estates, the better part being nearest village, and there to await forfeited in the civil wars of former his call three days. They obeyed. times, or squandered by the baron Leopold directed his way to the châin the wildness of his youthful years.teau. Half way up the mount, he Except what I can take in with a greeted with joy the vociferous gabglance of my eye, and a small tract bling of turkeys. He dismounted, belonging to a hilly district in the and leading his horse, looked around west, my lord possesses now no for the object of his enterprise. Hav. wealth, but the precious jewel of an ing fixed the bridle to the post of a only daughter; and for beauty and gate, he pushed it open, and beheld goodness, she is more an angel of a sylph-like being exerting all her heaven than a creature of flesh and address to separate the old turkeys blood."

from a numerous brood of young Leopold gave the honest rustic aones, for whom she apparently deshandful of coin, and with assumed ll tined several troughs with food in a indifference said, “ Then, no doubt, small inclosure within the park. the young lady is with her parents at Leopold politely offered his assistthe castle?"

|| ance, and expelled the intruders; a “She is at the half-ruined man- | service the lady acknowledged with sion," answered the peasant with qui- easy politeness. The perfect symmevering lips; " but her mother, the try of her figure claimed admiration; dear lady whom my wife nourished but a large bonnet concealed all her at her breast, and these arms often features, except the mouth, which carried, the dear lady is dead-dead! I might have imparted fascination to an ordinary countenance. Her hands | drew. The old woman soon came and arms were lost in coarse leather to take some articles of gay attire gloves; and the same material, of a from a worm-eaten commode; and ruder texture, covered her feet and thence Leopold inferred that the ancles with rustic boots.

young lady had resigned to him her Leopold apologized for his intru- own bedchamber. She returned in a sion, alleging that he had disabled dress more suitable to her beauty his arm by a fall, and incapable of and graces; and the old woman, as holding the bridle, had taken refuge if enjoined to remain, busied herself at the château. With ingenuous in arranging the room, and leading sympathy the fair hostess said, she the conversation. She regretted there would consult a more experienced was no lute or harp for her dear adviser than herself for the means child to delight the gentleman with likely to afford him relief; but with music, but she could sing like an gay frankness warned him she could angel; and, in truth, had learnt every offer only few conveniences, and as thing becoming her rank when she for luxuries, they were strangers to lived with her uncle: but he feared her home. Of the few habitable his son loved her too well, and sent apartments, only one could receive her back to the dismal château. The him; but she assured him of her best young lady, blushing deeply, cast a endeavours to effect his cure, and a reproachful look upon the old wohearty welcome to partake of her man, and as she persisted in vauntrural fare. Approaching the chá ing of other conquests made by the teau, they met an old woman, clean, lovely nursling, she ran and applibut poorly clad, who was evidently ed her fair hand to the skinny lips, startled at the appearance of a visit- so eloquent, or at least fluent, in her or. The young lady in a few words praise. The nostrum was ready; acquainted her with his disaster. The the old woman came, as she said, to old woman prescribed a remedy, and rub it in; but Leopold besought the while she ran to prepare some more ef || young lady to save him from a hand ficacious application, the young host- hardened by industry, and to apply ess took off her bonnet and gloves, the unguent. As she was thus ento employ friction with the tempora- gaged, the door was hastily thrown ry anodyne of brandy and soap, re- open, and the baron strode into the commended to assuage the pain in room. Seeing his daughter in an his arm; and in her heart she mar attitude of familiarity with a visitor, velled at the fortitude with which he attacked her with harsh invective, the gentleman endured his anguish, till Leopold asked if he had no resince, almost fainting, or to speak collection of the Duke of Lorraine. more correctly, feigning exhaustion, These words struck upon the ear he leaned on her shoulder as she of our heroine, and greatly heightconducted him to an old-fashioned ened the agitation with which she much worn settee, which once had | obeyed her father's command to leave been magnificent with velvet and em- the room. broidery. On his appearing to re- || " Your daughter must come to cover, the lady presented to him a court," said the duke.. Tepast of milk and fruits, and with. To this the baron replied, " My life is at the disposal of my sovereign; || talents nor prudence for a minister but,” added he fiercely, “my honour of state. To relieve himself from is and shall be in my own keeping. the burden of administration, he enMy daughter must never behold the treated the emperor to allow him M. court, unless she makes a marriage Richecourt as a coadjutor. This befitting her family."

man professed unbounded attachment “I ask not to see her at court, un- to the prince while his advancement til with due honours as a matron depended on the favour of his highshe shall there be presented by a ness, and when admitted to power, noble consort."

| proved ungrateful. He devised daiLeopold requested that his horse | ly means to barass and disgust the might be got ready, and the baron | prince: unable to sustain the conflict, escorted him to rejoin his attendants. Craon implored leave to resign the Within a week he returned, accom government. The emperor accepted panied by the Prince de Craon, who his resignation; but he had lived formally demanded the lovely recluse above his income, and debts to a large as his bride. With saddening re- || amount compelled him to sell all his luctance, she gave her hand and property, even his family plate; and vows: the too interesting Leopold the princess voluntarily disposed of had made a deep impression upon her jewels, to satisfy the creditors. her artless mind, yet many months | Old and poor, Craon sunk into conpassed away ere he could allure her tempt. The princess survived him from honour and duty. Craon came some years, to pass that time in peto woo her, fully apprized that he nitence for the sins of her youth. must limit his rights to those of a They who flattered her in prosperity, nominal, an ensnaring spouse. The though they did not insult the disPrincess de Craon bore seventeen tress of a being so unoffending, conchildren to Leopold, and retained | tributed no pecuniary aid to her neher beauty unimpaired. Leopold cessities. Even her own children was wholly devoted to her; and she could not treat her with consolatory made so moderate, so humane a use | reverence, stung as they often were of her influence, as to provoke no by incidents which led them to feel enmity, and to gain many friends. mortified by their origin. The ex

After the decease of Leopold, when treme of youthful simplicity first led his successor exchanged Lorraine for the Princess de Craon beyond the Tuscany, the Prince de Craon, in verge of guilt. Her husband incompliment to his wife, was appoint- || volved her, and her fondness for Leoed sole regent of the Tuscan domi- | pold continued the bondage. Could nions. As may be supposed from she have foreseen the calamities of the circumstances of his marriage, her declining years, how anxiously the prince was imbecile and low-would she have extricated herself minded; but the princess, by supe from the fetters of vice, and sought rior understanding, liberal imparti peace with a humble independence ality, and affable kindness, soothed in repentant seclusion! Even in the the pride of the Florentine nobility. | full possession of wealth and power, The prince supported some dignity || she could not always hush the reas a mere soldier, though he had no | monstrances of conscience--the sense

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