
hattan had made war upon the colo- || less painful evil of the two. This nists, and had laid his warriors in was carried into effect; and the ambush so artfully, that Smith and next time Pocahontas visited the his party must have been destroyed. | camp, she was led to the pretended To save the man she loved, in a l grave of Smith, and deluded with night of storm and thunder, Poca- the dying professions of her lover. hontas wandered through the wilds | Imagination will picture the sorrows and woods to the camp of Smith, and of so fond a heart. Untutored naapprised him of his danger; thus af- ture knows none of the shackles of fording, not only a proof of the om- refinement; and all the violence of nipotent power of love, but of the Il passion, with all its sincerity, rages firmness, decision, and constancy of in the breast, and finds expression the female character, which always in sighs and sobs of anguish, and the shines the brightest in circumstances | emotions of uncontrouled grief. of difficulty and distress:

All the English were not, how" Judge not of woman's heart in hours ever, so insensible to the force of That strew her path with summer-flowers,

I love as Captain Smith. John Rolfe, When joy's full cup is mantling high, When flattery's blandişhments are nigh;

a young officer, by nature formed Judge her not then! within her breast to please the fair, and with a heart Are energies unseen that rest;

that was worthy even of Pocahontas, They wait their call, and grief alone

had long indulged for her all the arMay make the soul's deep secrets known. Yes ! let her smile, 'midst Pleasure's train,

dour of romantic passion. One évenLeading the reckless and the vain !

ing he surprised her at the supposed Firm on the scaffold she has stood,

grave of Smith, her favourite haunt; Besprinkled with the martyr's blood;

and after the first emotions of agitaHer voice the patriot's heart hath steel'd, Her spirit glow'd on battle-field ;

tion were soothed, he dared to talk Her courage freed from danger's gloom of love. He was eloquent, he was The captive brooding o'er bis doom; young, he was impassioned; the Her faith the falling monarch saved,

warmth of his affection glowed on Her love the tyrant's fury brav'd ; No scene of danger or despair,

his cheek and sparkled in his full But she has won her triumph there." dark eye, and he at length succeeded

All the services of Pocahontas, || in causing Pocahontas to think, that however, could not subdue the heart | perchance all her happiness was not of Smith ; and circumstances requir buried in the grave of him for whom ing his presence in England, he re she had breathed the first sigh of solved to quit Virginia, and the pre love. They talked down the moon, server of his life and of the colony, and the song of the mocking-bird beperhaps for ever. Yet, convinced came faint, before Pocahontas could of the ardour of the passion she en escape from the vows and arms of tertained, and conscious he had giv her lover to the cabin of her compaen her hopes of a return, he could nions. not bear to inflict on her gentle bo- Some time subsequent to this event, som those pangs his desertion would an ungenerous scheme was formed occasion; and after some delibera- to seize Pocahontas, and confine her tion, he determined to arrange a to the English settlement, as a pledge scheme which would impress her for the fidelity of her father, who with a belief of his death, as the levinced none of his daughter's par, tiality for the English. Rolfe could || and where she was introduced to the not apprise her of the scheme; but court of James. Here too she again when it was accomplished, when she, saw Captain Smith; and her wounded whom he had visited through woods feelings experienced an emotion someand wilds at the hazard of his life, | thing like contempt when she was inwith whom he could only obtain in- formed of the deceit that had been terviews, secret and stolen, “few and practised upon her. Too noble, howfar between,” became an inhabitant ever, to entertain resentment in her of the same place with himself; when breast, she was satisfied with the exhe could see her daily, enjoy her planation given of his conduct, and smiles with safety, and was hailed by ever after regarded him with the fondher as a friend, a lover, and a protec-ness of a sister. tor, it would have been treason to After remaining some time in love to say, that he regretted an Englanıl, and travelling with Pocaevent so propitious to his hopes, so hontas through the country he had gratifying to his affections. He con- so often described, Rolfe resolved to tinued, however, always as respect-revisit America. But, alas! Pocaful as affectionate ; and while he hontas had quitted her native wilds soothed her into tranquillity, gave for ever! She was taken ill at but new proofs of his fidelity. His Gravesend, and, after a short conheart was as pure as hers was fond. finement, died. Religion cheered

At length Netauquas arrived at her through the hours of declining the fort with provisions to ransom life, and her last faltering accents his sister. He had saved the life of whispered praise to her Creator. Rolfe in one of his excursions to Such was Pocahontas. Is there meet Pocahontas, and to him the one that can peruse this simple relover applied, in the presence of his cord of her virtues without emotion? Indian maid, to gain Powhattan's Is there one who can reflect on her consent to a union with his daughter. | memory without feeling how exalted The father yielded to the entreaties were the motives from which she of his children, and the happy Rolfe | acted; how noble was the heart which received with pride and joy the hand animated her breast, though it beat of the Indian princess*.

