
gin to be much worn, but are not so finished by five velvet bands, each general as silk pelisses and mantles: edged with satin. we noticed little novelty in the form. There are few novelties in carof either. Pelisses are universally | riage bonnets: we have, however, wadded and closed before. Some noticed one in velours simulé, which have no other trimming than a row || we consider worthy our readers' atof fancy buttons, which fasten them tention. The crown is ornamented in front; others have a rouleau ar- || with a drapery of the same material, ranged in waves; and we have notic- arranged in full folds across the top, ed one or two finished up the fronts and terminating on each side by a and round the bottom with a foliage rosette formed of down feathers. An trimming. Pelerines are very gene-ornament, something in the shape of ral, and always trimmed to corre- a star, composed of the same matespond with the dress: they are rather | rial as the bonnet, edged with satin, of a large size. Sleeves during the is placed in front of the crown. A last month seem to have increased in rosette, similar to those at the sides, width; mantles are wider than last fills the centre of this ornament. The year;, and capes are more generally brim is large; it is finished at the adopted than hoods. Furs have not edge by a satin rouleau, round which yet appeared, but are expected to be a row of narrow blond lace is enin requisition by the end of the twined. This bonnet is the most month; and from the orders that we novel and striking that we have seen know have been given, there appears for some time. little doubt that they will be as fa- || Morning dress has lately been a shionable this year as they have been good deal made in cachimere: the during many preceding ones. most remarkable among these dresses

Black satin and gros de Naples is ornamented on each side of the bonnets begin to appear; but with bust and down the front breadth coloured trimmings they are not, | with two folds; they expand over however, so generally worn as bon- the chest, become narrower at the nets to correspond with the mantle waist, and from thence again expand or pelisse: but these also are trim- | down the sides of the gown: between med in general in colours; some with these folds is inserted a bouillonné knots of satin, or gros de Naples of the same material, which is inonly; others with feathers. ' terspersed with knots of ribbon. The

A few velvet spencers have ap- corsage is plain; the sleeve full, orpeared in carriage dress, and a good namented with a fold on each side in many in gros de Naples trimmed front of the arm, and a bouillonné with velvet: these last have a very in the centre, interspersed with knots rich appearance; they are made with of ribbon to correspond with the pelerines and low collars, of the pe- trimıning of the front. lerine form, which turn over, and are A new style of corsage has apmuch stiffened: the collar and pele-peared in dinner dress: it is cut low rine are both of velvet, scolloped, round the bust; the back plain, and and finished by a satin cord at the tight to the shape; the front is disedge. The sleeve is en gigot; it is posed in folds, which are confined

[graphic][merged small]

down the centre of the bust by a || same material, with a mixture of saband, which is sometimes straight tin: but artificial flowers, with a mixand sometimes broad at bottom, and ture also of the material of the gown, ending in a point between the breasts. are more used for white dresses,

Muslin is now very little seen in ||We have noticed, however, a jonquil dinner dress; silks, poplins, and silk and a ponceau dress, each of which barèges are the materials most in was decorated with flowers in the favour. China crape also has lately || trimming: that of the first was orbeen in much estimation; we have | namented round the border with. seen a dress of it in pale blue, the large crèves of satin, over which fell trimming of which was an intermix- a drapery flounce of crape looped ture of crèpe lisse and satin to cor- | with bunches of lilac; the other was respond: the crèpe lisse was arrang- finished by a double satin rouleau, ed in bouffants, between which were | arranged in the form of a chain, and placed knots of satin in the form of holding in each link a white rose, ailes de moulin.

surrounded by buds and leaves. Tulle and crèpe lisse are as much | Fashionable colours are, beet-rootin favour as ever over satin for even- red, bottle-green, terre d'Egypte, ing dress: they begin now to be more purple, citron, rose-colour, blue, and worn in colours than in white; in the slate-colour. former case the trimming is of the ||


ll of the florid style. On account of In the time of Henry VII. and in the fulness and richness of its ornathe early part of the reign of Hen- ments, and also on account of the ry VIII. architecture was peculiar fatness of the arch which is introfor its lightness and richness of parts, duced in the back, this chair would which are well suited for furniture. require a great nicety of execution, The style of the annexed chair is of the parts being very delicate. The that date, and its parts are chiefly wood is light oak, and the mouldings taken from King's College Chapel, gilt; the tracery should be filled up Cambridge. The two arms support with velvet of the same colour as the ed by angels are from Henry VIIth's room: perhaps it would be more apChapel, Westminster Abbey. In or propriate if it were of rose-wood or der to preserve unity of character, cedar. the wood is of light oak with gilt

