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picture commemorates. Along the , find them, the principal figures, and back-ground the battle rages amid in sufficient bustle to denote the spidense masses of contending legi- rit of the moment; and the detachons, shrowded in dark clouds of ed groups are well arranged. The smoke, which conceal from the view, colouring, however, of the picture except by half glimpses, the work appears to us generally to want of havoc that they are carrying harmony; and there is a hardness, on. There can be no variety in the from the elaborate working up of so actual mechanism of battle scenes many minute details, which impairs when endeavoured to be literally the general effect. There is, notportrayed; and local scenery, how-| withstanding, a good deal of merit ever good, can hardly be depicted in the execution of the work; it is through the dense medium of a sul- | well composed, and relieved, by the phurous atmosphere. The coup- arrangement of masses of colouring, d'æil of such pictures must therefore and the prismatic disposition of rays depend upon the merit of the group- of light which penetrate them, from ing selected for particular promi- | that monotony which mostly attends nency, and its adaptation to sustain battle-paintings upon this large scale. the ideas which we have formed of It is, we are informed, the property its position. In this respect the art of the King of the Netherlands. The ist appears to us successful; he has size is 27 feet in breadth by 18 feet in given, where we should expect to | height.


LONDON FASHIONS. PROMENADE DRESS. || very fine and light; the brim broad Pelisse of lilac gros de Naples; and open; the crown rather low, and the collar stiffened, and turned half trimmed with double white crèpelisse over; the corsage is made full longi- edged with blue satin, beginning at tudinally, and confined by a band the bottom of the crown in front, and a row of lilac silk buttons down and rising across to the top at the the centre of the front and back; the back, where it is formed into a tasteshoulders also have a band, but with ful bow. Brussels lace veil. Strawout buttons. The sleeves are en colour shoes and gloves; green paragigot, neatly finished with bands at sol, lined with pale rose-colour sarsthe wrist: the ceinture is rather broad, net. and ornamented behind by two silk frogs of the same colour as the pe

EVENING DRISS. lisse; a rouleau of the same breadth | Dress of jonquil-colour crèpe lisse as the hem, and separated by a space over a white satin slip; the corsage of equal width, surrounds the bottom made plain, but ornamented in the of the skirt, which is long and full. front and at the back with six perCornette of tulle, with a narrow full | pendicular satin rouleaus, rather apborder. Bonnet of British Leghorn, proximating at the waist, and termi

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