in the bosom of an untaught child Rolfe and his consort continued of nature, who followed the dictates to reside for years in Virginia, tasting and the impulses of feeling, uncheckthe sweets of unalloyed felicity; fe. led by those restraints which custom licity enhanced by the conversion of has imposed on woman in civilized Pocahontas to Christianity, the pure society? and simple doctrines of which blessed Few of the apathetic Virginians religion were explained to her by her think any thing of this estimable beloved husband. One son blessed || woman; ninety-nine out of a hundred their union: from him the Randolphs of them do not know that such a and the Bowlings, the nobility of being ever existed: yet amongst them Virginia, are descended.

I have found individuals who acIn 1616 Rolfe visited England, whi- knowledged her worth, and who ther Pocahontas accompanied him, I could sympathize in the feelings of * The union took place A. D. 1603. !!




No. IX. The first meeting of our Coterie ,, the last “ London Magazine," I obafter the splendid and unequalled || serve, has thought proper to conMusical Festival held in York Min- | demn, in no very decorous language, ster, naturally led to a conversation the words which Mr. Crosse has upon the events of that meeting, a adapted to this simple but impressive meeting at which most of us were air. I suspect the critic's spleen is present, and which was calculated to excited more by the sentiment, than leave impressions of sublimity and by the mediocrity of the words themgrandeur on the mind that far ex- selves. ceeded all previous conception, and Mr. Apathy. The writer in the cause those who partook of the gra- “ London Magazine," I dlare say, is tification it afforded, frequently to not wanting in all proper respect eirecur to it with emotions of pleasure ther to church or king; but probably and satisfaction, half mingled with does not conceive it necessary, nor do fears that such a high mental treat I, to flatter every reigning prejudice, is not likely to be again afforded to uphold every ancient abuse; and I them; though it is said, and appa would rather err on the side of that rently from authority, that a third generous feeling which prompts to festival will be held in 1828, three efforts to remove the chains that fetyears from the present time*. On ter the mind, and to promote the the second Wednesday of the month, march of knowledge, than be a cowhen I entered the study of Dr. adjutor with the men who, under the Primrose, I found all our party as- ' pretence of upholding ancient instisembled, and Rosina playing Haydn'stutions, would keep the people in igNational Hymn on the piano; whilst norance, and restore the reign of Captain Primrose, Captain Firedrake, passive obedience and non-resistance. Mr. Montague, and Mr. Mathews, Dr. Primrose, Hold, hold, friend were singing the words adapted to it Apathy! You are asserting what you by Mr. Crosse for the Yorkshire Fes- would find it difficult to prove. We, tival; and we all, with the exception who do uphold the ancient instituof our friend Apathy, joined most tions of our country, neither seek to heartily in the chorus:

prevent the people from attaining “ Lord of life and light and glory, every useful knowledge, nor to reGuide the church, and guard the king!" vive the exploded doctrines of pasReginald. A cockney scribbler in sive obedience and non-resistance. * In the “ Yorkshire Gazette" of

We wish to see every class of men October 1, we find the following an

in their proper place, and to secure nouncement: “ It is with great pleasure

to those in authority, whether in we state, from what we believe perfectly

church or state, that respect which good authority, that the dean has de their stations, if not their persons, imclared his intention of having another peratively demand. We would prefestival in 1828, on the same scale of || serve the due gradation of ranks, and magnificence.

enforce the principles of subordina- tion; at the same time, giving the drop this conversation: you believe lower orders every opportunity of that you are right, and I'll not quar. obtaining really useful knowledge, rel with you; but I have lived too though we certainly do not wish to long in the world, and trod too steadsee them treading upon the heels of fastly in what I call “ the good old their superiors. It is all very well paths,” to be turned from them now to teach the children of the poor to by your modern notions, your new read and write, and to instruct them lights and new doctrines. in the rudiments of arithmetic; but Mr. Apathy. And I will not atto talk of giving them a scientific tempt the hopeless task. So to reeducation is ridiculous!

vert to our old subject. Reginald, Mr. Apathy. Is it ridiculous to were you at the Minster the first teach the operative mechanic those day? arts by which he is to gain his liveli Reginald. Yes. hood and to provide for the subsist- | Mr. Apathy. And what did you ence of his family?