TABLE FOR A BOUDOIR, mouldings, relieved by rich crimson velvetcushions and tassels. This chair | This table, of a circular form, may may be introduced with propriety in be either of oak or of rose-wood. to a church, prelate's mansion, or an || Upon it a reading-desk is introduced extensive library. In order to prevent | in the style of those formerly used i heaviness, the ornaments at top, as churches: this has been party la well as the quatrefoils, are kept open. from one kept in the library on the

DRAWING-ROOM CHAIR. side of King's College Chapel. An This specimen may be considered l ornament is introduced in the top to

receive the light, as also on the side | tions: the word boudoir being very of it an inkstand in the form of a indefinite in the French language, Gothic tower. A missal is here re- gives room to admitof its being adaptpresented, to express that the room | ed particularly to this purpose, is kept chiefly for religious medita."

INTELLIGENCE, LITERARY, SCIENTIFIC, &c. • Mn. ACKERMANN has in the press, || is, to shew that the peculiarities of cha

Spanish translations of Ivanhoe and The || racter observable in every individual may Crusaders, by the author of Waverley. be traced to some one or another of

Early in November will be published, twelve departments, and that he may the first part of a new work, uniform in have his place assigned him in a classisize with the Percy Anecdotes, under the fied view of the diversities of human natitle of Laconics, or the best Words of ture. the best Authors, with the authorities Miscellaneous Pieces, for the instrucgiven.

tion and amusement of young persons, A Critical Essay on the Writings of from the pen of the late Mrs. Barbauld, St. Luke, translated from the German of will be published about the close of the Dr. Frederic Schleiermacher; with an In- present year. troduction by the translator, containing | Mr. G. Simpson, a member of the an account of the Controversy respecting Royal College of Surgeons, has issued the Origin of the three First Gospels the prospectus of a work on Anatomy, since Bishop Marsh's Dissertations, is as applicable to the fine arts, which, being nearly ready for publication, in one 8vo. aided by graphic illustrations, seems likevolume.

ly to be useful to the sculptor, the paintAn annual work is announced, under er, and the engraver. It will be publishthe title of Janus. It will consist of ed, by subscription, in two parts. . tales, original and translated; occasion- A Memoir of the late Dr. Parr is preal essays, popular illustrations of his- paring by his friend, Dr. John Johntory and antiquities, serious and comic stone, of Birmingham, founded on matesketches of life and manners, &c. &c. rials left by Dr. Parr himself for that

Next month will be published a trans purpose, and illustrated by letters and lation of La Motte Fouqué's romance, Il papers in the possession of his executors, The Magic Ring.

and by communications from his most Mr. Allan Cunningham is preparing intimate friends. This memoir is infor publication, Paul Jones, a romance, tended to be prefixed to a collection of in 3 vols.

Dr. Parr's works published by himself, Shortly will be published, an histori- and a selection of the sermons, critical novel, in 8 vols. 12mo. entitled Wil. cisms, inscriptions, and miscellaneous liam Douglus, or the Scottish Exiles. matter, which he has left to a considera

Nearly ready, in 1 vol. 12mo. The ble extent. Cook und Housewife's Manual, by Mrs. Captain Brooke has nearly ready for Margaret Dods, of the Cleikum Inn, St. publication the two following works, Ronan's.

which will complete his travels in the . In the press, The Contest of the Twelve north: Travels through Lapland and SweNutions, or a Comparison of the different den in the Winter Season-and Winter Bases of Human Character and Talent, | Sketches in Lapland. in 1 vol. 8vo. The object of this work Mr. J. H. Bradfield has in the press,

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