|| think of the opening Gloria Patri Dr. Primrose. I may ask, in my from that sublime composition of turn, is it possible to teach them || Handel's, the Jubilate? through the medium of the superfi- |Reginald. The effect was elec. cial lectures which are delivered at tric. The sudden burst of instruour Mechanics Institutes? I will not, ments and voices on the ear can however, content myself with this || never be forgotten. As the moment interrogatory, but reply, no: it is so for commencing approached, all was far from being ridiculous, that it is still, every breath was hushed; there an object, which every man should was a pause of awful expectation. have near his heart, to learn that art | Then suddenly and mystery by which he is to sup

“ Was heard the inspiring sound

Of sacred music on th'enchanted ground; port himself and his family. But

A host of saints it seem'd, so full the quire, how is this to be done but by the || As if the bless'd above did all conspire means already in existence? The sys- || To join their voices."-"Wbilst the swelling

lyre tem of apprenticeship is one admira

Soften’d the timbrel's noise, the trumpet's bly adapted for this purpose; and I

sound question whether the Brougham and Provok'd the Dorian Aute (both sweeter Birkbeck Institutions will ever pro

found duce a Watt or an Arkwright, or in

When mix’d); the lute the viol's potes re

fin'd, the slightest degree promote the real And every strength with every grace was interests of science, the real welfare

join'd.” of the people, whilst they are under | Scarcely any other chorus, though their present management. . all were grand, affected me so much

Mr. Mathews. Come, come, we as this. have wandered sadly from our point; Rosina. Which of the singers we began with harmony, let us return | did you prefer? to that, and banish this discordant Reginald. In the Minster, Miss discussion.

Goodall, Miss Stephens, and Miss Dr. Primrose. With all my heart Travis, of the ladies; Mr. Braham, (holding out his hand). Come, Mr. Mr. Vaughan, and Mr. Phillips, of Apathy, give me your hand; we'll the gentlemen. In the Concert


Room, the Italian singers, owing to herdesses and queens, but enchantthe quantity of Rossini's music per- ing in all; and my heart never reformed, bore off the bell; though ceived so severe a shock as it did Miss Stephens, in an Italian duet from the charms of some of the fair with De Begnis, acquitted herself damsels on this occasion. Oh! how most admirably. Miss Wilkinson too, I wished I had been a dashing young who certainly failed in the Minster, || fellow, such as I was some thirty appeared to better advantage in the years ago, ere“ time had thinned my Concert-Room.

flowing hair"-aye, cousin! (turning Counsellor Eitherside. I was so to Mrs. Primrose.) much pleased at both places, that I Mrs. Primrose. Why, Basil, you had no time to advert to defects at were always a wild lad, and I find either. I was enchanted with every have not forgotten the tricks of your thing; the bustle of preparation with- || youth in your old age. out, and the excitement thus created, 1 Basil Firedrake. Forgotten! no, to added to the gratification the music | bę sure not. I shall never forget afforded, made the week one of the that it is the duty of a sailor, next most delightful I ever spent. to fighting for his king and his coun

Basil Firedrake. For my part, the try, to fall in love with every woman fancy ball had more attractions for he meets with, and to fight for them me than the musical part of the || too if there be occasion. thing. I hoisted an admiral's jacket, | Dr. Primrose. Is the report relaand bore away for the Assembly. || tive to the sums given to the princiRooms, where I found a strange pal singers correct? medley of odd characters of all kinds |Reginald. I believe very nearly so, and descriptions. There were tars lif not quite; and Madame Pasta I who did not know the stem from the || am told had the impudence to de stern of a ship; lawyers who had mand 1000 guineas, which, if leave more wig than brains; doctors with could have been obtained from the out patients; Hamlets who, instead court of France for her attendance, of indulging in “ melancholy mad- || I suppose would have been given ness,” were laughing and romping, || her. and toying and dancing, and as merry |Mrs. Primrose. What were the as a sailor just come on shore after a sums paid to the principal vocalists? twelvemonth's cruise. Some of the Reginald. Mademoiselle Garcia characters, however, were well sup 320 guineas; Madame Caradori and ported: a beggar annoyed the com- Mr. Braham 250 guineas each; Miss pany most pertinaciously, and quite Stephens, Miss Wilkinson, and Sigin the true canting style; a guard ofnor de Begnis, 200 guineas each; a stage-coach was alive to every kind Mr. Sapio 145 guineas; Mr. Vaughan of fun; a French footman, following 100 guineas; Miss Travis 75 guineas; his mistress through the gay throng, Miss Goodall 70 guineas; and what personated the petit-maitre to the the rest were to receive I have not life. Hundreds of others were equally heard mentioned. clever. And then the ladies! they Apathy. Perhaps none of these were nuns and columbines, shep- sums were so outrageously extravaVol. VI. No, XXXV.


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